[Freeswitch-users] Request for change
Bill O'Neal
billoneal at bridgecom.biz
Sat Aug 30 19:18:00 PDT 2008
A Note from a "Newbee"
I'm from a strictly windows background ( non- programming and Non- * ) and
in the last four months, I have learned enough about Linux, enough about FS,
and enough about Javascript to have a PBX that does what I want it to do (
Almost ). No, I'm not a genius; I had help, I had help from the wiki docs,
the IRC and the Conferences. Mostly from the wiki, but when I needed further
help, the top guys and gals were more than willing to help. What is the only
thing they ask in return? Participation in the docs. In fact, I have been on
two conference calls that I remember they specifically asked for input from
"Newbees". So if the wiki seems too technical, please, don't criticize,
participate. In addition, keep in mind that the wiki spans a diverse skill
level, so if you don't understand something, keep reading, there's bond to
be an example somewhere (and if not then an opportunity to participate when
you get the answer )
I'm sad that the ones that have put lots of time into this project was
ridiculed, but believe me when I say, you are very much appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org
[mailto:freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org] On Behalf Of Michael
S Collins
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 9:19 PM
To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Request for change
Dude that is so wrong! There's only one 't' in literary.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 30, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Michael Jerris <mike at jerris.com> wrote:
In addition to a FreeSWITCH book, he is also working on a full length
litterary response to war and piece, all written from his iPhone.
On Aug 30, 2008, at 7:42 PM, Michael S Collins < <mailto:msc at freeswitch.org>
msc at freeswitch.org> wrote:
As I am the one primarily responsible for creating the Rosette Stone page I
feel compelled to respond.
I agree with Anthony. The wiki does *not* presume that its readers have
Asterisk experience. In fact, this is the very reason that the Rosetta Stone
page was created.
That being said, there are scattered references to Asterisk. How can there
not be? Asterisk is one of several reference points for FS. It is probably
the key reference point. Most early adopters of FS have Asterisk experience
- or in some cases, battle scars. :)
Brian West and I have been kicking around some ideas for a FS book. One key
element in writing a book is knowing your target demographic. From my two
plus years in the FS community I can tell you that the demographic has
started changing. Initially, the vast majority of FS users were Asterisk
users. Today that isn't necessarily the case. We are noticing more people
who say to us, "I saw FS and Asterisk on a Google search. I think FS looks
right for me." In other words we're seeing first-time OSS telephony users
and even first-time any kind of telephony users. These new ones needn't
concern themselves with the Asterisk references except to put FS into
historical context.
One last thing. You said, "...the beauty of asterisk is its simplicity." I
can guarantee you that the Asterisk "refugees" here in the FS community will
vehemently disagree with this statement. However, since beauty is in the eye
of the beholder, we will let that comment slide. :)
We will take your comments as suggestions where we can improve things on the
wiki. If you see any specific references to Asterisk that are spurious
then let us know and we'll evaluate them on a case by case basis. You can
also hop on IRC channel #freeswitch-docs and air your concerns in real time.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 30, 2008, at 9:59 AM, "Anthony Minessale" <
<mailto:anthony.minessale at gmail.com> <mailto:anthony.minessale at gmail.com>
<mailto:anthony.minessale at gmail.com> <mailto:anthony.minessale at gmail.com>
<mailto:anthony.minessale at gmail.com> anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:
I think mostly everything you are saying is completely wrong.
The majority of documents we have that mention asterisk strive to make sure
it's well understood that FreeSWITCH has an entire different paradigm. If
you read your own statements you will see you are not qualified to comment
from the perspective of someone who has never used either software because
you said yourself that you tried asterisk and found it easy to understand
where following FreeSWITCH was much more difficult. That means you already
fell into the asterisk paradigm and now are struggling to shift to how
FreeSWITCH is designed. The volunteers who work on the documentation made a
single section in the wiki for people who are used to asterisk. They can
document whatever they want, they are volunteers.
You make two insulting comments about how I do not listen to the users.
Please have a chat with the hundreds of users who have influenced the design
of FreeSWITCH and learn for yourself that this is not true and in fact makes
me incredibly angry that you would have the nerve to even suggest it.
You may also need a history lesson. I myself did a great deal of work on
asterisk for several years. It's part of my life and if I want to talk
about that experience or host my asterisk code on my website then I will.
Of course you will not find anything about FreeSWITCH on the asterisk
website. They are annoyed that we exist. You don't want there to be
competition in open source then go talk to them. They are the only software
to even use the word compete that I have met so far. We have ClueCon every
year where we work together with every open source project you can think of.
So you may want to go do your homework more............
You have insulted me and all of the volunteers who have spend hundreds on
the documentation by taking a quick scan of our site and jumping to
conclusions. The time it took you to write this email annoying me, you
could have helped document something instead. Now I hope you do the right
thing and apologize to them. Don't bother with me, it's them you owe the
apology cos they are doing it all just because they want to and for no other
I am sorry it takes you so long to understand FreeSWITCH but that is not my
problem. This is my software for me to do whatever I want with and you are
someone who is choosing to use it so it's your dilemma to learn how to work
it or to decide if you prefer another alternative but when you do so. Do it
with more respect and try to imagine how much work it takes to provide you
with something that just works when you type "make"
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Sunil Singh <
<mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com> <mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com>
<mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com> <mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com>
<mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com> <mailto:sunil.d.admin at gmail.com>
sunil.d.admin at gmail.com> wrote:
After going through the documents, I feel that the documents assume that the
guy who is going to use freeswitch is well versed with asterisk or is an
asterisk user who is going to switch to freeswitch from asterisk. Its not
from the point that somebody from scratch can appreciate it for its design
or any other thing.
I appreciate the point of consideration for a large community, but for
freeswitch to be the best it has to wipe out that they know asterisk. They
should believe more on its users rather than what asterisk is doing. Once a
basic level is reached than it should be user driven rather than asterisk
driven. If we compete with them in mind than eventually we will mess up.
To be honest the beauty of asterisk lies in its simplicity. I was reading
freeswitch for hours and still struggling. Whereas in asterisk I started and
within hours I am up and running.
I also realised that in asterisk I didn't find a document talking about
freeswitch but in freeswitch its only about, with asterisk in mind. Whether
they are documents or working.
Comparisions will not allow to grow beyond a limit, we will always be living
in a psycho complex, leaving us with pain, agaony and anger.
We should love what we are doing, and we want to make a universal platform
thats it. No point in comparision and running for a race. Most of the open
source are started by technology lovers that's it. They don't create a
technology to compete, they want to create a new technology and that's why I
started using freeswitch that its going to create a new revolution which
asterisk has lost because of monetary considerations.
So I request to please love what we are doing and when ever we are making a
document think that its for a novice.
I request those who are driving it, please listen to your users more. If you
have started from scratch than let's some beauty come out of it, a
disruptive way of working. Like Apache, mysql ...... Ease of use is the
main thing for a starter or anybody else. Even it may be a best but if its
not simple than people are not going to use it and too much mention of
asterisk in the doc will end up people trying asterisk more rather than
using freeswitch.
The guys whom we are targetting today may not be there, there will be a new
generation and we should drive it with them in mind.
I hope we all give it a thought and think from a novice point of view.
Be a BOLT win with a self confidence and create only records.
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