[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r13893 - in freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc: . xml_odbc_templates

FreeSWITCH SVN ledr at freeswitch.org
Mon Jun 22 10:59:15 PDT 2009

Author: ledr
Date: Mon Jun 22 12:59:15 2009
New Revision: 13893

Variable expansion and queries work. Should implement some query validation as fs cores when it's wrong. Didn't figure out the (on..-)break-to yet.

   freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/structure.mysql.sql   (props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r13891, /freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/structure.sql
   freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/testdata.mysql.sql   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r13891, /freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/test_data.sql

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/mod_xml_odbc.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/mod_xml_odbc.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/mod_xml_odbc.c	Mon Jun 22 12:59:15 2009
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 static switch_bool_t debug = SWITCH_FALSE;
-static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_template(char *template, switch_hash_t *hash, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off);
-static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_tag(switch_xml_t xml_in, switch_hash_t *hash, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off);
+static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_template(char *template, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off);
+static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_tag(switch_xml_t xml_in, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off);
 #define XML_ODBC_SYNTAX "[debug_on|debug_off|render_template]"
@@ -92,14 +92,15 @@
 		debug = SWITCH_FALSE;
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "render_template")) {
 // TODO make it configurable what themplate is rendered instead of static "not_found"
-		int off = 0;
-		switch_xml_t xml_out = NULL;
-		switch_hash_t *hash;
-		if (switch_core_hash_init(&hash, globals.pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-//		    need_vars_map = -1; // does it need to be freed ? :)
-			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Can't init params hash!\n");
-		}
-		xml_odbc_render_template("not_found", hash, xml_out, &off);
+	//	int off = 0;
+	//	switch_xml_t xml_out = NULL;
+//		switch_hash_t *hash;
+	//	switch_event_t *params;
+//		if (switch_core_hash_init(&hash, globals.pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+////		    need_vars_map = -1; // does it need to be freed ? :)
+//			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Can't init params hash!\n");
+//		}
+	//	xml_odbc_render_template("not_found", params, xml_out, &off);
 	} else {
 		goto usage;
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
 	switch_xml_t xml_in;
 	switch_xml_t xml_out;
 	int *off;
-	switch_hash_t *hash;
+	switch_event_t *params;
 } xml_odbc_query_helper_t;
@@ -132,21 +133,21 @@
 	switch_xml_t xml_in_tmp;
 	int i;
-	/* set all columnName/argv key/value pairs in qh->hash */
 	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
-		switch_core_hash_insert(qh->hash, columnName[i], argv[i]); // does a hash insert overwrite old entries ?
+		switch_event_del_header(qh->params, columnName[i]);
+		switch_event_add_header_string(qh->params, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, columnName[i], argv[i]);
 	/* render all xml children */
 	for (xml_in_tmp = qh->xml_in->child; xml_in_tmp; xml_in_tmp = xml_in_tmp->ordered) {
-		xml_odbc_render_tag(xml_in_tmp, qh->hash, qh->xml_out, qh->off);
+		xml_odbc_render_tag(xml_in_tmp, qh->params, qh->xml_out, qh->off);
 	return 0;
-static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_tag(switch_xml_t xml_in, switch_hash_t *hash, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
+static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_tag(switch_xml_t xml_in, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
 	switch_xml_t xml_in_tmp = NULL;
 	int i;
@@ -155,35 +156,38 @@
     if (!strcasecmp(xml_in->name, "xml-odbc-do")) {
 		char *name = NULL;
-		char *value = NULL;
-		char *zero_rows_break_to = NULL;
+		char *value = NULL, *new_value = NULL;
+		char *empty_result_break_to = NULL;
 		char *no_template_break_to = NULL;
 		name = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_in, "name");
 		value = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_in, "value");
-		zero_rows_break_to = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_in, "on-zero-rows-break-to");
+		empty_result_break_to = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_in, "on-empty-result-break-to");
 		no_template_break_to = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(xml_in, "on-no-template-break-to");
-		if (!strcasecmp(name, "break-to") && !switch_strlen_zero(value)) { // WHAT TO DO WITH FURTHER RENDERING LOWER ON THE STACK ?!?!?!
