[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r13722 - in freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp: . include

FreeSWITCH SVN jmesquita at freeswitch.org
Tue Jun 9 08:36:45 PDT 2009

Author: jmesquita
Date: Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
New Revision: 13722

Initial checkin of mod_khomp endpoint module


Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/Makefile
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/Makefile	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include ../../../../build/modmake.rules

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KDefs.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KDefs.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
+#if !defined KLDEFS_H
+#define KLDEFS_H
+#include "KTypeDefs.h"
+#include "KH100Defs.h"
+#include "KMixerDefs.h"
+#include "KR2D.h"
+#include "KErrorDefs.h"
+	Faixa de comandos:
+	0x00 - 0x3F: Comandos de operacao do canal
+	0x40 - 0x5F: Habilitacao de recursos
+	0x60 - 0x7F: Mixer (KMixerDefs.h)
+	0x80 - 0x8F: Especificos para R2 (KR2D.h)
+	0x90 - 0x9F: H100
+	0xA0 - 0xAF: Mais comandos de mixer
+    0xB0 - 0xCF: Vagos
+	0xD0 - 0xDF: Compatiblidade
+	0xF0 - 0xFE: Erros
+	0x8000 - 0xFF00: Configuracao
+Comandos de controle de ligação
+Call control commands
+#define CM_SEIZE					0x01
+/*	Solicita uma ocupação no canal.
+	Requests a seize in the channel.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0..20] - ANI (ascii, null terminated)
+#define CM_SYNC_SEIZE				0x02
+/*	Ocupa um canal, e retorna imediatamente o resultado.
+	Seizes a channel returning synchronously.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Events: (synchronous command)
+  Params:
+	[0..20] - ANI (ascii, null terminated)
+#define CM_SIP_REGISTER             0x03
+/*	Registra um usuario sip (somente para sinalizacao SIP)
+	Register a sip user (SIP singnaling only)
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the registration parameters.
+	The expected call parameters are:
+	Parameter:          		Required:	Description:
+	user                   		yes			User name
+	password              		no			User password
+	proxy                  		no			Proxy to register into
+	unregister          		no			Signal to unregister a previously registered user
+#define CM_DIAL_DTMF				0x04
+/*	Disca uma string terminada em 0 em DTMF.
+	Dial a null terminated string, in DTMF.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	String with the number to dial (ascii)
+#define CM_DISCONNECT				0x05
+/*	Desliga.
+	Disconnects.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_CONNECT					0x06
+/*	Atende uma chamada recebida.
+	Answers a incoming call.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_PRE_CONNECT				0x07
+/*	Habilita audio antes de enviar o comando atendimento (mensagem sem tarifacao).
+	Enable audio before send an answer command (no charged messages).
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_CAS_CHANGE_LINE_STT		0x08
+/*	Para sinalizacao do tipo personalizada, muda o estado dos bits ABCD de saida
+	For custom signaling changes forward ABCD bits state
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	[0] - New state
+#define CM_CAS_SEND_MFC				0x09
+/*	Para sinalizacao do tipo personalizada, envia uma nova cifra MFC
+	For custom signaling changes, sends a new MFC
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	[0] - New state
+/*	Programa um canal para ser prosseguir com as ligacoes de outro canal.
+	Sets the a channel to forward call from the actual channel.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	[0..3] - Pointer to an interger containing the forward channel number
+/*	Habilita e configura o detector de MFC para filtra sinais de entrada ou saida
+	Enables and configures the MFC detectors to filters incoming ou outgoing signals
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	[0] - kscFree( 0 )/kcsIncoming( 1 )/kcsOutgoing( 2 )
+/*	Derruba chamadas a cobrar, desligando a chamada e a atendendendo novamente após o
+    tempo configurado.
+	Drops collect calls by disconnecting and connecting again after the configured delay.
+#define CM_MAKE_CALL				0x0D
+/*	Realiza uma chamada (disponivel para sinalizacao SIP)
+	Make a call (available for SIP singnaling)
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the call parameters.
+	The expected call parameters are:
+	Parameter:          				Required:	Protocol:   Description:
+	dest_addr                           yes         ALL         Destiny's number (address)
+	orig_addr           		        yes         ALL         Caller number (address)
+	sip_to              				no          IP          Destiny's address/ID (same as dest_addr, can be used instead)
+	network_dest_addr   				no          IP          Destiny's/SIP Proxy network address
+	r2_categ_a                          no          R2          Caller Category
+	isdn_orig_type_of_number            no          ISDN        Caller type of number (KQ931TypeOfNumber, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_orig_numbering_plan            no          ISDN        Caller numbering plan (KQ931NumberingPlan, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_orig_presentation              no          ISDN        Callers presentation indicator (KQ931PresentationIndicator, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_dest_type_of_number            no          ISDN        Destiny's type of number
+	isdn_dest_numbering_plan            no          ISDN        Destiny's numbering plan
+#define CM_RINGBACK 				0x0E
+/*  Aceita ou rejeita a chamada entrante em qualquer sinalização, equivalente a CM_SEND_LINE_CONDITION para
+	o R2 Digital.
+    Accepts or reject an incomming call in any signaling, equivalent to CM_SEND_LINE_CONDITION in Digital R2.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+    Params:
+    A null terminated ascii string with the parameter to pass or NULL for default
+	The expected parameters are:
+	Parameter:			Protocol:	Description:
+	r2_cond_b			R2			Called party category. Note that if CM_SET_LINE_CONDITION was called before it
+									is not needed to call CM_RINGBACK, the category is sent automatically.
+	sip_prov_resp		IP			Sip Response, if present, sends a DISCONNECT with given response (reason),
+									default is to send a ringback to caller.
+	isdn_cause			ISDN		ISDN cause, if present, sends DISCONNECT with given cause, default is to
+									send alerting indication to caller.
+#define CM_USER_INFORMATION         0x0F
+/*  Envia dados sobre o canal HDLC, disponível somente para RDSI.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+    Params:
+    A pointer to a KUserInformation structure which has the following members:
+    ProtocolDescriptor - KQ931UserInfoProtocolDescriptor
+    UserInfoLength - Length of UserInfo data array
+    UserInfo - pointer to the data array to be transmitted
+#define CM_VOIP_SEIZE				0x23
+Bloqueio e desbloqueio de canais (E1)
+Channel locking and unlocking	 (E1)
+#define	CM_LOCK_INCOMING			0x10
+/*	Solicita à operadora o bloqueio de ligações entrantes.
+	Requests the central office a lock of incoming calls.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_UNLOCK_INCOMING			0x11
+/*	Solicita à operadora o desbloqueio de ligações entrantes.
+	Requests the central office to unlock incoming calls.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_LOCK_OUTGOING			0x12
+/*	Bloqueia ligações saintes..
+	Locks outgoing calls.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_UNLOCK_OUTGOING			0x13
+/*	Desbloqueia ligações saintes.
+	Unlocks outgoing calls.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_START_SEND_FAIL			0x14
+/*	Inicia envio de falha na linha.
+	Starts to send a fail signal in the line.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_STOP_SEND_FAIL			0x15
+/*	Para o envio de falha na linha.
+	Stop send a fail signal in the line.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_END_OF_NUMBER            0x16
+/*  Informa a sinalizacao que nao devem ser recebidos mais digitos de discagem
+    Notify singaling to dont receive more digits
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_SEND_SIP_DATA			0x17
+	Envia dados raw através de uma ligação SIP(só funciona com ligações K3L para K3L)
+	Send raw data throught a SIP call(works only with K3L to K3L calls)
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+    Params:
+    A pointer to a KSipData structure which has the following members:
+    DataLength - Length of data array
+    Data       - pointer to the data array to be transmitted
+#define CM_SS_TRANSFER              0x18
+/*  single step transfer, QSig signaling only!
+    Params:
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the call parameters.
+	The expected call parameters are:
+	Parameter:          		Required:	Type:       Description:
+    transferred_to              yes         int string  The number to be transferred to
+    await_connect               no          boolean     Await to be connected to the third party, default 0 (false)
+#define CM_GET_SMS                  0x19
+/* Verifica novas mensagens SMS
+   Check for new SMS messages
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_PREPARE_SMS              0x1A
+/* Armazena o texto a ser enviado via SMS
+   Store SMS text to send
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+   K3L_COMMAND.Params = A null terminated ascii string with the text
+#define CM_SEND_SMS                 0x1B
+/* Envia o ultimo SMS armazenado com CM_PREPARE_SMS
+   Send the last SMS stored with CM_PREPARE_SMS
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+   K3L_COMMAND.Params = A null terminated ascii string with the SMS params
+   Parameter:       Type:           Description:
+   sms_to           int             The number to be send
+   sms_coding       enum:           The message coding (Optional)
+                     iso88591        iso88591 converted to 7-bits GSM alphabet (Default)
+                     user            8-bits user-defined alphabet
+#define CM_SEND_TO_MODEM            0x1C
+/* Envia o comando para o Modem
+   Send command to Modem
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+   K3L_COMMAND.Params = A null terminated ascii string with the AT modem command
+#define CM_CHECK_NEW_SMS            0x1D
+/* Consulta sobre novos SMSs
+   Check for new SMSs arrived
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+   Events: EV_NEW_SMS
+/* Envia os parâmetros de Calling/Called Party Subaddress no SETUP da próxima ligação
+   Sends Calling/Called Party Subaddress information elements in next call's SETUP.
+   K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+   K3L_COMMAND.Params = A pointer to a KISDNSubaddresses structure 
+        containing both Calling and Called Party Subaddress, in the 
+        case of one of them is to be missing in the SETUP message, 
+        Subaddress Information Length should be set to 0 (zero).
+   See:
+        CM_MAKE_CALL
+        EV_NEW_CALL
+Ativacao de recursos
+Resource enabling
+	Habilita a supressao de DTMF
+	Enables dtmf suppression
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Desabilita a supressao de DTMF
+	Disables dtmf suppression
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Habilita os eventos de audio.
+	Enable audio events.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Desabilita os eventos de audio.
+	Disable audio events.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Habilita o call progress automatico.
+	Enable automatic call progress.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Desabilita o call progress automatico.
+	Disable automatic call progress.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_FLASH					0x36
+/*	Flash
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Habilita a detecção de Pulso(decádica)
+	Enables pulse detection
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Desabilita a detecção de Pulso(decádica)
+	Disables pulse detection
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Habilita o cancelamento de eco.
+	Enables echo cancelation
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Desabilita o cancelador de eco.
+	Disables echo cancelation.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_ENABLE_AGC				0x3B
+	Habilita o controle de ganho automático do canal.
+	Enable auto gain contol.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_DISABLE_AGC				0x3C
+	Desabilita o controle de ganho automático do canal.
+	Disable auto gain contol.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Habilita eventos e gravação de audio com a linha em alta impedância.
+	Enable audio events and record with high impedance line.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Desabilita eventos e gravação de audio com a linha em alta impedância.
+	Disable audio events and record with high impedance line.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Desabilita evento de informação de atendimento.
+	Disable call answer info event.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Habilita evento de informação de atendimento.
+	Enable call answer info event.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+Comandos de link e da placa (E1)
+Link and board commands (E1)
+#define CM_RESET_LINK				0xF1
+/*	Reinicia o link inteiro.
+	Resets the entire link.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = LinkNumber
+/*  Clears the error counters for the specified link.
+    Zera os contadores de erro para o link indicado.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = LinkNumber
+/*  Usado para liberar placas que estejam utilizando a proteção de integradores
+    Used to unlock boards that are using integrator protection.
+    Params:
+    	Pointer to an unsigned integer containing the security key for the board.
+    See:
+ Eventos enviados da placa ao host
+ Device to host sent events
+#define EV_CHANNEL_FREE				0x01
+/*	O canal está livre para uso
+	Channel ready for use
+#define EV_CONNECT					0x03
+/*	A chamada esta completa e os recursos de audio estao ativos.
+	Call completed. Audio resources ready.
+#define EV_DISCONNECT				0x04
+/*	O assinante B desligou.
+	Called part dropped the call.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Disconnect Cause (KQ931Cause if signaling is ISDN, zero otherwise)
+#define EV_CALL_SUCCESS				0x05
+/*	A chamada terá proceguimento. Na sinalização R2, o campo AddInfo informa a condição de B (Grupo B).
+	Call will proceed. In R2 signaling, field AddInfo contains B's condition (Group B).
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Called line condition (if in R2D)
+	Obs: Eventos consecutivos: EV_CONNECT (atendimento) ou EV_NO_ANSWER (ninguém atende).
+		 Following events: EV_CONNECT (answering) or EV_NO_ANSWER (nobody answers).
+#define EV_CALL_FAIL				0x06
+/*	A chamada não procederá. O campo AddInfo informa o motivo.
+	Call fails and will not proceed. Field AddInfo indicates the given reason.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Reason of disconnection.
+		R2		- Group B (KSignGroupB, KR2D.h)
+		ISDN	- ISDN cause (KQ931Cause, KISDN.h)
+		Analog 	- Cadence name that has been detected ('A'-'Z')
+    Obs: Eventos consecutivos: EV_CHANNEL_FREE
+		 Following events:     EV_CHANNEL_FREE
+#define EV_NO_ANSWER				0x07
+/*	Destino não atende.
+	Called does not answer.
+#define EV_BILLING_PULSE			0x08
+/*	Recebido um pulso de cobrança.
+	A billing pulse was received.
+#define EV_SEIZE_SUCCESS			0x09
+/*	A solicitação de ocupação assincrona foi bem sucedida.
+	The async seizure command was successful.
+#define EV_SEIZE_FAIL				0x0A
+/*	Falhas na ocupação assincrona.
+	Async seize fail.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Fail cause. (enum KSeizeFail)
+#define EV_SEIZURE_START			0x0B
+/*	Notificao de ocupacao do canal, inicio da sinalizacao.
+	Channel seizure notification, begin of signaling.
+/*	Notificacao de mudanca no estado da linha (ABCD)
+	Line state change notification (ABCD)
+#define EV_CAS_MFC_RECV				0x0D
+/*	Recebimento de cifra MFC
+	MFC digit received
+#define EV_NEW_CALL                 0x0E
+/*  Notificação de recebimento de chamada
+    Call arriving notification
+  Params:
+		A null terminated ascii string with the call parameters. To easily get the parameters, use
+	the k3lGetEventParam function.
+	The parameters that could be present are:
+	Parameter:					        Protocol:   Description:
+	dest_addr		                    ALL         Destiny's number (address)
+	orig_addr                           ALL         Caller number (address)
+	network_orig_addr                   IP          Caller SIP network address
+	r2_categ_a                          R2          Caller Category
+	isdn_orig_type_of_number            ISDN        Caller type of number (KQ931TypeOfNumber, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_orig_numbering_plan            ISDN        Caller numbering plan (KQ931NumberingPlan, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_orig_presentation              ISDN        Caller presentation indicator (KQ931PresentationIndicator, KISDN.h)
+    isdn_orig_screening                 ISDN        Caller screening indicator (KQ931ScreeningIndicator, KISDN.h)
+	isdn_dest_type_of_number            ISDN        Destiny's type of number
+	isdn_dest_numbering_plan            ISDN        Destiny's numbering plan
+	isdn_redirecting_number             ISDN        "TRUE" if call is being redirected
+	isdn_reverse_charge                 ISDN        "TRUE" if call is reverse charge (collect call)
+    isdn_has_subaddresses               ISDN        "TRUE" if call has subaddresses information (will be
+                                                    sent in EV_ISDN_SUBADDRESSES)
+#define EV_USER_INFORMATION         0x0F
+/*  Notificação de dados de usuário recebidos pelo HDLC em uma ligação RDSI.
+    User information received by HDLC in ISDN call.
+    Params:
+        A pointer to a KUserInformation structure, containing information and the data itself.
+#define EV_DIALED_DIGIT             0x10
+/*  Recebido digito de discagem
+    Dialing digit received
+    K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Digit (ascii)
+#define EV_SIP_REGISTER_INFO        0x11
+/*  Notificação de conclusao de registro
+    Register conclusion notification
+  Params:
+        A null terminated ascii string with the registration parameters.
+    The expected call parameters are:
+    Parameter:          		Description:
+    user                   		User name of registration
+    proxy                  		Registration proxy
+	unregister          		Signal that this the event represents a response to an user unregistration
+    K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = SIP Response. ( enum KSIP_Failures )
+#define EV_RING_DETECTED            0x12
+/*  Recebido ring em ramal analógico
+    Ringing received on analog branch
+    Only Available when High Impedance Events are disabled.
+    See:
+#define EV_ISDN_SUBADDRESSES        0x13
+/*  Chamada RDSI possuia informação de Subaddress na mensagem  SETUP
+    ISDN Call has subadress information in SETUP message
+   Params:
+        A pointer to a KISDNSubaddresses structure containing both
+        Calling and Called Party Subaddress, in the case of one of
+        them is missing in the SETUP message, Subaddress Information
+        Length will be set to 0 (zero).
+   See:
+        EV_NEW_CALL
+#define EV_CALL_HOLD_START			0x16
+/*  Indica se o canal entrou em espera
+    Indicates if a channel is being held
+#define EV_CALL_HOLD_STOP			0x17
+/*  Indica se o canal saiu da espera
+    Indicates if a channel left hold state
+#define EV_SS_TRANSFER_FAIL         0x18
+/*  Falha na transferencia do QSig!
+    QSig Single Step Transfer Fail   
+#define EV_FLASH                    0x19
+/*  Flash detectado
+    Flash detected
+/*  Recebimento do elemento de informação Progress Indicator
+	em canal RDSI.
+	Progress Indicator information element received in a
+	ISDN channel.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Progress Description (KQ931ProgressIndication, KISDN.h)
+#define EV_DTMF_DETECTED			0x20
+/*	Detectado dígito DTMF.
+	DTMF digit detected.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Detected digit (ascii)
+#define EV_DTMF_SEND_FINISH			0x21
+/*	Fim da discagem DTMF
+	DTMF dial complete
+#define EV_AUDIO_STATUS				0x22
+/*	Mudança no estado do audio do canal.
+	Audio status changed.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Audio detected. (enum KMixerTone)
+/*	Deteccao de uma cadencia no call progress.
+	Cadenced detected by automatic call progress.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Cadence index defined in config. file
+#define EV_END_OF_STREAM			0x24
+/*	Encontrado fim de arquivo ou de buffer na reprodução de áudio.
+	End of file or end of buffer reached during a play.
+#define EV_PULSE_DETECTED			0x25
+/*	Detectado dígito decádico.
+	PULSE digit detected.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Detected digit (ascii)
+/*  Detectada inversao de polaridade
+	Polarity reversal detected
+#define EV_CALL_ANSWER_INFO     	0x27
+/*  Indicates information about the call after connection
+	Indica o informações sobre a chamada quando ela é completada
+    Obs.: the indications are not precise in some cases
+          as indicações não são precisas em alguns casos
+    K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Call Info ( enum KCallStartInfo );
+#define EV_COLLECT_CALL          	0x28
+/*  Indicates an incoming collect call
+	Indica um ligação a cobrar entrante
+#define EV_SIP_DTMF_DETECTED        0x29
+/*	Detectado dígito DTMF out band em canais SIP(RFC2833/SIP EVENT).
+	Out  band DTMF digit detected in SIP channel(RFC2833/SIP EVENT).
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Detected digit (ascii)
+#define EV_SIP_DATA			        0x2A
+/*	Indica recepção de pacotes de dados enviado com o comando CM_SEND_SIP_DATA.
+	Indicates reception of data sent by CM_SEND_SIP_DATA command.
+    Params:
+    A pointer to a KSipData structure which has the following members:
+    DataLength - Length of data array
+    Data       - pointer to the data array
+#define EV_RECV_FROM_MODEM			0x42
+/* Eventos recebidos do modem
+   Events received from modem
+   K3L_EVENT.Params = A null terminated string with the events from modem
+#define EV_NEW_SMS                  0x43
+/* Indica a chegada de um novo SMS
+   Indicates a new SMS arrived
+#define EV_SMS_INFO                 0x44
+/* Recebido mensagem SMS
+   Received SMS message
+   K3L_EVENT.Params = A null terminated string with the sms parameters
+    Parameter:      Type    		Description:
+     sms_from       string            The number of sender
+     sms_date       string            Date that the message has been send
+     sms_size       int            Message size
+     sms_coding     enum:           The message alphabet
+                     iso88591        7-bits GSM alphabet converted to iso88591
+                     user            8-bits user-defined alphabet
+#define EV_SMS_DATA                 0x45
+/* Recebido mensagem SMS
+   Received SMS message
+   K3L_EVENT.Param = A null terminated string with the sms body
+#define EV_SMS_SEND_RESULT          0x46
+/* Indica o resultado do envio de SMS
+   Indicates de result of SMS send
+   K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Result code (KGsmCallCause)
+#define EV_CHANNEL_FAIL				0x30
+/*	Falhas relacionadas ao sistema.
+	System related fails.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Fail cause
+		R2		- KChannelFailCause, KErrorDefs.h
+		ISDN	- KQ931Cause, KISDN.h
+#define EV_REFERENCE_FAIL			0x31
+/*	Referncia de rede da mestre secundaria perdida.
+	Secundary master network reference lost.
+#define EV_INTERNAL_FAIL			0x32
+/*	Falha do sistema.
+	System internal fail.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Fail cause. (enum KInternalFail)
+#define EV_HARDWARE_FAIL			0x33
+/*	Usado apenas internamente.
+	Internal use only.
+#define EV_LINK_STATUS				0x34
+/*	Indica periodicamente variação nos contadores de erros dos links, se ocorrerem.
+    Indicates periodically link errors counters variations, if it did happens.
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Cause (enum KE1Status)
+    K3L_EVENT.ObjectId = koiLink
+#define EV_PHYSICAL_LINK_UP			0x35
+/*	Estabelecimento do link E1
+	Link up
+    K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Cause (enum KE1Status)
+    K3L_EVENT.ObjectId = koiLink
+#define EV_PHYSICAL_LINK_DOWN		0x36
+/*	Queda do link
+	Link down
+	K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Cause (enum KE1Status)
+    K3L_EVENT.ObjectId = koiLink
+/* Indica que a api cliente reconectou automaticamente com sucesso na api servidora
+   após uma falha de comunicação.
+   Signs that client api successfully connected to the server api after a communication
+   failure.
+/* Indica que a callback registrada para a audio listener foi desativada automaticamente após ficar 3 segundos sem resposta.
+   (somente quando a interface de buffers assincronos não está sendo utilizada)
+   Signs that a registered audio listener callback was automaticaly deactivated due to wait 3 seconds without response.
+   (only when assynchronous buffers interface is not used)
+/* Indica que o buffer da callback de áudio chegou ao limite e vai descartar alguns dados de áudio.
+   (somente para interface de buffers assincrona)
+   Signs that the audio callback buffer overflowed and will discard some audio samples.
+   (assynchronous buffers interface only)
+/* Indica que a placa está usando a proteção dos integradores
+   Indicates that the board is using the integrator protection.
+   Params:
+   		A NULL terminated string the should be use to send the device security key.
+   See:
+#define CM_SEND_DTMF				0xD1
+    Envia um dígito de discagem (DTMF).
+	Sends a dial digit (DTMF).
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Ascii of the digit
+#define CM_STOP_AUDIO 				0xD2
+	Para a gravção do canal.
+	Stops channel recording.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber/ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - 1 StopPlay (kTx)| 2 StopRx (kRx) | 3 StopBoth (kBoth)
+#define CM_HARD_RESET				0xF0
+/*	Reinicia uma placa.
+	Restarts a board.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = none
+#define EV_VOIP_SEIZURE					0x40
+    Foi solicitada uma ocupação de entrada.
+    DEPRECATED: Use EV_NEW_CALL instead
+	There is a incoming seize in a network resource.
+  Params:
+	[0..60] - DNIS (dialed number, ascii, null terminated)
+	[61..122] - ANI (dialer number, ascii, null terminated)
+#define EV_SEIZURE					0x41
+	Foi solicitada uma ocupação de entrada.
+	There is a incoming seize in a network resource.
+    K3L_EVENT.AddInfo = Category of A (R2)
+  Params:
+	[0..20] - DNIS (dialed number, ascii, null terminated)
+	[21..42] - ANI (dialer number, ascii, null terminated)

