[Freeswitch-users] Event socket: api vs. bgapi

Michael Collins mcollins at fcnetwork.com
Fri May 16 14:09:54 EDT 2008

Yep, that seems to work.  I believe the issue is with
POE::Filter::FSSocket.  I'll keep investigating.




From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org
[mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of
Anthony Minessale
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:00 AM
To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Event socket: api vs. bgapi


BACKGROUND_JOB event should fall under all

If it's the inbound socket connection you should only have to do it

telnet to the event socket and auth and do

events all<cr>

then try 

bgapi show channels<cr>

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Michael S Collins
<mercutio.viz at gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks. I'll get this on the wiki right away. Clarification questions:
does one need to subscribe to the background job just once per session
in order to receive all subsequent bgapi events?  Also, is it the case
that subscribing to "events plain all" does not include bgapi events?
I'm testing and it looks like that's the case but I want to confirm.




Sent from my iPhone

On May 16, 2008, at 6:13 AM, "Anthony Minessale"
<anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:

	when you do bgapi you actually have to subscribe to the
background job event to get the results.
	Since it's an async operation, the command is executed in it's
own thread and when the results are collected they are put in the
event's body.
	The bgapi returns a job-uuid that you need to save and use it to
tie the background_job event to the original request.
	The decision to use api vs bgapi is weather or not you want to
get the results right away or not.  So usually show channels etc is a
case where you want to do it in the foreground.
	Also to further complicate things, bgapi is an event socket
command only so it cannot be used from cli xml-rpc etc.
	BUT, there is actually a *bgapi* FSAPI command you can execute
to run any FSAPI in the same fashion.
	so raw event socket command
	api bgapi show channels
	is the same as raw event socket command
	bgapi show channels
	but, you can also say "bgapi show channels" from the
cli/xml-rpc/dialplan etc as well.

	On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:08 AM, Michael Collins <
<mailto:mcollins at fcnetwork.com> mcollins at fcnetwork.com> wrote:

	Followup question: I can use api to send "show channels" or "oz
list" but when I use bgapi to send those commands I don't get anything
back from the event socket.  Any thoughts?





	From: <mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org>
freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org [mailto:
<mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org>
freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Michael
	Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:59 PM
	To: <mailto:freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org
	Subject: [Freeswitch-users] Event socket: api vs. bgapi




	Are there compelling reasons *not* to use api for simple
commands like "show channels" or "oz list"?  Since api is blocking and
bgapi is non-blocking I just wondered if there are recommendations for
when to use each one.  I can definitely see why you'd use bgapi for an
"originate" command.  I didn't see anything on the wiki that discussed
when to use api vs. bgapi so I'll be happy to write up a blurb on the
recommended use of each one.




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Anthony Minessale II

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