-			xml_out = NULL;
-			off = 0; // <- ?
-			if (xml_odbc_render_template(value, hash, xml_out, off) == SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE) {
-				if (!switch_strlen_zero(no_template_break_to)) {
-					xml_odbc_render_template(no_template_break_to, hash, xml_out, off);
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (!strcasecmp(name, "query") && !switch_strlen_zero(value)) {
-			// do an auto expasion on value to replace all ${foo} parts based on switch_hash_t hash
-			query_helper.xml_in = xml_in;
-			query_helper.xml_out = xml_out;
-			query_helper.off = off;
-			query_helper.hash = hash;
-			if (switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec(globals.master_odbc, value, xml_odbc_query_callback, &query_helper) == SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) {
-				// nothing
-			} else if (!switch_strlen_zero(zero_rows_break_to)) { // if zero rows returned then switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS ??? 
+		if (!switch_strlen_zero(value)) {
+			new_value = switch_event_expand_headers(params, value);
+			if (!strcasecmp(name, "break-to")) { // WHAT TO DO WITH FURTHER RENDERING LOWER ON THE STACK ?!?!?!
 				xml_out = NULL;
 				off = 0; // <- ?
-				xml_odbc_render_template(zero_rows_break_to, hash, xml_out, off);
+				if (xml_odbc_render_template(new_value, params, xml_out, off) == SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE) {
+					if (!switch_strlen_zero(no_template_break_to)) {
+						xml_odbc_render_template(no_template_break_to, params, xml_out, off);
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(name, "query")) {
+				query_helper.xml_in = xml_in;
+				query_helper.xml_out = xml_out;
+				query_helper.off = off;
+				query_helper.params = params;
+				if (switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec(globals.master_odbc, new_value, xml_odbc_query_callback, &query_helper) == SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) {
+					// nothing
+				} else if (!switch_strlen_zero(empty_result_break_to)) { // if zero rows returned then switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS ??? 
+					xml_out = NULL;
+					off = 0; // <- ?
+					xml_odbc_render_template(empty_result_break_to, params, xml_out, off);
+				}
@@ -198,18 +202,16 @@
-//SWITCH_DECLARE(void *) switch_core_hash_find(_In_ switch_hash_t *hash, _In_z_ const char *key);
-logger((char *)switch_core_hash_find(hash, "domain"));
 		/* copy all attrs */
 		for (i = 0; xml_in->attr[i]; i+=2) {
-			// do an auto expasion on attr[i+1] to replace all ${foo} parts based on switch_hash_t hash
-			switch_xml_set_attr(xml_out, xml_in->attr[i], xml_in->attr[i+1]);
+			char *tmp_attr;
+			tmp_attr = switch_event_expand_headers(params, xml_in->attr[i+1]);
+			switch_xml_set_attr(xml_out, xml_in->attr[i], tmp_attr);
 		/* copy all children and render them */
 		for (xml_in_tmp = xml_in->child; xml_in_tmp; xml_in_tmp = xml_in_tmp->ordered) {
-			xml_odbc_render_tag(xml_in_tmp, hash, xml_out, off);
+			xml_odbc_render_tag(xml_in_tmp, params, xml_out, off);
@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@
-static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_template(char *template_name, switch_hash_t *hash, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
+static switch_status_t xml_odbc_render_template(char *template_name, switch_event_t *params, switch_xml_t xml_out, int *off)
 	switch_xml_t template_tag = NULL, sub_tag = NULL;
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@
 		char *template_tag_name = (char*) switch_xml_attr_soft(template_tag, "name");
 		if (!strcmp(template_tag_name, template_name)) {
 			for (sub_tag = template_tag->child; sub_tag; sub_tag = sub_tag->ordered) {
-				xml_odbc_render_tag(sub_tag, hash, xml_out, off);
+				xml_odbc_render_tag(sub_tag, params, xml_out, off);
@@ -247,7 +249,6 @@
 	xml_odbc_query_type_t query_type;
-	switch_hash_t *hash;
 	int off = 0, ret = 1;
@@ -270,22 +271,12 @@
 	if (params) {
 		if ((hi = params->headers)) {
-			/* initialize hash */
-			if (switch_core_hash_init(&hash, globals.pool) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-//			    need_vars_map = -1; // does it need to be freed ? :)
-				switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Can't init params hash!\n");
-			}
 			for (; hi; hi = hi->next) {
 				if (debug == SWITCH_TRUE) {
 					switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "DEBUG in xml_odbc_search, header [%s]=[%s]\n", hi->name, hi->value);
-				switch_core_hash_insert(hash, hi->name, hi->value); // prefix with 'h_' to avoid collision with keys returned by SELECT's ?
-			xml_odbc_render_template(globals.template, hash, xml_out, &off); // TODO globals.template should be replace with something specific for this section
+			xml_odbc_render_template(globals.template, params, xml_out, &off); // TODO globals.template should be replace with something specific for this section
 	} else {
 		goto cleanup;

