[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r14035 - in freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker: . mod_xml_radius mod_xml_radius/conf mod_xml_radius/conf/xml_radius_templates

FreeSWITCH SVN cparker at freeswitch.org
Mon Jun 29 13:51:08 PDT 2009

Author: cparker
Date: Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
New Revision: 14035

Adding cparker contrib directory, with first stab at mod_xml_radius


Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/Makefile.am
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/Makefile.am	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#we should set all these vars from configure, no reason to have these in each Makefile.am
+LIBTOOL = echo "`link=\`echo $@|grep .la;echo $@|grep .so;echo $@|grep .dll\`;if test -n "$$link"; then echo Creating $@;fi`";`if test -z "$(VERBOSE)" ; \
+then echo $(SHELL) $(switch_builddir)/quiet_libtool ;else echo $(SHELL) $(switch_builddir)/libtool;  fi`
+AM_MAKEFLAGS=`test -n "$(VERBOSE)" || echo -s`
+# Dirty trick to override the link output
+LIBS+=> $(MODNAME).log || error="yes";if test -n "$(VERBOSE)" -o "$$error" = "yes";then cat $(MODNAME).log;fi;if test "$$error" = "yes";then exit 1;fi
+mod_LTLIBRARIES = mod_xml_radius.la
+mod_xml_radius_la_SOURCES = mod_xml_radius.c
+mod_xml_radius_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) 
+mod_xml_radius_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
+mod_xml_radius_la_LDFLAGS=-module -avoid-version -no-undefined
+mod_xml_radius_la_LDFLAGS += -lfreeradius-client
+#Override the linstall target so we just install the .so/.dylib
+install-data-am: $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(moddir)/$(MODNAME).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN)
+	@echo installing $(MODNAME).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN)
+	@if [ -f .libs/$(MODNAME).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN) ] ; then \
+	  $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) .libs/$(MODNAME).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(moddir) >/dev/null  ; \
+	else \
+	  $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL) $(MODNAME).$(DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(moddir) >/dev/null  ; \
+	fi

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/README
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/README	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+That out of the way, it is a way to provide a RADIUS interface to perform
+authentication and authorization functionality to FreeSWITCH.
+It uses the FreeRADIUS Client Library, which is part of the FreeRADIUS project.
+The version used to create/test this library is the tagged release 1.1.6.
+In order to use this module, you will need to edit the top level 'configure.in'
+as well as 'modules.conf'.
+More information/details can be found on the wiki:
+     http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_xml_radius
+Questions/comments/suggestions, please find 's3g_fault' on IRC.

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/README
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/README	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Install/copy these into /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/mod_xml_radius.conf.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/mod_xml_radius.conf.xml	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<configuration name="mod_xml_radius.conf" description="XML RADIUS Configuration">
+	<bindings>
+		<binding name="directory"/>
+		<!-- <binding name="dialplan"/> -->
+	</bindings>
+	<settings>
+		<!-- location of the radius dictionary file -->
+		<param name="dictionary" value="/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/radius/dictionary"/>
+		<!-- location of the radius sequence file -->
+		<param name="seqfile" value="/var/run/radius_auth.seq"/>
+		<!-- accounting servers, up to 8 allowed -->
+		<!-- value is "host:port:secret", port is optional -->
+		<!-- use IP ADDRESSES, not hostnames -->
+		<param name="authserver" value=""/>
+		<!--<param name="authserver" value=""/> -->
+		<!--<param name="authserver" value=""/> -->
+		<!-- number of retries for each server -->
+		<param name="radius_retries" value="3"/>
+		<!-- number of seconds to wait between retries -->
+		<param name="radius_timeout" value="5"/>
+		<!-- The length of time in seconds that we skip a nonresponsive RADIUS
+			 server for transaction requests. Server(s) being in the "dead" state
+			 are tried only after all other non-dead servers have been tried and
+			 failed or timeouted. The deadtime interval starts when the server
+			 does not respond to an authentication/accounting request transmissions.
