[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r13475 - freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal

FreeSWITCH SVN mikej at freeswitch.org
Wed May 27 16:20:26 PDT 2009

Author: mikej
Date: Wed May 27 18:20:26 2009
New Revision: 13475



Modified: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.h
--- freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.h	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.h	Wed May 27 18:20:26 2009
@@ -1,275 +1,275 @@
-/* Opal endpoint interface for Freeswitch Modular Media Switching Software Library /
- * Soft-Switch Application
- *
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Tuyan Ozipek (tuyanozipek at gmail.com)
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Tuyan Ozipek   (tuyanozipek at gmail.com)
- * Lukasz Zwierko (lzwierko at gmail.com)
- * Robert Jongbloed (robertj at voxlucida.com.au)
- *
- */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(HAVE_VISIBILITY)
-#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
-#include <ptlib.h>
-#include <opal/manager.h>
-#include <opal/localep.h>
-#include <h323/h323ep.h>
-#include <iax2/iax2ep.h>
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(HAVE_VISIBILITY)
-#pragma GCC visibility pop
-#undef strcasecmp
-#undef strncasecmp
-#define HAVE_APR
-#include <switch.h>
-#include <switch_version.h>
-#define MODNAME "mod_opal"
-class FSEndPoint;
-class FSManager;
-struct mod_opal_globals {
-    int trace_level;
-    char *codec_string;
-    char *context;
-    char *dialplan;
-extern struct mod_opal_globals mod_opal_globals;
-class FSProcess : public PLibraryProcess {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSProcess, PLibraryProcess);
- public:
-    FSProcess();
-    ~FSProcess();
-    bool Initialise(switch_loadable_module_interface_t *iface);
-    FSManager & GetManager() const { return *m_manager; }
-  protected:
-    FSManager * m_manager;
-struct FSListener {
-    FSListener() {
-    }
-    PString name;
-    OpalTransportAddress listenAddress;
-    PString localUserName;
-    PString gatekeeper;
-class FSCall : public OpalCall {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSCall, OpalCall);
-  public:
-    FSCall(OpalManager & manager);
-    virtual PBoolean OnSetUp(OpalConnection & connection);
-class FSManager : public OpalManager {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSManager, OpalManager);
- public:
-    FSManager();
-    bool Initialise(switch_loadable_module_interface_t *iface);
-    switch_status_t ReadConfig(int reload);
-    switch_endpoint_interface_t *GetSwitchInterface() const {
-        return m_FreeSwitch;
-    }
-    virtual OpalCall * CreateCall(void * userData);
-  private:
-    switch_endpoint_interface_t *m_FreeSwitch;
-    H323EndPoint *m_h323ep;
-    IAX2EndPoint *m_iaxep;
-    FSEndPoint   *m_fsep;
-    PString m_gkAddress;
-    PString m_gkIdentifer;
-    PString m_gkInterface;
-    list < FSListener > m_listeners;
-class FSConnection;
-typedef struct {
-    switch_timer_t read_timer;
-    switch_codec_t read_codec;
-    switch_codec_t write_codec;
-    switch_timer_t vid_read_timer;
-    switch_codec_t vid_read_codec;
-    switch_codec_t vid_write_codec;
-    FSConnection *me;
-} opal_private_t;
-class FSEndPoint:public OpalLocalEndPoint {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSEndPoint, OpalLocalEndPoint);
- public:
-    FSEndPoint(FSManager & manager);
-    virtual bool OnIncomingCall(OpalLocalConnection &);
-    virtual OpalLocalConnection *CreateConnection(OpalCall &, void *);
-#define DECLARE_CALLBACK0(name)                           \
-    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session) {       \
-        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
-        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name() : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
-switch_status_t name()
-#define DECLARE_CALLBACK1(name, type1, name1)                           \
-    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session, type1 name1) { \
-        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
-        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name(name1) : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
-switch_status_t name(type1 name1)
-#define DECLARE_CALLBACK3(name, type1, name1, type2, name2, type3, name3) \
-    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session, type1 name1, type2 name2, type3 name3) { \
-        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
-        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name(name1, name2, name3) : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
-switch_status_t name(type1 name1, type2 name2, type3 name3)
-class FSConnection:public OpalLocalConnection {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSConnection, OpalLocalConnection)
-  public:
-    FSConnection(OpalCall & call,
-                 FSEndPoint & endpoint,
-                 switch_caller_profile_t *outbound_profile,
-                 switch_core_session_t *fsSession,
-                 switch_channel_t *fsChannel);
-    virtual bool OnIncoming();
-    virtual void OnReleased();
-    virtual PBoolean SetAlerting(const PString & calleeName, PBoolean withMedia);
-    virtual void OnAlerting();
-    virtual void OnEstablished();
-    virtual OpalMediaStream *CreateMediaStream(const OpalMediaFormat &, unsigned, PBoolean);
-    virtual PBoolean OnOpenMediaStream(OpalMediaStream & stream);
-    virtual OpalMediaFormatList GetMediaFormats() const;
-    virtual PBoolean SendUserInputTone(char tone, unsigned duration);
-    virtual PBoolean SendUserInputString(const PString & value);
-    void SetCodecs();
