[Freeswitch-users] T1 RBS Support Revisited

Michael Collins mcollins at fcnetwork.com
Thu Aug 14 09:03:26 PDT 2008

> I have one of those. :-)
> Actually, its a bit more than you said. You need to cater for wink
> and a few other things. Nothing too difficult, though.
> Steve


As usual you are awesome! Is there anything the RBS users can do to
grease the wheels? Maybe we can do a reasonable bounty and get you a few
bucks for all of your cool software...


P.S. - That reminds me - is there a way to do some sort of escrow
account or something where people can actually put their money into an
account for a bounty (as opposed merely to pledging their money) and
then when the bounty is complete the account balance can be transferred
to the one who did the work?

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