+			 When the interval expires, the "dead" server would be re-tried again,
+			 and if it's still down then it will be considered "dead" for another
+			 such interval and so on. This option is no-op if there is only one
+			 server in the list. Set to 0 in order to disable the feature. -->
+		<param name="radius_deadtime" value="0"/>
+	</settings>
+	<templates>
+    	<template name="not_found">
+      	  	<document type="freeswitch/xml">
+        		<section name="result">
+          			<result status="not found"/>
+        		</section>
+      		</document>
+    	</template>
+        <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="xml_radius_templates/*.xml"/>
+	</templates>

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/xml_radius_templates/directory.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/conf/xml_radius_templates/directory.xml	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  <template name="directory">
+    <document type="freeswitch/xml">
+	<section name="directory" description="arbitrary stuff here">
+<domain name="${domain}">
+          <groups>
+            <group name="default">
+              <users>
+                <user id="${user}" number-alias="${radius_alias}">
+                  <params>
+                      <param name="vm-password" value="${radius_vm_pass}"/>
+                    </params>
+                    <variables>
+                      <variable name="international" value="${radius_international}"/>
+                      <variable name="usenat" value="${radius_natuser}"/>
+                    </variables>
+                  </user>
+                </users>
+              </group>
+            </groups>
+          </domain>
+        </section>
+    </document>
+  </template>

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/mod_xml_radius.c
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/mod_xml_radius.c	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Anthony Minessale II <anthm at freeswitch.org>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Anthony Minessale II <anthm at freeswitch.org>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Anthony Minessale II <anthm at freeswitch.org>
+ * Chris Parker <cparker at segv.org>
+ *
+ * mod_xml_radius.c -- use radius to realtime create xml directory, dialplan bindings 
+ *
+ */
+#include <switch.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <freeradius-client.h>
+#include "mod_xml_radius.h"
+typedef enum {
+} xml_radius_query_type_t;
+#define XML_RADIUS_SYNTAX "[debug_on|debug_off]"
+static char cf[] = "mod_xml_radius.conf";
+static char my_dictionary[PATH_MAX];
+static char my_seqfile[PATH_MAX];
+static char *my_deadtime;       /* 0 */
+static char *my_timeout;        /* 5 */
+static char *my_retries;        /* 3 */
+static char my_servers[SERVER_MAX][255];
+static struct {
+    int shutdown;
+	switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
+	switch_mutex_t *mutex;
+    switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock;
+	switch_xml_t templates_tag;
+} globals;
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_xml_radius, mod_xml_radius_load, mod_xml_radius_shutdown, NULL);
+static switch_bool_t debug = SWITCH_FALSE;
+static int logi = 0;
+static void logger(char *str)
+    switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "DEBUG[%i] [%s]\n", ++logi, str);
+static rc_handle *my_radius_init(void)
+    int i = 0;
+    rc_handle *rad_config;
+    rad_config = rc_new();
+    if (rad_config == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Error initializing rc_handle!\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    rad_config = rc_config_init(rad_config);
+    if (rad_config == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "error initializing radius config!\n");
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Some hardcoded ( for now ) defaults needed to initialize radius */
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "auth_order", "radius", "mod_xml_radius.c", 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting auth_order = radius failed\n");
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "seqfile", my_seqfile, "mod_xml_radius.c", 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting seqfile = %s failed\n", my_seqfile);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Add the module configs to initialize rad_config */
+    for (i = 0; i < SERVER_MAX && my_servers[i][0] != '\0'; i++) {
+        if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "authserver", my_servers[i], cf, 0) != 0) {
+            switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting authserver = %s failed\n", my_servers[i]);