Copied: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/testdata.mysql.sql (from r13891, /freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/test_data.sql)
--- /freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/test_data.sql	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/testdata.mysql.sql	Mon Jun 22 12:59:15 2009
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 INSERT INTO `dir_domain_variables` (`id`, `dir_domain_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (1, 1, 'dom_variable_name', 'dom_variable_value');
 INSERT INTO `dir_groups` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'prepay'), (2, 'annoying_customers');
 INSERT INTO `dir_groups_users` (`dir_group_id`, `dir_user_id`) VALUES (1, 1), (2, 1);
-INSERT INTO `dir_users` (`id`, `dir_domain_id`, `username`, `cidr`, `mailbox`, `number-alias`) VALUES (1, 1, 'someuser', NULL, 'leon at toyos.nl', '0031320227470');
+INSERT INTO `dir_users` (`id`, `dir_domain_id`, `username`, `enabled`, `cidr`, `mailbox`, `number-alias`) VALUES (1, 1, 'someuser', 1, NULL, 'test at test.com', '1234');
 INSERT INTO `dir_user_params` (`id`, `dir_user_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (1, 1, 'password', 'topsecret'), (2, 1, 'vm-password', '0000');
 INSERT INTO `dir_user_variables` (`id`, `dir_user_id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (1, 1, 'accountcode', '1234'), (2, 1, 'user_context', 'default'), (3, 1, 'vm_extension', '1234');

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc.conf.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc.conf.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc.conf.xml	Mon Jun 22 12:59:15 2009
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
     <binding name="directory">
       <param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch:freeswitch:secret"/>
-      <!-- <param name="template" value="directory"/> -->
+      <param name="template" value="directory"/>
       <!-- <param name="template" value="not_found"/> -->
-      <param name="template" value="someuser"/>
+      <!-- <param name="template" value="someuser"/> -->
+      <!-- <param name="template" value="testsql"/> -->
     <binding name="dialplan">
@@ -59,7 +60,15 @@
-    <template name="someuser">
+    <template name="testsql"> <!-- for testing only -->
+      <document type="freeswitch/xml">
+        <xml-odbc-do name="query" value="SELECT name, value FROM dir_user_params WHERE dir_user_id='1';">
+          <param name="${name}" value="${value}"/>
+        </xml-odbc-do>
+      </document>
+    </template>
+    <template name="someuser"> <!-- for testing only -->
       <document type="freeswitch/xml">
         <section name="directory">
           <domain name="${domain}">

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc_templates/directory.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc_templates/directory.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/ledr/mod_xml_odbc/xml_odbc_templates/directory.xml	Mon Jun 22 12:59:15 2009
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
   <template name="directory">
     <document type="freeswitch/xml">
-      <xml-odbc-do name="query" on-zero-rows-break-to="not_found" value="
+      <xml-odbc-do name="query" on-empty-result-break-to="not_found" value="
           dir_domains.id AS domain_id,
           dir_users.id AS user_id,
-          dir_users.username,
-          dir_users.number-alias
+          dir_users.`number-alias`
-          dir_users.${key} = '${user}' AND
+          dir_users.username = '${user}' AND
           dir_domains.name = '${domain}' AND
-          dir_users.domain_id = dir_domains.id AND
-          dir_users.enabled = 1;"/> <!-- TODO ${key} can be id when username is meant, but id is also int prim key on table -->
+          dir_users.dir_domain_id = dir_domains.id AND
+          dir_users.enabled = '1';"/>
       <section name="directory">
         <domain name="${domain}">
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@
                 <user id="${user}" mailbox="${mailbox}" cidr="${cidr}" number-alias="${number-alias}">
-                    <xml-odbc-do name="query" on-zero-rows-break-to="not_found" value="
+                    <xml-odbc-do name="query" on-empty-result-break-to="not_found" value="
                         name, value
@@ -77,10 +76,10 @@
-                dir_groups_users.dir_group_id
+                dir_groups_users.dir_group_id = dir_groups.id AND
                 dir_user_id = '${user_id}';">
               <group name="${group_name}">
-                <user id="${username}" type="pointer"/>
+                <user id="${user}" type="pointer"/>

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