[Freeswitch-users] Multiple context without using directory

Brian West brian at freeswitch.org
Sun Dec 28 15:20:40 PST 2008

On Dec 28, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Ron McCarthy wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to setup FS to have many context, basically we just  
> want to switch calls, and since we have been using Asterisk we want  
> to keep the context names the same, and well it's easier it seems to  
> me.
> This is for termination only, so just sending calls out, I would  
> think FS can do it the same way Asterisk does, where if the IP  
> matches then it will use those settings with that gateway and  
> diaplan since the context ties them all together. No matter what I  
> try the context always goes to default, I even took off all the  
> ACL's for internal and external profiles and tried gateways in each,  
> still no luck, i can't get around the default context. We are going  
> to be using IP based auth only, so no user/pass's ever.

This type of authentication is still tied to the directory.  If you  
notice in the default config you'll notice the domains acl... that ACL  
is built off the cidr= attribute on the user tag in the directory.

   <user id="1000" cidr="">
       <variable name="user_context" value="my_context"/>

So now when you "reloadacl reloadxml" yes both together like that.

I also just fixed a bug related to this due to recent directory layout  


PS you can also set the context to "_domain_" and it'll auto on the  
from host.

> Any help on this would be great, I have searched and searched and  
> everyone just uses the default context, but I am trying to avoid  
> that as the diaplan will get quite long as I will have to all kinds  
> of crazy matching, when a context is much simpler, and I would think  
> faster then using lots of dialplan logic.
> Thanks for any help on this!
> Ron
> _____

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