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_init);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_routing);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_execute);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_exchange_media);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_soft_execute);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(kill_channel, int, sig);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(send_dtmf, const switch_dtmf_t *, dtmf);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(receive_message, switch_core_session_message_t *, msg);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(receive_event, switch_event_t *, event);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(state_change);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(read_audio_frame, switch_frame_t **, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flags, int, stream_id);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(write_audio_frame, switch_frame_t *, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flags, int, stream_id);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(read_video_frame, switch_frame_t **, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flag, int, stream_id);
-    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(write_video_frame, switch_frame_t *, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flag, int, stream_id);
-    switch_status_t read_frame(const OpalMediaType & mediaType, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
-    switch_status_t write_frame(const OpalMediaType & mediaType, const switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
-    switch_core_session_t *GetSession() const {
-        return m_fsSession;
-    }
-  private:
-    FSEndPoint & m_endpoint;
-    switch_core_session_t *m_fsSession;
-    switch_channel_t *m_fsChannel;
-    PSyncPoint m_rxAudioOpened;
-    PSyncPoint m_txAudioOpened;
-    OpalMediaFormatList m_switchMediaFormats;
-class FSMediaStream:public OpalMediaStream {
-    PCLASSINFO(FSMediaStream, OpalMediaStream);
- public:
-    FSMediaStream(FSConnection & conn, const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat, ///<  Media format for stream
-                  unsigned sessionID,   ///<  Session number for stream
-                  bool isSource ///<  Is a source stream
-                  );
-    virtual PBoolean Open();
-    virtual PBoolean Close();
-    virtual PBoolean IsSynchronous() const;
-    virtual PBoolean RequiresPatchThread(OpalMediaStream *) const;
-    switch_status_t read_frame(switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
-    switch_status_t write_frame(const switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
- private:
-    switch_core_session_t *m_fsSession;
-    switch_channel_t *m_fsChannel;
-    switch_timer_t *m_switchTimer;
-    switch_codec_t *m_switchCodec;
-    switch_frame_t m_readFrame;
-    unsigned char m_buf[SWITCH_RECOMMENDED_BUFFER_SIZE];
-    RTP_DataFrame m_readRTP;
-    bool m_callOnStart;
-    uint32_t m_timeStamp;
-    bool CheckPatchAndLock();
-#endif /* __FREESWITCH_MOD_OPAL__ */
-/* For Emacs:
- * Local Variables:
- * mode:c
- * indent-tabs-mode:nil
- * tab-width:4
- * c-basic-offset:4
- * End:
- * For VIM:
- * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: expandtabs:
- */
+/* Opal endpoint interface for Freeswitch Modular Media Switching Software Library /
+ * Soft-Switch Application
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Tuyan Ozipek (tuyanozipek at gmail.com)
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Tuyan Ozipek   (tuyanozipek at gmail.com)
+ * Lukasz Zwierko (lzwierko at gmail.com)
+ * Robert Jongbloed (robertj at voxlucida.com.au)
+ *
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(HAVE_VISIBILITY)
+#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
+#include <ptlib.h>
+#include <opal/manager.h>
+#include <opal/localep.h>
+#include <h323/h323ep.h>
+#include <iax2/iax2ep.h>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(HAVE_VISIBILITY)
+#pragma GCC visibility pop
+#undef strcasecmp
+#undef strncasecmp
+#define HAVE_APR
+#include <switch.h>
+#include <switch_version.h>
+#define MODNAME "mod_opal"
+class FSEndPoint;
+class FSManager;
+struct mod_opal_globals {
+    int trace_level;
+    char *codec_string;
+    char *context;
+    char *dialplan;
+extern struct mod_opal_globals mod_opal_globals;
+class FSProcess : public PLibraryProcess {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSProcess, PLibraryProcess);
+ public:
+    FSProcess();
+    ~FSProcess();
+    bool Initialise(switch_loadable_module_interface_t *iface);
+    FSManager & GetManager() const { return *m_manager; }
+  protected:
+    FSManager * m_manager;
+struct FSListener {
+    FSListener() {
+    }
+    PString name;
+    OpalTransportAddress listenAddress;
+    PString localUserName;
+    PString gatekeeper;
+class FSCall : public OpalCall {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSCall, OpalCall);
+  public:
+    FSCall(OpalManager & manager);
+    virtual PBoolean OnSetUp(OpalConnection & connection);
+class FSManager : public OpalManager {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSManager, OpalManager);
+ public:
+    FSManager();
+    bool Initialise(switch_loadable_module_interface_t *iface);
+    switch_status_t ReadConfig(int reload);
+    switch_endpoint_interface_t *GetSwitchInterface() const {
+        return m_FreeSwitch;
+    }
+    virtual OpalCall * CreateCall(void * userData);
+  private:
+    switch_endpoint_interface_t *m_FreeSwitch;
+    H323EndPoint *m_h323ep;
+    IAX2EndPoint *m_iaxep;
+    FSEndPoint   *m_fsep;
+    PString m_gkAddress;
+    PString m_gkIdentifer;
+    PString m_gkInterface;
+    list < FSListener > m_listeners;
+class FSConnection;
+typedef struct {
+    switch_timer_t read_timer;
+    switch_codec_t read_codec;
+    switch_codec_t write_codec;
+    switch_timer_t vid_read_timer;
+    switch_codec_t vid_read_codec;
+    switch_codec_t vid_write_codec;
+    FSConnection *me;
+} opal_private_t;
