[Freeswitch-users] Incoming fax problems

Josip Djuricic josip.djuricic at primatel.hr
Fri Apr 11 06:11:04 PDT 2008

Hi there

I wanted to ask for advice on my incoming fax receive problem.

When I send the fax to a Patton smartnode FXS gateway behind FS (and the 
call goes PSTN < -DSS1- > AS5300 <-h323> Yate <-sip-> FS <-sip-> PATTON).

I needed to add yate to act as h323 to sip converter because my AS5300 
had problems with sip (not only to FS, but to almost every device, seams 
like a sw issue).

So now my fax behind FS answers, but the call fails after a while.

What I've noticed on FS output, though not sure if it's related is:
[DEBUG] switch_ivr_bridge.c:275 audio_bridge_thread() read: 
sofia/default/38514001702 Bad Frame.... Bubye!

I'm including entire FS debug output of that call.

I need to also notice that outgoing fax sending works just perfect.

Thank you all,

#irc jdjurici
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