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KErrorDefs.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KErrorDefs.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Erros e falhas
+Errors and fails
+   #define FC_REMOTE_FAIL			0x01
+/*	Falha remota.
+	Remote fail.
+   #define FC_LOCAL_FAIL			0x02
+/*	Falha local.
+	Local fail.
+   #define FC_REMOTE_LOCK			0x03
+/*	Canal bloqueado remotamente.
+	Channel remotely locked.
+   #define FC_LINE_SIGNAL_FAIL		0x04
+/*	Falha na sinalização de linha.
+	Line signaling fail.
+   #define FC_ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_FAIL	0x05
+/*	Falha na sinalização de registro.
+	Register signaling fail.
+enum KChannelFail
+	kfcRemoteFail = FC_REMOTE_FAIL,
+	kfcLocalFail = FC_LOCAL_FAIL,
+	kfcRemoteLock = FC_REMOTE_LOCK,
+	kfcLineSignalFail = FC_LINE_SIGNAL_FAIL,
+	kfcAcousticSignalFail = FC_ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_FAIL
+   #define ER_INTERRUPT_CTRL		0x01
+/*  Falha no controlador de interrupções
+	Interrupt controller fail
+   #define ER_COMMUNICATION_FAIL	0x02
+/*  Falha na comunicação com a interface
+	Interface communication fail
+   #define ER_PROTOCOL_FAIL			0x03
+/*	Falha no tratamento do protocolo de comunicação
+	Protocol fail
+   #define ER_INTERNAL_BUFFER		0x04
+/*  Erro interno na API
+	API internal error
+	#define ER_MONITOR_BUFFER		0x05
+/*	Erro no buffer de monitoração
+	Monitor buffer error 
+	#define ER_INITIALIZATION		0x06
+/*	Falha na inicialização do sistema
+	Initialization fail
+	#define ER_INTERFACE_FAIL		0x07
+/*	A interface nao responde
+	Interface is dead
+	#define ER_CLIENT_COMM_FAIL		0x08
+/*	Falha do cliente na comunicacao cliente/servidor
+	Client fails in client/server communication
+	#define ER_POLL_CTRL			0x09
+/*	Falha no controle de polling
+	Polling control fail
+	#define ER_EVT_BUFFER_CTRL		0x0A
+/*	Falha da API no controle de buffer circular de eventos
+	Circular buffer event control fails
+/*	Valor invalido em arquivo de configuracao
+	Invalid configuration value
+/*	Falha generica. Dados sobre o erro encontrados nos logs
+	Generic fail. See logs for more information
+enum KInternalFail
+	kifInterruptCtrl = ER_INTERRUPT_CTRL,
+	kifCommunicationFail = ER_COMMUNICATION_FAIL,
+	kifProtocolFail = ER_PROTOCOL_FAIL,
+	kifInternalBuffer = ER_INTERNAL_BUFFER,
+	kifMonitorBuffer = ER_MONITOR_BUFFER,
+	kifInitialization = ER_INITIALIZATION,
+	kifInterfaceFail = ER_INTERFACE_FAIL,
+	kifClientCommFail = ER_CLIENT_COMM_FAIL
+   #define FS_CHANNEL_LOCKED		0x01
+/*	Ocupação negada por bloqueio de saída.
+	The channel is locally locked for outgoing calls.
+   #define FS_INCOMING_CHANNEL		0x02
+/*	Canal liberado somente para entrada.
+	Channel is only for income calls.
+   #define FS_CHANNEL_NOT_FREE		0x03
+/*	Canal ocupado ou com falha.
+	Channel busy.
+   #define FS_DOUBLE_SEIZE			0x04
+/*	Dupla ocupação (canal recebeu uma ocupação ao invés de uma confirmação).
+	Double seize (channel receives a seize instead of a seize confirmation).
+   #define FS_LOCAL_CONGESTION		0x06
+/*	Congestionamento local
+	Local congestion
+   #define FS_NO_DIAL_TONE			0x07
+/*	Sem tom de discagem (utilizado na analogica)
+	No dial tone (analog lines)
+enum KSeizeFail
+	ksfChannelLocked = FS_CHANNEL_LOCKED,
+	ksfIncomingChannel = FS_INCOMING_CHANNEL,
+	ksfChannelBusy = FS_CHANNEL_NOT_FREE,
+	ksfDoubleSeizure = FS_DOUBLE_SEIZE,
+	ksfCongestion = FS_LOCAL_CONGESTION,
+	ksfNoDialTone = FS_NO_DIAL_TONE