+            rc_destroy(rad_config);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "dictionary", my_dictionary, cf, 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "failed setting dictionary = %s failed\n", my_dictionary);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "radius_deadtime", my_deadtime, cf, 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting radius_deadtime = %s failed\n", my_deadtime);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "radius_timeout", my_timeout, cf, 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting radius_timeout = %s failed\n", my_timeout);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (rc_add_config(rad_config, "radius_retries", my_retries, cf, 0) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "setting radius_retries = %s failed\n", my_retries);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Read the dictionary file(s) */
+    if (rc_read_dictionary(rad_config, rc_conf_str(rad_config, "dictionary")) != 0) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "reading dictionary file(s): %s\n", my_dictionary);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return rad_config;
+	if (session) {
+	}
+	if (switch_strlen_zero(cmd)) {
+		goto usage;
+	}
+	if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "debug_on")) {
+		debug = SWITCH_TRUE;
+	} else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "debug_off")) {
+		debug = SWITCH_FALSE;
+	} else {
+		goto usage;
+	}
+	stream->write_function(stream, "OK\n");
+  usage:
+	stream->write_function(stream, "USAGE: %s\n", XML_RADIUS_SYNTAX);
+typedef struct xml_binding {
+	char *bindings;
+} xml_binding_t;
+static switch_status_t xml_radius_expand_tag(switch_xml_t xml_in, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
+    switch_xml_t xml_in_tmp = NULL;
+    int i;
+	if (switch_strlen_zero(xml_out->name)) {
+		xml_out->name = strdup(xml_in->name);
+	} else if (!(xml_out = switch_xml_add_child_d(xml_out, xml_in->name, *off++))) {
+        return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; xml_in->attr[i]; i+=2) {
+        char *tmp_attr;
+        tmp_attr = switch_event_expand_headers(params, xml_in->attr[i+1]);
+            switch_xml_set_attr(xml_out, xml_in->attr[i], tmp_attr);
+    }
+	for (xml_in_tmp = xml_in->child; xml_in_tmp; xml_in_tmp = xml_in_tmp->ordered) {
+        xml_radius_expand_tag(xml_in_tmp, params, xml_out, off);
+    }
+static switch_status_t xml_radius_expand_template(char *template_name, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
+    switch_xml_t template_tag = NULL, sub_tag = NULL;
+    for (template_tag = switch_xml_child(globals.templates_tag, "template"); template_tag; template_tag = template_tag->next) {
+        char *template_tag_name = (char*) switch_xml_attr_soft(template_tag, "name");
+        if (!strcmp(template_tag_name, template_name)) {
+			for (sub_tag = template_tag->child; sub_tag; sub_tag = sub_tag->ordered) {
+		        xml_radius_expand_tag(sub_tag, params, xml_out, off);
+	        }
+            return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+    }
+static switch_xml_t xml_radius_search(const char *section, const char *tag_name, const char *key_name, const char *key_value, switch_event_t *params, void *user_data)
+	xml_binding_t *binding = (xml_binding_t *) user_data;
+	switch_event_header_t *hi;
+	xml_radius_query_type_t query_type;
+	switch_event_t *rad_event;
+	rc_handle *rad_config;
+    VALUE_PAIR *send = NULL;
+	VALUE_PAIR *received = NULL;
+	char msg[4096];
+    uint32_t client_port = 0;
+	char *uuid_str, *user_name, *digest_response, *digest_realm, *digest_nonce, *digest_cnonce, 
+         *digest_method, *digest_uri, *digest_algorithm, *digest_username, *digest_qop, *digest_nc ;
+	switch_xml_t xml_out = NULL;
+	if ((xml_out = switch_xml_new(""))) {
+		//switch_xml_set_attr_d(xml_out, "document type", "freeswitch/xml");
+	}
+	/*int off = 0; */
+	int off = 0, ret = 1;
+	if (debug) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG in xml_radius_search Section: %s, Tag: %s, Key: %s, Value: %s\n", section, tag_name, key_name, key_value);
+	}
+	if (!binding) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No bindings... sorry bud returning now\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (!strcmp(section, "directory")) {
+		query_type = XML_RADIUS_DIRECTORY;
+	} else if (!strcmp(section, "dialplan")) {
+		query_type = XML_RADIUS_DIALPLAN;
+	} else {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid section: %s\n", section);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (params) {
+		if ((hi = params->headers)) {
