[Freeswitch-users] Is Freeswitch better than Asterisk for me?

Barry Roberts blr at robertsr.us
Thu Sep 21 08:39:09 EDT 2006

I've been using Asterisk as simple outbound caller for a small (<50)
group of people with very simple IVR (press 1 to ack, press 2 to

It works ok, but I haven't come up with a good way to keep both my
outbound IAX trunks busy to get through the calls as quickly as
possible.  I'm copying .call files into Asterisk's outgoing directory,
and I have a script that makes sure there are 2 files there, but as
soon as I get a busy/no-answer, there's a line that is under-utilized.

Does freeswitch have better way to do this?

I spent several years as an IVR developer using Natural Microsystems
and Dialogic cards.  So I'm quite accustomed to that level of
programming, as opposed to the PBX-like way Asterisk works.  I would
love to find a way to do that low-level coding for my IAX trunks.

Barry Roberts

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