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KGSM.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KGSM.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#ifndef KGSM_H
+#define KGSM_H
+ * KGsmCallCause: Causes for Call Fail
+ */
+enum KGsmCallCause
+    kgccNone                      = 0,
+    kgccUnallocatedNumber         = 1,
+    kgccNoRouteToDest             = 3,
+    kgccChannelUnacceptable       = 6,
+    kgccOperatorDeterminedBarring = 8,
+    kgccNormalCallClear           = 16,
+    kgccUserBusy                  = 17,
+    kgccNoUserResponding          = 18,
+    kgccNoAnswerFromUser          = 19,
+    kgccCallRejected              = 21,
+    kgccNumberChanged             = 22,
+    kgccNonSelectedUserClear      = 26,
+    kgccDestinationOutOfOrder     = 27,
+    kgccInvalidNumberFormat       = 28,
+    kgccFacilityRejected          = 29,
+    kgccRespStatusEnquiry         = 30,
+    kgccNormalUnspecified         = 31,
+    kgccNoCircuitChannelAvail     = 34,
+    kgccNetworkOutOfOrder         = 38,
+    kgccTemporaryFailure          = 41,
+    kgccSwitchCongestion          = 42,
+    kgccAccessInfoDiscarded       = 43,
+    kgccRequestedChannelUnav      = 44,
+    kgccResourceUnavailable       = 47,
+    kgccQosUnavailable            = 49,
+    kgccReqFacilityNotSubsc       = 50,
+    kgccCallBarredWitchCUG        = 55,
+    kgccBearerCapabNotAuthor      = 57,
+    kgccBearerCapabNotAvail       = 58,
+    kgccServiceNotAvailable       = 63,
+    kgccBcNotImplemented          = 65,
+    kgccReqFacilityNotImplem      = 69,
+    kgccOnlyRestrictedBcAvail     = 70,
+    kgccServiceNotImplemented     = 79,
+    kgccInvalidCrv                = 81,
+    kgccUserNotMemberOfCUG        = 82,
+    kgccIncompatibleDestination   = 88,
+    kgccInvalidTransitNetSel      = 91,
+    kgccInvalidMessage            = 95,
+    kgccMissingMandatoryIe        = 96,
+    kgccMsgTypeNotImplemented     = 97,
+    kgccMsgIncompatWithState      = 98,
+    kgccIeNotImplemented          = 99,
+    kgccInvalidIe                 = 100,
+    kgccMsgIncompatWithState2     = 101,
+    kgccRecoveryOnTimerExpiry     = 102,
+    kgccProtocolError             = 111,
+    kgccInterworking              = 127,
+ *  KGsmMobileCause: Causes of Mobile Equipment Fail
+ */
+enum KGsmMobileCause
+    kgmcPhoneFailure                = 0,
+    kgmcNoConnectionToPhone         = 1,
+    kgmcPhoneAdaptorLinkReserved    = 2,
+    kgmcOperationNotAllowed         = 3,
+    kgmcOperationNotSupported       = 4,
+    kgmcPH_SIMPINRequired           = 5,
+    kgmcPH_FSIMPINRequired          = 6,
+    kgmcPH_FSIMPUKRequired          = 7,
+    kgmcSIMNotInserted              = 10,
+    kgmcSIMPINRequired              = 11,
+    kgmcSIMPUKRequired              = 12,
+    kgmcSIMFailure                  = 13,
+    kgmcSIMBusy                     = 14,
+    kgmcSIMWrong                    = 15,
+    kgmcIncorrectPassword           = 16,
+    kgmcSIMPIN2Required             = 17,
+    kgmcSIMPUK2Required             = 18,
+    kgmcMemoryFull                  = 20,
+    kgmcInvalidIndex                = 21,
+    kgmcNotFound                    = 22,
+    kgmcMemoryFailure               = 23,
+    kgmcTextStringTooLong           = 24,
+    kgmcInvalidCharInTextString     = 25,
+    kgmcDialStringTooLong           = 26,
+    kgmcInvalidCharInDialString     = 27,
+    kgmcNoNetworkService            = 30,  
+    kgmcNetworkTimeout              = 31,  
+    kgmcNetworkNotAllowed           = 32,
+    kgmcCommandAborted              = 33,
+    kgmcNumParamInsteadTextParam    = 34,
+    kgmcTextParamInsteadNumParam    = 35,
+    kgmcNumericParamOutOfBounds     = 36,
+    kgmcTextStringTooShort          = 37,
+    kgmcNetworkPINRequired          = 40,
+    kgmcNetworkPUKRequired          = 41,
+    kgmcNetworkSubsetPINRequired    = 42,
+    kgmcNetworkSubnetPUKRequired    = 43,
+    kgmcServiceProviderPINRequired  = 44,
+    kgmcServiceProviderPUKRequired  = 45,
+    kgmcCorporatePINRequired        = 46,
+    kgmcCorporatePUKRequired        = 47,
+    kgmcSIMServiceOptNotSupported   = 60,
+    kgmcUnknown                     = 100,
+    kgmcIllegalMS_N3                = 103,
+    kgmcIllegalME_N6                = 106,
+    kgmcGPRSServicesNotAllowed_N7   = 107,
+    kgmcPLMNNotAllowed_No11         = 111,
+    kgmcLocationAreaNotAllowed_N12  = 112,
+    kgmcRoamingNotAllowed_N13       = 113,
+    kgmcServiceOptNotSupported_N32  = 132,
+    kgmcReqServOptNotSubscribed_N33 = 133,
+    kgmcServOptTempOutOfOrder_N34   = 134,
+    kgmcLongContextActivation       = 147,
+    kgmcUnspecifiedGPRSError        = 148,
+    kgmcPDPAuthenticationFailure    = 149,
+    kgmcInvalidMobileClass          = 150,
+    kgmcGPRSDisconnectionTmrActive  = 151,
+    kgmcTooManyActiveCalls          = 256,
+    kgmcCallRejected                = 257,
+    kgmcUnansweredCallPending       = 258,
+    kgmcUnknownCallingError         = 259,
+    kgmcNoPhoneNumRecognized        = 260,
+    kgmcCallStateNotIdle            = 261,
+    kgmcCallInProgress              = 262,
+    kgmcDialStateError              = 263,
+    kgmcUnlockCodeRequired          = 264,
+    kgmcNetworkBusy                 = 265,
+    kgmcInvalidPhoneNumber          = 266,
+    kgmcNumberEntryAlreadyStarted   = 267,
+    kgmcCancelledByUser             = 268,
+    kgmcNumEntryCouldNotBeStarted   = 269,
+    kgmcDataLost                    = 280,
+    kgmcInvalidBessageBodyLength    = 281,
+    kgmcInactiveSocket              = 282,
+    kgmcSocketAlreadyOpen           = 283
+ *  KGsmSmsCause: Causes of SMS Fail
+ */
+enum KGsmSmsCause
+    kgscUnassigned                  = 1,
+    kgscOperatorDeterminedBarring   = 8,
+    kgscCallBarred                  = 10,
+    kgscSMSTransferRejected         = 21,
+    kgscDestinationOutOfService     = 27,
+    kgscUnidentifiedSubscriber      = 28,
+    kgscFacilityRejected            = 29,
+    kgscUnknownSubscriber           = 30,
+    kgscNetworkOutOfOrder           = 38,
+    kgscTemporaryFailure            = 41,
+    kgscCongestion                  = 42,
+    kgscResourcesUnavailable        = 47,
+    kgscFacilityNotSubscribed       = 50,
+    kgscFacilityNotImplemented      = 69,
+    kgscInvalidSMSTransferRefValue  = 81,
+    kgscInvalidMessage              = 95,
+    kgscInvalidMandatoryInformation = 96,
+    kgscMessageTypeNonExistent      = 97,
+    kgscMsgNotCompatWithSMProtState = 98,
+    kgscInformationElementNonExiste = 99,
+    kgscProtocolError               = 111,
+    kgscInterworking                = 127,
+    kgscTelematicInterworkingNotSup = 128,
+    kgscSMSTypeZeroNotSupported     = 129,
+    kgscCannotReplaceSMS            = 130,
+    kgscUnspecifiedTPPIDError       = 143,
+    kgscAlphabetNotSupported        = 144,
+    kgscMessageClassNotSupported    = 145,
+    kgscUnspecifiedTPDCSError       = 159,
+    kgscCommandCannotBeActioned     = 160,
+    kgscCommandUnsupported          = 161,
+    kgscUnspecifiedTPCommandError   = 175,
+    kgscTPDUNotSupported            = 176,
+    kgscSCBusy                      = 192,
+    kgscNoSCSubscription            = 193,
+    kgscSCSystemFailure             = 194,
+    kgscInvalidSMEAddress           = 195,
+    kgscDestinationSMEBarred        = 196,
+    kgscSMRejectedDuplicateSM       = 197,
+    kgscTPVPFNotSupported           = 198,
+    kgscTPVPNotSupported            = 199,
+    kgscSIMSMSStorageFull           = 208,
+    kgscNoSMSStorageCapabilityInSIM = 209,
+    kgscErrorInMS                   = 210,
+    kgscMemoryCapacityExceeded      = 211,
+    kgscSIMDataDownloadError        = 213,
+    kgscUnspecifiedError            = 255,
+    kgscPhoneFailure                = 300,
+    kgscSmsServiceReserved          = 301,
+    kgscOperationNotAllowed         = 302,
+    kgscOperationNotSupported       = 303,
+    kgscInvalidPDUModeParameter     = 304,
+    kgscInvalidTextModeParameter    = 305,
+    kgscSIMNotInserted              = 310,
+    kgscSIMPINNecessary             = 311,
+    kgscPH_SIMPINNecessary          = 312,
+    kgscSIMFailure                  = 313,
+    kgscSIMBusy                     = 314,
+    kgscSIMWrong                    = 315,
+    kgscMemoryFailure               = 320,
+    kgscInvalidMemoryIndex          = 321,
+    kgscMemoryFull                  = 322,
+    kgscSMSCAddressUnknown          = 330,
+    kgscNoNetworkService            = 331,
+    kgscNetworkTimeout              = 332,
+    kgscUnknownError                = 500,
+    kgscNetworkBusy                 = 512,
+    kgscInvalidDestinationAddress   = 513,
+    kgscInvalidMessageBodyLength    = 514,
+    kgscPhoneIsNotInService         = 515,
+    kgscInvalidPreferredMemStorage  = 516,
+    kgscUserTerminated              = 517

