[Freeswitch-users] Call sip phones from gtalk / jabber

kriko kristjan.ugrin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 06:46:16 PST 2008

I have an idea which is takes too many characters for irc.
I'm relatively new to telephony and such stuff, I managed to get  
freeswitch running, but I don't fully uderstand
my problem in detail and how to solve it, so I need a bit of directions.

Briefly, my idea is to have a jabber contact, which would gtalk user add  
as their buddy. Let's call it callbuddy at somejabbersrv.com.
This would be a bot that would accept commands - I've already made a small  
xmpp java bot which just logs into gtalk and send echo
messages to users - like a parrot, nothing serious. Also I've set up  
openfire jabber server.
What I would like him to do, is when user would tipe "call 0189432443" it  
would initiate a call between contact who tiped in this number (command)  
and this number.

Is this possible, and what would be the best implementation (dingaling  
acting as client...)?



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