+class FSEndPoint:public OpalLocalEndPoint {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSEndPoint, OpalLocalEndPoint);
+ public:
+    FSEndPoint(FSManager & manager);
+    virtual bool OnIncomingCall(OpalLocalConnection &);
+    virtual OpalLocalConnection *CreateConnection(OpalCall &, void *);
+#define DECLARE_CALLBACK0(name)                           \
+    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session) {       \
+        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
+        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name() : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
+switch_status_t name()
+#define DECLARE_CALLBACK1(name, type1, name1)                           \
+    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session, type1 name1) { \
+        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
+        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name(name1) : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
+switch_status_t name(type1 name1)
+#define DECLARE_CALLBACK3(name, type1, name1, type2, name2, type3, name3) \
+    static switch_status_t name(switch_core_session_t *session, type1 name1, type2 name2, type3 name3) { \
+        opal_private_t *tech_pvt = (opal_private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session); \
+        return tech_pvt && tech_pvt->me != NULL ? tech_pvt->me->name(name1, name2, name3) : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } \
+switch_status_t name(type1 name1, type2 name2, type3 name3)
+class FSConnection:public OpalLocalConnection {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSConnection, OpalLocalConnection)
+  public:
+    FSConnection(OpalCall & call,
+                 FSEndPoint & endpoint,
+                 switch_caller_profile_t *outbound_profile,
+                 switch_core_session_t *fsSession,
+                 switch_channel_t *fsChannel);
+    virtual bool OnIncoming();
+    virtual void OnReleased();
+    virtual PBoolean SetAlerting(const PString & calleeName, PBoolean withMedia);
+    virtual void OnAlerting();
+    virtual void OnEstablished();
+    virtual OpalMediaStream *CreateMediaStream(const OpalMediaFormat &, unsigned, PBoolean);
+    virtual PBoolean OnOpenMediaStream(OpalMediaStream & stream);
+    virtual OpalMediaFormatList GetMediaFormats() const;
+    virtual PBoolean SendUserInputTone(char tone, unsigned duration);
+    virtual PBoolean SendUserInputString(const PString & value);
+    void SetCodecs();
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_init);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_routing);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_execute);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_exchange_media);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(on_soft_execute);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(kill_channel, int, sig);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(send_dtmf, const switch_dtmf_t *, dtmf);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(receive_message, switch_core_session_message_t *, msg);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK1(receive_event, switch_event_t *, event);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK0(state_change);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(read_audio_frame, switch_frame_t **, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flags, int, stream_id);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(write_audio_frame, switch_frame_t *, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flags, int, stream_id);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(read_video_frame, switch_frame_t **, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flag, int, stream_id);
+    DECLARE_CALLBACK3(write_video_frame, switch_frame_t *, frame, switch_io_flag_t, flag, int, stream_id);
+    switch_status_t read_frame(const OpalMediaType & mediaType, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
+    switch_status_t write_frame(const OpalMediaType & mediaType, const switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
+    switch_core_session_t *GetSession() const {
+        return m_fsSession;
+    }
+  private:
+    FSEndPoint & m_endpoint;
+    switch_core_session_t *m_fsSession;
+    switch_channel_t *m_fsChannel;
+    PSyncPoint m_rxAudioOpened;
+    PSyncPoint m_txAudioOpened;
+    OpalMediaFormatList m_switchMediaFormats;
+class FSMediaStream:public OpalMediaStream {
+    PCLASSINFO(FSMediaStream, OpalMediaStream);
+ public:
+    FSMediaStream(FSConnection & conn, const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat, ///<  Media format for stream
+                  unsigned sessionID,   ///<  Session number for stream
+                  bool isSource ///<  Is a source stream
+                  );
+    virtual PBoolean Open();
+    virtual PBoolean Close();
+    virtual PBoolean IsSynchronous() const;
+    virtual PBoolean RequiresPatchThread(OpalMediaStream *) const;
+    switch_status_t read_frame(switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
+    switch_status_t write_frame(const switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags);
+ private:
+    switch_core_session_t *m_fsSession;
+    switch_channel_t *m_fsChannel;
+    switch_timer_t *m_switchTimer;
+    switch_codec_t *m_switchCodec;
+    switch_frame_t m_readFrame;
+    unsigned char m_buf[SWITCH_RECOMMENDED_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    RTP_DataFrame m_readRTP;
+    bool m_callOnStart;
+    uint32_t m_timeStamp;
+    bool CheckPatchAndLock();
+#endif /* __FREESWITCH_MOD_OPAL__ */
+/* For Emacs:
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode:c
+ * indent-tabs-mode:nil
+ * tab-width:4
+ * c-basic-offset:4
+ * End:
+ * For VIM:
+ * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: expandtabs:
+ */

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