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KH100Defs.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KH100Defs.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#if !defined KH100DEFS_H
+#define KH100DEFS_H
+Comandos do H100
+H100 commands
+#define CM_SEND_TO_CTBUS			0x90
+	Liga o TX do canal especificado a um determinado Stream/Timeslot do ctbus.
+	Link the TX of the specified channel to the specified ctbus stream/timeslot
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Ctbus stream
+	[1] - Ctbus timeslot
+	[2] - Start/Stop
+#define CM_RECV_FROM_CTBUS			0x91
+/*	Liga o RX do canal especificado a um determinado Stream/Timeslot do ctbus.
+	Link the RX of the specified channel to the specified ctbus stream/timeslot
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Params:
+	[0] - Ctbus stream
+	[1] - Ctbus timeslot
+	[2] - Start/Stop
+#define CM_SEND_RANGE_TO_CTBUS		0x92
+	Liga o TX dos canais especificados aos determinados Stream/Timeslots do ctbus.
+	Link the TX of the specified channels to the specified ctbus stream/timeslots
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = First channel to be used in the block
+  Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the command parameters.
+	The expected call parameters are:
+	Parameter:          		Required:	Description:
+	range_count           		yes			Number of channels in the block
+	stream              		yes			Stream of the H100 BUS
+	first_timeslot     		    yes		    First timeslot, it´s linked with the first channel
+    enabled                     no          if true enable the transmission, else disable it. Default value is true.
+#define CM_SETUP_H100				0x93
+/*	Este comando está obsoleto e não é mais processado pela API, a configuração 
+    deve ser feita utilizando o aplicativo KConfig.
+	This command is deprecated and is no longer supported, this configuration 
+	should be done using KConfig.
+	------
+	Configura a iteração entre a placa e o ctbus
+	Sets up the iteration between the board and the ctbus
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = Command*
+  Params:
+    [0] - Params*
+  * See documentation 
+	Command definitions will be finded in KH100Defs.h
+enum KH100ConfigIndex
+	khciDeviceMode = 0,
+	khciMasterGenClock = 1,
+	khciCTNetRefEnable = 4,
+	khciSCbusEnable = 6,
+	khciHMVipEnable = 7,
+	khciMVip90Enable = 8,
+	khciCTbusDataEnable = 9,
+	khciCTbusFreq03_00 = 10,
+	khciCTbusFreq07_04 = 11,
+	khciCTbusFreq11_08 = 12,
+	khciCTbusFreq15_12 = 13,
+	khciMax = 14,
+	khciMasterDevId = 20,
+	khciSecMasterDevId = 21,
+	khciCtNetrefDevId = 22,
+    khciMaxH100ConfigIndex
+// enumerados usados juntamente a estrutura K3L_H100_STATUS
+enum KMasterPLLClockReference
+    h100_Ref_FreeRun = 0,
+    h100_Ref_holdover = 1,
+	h100_Automatic = 2,
+    h100_Ref_ctnetref = 7,
+    h100_Ref_link0 = 8,
+    h100_Ref_link1 = 9
+enum KSlavePLLClockReference
+    h100_PllLoc_ClkA = 0,
+    h100_PllLoc_ClkB = 1,
+    h100_PllLoc_SCBus = 2,
+    h100_PllLoc_MVIP90 = 3,
+    h100_PllLoc_Link0 = 4,
+    h100_PllLoc_Link1 = 5,
+    h100_PllLoc_Error = 6
+Configura o H100. Este comando é na verdade um grupo de comandos de configuração.
+#define H100_DEVICE_MODE				khciDeviceMode
+// Define o modo de operação da placa.
+	enum KH100Mode
+	{
+		h100_Slave,
+		h100_Master,
+		h100_StandbyMaster,
+		h100_Diagnostic,
+		h100_NotConnected
+	};
+#define H100_MASTER_GEN_CLOCK			khciMasterGenClock
+// Define qual o clock a ser gerado (A ou B) no CTbus caso a placa seja ou venha a ser a master
+	enum KH100SelectCtbusClock
+	{
+		h100_scClockA,
+		h100_scClockB
+	};
+// trier - changes... :)
+#define H100_CT_NETREF_ENABLE			khciCTNetRefEnable
+// Habilita ou desabilita e programa a freq. de geração do CT_NETREF. 
+	enum KH100CtNetref
+	{
+		h100_nrOff,
+		h100_nrEnable
+	};
+#define	H100_SCBUS_ENABLE				khciSCbusEnable
+// Habilita ou desabilita e configura o clock da geração da referência do scbus.
+	enum KH100ScbusEnable
+	{
+		h100_seOff,
+		h100_seOn2Mhz,
+		h100_seOn4Mhz,
+		h100_seOn8Mhz
+	};
+#define H100_HMVIP_ENABLE				khciHMVipEnable
+// Habilita ou desabilita a geração da referência do HMVIP.
+// 1 - On, 0 - Off KH100Enable
+#define H100_MVIP90_ENABLE				khciMVip90Enable
+// Habilita ou desabilita a geração da referência do MVIP90.
+// 1 - On, 0 - Off KH100Enable
+#define H100_CTBUS_DATA_ENABLE			khciCTbusDataEnable
+// Habilita ou desabilita a transmissao de dados no CTbus.
+// 1 - On, 0 - Off KH100Enable
+enum KH100Enable
+	h100_On = 0x01,
+	h100_Off = 0x00
+#define H100_CTBUS_FREQ_03_00			khciCTbusFreq03_00
+#define H100_CTBUS_FREQ_07_04			khciCTbusFreq07_04
+#define H100_CTBUS_FREQ_11_08			khciCTbusFreq11_08
+#define H100_CTBUS_FREQ_15_12			khciCTbusFreq15_12
+// Configura a frequência de geração dos clocks do ctbus em blocos de 4 streams conforme a
+// especificação do H100. Bloco 0, streams de 0 a 3, bloco 1, de 4 a 7, etc..
+// As stream de 16 a 31 estarão sempre em 8Mhz conforme especificação.
+enum KH100CtbusFreq
+	h100_cf_2Mhz	=	0,
+	h100_cf_4Mhz	=	1,
+	h100_cf_8Mhz	=	2 

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KISDN.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KISDN.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#ifndef _KISDN_H_
+#define _KISDN_H_
+#define KMAX_USER_USER_LEN              32
+    KQ931Cause: Causes for disconnection and/or fails.
+ */
+enum KQ931Cause
+    kq931cNone                    			= 0,
+    kq931cUnallocatedNumber       			= 1,
+    kq931cNoRouteToTransitNet     			= 2,
+    kq931cNoRouteToDest           			= 3,
+	kq931cSendSpecialInfoTone				= 4,
+	kq931cMisdialedTrunkPrefix				= 5,
+    kq931cChannelUnacceptable     			= 6,
+    kq931cCallAwarded             			= 7,
+	kq931cPreemption						= 8,
+	kq931cPreemptionCircuitReuse			= 9,
+	kq931cQoR_PortedNumber					= 14,
+    kq931cNormalCallClear         			= 16,
+    kq931cUserBusy                			= 17,
+    kq931cNoUserResponding        			= 18,
+    kq931cNoAnswerFromUser        			= 19,
+	kq931cSubscriberAbsent					= 20,
+    kq931cCallRejected            			= 21,
+    kq931cNumberChanged           			= 22,
+	kq931cRedirectionToNewDest				= 23,
+	kq931cCallRejectedFeatureDest			= 24,
+	kq931cExchangeRoutingError				= 25,
+    kq931cNonSelectedUserClear    			= 26,
+    kq931cDestinationOutOfOrder   			= 27,
+    kq931cInvalidNumberFormat     			= 28,
+    kq931cFacilityRejected        			= 29,
+    kq931cRespStatusEnquiry       			= 30,
+    kq931cNormalUnspecified       			= 31,
+    kq931cNoCircuitChannelAvail   			= 34,
+    kq931cNetworkOutOfOrder       			= 38,
+	kq931cPermanentFrameConnOutOfService	= 39,
+	kq931cPermanentFrameConnOperational		= 40,
+    kq931cTemporaryFailure          		= 41,
+    kq931cSwitchCongestion          		= 42,
+    kq931cAccessInfoDiscarded       		= 43,
+    kq931cRequestedChannelUnav      		= 44,
+	kq931cPrecedenceCallBlocked				= 46,
+    kq931cResourceUnavailable       		= 47,
+    kq931cQosUnavailable            		= 49,
+    kq931cReqFacilityNotSubsc       		= 50,
+	kq931cOutCallsBarredWithinCUG			= 53,
+	kq931cInCallsBarredWithinCUG			= 55,
+    kq931cBearerCapabNotAuthor      		= 57,
+    kq931cBearerCapabNotAvail       		= 58,
+	kq931cInconsistency						= 62,
+    kq931cServiceNotAvailable       		= 63,
+    kq931cBcNotImplemented          		= 65,
+    kq931cChannelTypeNotImplem      		= 66,
+    kq931cReqFacilityNotImplem      		= 69,
+    kq931cOnlyRestrictedBcAvail     		= 70,
+    kq931cServiceNotImplemented     		= 79,
+    kq931cInvalidCrv                		= 81,
+    kq931cChannelDoesNotExist       		= 82,
+    kq931cCallIdDoesNotExist        		= 83,
+    kq931cCallIdInUse               		= 84,
+    kq931cNoCallSuspended           		= 85,
+    kq931cCallIdCleared             		= 86,
+	kq931cUserNotMemberofCUG				= 87,
+    kq931cIncompatibleDestination   		= 88,
+    kq931cInvalidTransitNetSel      		= 91,
+    kq931cInvalidMessage            		= 95,
+    kq931cMissingMandatoryIe        		= 96,
+    kq931cMsgTypeNotImplemented     		= 97,
+    kq931cMsgIncompatWithState      		= 98,
+    kq931cIeNotImplemented          		= 99,
+    kq931cInvalidIe                 		= 100,
+    kq931cMsgIncompatWithState2     		= 101,
+    kq931cRecoveryOnTimerExpiry     		= 102,
+    kq931cProtocolError             		= 103,
+	kq931cMessageWithUnrecognizedParam		= 110,
+	kq931cProtocolErrorUnspecified			= 111,
+    kq931cInterworking              		= 127,
+    kq931cCallConnected             		= 128,
+    kq931cCallTimedOut              		= 129,
+    kq931cCallNotFound              		= 130,
+    kq931cCantReleaseCall           		= 131,
+    kq931cNetworkFailure            		= 132,
+    kq931cNetworkRestart            		= 133,
+    kq931cLastValidCause            		= kq931cNetworkRestart,
+    KQ931ProgressIndication: Used internally to indicate and to be informed of the 
+    presence of call control tones in band.
+ */
+enum KQ931ProgressIndication
+    kq931pTonesMaybeAvailable       = 1,
+    kq931pDestinationIsNonIsdn      = 2,
+    kq931pOriginationIsNonIsdn      = 3,
+    kq931pCallReturnedToIsdn        = 4,
+    kq931pTonesAvailable            = 8,
+    KQ931Hlc: High Layer compatibility: Used internally to indicate the call content
+    ('kq931hTelefony' is always sent).
+ */
+enum KQ931Hlc
+    kq931hTelefony                  = 0x81,
+    k1931hFaxGroup23                = 0x84,
+    k1931hFaxGroup4                 = 0xa1,
+    kq931hTeletexF184               = 0xa4,
+    kq931hTeletexF220               = 0xa8,
+    kq931hTeletexf200               = 0xb1,
+    kq931hVideotex                  = 0xb2,
+    kq931hTelexF60                  = 0xb5,
+    kq931hMhs                       = 0xb8,
+    kq931hOsiApp                    = 0xc1,
+    kq931hMaintenance               = 0xde,
+    kq931hManagement                = 0xdf,
+    KQ931BearerCapability: Used internally to indicate the call bearer's capability
+    (can be changed in KConfig).
+ */
+enum KQ931BearerCapability
+    kq931bSpeech                    = 0x00,
+    kq931bUnrestrictedDigital       = 0x08,
+    kq931bAudio31kHz                = 0x10,
+    kq931bAudio7kHz                 = 0x11,
+    kq931bVideo                     = 0x18,
+    KQ931TypeOfNumber: Indicates the caller/called party type of number. Defaults to
+    'kq931tUnknownNumber', but can be changed by a parameter in CM_MAKE_CALL.
+enum KQ931TypeOfNumber
+    kq931tUnknownNumber             = 0x00,
+    kq931tInternationalNumber       = 0x10,
+    kq931tNationalNumber            = 0x20,
+    kq931tNetworkSpecificNumber     = 0x30,
+    kq931tSubscriberNumber          = 0x40,
+    kq931tAbbreviatedNumber         = 0x60,
+    kq931tReservedNumber            = 0x70,
+    kq931tDefaultNumber             = kq931tUnknownNumber,
+    KQ931NumberingPlan: Indicates the caller/called party numbering plan. Defaults to
+    'kq931pUnknownPlan', but can be changed by a parameter in CM_MAKE_CALL.
+ */
+enum KQ931NumberingPlan
+    kq931pUnknownPlan               = 0x00,
+    kq931pIsdnPlan                  = 0x01,
+    kq931pDataPlan                  = 0x03,
+    kq931pTelexPlan                 = 0x04,
+    kq931pNationalPlan              = 0x08,
+    kq931pPrivatePlan               = 0x09,
+    kq931pReservedPlan              = 0x0F,
+    kq931pDefaultPlan               = kq931pUnknownPlan,
+    KQ931UserInfoProtocolDescriptor: Used in 'struct KUserInformation' (declared in k3l.h) to indicate
+    the protocol that is being used with the CM_USER_INFORMATION command.
+ */
+enum KQ931UserInfoProtocolDescriptor
+    kq931uuUserSpecific             = 0x00,
+    kq931uuOSI_HighLayer            = 0x01,
+    kq931uuX244                     = 0x02,
+    kq931uuIA5_Chars                = 0x04,
+    kq931uuX208_X209                = 0x05,
+    kq931uuV120                     = 0x07,
+    kq931uuQ931_CallControl         = 0x08,
+    kq931uuNational                 = 0x40 //MASK
+enum KQ931PresentationIndicator
+	kq931piPresentationAllowed					= 0x00,
+	kq931piPresentationRestricted				= 0x01,
+	kq931piNumberNotAvailableDueToInterworking	= 0x02,
+enum KQ931ScreeningIndicator
+	kq931siUserProvidedNotScreened				= 0x00,
+	kq931siUserProvidedVerifiedAndPassed		= 0x01,
+	kq931siUserProvidedVerifiedAndFailed		= 0x02,
+	kq931siNetworkProvided						= 0x03,
+enum KQ931TypeOfSubaddress
+    kq931tsNSAP                                 = 0x00,
+    kq931tsUserSpecified                        = 0x01,
+#endif //_KISDN_H_

