[Freeswitch-users] Socket outbound: How to bridge two calls?

Dennis odermann at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 10 07:48:07 PST 2008

you are right, the shown script is very simple. we shortened it a lot
just to show the problem.

in these tests we do not need any events, because we just answer and
originate - for these actions we do not need any events, filters and
so on.
the rest we do in the cli. in the cli we do show channels and
uuid_bridge. but the uuid_bridge is only done, when we kill the
process of the socket script.
there must be a problem, how we handle the inbound or something like this.

every alse we want to do with any call and uuid works, so i can't
imagine, that our php script does everything so wrong.
what makes uuid_bridge or intercept so different to other api commands?

isn't it possible to see something in the logfiles? perhaps, that the
inbound is in a wrong state or stuck somewhere in the socket?

2008/11/10 Anthony Minessale <anthony.minessale at gmail.com>:
> The way your script is parsing appears too simple.
> The event socket has a specific protocol.
> Every command has a reply and you must read it and take into account the
> content len etc.
> all replies, events etc have a content-type and content-len.

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