+			for (; hi; hi = hi->next) {
+				if (debug == SWITCH_TRUE) {
+					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "DEBUG in xml_radius_search, header [%s]=[%s]\n", hi->name, hi->value);
+				}
+			}
+			//xml_odbc_render_template(globals.template, params, xml_out, &off); // TODO globals.template should be replace with something specific for this section
+		}
+	} else {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	uuid_str = switch_event_get_header(params, "Core-UUID");
+	digest_response = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_response");
+	digest_realm = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_realm");
+	digest_nonce = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_nonce");
+	digest_cnonce = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_cnonce");
+	digest_method = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_method");
+    digest_uri = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_uri");
+    digest_algorithm = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_algorithm");
+    digest_username = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_username");
+	digest_qop = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_qop");
+	digest_nc = switch_event_get_header(params, "sip_auth_nc");
+	if(digest_algorithm == NULL) {
+		digest_algorithm = switch_mprintf("MD5");
+	} 
+	if( (uuid_str == NULL) || 
+        (digest_response == NULL) ||
+		(digest_realm == NULL) ||
+		(digest_nonce == NULL) ||
+		(digest_method == NULL) ||
+		(digest_uri == NULL) ||
+		(digest_algorithm == NULL) ||
+		(digest_username == NULL)
+	  ) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "[mod_xml_radius] Insufficient headers to perform digest auth\n");
+		/* switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", uuid_str, digest_response, digest_realm, digest_nonce, digest_method, digest_uri, digest_algorithm, digest_username); */
+		return NULL;
+	}
+    user_name = switch_mprintf("%s@%s", digest_username, digest_realm);
+	/* Initialize RADIUS and add attributes to the AUTH REQUEST packet */
+	if(switch_event_dup(&rad_event, params) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed creating radius event.\n");
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+    switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(globals.rwlock);
+    rad_config = my_radius_init();
+	if (rad_config == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Error initializing radius\n");
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+	if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_ACCT_SESSION_ID, uuid_str, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Acct-Session-ID: %s\n", uuid_str);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+	if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_USER_NAME, user_name, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding User-Name: %s\n", user_name);
+		rc_destroy(rad_config);
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_RESPONSE, digest_response, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Response: %s\n", digest_response);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_REALM, digest_realm, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Realm: %s\n", digest_realm);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_NONCE, digest_nonce, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Nonce: %s\n", digest_nonce);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+	if(digest_cnonce != NULL) {
+		if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_CNONCE, digest_cnonce, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest CNonce: %s\n", digest_cnonce);
+			rc_destroy(rad_config);
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+	} else {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Missing Digest CNonce\n");
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_METHOD, digest_method, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Method: %s\n", digest_method);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_URI, digest_uri, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest URI: %s\n", digest_uri);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, digest_algorithm, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Algorithm: %s\n", digest_algorithm);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_USER_NAME, digest_username, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Username: %s\n", digest_username);
+        rc_destroy(rad_config);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+	if(digest_qop != NULL) {