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KMixerDefs.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KMixerDefs.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+Comandos de controle do mixer
+Mixer control commands
+#define CM_MIXER					0x60
+/*	Envia um comando para o mixer associado ao canal.
+	Sends a command to a channel associated mixer.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+  Params:
+  	A pointer to a KMixerCommand strutcture which has the following members
+	Track - Track index
+	Source - Audio source (KMixerSource, k3l.h)
+	SourceIndex - Channel number or generator code
+#define CM_CLEAR_MIXER				0x61
+/*	Coloca todas as trilhas do mixer em silêncio.
+	Sets all mixer tracks to silent.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+#define CM_PLAY_FROM_FILE			0x62
+/*	Reproduz um arquivo de audio
+	Play an audio file
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+    Events: EV_END_OF_STREAM
+  Params: 
+	FileName (null terminated)
+#define CM_RECORD_TO_FILE			0x63
+/*	Inicia gravaçao de audio em arquivo
+	Starts audio recording in file
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+  Params: 
+	FileName (null terminated)
+#define CM_PLAY_FROM_STREAM			0x64 
+/*	Reproduz um buffer de audio
+	Play an audio buffer
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+    Events: EV_END_OF_STREAM
+  Params: 
+    struct KPlayFromStreamCommand
+	Buffer     - Pointer to the buffer
+	BufferSize - Buffer size
+#define CM_INTERNAL_PLAY			0x65 
+/*	Used internally
+#define CM_STOP_PLAY				0x66
+/*	Para o reprodutor.
+	Stops player.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_STOP_RECORD				0x67
+/*	Para a gravção do canal.
+	Stops channel recording.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_PAUSE_PLAY				0x68
+/*	Pausa a reproducao de audio de um player
+	Pauses a player
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_PAUSE_RECORD				0x69
+/*	Pausa a gravacao de audio de um canal
+	Pauses recording of a channel
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_RESUME_PLAY				0x6A
+/*	Continua um play anteriormente pausado
+	Resumes a paused play
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_RESUME_RECORD			0x6B
+/*	Continua um play anteriormente pausado
+	Resumes a paused play
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_INCREASE_VOLUME			0x6C
+/*	Aumenta o volume na saida do mixer
+	Increases volume on mixer out
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+#define CM_DECREASE_VOLUME			0x6D
+/*	Diminui o volume na saida do mixer
+	Decreases volume on mixer out
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+#define CM_LISTEN					0x6E
+/*	Inicia o processo de transmissao de audio para reconhecimento de voz.
+	Starts audio transmission process for voice recognition.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+  Params:
+	[0..3] - Inteiro contendo a quantidade de milisegundos de audio em chamada da callback
+#define CM_STOP_LISTEN				0x6F
+/*	Para o processo de transmissao de audio e para a gravacao do buffer de guarda.
+	Stops audio tranmission process, and stops the buffer guard recoring..
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+#define CM_PREPARE_FOR_LISTEN		0x70
+/*	Inicia a gravacao do buffer de guarda.
+	Start guard buffer recording.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+  Params:
+	[0..3] - Inteiro contendo o tamanho do buffer de guarda em milisegundos
+#define CM_PLAY_SOUND_CARD			0x71
+/*	Inicia o play de canal na placa de som
+	Starts the sound card channel player
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_STOP_SOUND_CARD			0x72
+/*	Para o play de canal na placa de som
+	Stops the sound card channel player
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_MIXER_CTBUS				0x73
+/*	Envia um comando para o mixer associado ao de interconexao. Soh para placas com CTbus
+	Sends a command to a inteconnect channel associated mixer. Only for boards with CTbus
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = CtbusMixerNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Mixer index
+	[1] - Audio source
+	[2] - Channel number or generator code
+	kmsChannel - Channel
+	kmsPlay - Play
+	kmsGenerator - Signal
+	kmsCTbus - another mixer channel
+#define CM_PLAY_FROM_STREAM_EX			0x74 
+/*	Reproduz um buffer de audio
+	Play an audio buffer
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+    Events: EV_END_OF_STREAM
+  Params: 
+    struct KPlayFromStreamCommand
+	Buffer     - Pointer to the buffer
+	BufferSize - Buffer size
+	CodecIndex - 0 = 8Khz ALAW, 1 = 8Khz PCM, 2 = 11khz PCM
+#define CM_INTERNAL_PLAY_EX			0x75 
+/*	Used internally
+#define CM_ENABLE_PLAYER_AGC		0x76
+	Habilita o controle de ganho automático do player.
+	Enable player automatic gain contol.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+#define CM_DISABLE_PLAYER_AGC		0x77
+	Desabilita o controle de ganho automático do player.
+	Disable player automatic gain contol.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+/*	Inicia um play de buffer contíuo
+	Start continuous play buffer
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_ADD_STREAM_BUFFER		0x79
+/*	Adiciona dados a um stream de buffer contínuo
+	Add data to a continuous play buffer
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+  Params: 
+	[0..3] - Pointer to the buffer
+	[4..7] - Buffer size
+/*	Para um play de buffer contínuo
+	Stop a continuous play buffer
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_SEND_BEEP				0x7B
+/*	Envia um bip no canal
+	Sends a beep
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_SEND_BEEP_CONF			0x7C
+/*	Envia um bip na conferencia
+	Sends a beep
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+#define CM_ADD_TO_CONF				0x7D
+/*	Adiciona um canal a uma conferencia
+	Adds a channel to a specified conference
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Conference index
+#define CM_REMOVE_FROM_CONF			0x7E
+/*	Retira um canal de uma conferencia
+	Adds a channel to a specified conference
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+#define CM_RECORD_TO_FILE_EX		0x7F
+/*	Inicia gravaçao de audio em arquivo, utilizando codec específico
+	Starts audio recording in file, using specific codec
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = PlayerNumber
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the parameters.
+	The expected command parameters are:
+	Parâmeter:    Description:
+	file_name     File name for use in recording
+	codec         Codec index(defined in KCodecIndex enum) for audio compression
+                  if ommited ALaw 8khz will be used
+#define CM_SET_VOLUME				0xA0
+/*	Configura o volume de saída do mixer para um valor na vaixa de -10 a +10. Zero reseta o volume.
+	Sets output volume from mixer channel to a values between -10 and +10. Zero resets the volume.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the parameters.
+	The expected command parameters are:
+	Parâmeter:    Description:
+	volume        File name for use in recording
+	type          Defines if is the "input" or "output" volume to be changed
+#define CM_START_CADENCE			0xA1
+/*	Inicia a reprodução da cadência especificada com tom de 425Hz.
+	Starts to play the specified 425Hz tone cadence.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber
+	Params:
+	A null terminated ascii string with the parameters.
+	The expected command parameters are:
+	Parâmeter:			Description:
+	cadence_times		A comma separated list of times (in milliseconds) for dialtone 
+						and silence (in pairs), or "continuous" for continuous dialtone.
+	mixer_track			The mixer track that sould be used to play the cadence. "0" (zero)
+						is the default mixer track.
+#define CM_STOP_CADENCE				0xA2
+/*	Pára a cadência iniciada com o comando CM_START_CADENCE.
+	Stops the cadence started with CM_START_CADENCE.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = MixerNumber

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KR2D.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KR2D.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+#if !defined KR2D_H
+#define KR2D_H
+Comandos de controle de ligação especiais
+Special call control commands
+#define CM_SET_LINE_CONDITION		0x80
+/*	Programa a condição do ramal. Programar para kgbNone para enviar manualmente.
+	Program called subscriber condition. Sets to kgbNone to sends it manually.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Subscriber Line Condition (Group B)
+/*	Envia a condicao do ramal.
+	Sends subscriber line condition.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Subscriber Line Condition (Group B)
+/*	Configura a categoria do assinante chamador enviada na ocupação do canal.
+	Sets caller subscriber category.
+	K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+  Params:
+	[0] - Subscriber category, group II
+#define CM_DIAL_MFC					0x83
+/*	Disca uma string terminada em 0 em MFC. Máximo 20 dígitos.
+	Dial a null terminated string, in MFC. Maximum 20 digits.
+    K3L_COMMAND.Object = ChannelNumber
+	Events: (syncronous command)
+  Params:
+	String with the number to dial (ascii)
+	A condicao do ramal em uma ligacao sainte vem nos eventos 
+EV_CALL_SUCCESS  ou EV_CALL_FAIL, no campo AddInfo.
+	A categoria do assinante chamador numa ligacao entrante vem no evento
+EV_SEIZURE, no campo AddInfo.
+Definições para sinalização (Brasil)
+Signaling definitions (Brazil)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Brazil
+	kg2BrOrdinary		        = 0x01,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2BrPriority		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2BrMaintenance	        = 0x03,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2BrLocalPayPhone	        = 0x04,     //	Local pay phone.
+	kg2BrTrunkOperator	        = 0x05,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2BrDataTrans	            = 0x06,     //	Data transmission.
+	kg2BrNonLocalPayPhone       = 0x07,     //	Non-local pay phone.
+	kg2BrCollectCall	        = 0x08,     //	Collect call.
+	kg2BrOrdinaryInter	        = 0x09,     //	International ordinary subscriber.
+	kg2BrTransfered		        = 0x0B,     //	Transfered call.
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Brazil
+	kgbBrLineFreeCharged		= 0x01,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbBrBusy					= 0x02,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbBrNumberChanged			= 0x03,     //	B number was changed.
+	kgbBrCongestion				= 0x04,     //	Congestion.
+	kgbBrLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x05,     //	Line free and not charged.
+	kgbBrLineFreeChargedLPR		= 0x06,     //	Line free, charged, last party released.
+	kgbBrInvalidNumber			= 0x07,     //	Unallocated number.
+	kgbBrLineOutOfOrder			= 0x08,     //	Called line is out of order.
+	kgbBrNone					= 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+Definições para sinalização (Argentina)
+Signaling definitions (Argentina)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Argentina
+	kg2ArOrdinary		        = 0x01,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2ArPriority		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2ArMaintenance	        = 0x03,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2ArLocalPayPhone	        = 0x04,     //	Local pay phone.
+	kg2ArTrunkOperator	        = 0x05,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2ArDataTrans	            = 0x06,     //	Data transmission.
+    kg2ArCPTP                   = 0x0B,     //  C.P.T.P
+    kg2ArSpecialLine            = 0x0C,     //  Special Subcriber Line
+    kg2ArMobileUser             = 0x0D,     //  Mobile User
+    kg2ArPrivateRedLine         = 0x0E,     //  Virtual Private Red Line
+    kg2ArSpecialPayPhoneLine    = 0x0F,     //  Special Pay Phone Line
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Argentina
+	kgbArNumberChanged			= 0x02,     //	B number was changed.
+	kgbArBusy					= 0x03,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbArCongestion				= 0x04,     //	Congestion.
+	kgbArInvalidNumber			= 0x05,     //	Unallocated number.
+	kgbArLineFreeCharged		= 0x06,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbArLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x07,     //	Line free and not charged.
+	kgbArLineOutOfOrder			= 0x08,     //	Called line is out of order.
+	kgbArNone					= 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+Definições para sinalização (Chile)
+Signaling definitions (Chile)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Chile
+    kg2ClOrdinary		        = 0x01,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2ClPriority		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2ClMaintenance	        = 0x03,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2ClTrunkOperator	        = 0x05,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2ClDataTrans	            = 0x06,     //	Data transmission.
+    kg2ClUnidentifiedSubscriber = 0x0B,     //  Unidentified subscriber.
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Chile
+	kgbClNumberChanged			= 0x02,     //	B number was changed.
+	kgbClBusy					= 0x03,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbClCongestion				= 0x04,     //	Congestion.
+	kgbClInvalidNumber			= 0x05,     //	Unallocated number.
+	kgbClLineFreeCharged		= 0x06,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbClLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x07,     //	Line free and not charged.
+	kgbClLineOutOfOrder			= 0x08,     //	Called line is out of order.
+	kgbClNone					= 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+Definições para sinalização (Mexico)
+Signaling definitions (Mexico)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Mexico
+	kg2MxTrunkOperator	        = 0x01,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2MxOrdinary		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2MxMaintenance	        = 0x06,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Mexico
+	kgbMxLineFreeCharged		= 0x01,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbMxBusy					= 0x02,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbMxLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x05,     //	Line free and not charged.
+	kgbMxNone				    = 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+Definições para sinalização (Uruguai)
+Signaling definitions (Uruguay)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Uruguay
+	kg2UyOrdinary		        = 0x01,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2UyPriority		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2UyMaintenance	        = 0x03,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2UyLocalPayPhone	        = 0x04,     //	Local pay phone.
+	kg2UyTrunkOperator	        = 0x05,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2UyDataTrans	            = 0x06,     //	Data transmission.
+    kg2UyInternSubscriber       = 0x07,     //  Internacional subscriber.
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Uruguay
+	kgbUyNumberChanged			= 0x02,     //	B number was changed.
+	kgbUyBusy					= 0x03,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbUyCongestion				= 0x04,     //	Congestion.
+	kgbUyInvalidNumber			= 0x05,     //	Unallocated number.
+	kgbUyLineFreeCharged		= 0x06,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbUyLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x07,     //	Line free and not charged.
+	kgbUyLineOutOfOrder			= 0x08,     //	Called line is out of order.
+	kgbUyNone					= 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+Definições para sinalização (Venezuela)
+Signaling definitions (Venezuela)
+ *  Category of A    (MFC signaling, group II)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupII_Venezuela
+	kg2VeOrdinary		        = 0x01,     //	Subscriber without priority.
+	kg2VePriority		        = 0x02,     //	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2VeMaintenance	        = 0x03,     //	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2VeLocalPayPhone	        = 0x04,     //	Local pay phone.
+	kg2VeTrunkOperator	        = 0x05,     //	Trunk operator.
+	kg2VeDataTrans	            = 0x06,     //	Data transmission.
+    kg2VeNoTransferFacility     = 0x07,     //  Subscriber without transfer facility
+ *  Condition of B   (MFC signaling, group B)
+ */
+enum KSignGroupB_Venezuela
+	kgbVeLineFreeChargedLPR		= 0x01,     //	Line free, charged, last party released.
+	kgbVeNumberChanged			= 0x02,     //	B number was changed.
+	kgbVeBusy					= 0x03,     //	Line busy.
+	kgbVeCongestion				= 0x04,     //	Congestion.
+	kgbVeInformationTone		= 0x05,     //	Special Information Tone.
+	kgbVeLineFreeCharged		= 0x06,     //	Line free and charged.
+	kgbVeLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x07,     //	Line free and not charged.
+    kgbVeLineBlocked            = 0x08,     //  Blocked for input trafic.
+    kgbVeIntercepted            = 0x09,     //  Intercepted.
+    kgbVeDataTrans              = 0x0A,     //  Data Transmission Equipment
+	kgbVeNone					= 0xFF      //	Used when a manual send of the condition is required.
+// Grupo B
+// Group B
+enum KSignGroupB
+	kgbLineFreeCharged			= 0x01,
+/*	Livre com tarifação.
+	Line free and charged.
+	kgbLineFreeNotCharged		= 0x05,
+/*	Livre sem tarifação.
+	Line free with no charge.
+	kgbLineFreeChargedLPR		= 0x06,
+/*	Livre com tarifaçao. Retenção sob controle de assinante chamado.
+	Line free, charged, last party released.
+	kgbBusy						= 0x02,
+/*	Linha assinante B ocupado.
+	Line busy.
+	kgbNumberChanged			= 0x03,
+/*	Número de B foi mudado.
+	B number was changed.
+	kgbCongestion				= 0x04,
+/*	Congestionamento.
+	Congestion.
+	kgbInvalidNumber			= 0x07,
+/*	Nível ou número vago.
+	Unallocated number.
+	kgbLineOutOfOrder			= 0x08,
+/*	Assinante B fora de serviço.
+	Called line is out of order.
+	kgbNone						= 0xFF
+/*  Este valor deve ser atribuido quando a for necessario enviar a condicao manualmente
+	This value is used when a manual send of the condition is required
+#define STT_GB_LINEFREE_CHARGED				0x01
+#define	STT_GB_BUSY							0x02
+#define STT_GB_NUMBER_CHANGED				0x03
+#define STT_GB_CONGESTION					0x04
+#define STT_GB_LINE_OUT_OF_ORDER			0x08
+#define STT_GB_NONE							0xFF
+// Grupo II
+// Group II
+enum KSignGroupII
+	kg2Ordinary			= 0x01,
+/*	Assinante comum.
+	Ordinalry subscriber.
+	kg2Priority			= 0x02,
+/*	Assinante com tarifação especial.
+	Subscriber with priority.
+	kg2Maintenance		= 0x03,
+/*	Equipamento de manutenção.
+	Maintenance equipment.
+	kg2LocalPayPhone	= 0x04,
+/*	Telefone público local.
+	Local pay phone.
+	kg2TrunkOperator	= 0x05,
+/*	Telefonista.
+	Trunk operator.
+	kg2DataTrans		= 0x06,
+/*	Comunicação de dados.
+	Data transmission.
+	kg2NonLocalPayPhone = 0x07,
+/*	Telefone público interurbando.
+	Non-local pay phone.
+	kg2CollectCall		= 0x08,
+/*	Chamada a cobrar.
+	Collect call.
+	kg2OrdinaryInter	= 0x09,
+/*	Assinante comum, entrante internacional.
+	International ordinary subscriber.
+	kg2Transfered		= 0x0B,
+/*	Chamada transferida.
+	Transfered call.
+#define STT_GII_ORDINARY					0x01
+#define STT_GII_PRIORITY					0x02
+#define STT_GII_MAINTENANCE					0x03
+#define STT_GII_LOCAL_PAY_PHONE				0x04
+#define STT_GII_TRUNK_OPERATOR				0x05
+#define STT_GII_DATA_TRANS					0x06
+#define STT_GII_NON_LOCAL_PAY_PHONE			0x07		
+#define STT_GII_COLLECT_CALL				0x08
+#define STT_GII_TRANSFERED					0x0B

