[Freeswitch-users] Stupid question of the week: how to generate silence and still detect DTMF

Andy Spitzer woof at pingtel.com
Tue Jul 8 08:59:32 PDT 2008


Using mod_socket (outbound mode) on svn version 8911, after the call is answered, I'm having difficulty with generating silence periods during which I want to be able to detect DTMF events.

If I use:

call-command: execute
execute-app-name: sleep
execute-app-arg: 5000

It won't detect DTMF during the command (and any entered digit events are sent once the command completes 5000 mS later.)

If I use:

call-command: execute
execute-app-name: playback
execute-app-arg: tone_stream://%(5000, 0, 0)

In an attempt to generate a 5000 mS 0 Hz "tone", it doesn't take 5000 mS, the command just completes immediately.

I've been using this as a workaround:

call-command: execute
execute-app-name: playback
execute-app-arg: tone_stream://%(5000, 0, 8000)

Which works on 8000 Hz calls...but will probably be very annoying to the caller if I ever accept a wide-band call!

Any ideas?


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