[Freeswitch-users] How to set timeout in bgapi originate

Matt Klein mklein at nmedia.net
Tue Apr 15 11:47:27 PDT 2008


Timeout is an originate argument that you'll be able to append towards the end 
of your originate call -- here is some more information:



On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Leonardo Alves wrote:

> How can I set the timeout in this command
> bgapi originate {ignore_early_media}sofia/gateway/asterisk/number &playback(message)
> My asterisk is calling but after 2 rings the freeswitch ends the call. I have tried in a lot of ways to set the timeout in the final of the command but I could not get it to work.
> If someone can help
> Thks
> Leonardo

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