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KTypeDefs.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KTypeDefs.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#if !defined KLTYPEDEFS_H
+#if defined( _WINDOWS ) || defined( _Windows ) || defined( _WIN32 )
+	#ifndef KWIN32
+	#define KWIN32 1
+	#endif
+// Khomp defined types
+#ifdef KWIN32
+	typedef __int64				int64;
+	typedef unsigned __int64	uint64;
+	#define Kstdcall __stdcall
+	typedef long long				int64;
+	typedef unsigned long long		uint64;
+	#define Kstdcall 
+typedef int					int32;
+typedef unsigned int		uint32;
+typedef uint64			    intptr;
+typedef intptr              stackint;
+typedef short int			int16;
+typedef unsigned short int	uint16;
+typedef char				int8;
+typedef unsigned char		uint8;
+typedef unsigned char		byte;
+typedef char				sbyte;
+typedef double				float64;
+typedef float				float32;
+typedef int32				stt_code;
+enum KLibraryStatus 
+	ksSuccess =			0,
+	ksFail =			1,
+	ksTimeOut =			2,
+	ksBusy =			3,
+	ksLocked =			4,
+	ksInvalidParams =	5,
+	ksEndOfFile =		6,
+	ksInvalidState =	7,
+	ksServerCommFail =	8,
+	ksOverflow =		9,
+    ksUnderrun =        10,
+	ksNotFound =		11,
+    ksNotAvailable =    12
+enum KTxRx
+	kNoTxRx	= 0x0,
+	kTx		= 0x1,
+	kRx		= 0x2,
+	kBoth	= 0x3
+#define KMAX_SERIAL_NUMBER			12 
+#define KMAX_E1_CHANNELS			30
+#define KMAX_DIAL_NUMBER	        20
+#define KMAX_ADDRESS				60
+#define KMAX_DSP_NAME		        8
+#define KMAX_STR_VERSION	        80
+#define KMAX_LOG                    1024
+#define KMAX_SIP_DATA               248

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KVoIP.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/KVoIP.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#if !defined KVOIPDEFS_H
+#define KVOIPDEFS_H
+enum KRejectReason
+	UserBusy = 0,
+	UserNotFound,
+	NoAnswer,
+	Decline,
+	ServiceUnavailable,
+	ServerInternalError,
+	UnknownRejectReason
+enum KSIP_Failures
+	kveResponse_200_OK_Success             		= 200,
+    kveRedirection_300_MultipleChoices			= 300,
+	kveRedirection_301_MovedPermanently			= 301,
+	kveRedirection_302_MovedTemporarily			= 302,
+	kveRedirection_305_UseProxy					= 305,
+	kveRedirection_380_AlternativeService		= 380,
+	kveFailure_400_BadRequest					= 400,
+	kveFailure_401_Unauthorized					= 401,
+	kveFailure_402_PaymentRequired				= 402,
+	kveFailure_403_Forbidden					= 403,
+	kveFailure_404_NotFound						= 404,
+	kveFailure_405_MethodNotAllowed				= 405,
+	kveFailure_406_NotAcceptable				= 406,
+	kveFailure_407_ProxyAuthenticationRequired	= 407,
+	kveFailure_408_RequestTimeout				= 408,
+	kveFailure_410_Gone							= 410,
+	kveFailure_413_RequestEntityTooLarge		= 413,
+	kveFailure_414_RequestURI_TooLong			= 414,
+	kveFailure_415_UnsupportedMediaType			= 415,
+	kveFailure_416_UnsupportedURI_Scheme		= 416,
+	kveFailure_420_BadExtension					= 420,
+	kveFailure_421_ExtensionRequired			= 421,
+	kveFailure_423_IntervalTooBrief				= 423,
+	kveFailure_480_TemporarilyUnavailable		= 480,
+	kveFailure_481_CallDoesNotExist				= 481,
+	kveFailure_482_LoopDetected					= 482,
+	kveFailure_483_TooManyHops					= 483,
+	kveFailure_484_AddressIncomplete			= 484,
+	kveFailure_485_Ambiguous					= 485,
+	kveFailure_486_BusyHere						= 486,
+	kveFailure_487_RequestTerminated			= 487,
+	kveFailure_488_NotAcceptableHere			= 488,
+	kveFailure_491_RequestPending				= 491,
+	kveFailure_493_Undecipherable				= 493,
+	kveServer_500_InternalError					= 500,
+	kveServer_501_NotImplemented				= 501,
+	kveServer_502_BadGateway					= 502,
+	kveServer_503_ServiceUnavailable			= 503,
+	kveServer_504_TimeOut						= 504,
+	kveServer_505_VersionNotSupported			= 505,
+	kveServer_513_MessageTooLarge				= 513,
+	kveGlobalFailure_600_BusyEverywhere			= 600,
+	kveGlobalFailure_603_Decline				= 603,
+	kveGlobalFailure_604_DoesNotExistAnywhere	= 604,
+	kveGlobalFailure_606_NotAcceptable			= 606
+enum KVoIPRegTypes
+   kvrtRegister    =   0,
+   kvrtUnregister  =   1
+// Below structures are deprecated
+struct KVoIPCallParams
+	sbyte ToUser[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+	sbyte FromUser[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+    sbyte FromUserIP[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+struct KVoIPEvRegisterParams
+    KVoIPRegTypes Register;
+	sbyte User[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+	sbyte ProxyIP[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+struct KVoIPSeize 
+	sbyte FromUser[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+	sbyte ToUser[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];
+    sbyte ProxyIP[ KMAX_ADDRESS + 1 ];