+		if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_QOP, digest_qop, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest QOP: %s\n", digest_qop);
+			rc_destroy(rad_config);
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+	} else {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Missing Digest QOP.\n");
+	}
+    if(digest_nc != NULL) {
+        if (rc_avpair_add(rad_config, &send, PW_DIGEST_NONCE_COUNT, digest_nc, -1, 0) == NULL) {
+            switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed adding Digest Nonce Counce: %s\n", digest_nc);
+            rc_destroy(rad_config);
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+    } else {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Missing Nonce Count.\n");
+    }
+	/* SEND IT! */
+    if(rc_auth(rad_config, client_port, send, &received, msg) == OK_RC) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Auth Success.\n");
+		char name[2048], value[2048]; /* more than enough for radius attribute */
+		char *split[2];	
+		/* walk the received radius value-pairs and print them out */
+		vp = received;
+		while(vp) {
+			strncpy(name, "radius_", 7);
+			rc_avpair_tostr(rad_config, vp, name+7, sizeof(name)-7, value, sizeof(value));	
+			if(debug == SWITCH_TRUE) {
+				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "[mod_xml_radius] Received AVP: %s = %s\n", name, value);
+			}
+			/* if name = Freeradius-AVPair then value contains a 'name="value"' string we need to parse out */
+			if(strcmp(name,"Freeradius-AVPair")) {
+				if(switch_separate_string(value,'=',split, (sizeof(split) / sizeof(split[0]))) == 2) {
+					strncpy(name+7, split[0], sizeof(name)-7);
+					strncpy(value, split[1], sizeof(value));
+				}
+			}
+			if(switch_event_add_header_string(rad_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, name, value)	!= SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Failed to add header: %s = %s\n", name, value);
+			}
+			vp = vp->next;
+		}
+		if(query_type == XML_RADIUS_DIRECTORY) {
+			xml_radius_expand_template("directory", rad_event, xml_out, &off);
+		} else if(query_type == XML_RADIUS_DIALPLAN) {
+			xml_radius_expand_template("dialplan", rad_event, xml_out, &off);
+		}
+	} else {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "[mod_xml_radius] Auth Rejected!\n");
+		/* TO DO: Generate the Failure XML Here fromt the Reply Attributes */
+	    /* Return "NOT FOUND" template */
+		xml_radius_expand_template("not_found", rad_event, xml_out, &off);	
+    }
+	if ((hi = rad_event->headers)) {
+        for (; hi; hi = hi->next) {
+            if (debug == SWITCH_TRUE) {
+                switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "DEBUG in xml_radius_search, new haeader [%s]=[%s]\n", hi->name, hi->value);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    rc_destroy(rad_config);
+    rc_avpair_free(send);
+	rc_avpair_free(received);
+	/* End of RADIUS bits */
+	if (debug == SWITCH_TRUE) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Debug dump of XML generated:\n%s", switch_xml_toxml(xml_out, SWITCH_FALSE));
+	}
+	ret = 0;
+  cleanup:
+	switch_event_destroy(&rad_event);
+	switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.rwlock);
+	if (ret) {
+		switch_xml_free(xml_out);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return xml_out;
+static switch_status_t load_config(void)
+    switch_xml_t cfg, xml, bindings_tag, binding_tag, templates_tag, settings, param;
+    xml_binding_t *binding = NULL;
+	switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    int num_servers = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    my_timeout = "5";
+    my_retries = "3";
+    my_deadtime = "0";
+    strncpy(my_seqfile, "/var/run/radius_auth.seq", PATH_MAX - 1);
+    strncpy(my_dictionary, "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/radius/dictionary", PATH_MAX - 1);
+    for (i = 0; i < SERVER_MAX; i++) {
+        my_servers[i][0] = '\0';
+    }
+    if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Open of %s failed\n", cf);
+        return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM;
+    }
+    if (!(bindings_tag = switch_xml_child(cfg, "bindings"))) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Missing <bindings> tag!\n");
+        goto done;
+    } 
+    if (!(templates_tag = switch_xml_child(cfg, "templates"))) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Missing <templates> tag!\n");
+        status = SWITCH_STATUS_TERM;
+        goto done;
+    }
+	globals.templates_tag = templates_tag;
+	for (binding_tag = switch_xml_child(bindings_tag, "binding"); binding_tag; binding_tag = binding_tag->next) {
+        char *bname = (char*) switch_xml_attr_soft(binding_tag, "name");