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/k3l.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/k3l.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+#if !defined K3L_H
+#define K3L_H
+#include "k3lVersion.h"
+#include "KDefs.h"
+#include "KTypeDefs.h"
+#include "KVoIP.h"
+#include "KISDN.h"
+#include "KGSM.h"
+enum KDeviceType
+	kdtE1     = 0,
+	kdtFXO    = 1,
+	kdtConf   = 2,
+	kdtPR     = 3,
+	kdtE1GW   = 4,
+	kdtFXOVoIP = 5,
+	kdtE1IP	  = 6,
+	kdtE1Spx  = 7,
+    kdtGWIP   = 8,
+    kdtFXS    = 9,
+    kdtFXSSpx = 10,
+    kdtGSM    = 11,
+    kdtGSMSpx = 12
+enum KSignaling
+	ksigInactive		= 0,
+	ksigR2Digital		= 1,
+	ksigContinuousEM	= 2,
+	ksigPulsedEM		= 3,
+	ksigUserR2Digital	= 4,
+	ksigAnalog			= 5,
+	ksigOpenCAS			= 6,
+	ksigOpenR2			= 7,
+	ksigSIP 			= 8,
+    ksigOpenCCS         = 9,
+    ksigPRI_EndPoint    = 10,
+    ksigAnalogTerminal  = 11,
+    ksigPRI_Network     = 12,
+    ksigPRI_Passive     = 13,
+	ksigLineSide  		= 14,
+	ksigCAS_EL7			= 15,
+    ksigGSM             = 16,
+	ksigE1LC			= 17,
+enum KE1DeviceModel
+	kdmE1600	= 0,
+	kdmE1600E	= 1,
+	kdmE1600EX  = 2
+enum KE1GWDeviceModel //Mirror of KE1DeviceModel
+	kdmE1GW640   = 1,
+    kdmE1GW640EX = 2
+enum KE1IPDeviceModel //Mirror of KE1DeviceModel
+	kdmE1IP   = 1,
+    kdmE1IPEX = 2
+enum KGWIPDeviceModel //Mirror of KE1DeviceModel
+	kdmGWIP   = 1,
+	kdmGWIPEX = 2
+enum KFXODeviceModel
+	kdmFXO80    = 0,
+	kdmFXOHI    = 1,
+	kdmFXO160HI = 2
+enum KFXOVoIPDeviceModel //Mirror of KFXDeviceModel
+	kdmFXGW180 = kdmFXO80
+enum KConfDeviceModel
+	kdmConf240   = 0,
+	kdmConf120   = 1,
+	kdmConf240EX = 2,
+	kdmConf120EX = 3
+enum KPRDeviceModel
+	kdmPR300v1         = 0,
+    kdmPR300           = 1,
+	kdmPR300SpxBased   = 2,
+    kdmPR300EX         = 3
+enum KFXSDeviceModel
+    kdmFXS300   = 1,
+    kdmFXS300EX = 2
+enum KFXSSpxDeviceModel
+    kdmFXSSpx300      = 0,
+    kdmFXSSpx2E1Based = 1,
+    kdmFXSSpx300EX    = 2
+enum KE1SpxDeviceModel
+	kdmE1Spx    = 0,
+	kdm2E1Based = 1,
+    kdmE1SpxEX  = 2
+enum KGSMDeviceModel
+    kdmGSM      = 0
+enum KGSMSpxDeviceModel
+    kdmGSMSpx   = 0
+enum KSystemObject
+	ksoLink		= 0x00,		// K3L_LINK_STATUS, K3L_LINK_CONFIG (ksoLink + LinkNumber).
+	ksoLinkMon	= 0x20,		// K3L_LINK_ERROR_COUNTER.
+	ksoChannel	= 0x1000,	// K3L_CHANNEL_STATUS, K3L_CHANNEL_CONFIG (ksoChannel + ChannelNumber).
+	ksoH100		= 0x200,	// H100 individual configs. Used by adding the same value passed to CM_SETUP_H100.
+	ksoFirmware = 0x80,		// Structures described below (ksoFirmware + KFirmwareId).
+	ksoDevice	= 0x100,	// K3L_DEVICE_CONFIG
+	ksoAPI		= 0x150		// K3L_API_CONFIG
+enum KFirmwareId
+	kfiE1600A,				// K3L_E1600A_FW_CONFIG
+	kfiE1600B,				// K3L_E1600B_FW_CONFIG
+	kfiFXO80,				// K3L_FX80_FW_CONFIG
+    kfiGSM40                // K3L_GSM40_FW_CONFIG
+enum KE1Status
+	kesOk					= 0x00,		// Link OK
+	kesSignalLost			= 0x01,		// Lost of signal
+	kesNetworkAlarm			= 0x02,		// Central office reporting a fail in some point
+	kesFrameSyncLost		= 0x04,		// Frame is out of sync
+	kesMultiframeSyncLost	= 0x08,		// Multiframe alingment fail
+	kesRemoteAlarm			= 0x10,		// Central office reporting fail
+	kesHighErrorRate		= 0x20,		// Excessive error rate
+	kesUnknownAlarm			= 0x40,		// Unknown alarm
+	kesE1Error				= 0x80,		// E1 controller damaged
+    kesNotInitialized       = 0xFF      // Framer not initilialized
+enum KE1ChannelStatus
+	kecsFree			= 0x00,			// Channel is free for use
+	kecsBusy			= 0x01,			// Channel busy (not free)
+	kecsOutgoing		= 0x02,			// Channel busy by outgoing call
+	kecsIncoming		= 0x04,			// Channel busy by incoming call
+	kecsLocked			= 0x06,			// Channel locked
+	kecsOutgoingLock	= 0x10,			// Channel locked for outgoing calls
+	kecsLocalFail		= 0x20,			// Channel fail
+	kecsIncomingLock	= 0x40,			// Channel locked for incoming calls
+	kecsRemoteLock		= 0x80			// Channel remotelly locked
+enum KVoIPChannelStatus
+	kipcsFree			= kecsFree,		
+	kipcsOutgoingLock	= kecsOutgoingLock,
+	kipcsIncomingLock	= kecsIncomingLock
+enum KFXOChannelStatus
+	kfcsDisabled	= 0x00,		// Channel is not activated
+	kfcsEnabled		= 0x01		// Channel is actived		
+enum KFXSChannelStatus
+    kfxsOnHook,
+    kfxsOffHook,
+    kfxsRinging,
+    kfxsFail
+enum KGsmChannelStatus
+    kgsmIdle,
+    kgsmCallInProgress,
+    kgsmSMSInProgress,
+    kgsmModemError,
+    kgsmSIMCardError,
+    kgsmNetworkError,
+    kgsmNotReady
+enum KCallStatus
+	kcsFree		= 0x00,				// Channel is free for use
+	kcsIncoming = 0x01,				// Channel in incoming call
+	kcsOutgoing = 0x02,				// Channel in outgoing call
+	kcsFail		= 0x04				// Channel fail
+enum KCallStartInfo
+    kcsiHumanAnswer,
+    kcsiAnsweringMachine,
+    kcsiCellPhoneMessageBox,
+    kcsiUnknown,
+    kcsiCarrierMessage
+enum KChannelFeatures
+	kcfDtmfSuppression	= 0x0001,
+	kcfCallProgress		= 0x0002,
+	kcfPulseDetection	= 0x0004,
+	kcfAudioNotification= 0x0008,
+	kcfEchoCanceller	= 0x0010,
+	kcfAutoGainControl	= 0x0020,
+	kcfHighImpEvents	= 0x0080,
+    kcfCallAnswerInfo   = 0x0100,
+    kcfOutputVolume     = 0x0200,
+    kcfPlayerAGC        = 0x0400
+enum KMixerSource
+	kmsChannel,
+	kmsPlay,
+	kmsGenerator,
+	kmsCTbus,
+    kmsNoDelayChannel
+struct KMixerCommand
+    int32 Track;
+    int32 Source;        // KMixerSource
+    int32 SourceIndex;
+struct KPlayFromStreamCommand
+	void *Buffer;
+	uint32 BufferSize;
+	int32 CodecIndex;
+struct KBufferParam
+	void *Buffer;
+	uint32 BufferSize;
+enum KMixerTone
+	kmtSilence	= 0x00,	// geracao/deteccao
+	kmtDial		= 0x01, // geracao/deteccao
+	kmtBusy		= 0x02, // geracao
+	kmtFax		= 0x03, // geracao/deteccao
+	kmtVoice	= 0x04, // deteccao
+	kmtEndOf425 = 0x05,	// deteccao
+    kmtCollect  = 0x06, // deteccao
+    kmtEndOfDtmf= 0x07, // deteccao
+ 	KCallStatus CallStatus;
+	KMixerTone AudioStatus;
+	int32 AddInfo;			// KE1ChannelStatus for E1 Channels, KFXOChannelStatus for Analog...
+	int32 EnabledFeatures;	// KChannelFeatures bitwise
+	int16 E1; // (KE1Status) int16 used for compatibility between different memory aligniments
+	byte Channels[ KMAX_E1_CHANNELS ];	// (KE1ChannelStatus) Channel number indexed vector with firmware information.
+enum KPllErrors
+	kpeClockAError    = 0x01,
+	kpeClockBError    = 0x02,
+	kpeSCbusError     = 0x04,
+	kpeMVIPError	  = 0x08,
+	kpeMasterPllError = 0x10,
+	kpeModeError      = 0x20,
+	kpeLocalRefError  = 0x40,
+	kpeInternalError  = 0x80
+struct K3L_H100_STATUS
+	int32 Mode;
+	int32 MasterClock;
+	int32 Enable;
+	int32 Reference;
+	int32 SCbus;
+	int32 HMVIP;
+	int32 MVIP90;
+	int32 CT_NETREF;
+	int32 PllLocalRef;
+	int32 PllErrors;		// bitwise, defined in KPllErrors
+enum KEchoLocation
+	kelNetwork	= 0x0,
+	kelCtBus	= 0x1
+enum KCodecIndex
+	kci8kHzALAW	= 0x00,
+	kci8kHzPCM	= 0x01,  // not suitable for CM_RECORD_TO_FILE_EX
+	kci11kHzPCM	= 0x02,  // not suitable for CM_RECORD_TO_FILE_EX
+	kci8kHzGSM	= 0x03, 
+	kci8kHzADPCM= 0x04, 
+	kci8kHzULAW	= 0x05,
+	kciLastCodecEntryMark
+enum KEchoCancellerConfig
+    keccNotPresent,
+    keccOneSingleBank,
+    keccOneDoubleBank,
+    keccTwoSingleBank,
+    keccTwoDoubleBank,
+    keccFail
+	int32 LinkCount;
+	int32 ChannelCount;
+	int32 EnabledChannelCount;
+	int32 MixerCount;
+	int32 MixerCapacity;
+	int32 WorkStatus;
+	int32 DeviceModel;		// KE1DeviceModel, KFXODeviceModel...
+	int32 H100_Mode;		// KH100Mode
+	int32 PciBus;
+	int32 PciSlot;
+	int32 PlayerCount;
+	int32 VoIPChannelCount;
+    int32 CTbusCount;
+    KEchoCancellerConfig EchoConfig;
+    KEchoLocation EchoLocation;
+	sbyte SerialNumber[ KMAX_SERIAL_NUMBER ];
+// Compatibility
+struct K3L_API_CONFIG
+	int32 MajorVersion;
+	int32 MinorVersion;
+	int32 BuildVersion;
+    int32 SvnRevision;
+	int32 RawCmdLogging;
+	int32 VpdVersionNeeded;
+	sbyte StrVersion[ KMAX_STR_VERSION ];
+	KSignaling Signaling;
+	int32 IncomingDigitsRequest;
+	int32 IdentificationRequestPos;
+	int32 ChannelCount;
+	int32 ReceivingClock;
+	sbyte NumberA[ KMAX_DIAL_NUMBER + 1 + 3 ]; // +3 = compatibility between different memory alignments
+	KSignaling Signaling;
+    int32 AutoEnableFeatures;   // KChannelFeatures bitwise
+    int32 CapableFeatures;      // future implementation
+struct K3L_E1600A_FW_CONFIG
+	int32 MfcExchangersCount;
+	int32 MonitorBufferSize;
+	sbyte FwVersion[ KMAX_STR_VERSION ];
+	sbyte DspVersion[ KMAX_DSP_NAME ];
+struct K3L_E1600B_FW_CONFIG
+	int32 AudioBufferSize;
+	int32 FilterCount;
+	int32 MixerCount;
+	int32 MixerCapacity;
+	sbyte FwVersion[ KMAX_STR_VERSION ];
+	sbyte DspVersion[ KMAX_DSP_NAME ];
+typedef K3L_E1600B_FW_CONFIG K3L_GSM40_FW_CONFIG;
+typedef K3L_E1600B_FW_CONFIG K3L_FXO80_FW_CONFIG;
+struct K3L_COMMAND
+	int32 Object;			// Object index, dependent of the context
+	int32 Cmd;				// Command code
+	byte *Params;			// pointer to parameters
+// Used to specify the object passed in the first parameter when executing the
+// event handler callback function.
+enum KEventObjectId
+	koiDevice		= 0x00,
+	koiChannel		= 0x01,
+	koiPlayer		= 0x02,
+	koiLink			= 0x03
+struct K3L_EVENT
+	int32 Code;				// API code
+	int32 AddInfo;			// Parameter 1
+	int32 DeviceId;			// Hardware information
+	int32 ObjectInfo;		// Additional object information
+	void *Params;			// Pointer to the parameter buffer
+	int32 ParamSize;		// Size of parameter buffer
+	int32 ObjectId;			// KEventObjectId: Event thrower object id
+struct KIncomingSeizeParams
+	sbyte NumberB[ KMAX_DIAL_NUMBER + 1 ];
+	sbyte NumberA[ KMAX_DIAL_NUMBER + 1 ];
+	sbyte Padding[2];  // for compatibility between different memory alignments
+struct KCtbusCommand
+	int32 Stream;
+	int32 TimeSlot;
+	int32 Enable;
+struct KUserInformation
+    int32 ProtocolDescriptor;
+    int32 UserInfoLength;
+    byte  UserInfo[ KMAX_USER_USER_LEN ];
+struct KISDNSubaddressInformation
+    KQ931TypeOfSubaddress TypeOfSubaddress;
+    bool  OddNumberOfSignals;
+    int32 InformationLength;
+    byte  Information[ KMAX_SUBADRESS_INFORMATION_LEN ];
+struct KISDNSubaddresses
+    KISDNSubaddressInformation Called;
+    KISDNSubaddressInformation Calling;
+enum KLinkErrorCounter
+	klecChangesToLock		=  0,
+	klecLostOfSignal		=  1,
+	klecAlarmNotification   =  2,
+	klecLostOfFrame         =  3,
+	klecLostOfMultiframe    =  4,
+	klecRemoteAlarm			=  5,
+	klecUnknowAlarm			=  6,
+	klecPRBS				=  7,
+	klecWrogrBits			=  8,
+	klecJitterVariation		=  9,
+	klecFramesWithoutSync	= 10,
+	klecMultiframeSignal	= 11,
+	klecFrameError			= 12,
+	klecBipolarViolation	= 13,
+	klecCRC4				= 14,
+	klecCount				= 15
+	int32 ErrorCounters[ klecCount ];
+struct KSipData
+    int32 DataLength;
+    byte  Data[ KMAX_SIP_DATA ];
+enum KLibParams
+	klpDebugFirmware,           // starts low level depuration
+    klpResetFwOnStartup,		// force firmware (re)boot on startup
+    klpResetFwOnShutdown,       // force board reset on exit
+    klpSeizureEventCompat,      // keep compatibility of EV_SEIZURE/EV_VOIP_SEIZURE instead of the new EV_NEW_CALL
+    klpDisableTDMBufferWarnings,// don't log TDM buffer warning messages.
+    klpDisableInternalVoIP,     // disables ALL VoIP channels!
+    klpLogCallControl,        // starts k3l's call control logging
+	klpMaxParams
+// Definition of K3L_CALLBACK
+typedef stt_code ( Kstdcall K3L_CALLBACK )();
+typedef stt_code ( Kstdcall K3L_MONITOR_CALLBACK )( byte *, byte );
+typedef stt_code ( Kstdcall K3L_EVENT_CALLBACK )( int32 Object, K3L_EVENT * );
+typedef stt_code ( Kstdcall *K3L_THREAD_CALLBACK )( void * );
+typedef void	 ( Kstdcall K3L_AUDIO_CALLBACK )( int32 DevId, int32 Channel, byte *Buffer, int32 Size );
+#if __GNUC__ >= 4
+#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
+extern "C"
+sbyte *Kstdcall k3lStart( int32 Major, int32 Minor, int32 Build );
+void Kstdcall k3lStop();
+void Kstdcall k3lRegisterEventHandler( K3L_EVENT_CALLBACK *Function );
+void Kstdcall k3lRegisterAudioListener( K3L_AUDIO_CALLBACK *Player, K3L_AUDIO_CALLBACK *Recorder );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lSendCommand( int32 DeviceId, K3L_COMMAND *Cmd );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lSendRawCommand( int32 DeviceId, int32 IntfId, void *Command, int32 CmdSize );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lRegisterMonitor( K3L_MONITOR_CALLBACK *EventMonitor, K3L_MONITOR_CALLBACK *CommandMonitor, K3L_MONITOR_CALLBACK *BufferMonitor );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lGetDeviceConfig( int32 DeviceId, int32 Object, void *Data, int32 DataSize );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lGetDeviceStatus( int32 DeviceId, int32 Object, void *Data, int32 DataSize );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lGetDeviceCount();
+int32 Kstdcall k3lGetDeviceType( int32 DeviceId );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lGetEventParam( K3L_EVENT *Evt, const sbyte *Name, sbyte *Buffer, int32 BufferSize );
+int32 Kstdcall k3lSetGlobalParam( int32 ParamIndex, int32 ParamValue );
+#if __GNUC__ >= 4
+#pragma GCC visibility pop