+		if (!(binding = malloc(sizeof(*binding)))) {
+			goto done;
+		}
+		memset(binding, 0, sizeof(*binding));
+		binding->bindings = strdup(bname);
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "Binding [%s] XML RADIUS Fetch Function [%s]\n",
+			switch_strlen_zero(bname) ? "N/A" : bname, binding->bindings ? binding->bindings : "all");
+		switch_xml_bind_search_function(xml_radius_search, switch_xml_parse_section_string(bname), binding);
+		binding = NULL;
+	}
+    if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) {
+        for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "param"); param; param = param->next) {
+            char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
+            char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value");
+            if (!strcmp(var, "authserver")) {
+                if (num_servers < SERVER_MAX) {
+                    strncpy(my_servers[num_servers], val, 255 - 1);
+                    num_servers++;
+                } else {
+                    switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR,
+                                      "you can only specify %d radius servers, ignoring excess server entry\n", SERVER_MAX);
+                }
+            } else if (!strcmp(var, "dictionary")) {
+                strncpy(my_dictionary, val, PATH_MAX - 1);
+            } else if (!strcmp(var, "seqfile")) {
+                strncpy(my_seqfile, val, PATH_MAX - 1);
+            } else if (!strcmp(var, "radius_timeout")) {
+                my_timeout = strdup(val);
+            } else if (!strcmp(var, "radius_retries")) {
+                my_retries = strdup(val);
+            } else if (!strcmp(var, "radius_deadtime")) {
+                my_deadtime = strdup(val);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    switch_xml_free(xml);
+    if (num_servers < 1) {
+        switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "you must specify at least 1 radius server\n");
+        return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM;
+    }
+  done:
+    return status;
+    switch_core_new_memory_pool(&globals.pool);
+    switch_mutex_init(&globals.mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, globals.pool);
+    switch_api_interface_t *xml_radius_api_interface;
+    switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "XML RADIUS module loading...\n");
+    *module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname);
+    SWITCH_ADD_API(xml_radius_api_interface, "xml_radius", "XML RADIUS", xml_radius_function, XML_RADIUS_SYNTAX);
+    switch_console_set_complete("add xml_radius debug_on");
+    switch_console_set_complete("add xml_radius debug_off");
+    //switch_console_set_complete("add xml_odbc render_template");
+    switch_thread_rwlock_create(&globals.rwlock, pool);
+    if (load_config() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        return SWITCH_STATUS_TERM;
+    }
+    /* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */
+    globals.shutdown = 1;
+    switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock(globals.rwlock);
+    switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.rwlock);
+/* For Emacs:
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode:c
+ * indent-tabs-mode:t
+ * tab-width:4
+ * c-basic-offset:4
+ * End:
+ * For VIM:
+* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4:
+ */

Added: freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/mod_xml_radius.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/contrib/cparker/mod_xml_radius/mod_xml_radius.h	Mon Jun 29 15:51:08 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application Call Detail Recorder module
+ * Copyright 2006, Author: Yossi Neiman of Cartis Solutions, Inc. <freeswitch AT cartissolutions.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application Call Detail Recorder module
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Chris Parker <cparker AT segv.org>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Chris Parker <cparker AT segv.org>
+ *
+ * Description: Contains definitions and structs used by the radius cdr module.
+ *
+ * mod_radius_cdr.h
+ *
+ */
+#define	PW_FS_PEC		27880
+#define PW_FS_AVPAIR		1
+#define PW_FS_CLID		2
+#define PW_FS_DIALPLAN		3
+#define PW_FS_SRC		4
+#define PW_FS_DST		5
+#define PW_FS_SRC_CHANNEL	6
+#define PW_FS_DST_CHANNEL	7
+#define PW_FS_ANI		8
+#define PW_FS_ANIII		9
+#define PW_FS_LASTAPP		10
+#define PW_FS_LASTDATA		11
+#define PW_FS_BILLUSEC		15
+#define PW_FS_AMAFLAGS		16
+#define PW_FS_RDNIS		17
+#define PW_FS_CONTEXT		18
+#define PW_FS_SOURCE		19

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