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/k3lVersion.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/include/k3lVersion.h	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#ifndef k3lVersion_h
+#define k3lVersion_h
+#define k3lApiMajorVersion	2
+#define k3lApiMinorVersion	0
+#define k3lApiBuildVersion	0

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/mod_khomp.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/jmesquita/mod_khomp/mod_khomp.cpp	Tue Jun  9 10:36:45 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Anthony Minessale II <anthm at freeswitch.org>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Anthony Minessale II <anthm at freeswitch.org>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Joao Mesquita <mesquita at khomp.com.br>
+ *
+ *
+ * mod_khomp.c -- Khomp board Endpoint Module
+ *
+ */
+/* Our includes */
+#include "k3l.h"
+extern "C"
+    #include <switch.h>
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_khomp, mod_khomp_load, mod_khomp_shutdown, NULL);	//mod_khomp_runtime);
+switch_endpoint_interface_t *khomp_endpoint_interface;
+static switch_memory_pool_t *module_pool = NULL;
+static int running = 1;
+typedef enum {
+	TFLAG_IO = (1 << 0),
+	TFLAG_INBOUND = (1 << 1),
+	TFLAG_OUTBOUND = (1 << 2),
+	TFLAG_DTMF = (1 << 3),
+	TFLAG_VOICE = (1 << 4),
+	TFLAG_HANGUP = (1 << 5),
+	TFLAG_LINEAR = (1 << 6),
+	TFLAG_CODEC = (1 << 7),
+	TFLAG_BREAK = (1 << 8)
+typedef enum {
+static struct {
+	int debug;
+	char *ip;
+	int port;
+	char *dialplan;
+	char *codec_string;
+	char *codec_order[SWITCH_MAX_CODECS];
+	int codec_order_last;
+	char *codec_rates_string;
+	char *codec_rates[SWITCH_MAX_CODECS];
+	int codec_rates_last;
+	unsigned int flags;
+	int calls;
+	switch_mutex_t *mutex;
+} globals;
+struct private_object {
+	unsigned int flags;
+	switch_codec_t read_codec;
+	switch_codec_t write_codec;
+	switch_frame_t read_frame;
+	unsigned char databuf[SWITCH_RECOMMENDED_BUFFER_SIZE];
+	switch_core_session_t *session;
+	switch_caller_profile_t *caller_profile;
+	switch_mutex_t *mutex;
+	switch_mutex_t *flag_mutex;
+	//switch_thread_cond_t *cond;
+typedef struct private_object private_t;
+SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_global_dialplan, globals.dialplan);
+SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_global_codec_string, globals.codec_string);
+SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_global_codec_rates_string, globals.codec_rates_string);
+SWITCH_DECLARE_GLOBAL_STRING_FUNC(set_global_ip, globals.ip);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_init(switch_core_session_t *session);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_hangup(switch_core_session_t *session);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_routing(switch_core_session_t *session);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_exchange_media(switch_core_session_t *session);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_soft_execute(switch_core_session_t *session);
+static switch_call_cause_t channel_outgoing_channel(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_event_t *var_event,
+													switch_caller_profile_t *outbound_profile,
+													switch_core_session_t **new_session, switch_memory_pool_t **pool, switch_originate_flag_t flags);
+static switch_status_t channel_read_frame(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id);
+static switch_status_t channel_write_frame(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id);
+static switch_status_t channel_kill_channel(switch_core_session_t *session, int sig);
+static void tech_init(private_t *tech_pvt, switch_core_session_t *session)
+	tech_pvt->read_frame.data = tech_pvt->databuf;
+	tech_pvt->read_frame.buflen = sizeof(tech_pvt->databuf);
+	switch_mutex_init(&tech_pvt->mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, switch_core_session_get_pool(session));
+	switch_mutex_init(&tech_pvt->flag_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, switch_core_session_get_pool(session));
+	switch_core_session_set_private(session, tech_pvt);
+	tech_pvt->session = session;
+   State methods they get called when the state changes to the specific state 
+   returning SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS tells the core to execute the standard state method next
+   so if you fully implement the state you can return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE to skip it.
+static switch_status_t channel_on_init(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	switch_channel_t *channel;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	tech_pvt = static_cast< private_t* >(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	switch_set_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO);
+	/* Move channel's state machine to ROUTING. This means the call is trying
+	   to get from the initial start where the call because, to the point
+	   where a destination has been identified. If the channel is simply
+	   left in the initial state, nothing will happen. */
+	switch_channel_set_state(channel, CS_ROUTING);
+	switch_mutex_lock(globals.mutex);
+	globals.calls++;
+	switch_mutex_unlock(globals.mutex);
+static switch_status_t channel_on_routing(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t *>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s CHANNEL ROUTING\n", switch_channel_get_name(channel));
+static switch_status_t channel_on_execute(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s CHANNEL EXECUTE\n", switch_channel_get_name(channel));
+static switch_status_t channel_on_hangup(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	switch_clear_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO);
+	switch_clear_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_VOICE);
+	//switch_thread_cond_signal(tech_pvt->cond);
+	if (tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation) {
+		switch_core_codec_destroy(&tech_pvt->read_codec);
+	}
+	if (tech_pvt->write_codec.implementation) {
+		switch_core_codec_destroy(&tech_pvt->write_codec);
+	}
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s CHANNEL HANGUP\n", switch_channel_get_name(channel));
+	switch_mutex_lock(globals.mutex);
+	globals.calls--;
+	if (globals.calls < 0) {
+		globals.calls = 0;
+	}
+	switch_mutex_unlock(globals.mutex);
+static switch_status_t channel_kill_channel(switch_core_session_t *session, int sig)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	switch (sig) {
+		switch_clear_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO);
+		switch_clear_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_VOICE);
+		switch_channel_hangup(channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING);
+		//switch_thread_cond_signal(tech_pvt->cond);
+		break;
+		switch_set_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BREAK);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+static switch_status_t channel_on_exchange_media(switch_core_session_t *session)
+static switch_status_t channel_on_soft_execute(switch_core_session_t *session)
+static switch_status_t channel_send_dtmf(switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_dtmf_t *dtmf)
+	private_t *tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	switch_assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+static switch_status_t channel_read_frame(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	//switch_time_t started = switch_time_now();
+	//unsigned int elapsed;
+	switch_byte_t *data;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	tech_pvt->read_frame.flags = SFF_NONE;
+	*frame = NULL;
+	while (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO)) {
+		if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BREAK)) {
+			switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BREAK);
+			goto cng;
+		}
+		if (!switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO)) {
+		}
+		if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO) && switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_VOICE)) {
+			switch_clear_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_VOICE);
+			if (!tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			*frame = &tech_pvt->read_frame;
+			if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_LINEAR)) {
+				switch_swap_linear((*frame)->data, (int) (*frame)->datalen / 2);
+			}
+		}
+		switch_cond_next();
+	}
+  cng:
+	data = (switch_byte_t *) tech_pvt->read_frame.data;
+	data[0] = 65;
+	data[1] = 0;
+	tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = 2;
+	tech_pvt->read_frame.flags = SFF_CNG;
+	*frame = &tech_pvt->read_frame;
+static switch_status_t channel_write_frame(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	private_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
+	//switch_frame_t *pframe;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	if (!switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO)) {
+	}
+	if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_LINEAR)) {
+		switch_swap_linear(frame->data, (int) frame->datalen / 2);
+	}
+static switch_status_t channel_answer_channel(switch_core_session_t *session)
+	private_t *tech_pvt;
+	switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+static switch_status_t channel_receive_message(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_core_session_message_t *msg)
+	switch_channel_t *channel;
+	private_t *tech_pvt;
+	channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
+	assert(channel != NULL);
+	tech_pvt = (private_t *) switch_core_session_get_private(session);
+	assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	switch (msg->message_id) {
+		{
+			channel_answer_channel(session);
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+/* Make sure when you have 2 sessions in the same scope that you pass the appropriate one to the routines
+   that allocate memory or you will have 1 channel with memory allocated from another channel's pool!
+static switch_call_cause_t channel_outgoing_channel(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_event_t *var_event,
+													switch_caller_profile_t *outbound_profile,
+													switch_core_session_t **new_session, switch_memory_pool_t **pool, switch_originate_flag_t flags)
+	if ((*new_session = switch_core_session_request(khomp_endpoint_interface, SWITCH_CALL_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND, pool)) != 0) {
+		private_t *tech_pvt;
+		switch_channel_t *channel;
+		switch_caller_profile_t *caller_profile;
+		switch_core_session_add_stream(*new_session, NULL);
+		if ((tech_pvt = (private_t *) switch_core_session_alloc(*new_session, sizeof(private_t))) != 0) {
+			channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(*new_session);
+			tech_init(tech_pvt, *new_session);
+		} else {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Hey where is my memory pool?\n");
+			switch_core_session_destroy(new_session);
+		}
+		if (outbound_profile) {
+			char name[128];
+			snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "Khomp/%s", outbound_profile->destination_number);
+			switch_channel_set_name(channel, name);
+			caller_profile = switch_caller_profile_clone(*new_session, outbound_profile);
+			switch_channel_set_caller_profile(channel, caller_profile);
+			tech_pvt->caller_profile = caller_profile;
+		} else {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Doh! no caller profile\n");
+			switch_core_session_destroy(new_session);
+		}
+		switch_channel_set_flag(channel, CF_OUTBOUND);
+		switch_set_flag_locked(tech_pvt, TFLAG_OUTBOUND);
+		switch_channel_set_state(channel, CS_INIT);
+	}
+static switch_status_t channel_receive_event(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_event_t *event)
+	struct private_object *tech_pvt = static_cast<private_t*>(switch_core_session_get_private(session));
+	char *body = switch_event_get_body(event);
+	switch_assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
+	if (!body) {
+		body = "";
+	}
+switch_state_handler_table_t khomp_state_handlers = {
+	/*.on_init */ channel_on_init,
+	/*.on_routing */ channel_on_routing,
+	/*.on_execute */ channel_on_execute,
+	/*.on_hangup */ channel_on_hangup,
+	/*.on_exchange_media */ channel_on_exchange_media,
+	/*.on_soft_execute */ channel_on_soft_execute
+switch_io_routines_t khomp_io_routines = {
+	/*.outgoing_channel */ channel_outgoing_channel,
+	/*.read_frame */ channel_read_frame,
+	/*.write_frame */ channel_write_frame,
+	/*.kill_channel */ channel_kill_channel,
+	/*.send_dtmf */ channel_send_dtmf,
+	/*.receive_message */ channel_receive_message,
+	/*.receive_event */ channel_receive_event
+static switch_status_t load_config(void)
+	char *cf = "khomp.conf";
+	switch_xml_t cfg, xml, settings, param;
+	memset(&globals, 0, sizeof(globals));
+	switch_mutex_init(&globals.mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, module_pool);
+	if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(cf, &cfg, NULL))) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Open of %s failed\n", cf);
+	}
+	if ((settings = switch_xml_child(cfg, "settings"))) {
+		for (param = switch_xml_child(settings, "param"); param; param = param->next) {
+			char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
+			char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value");
+			if (!strcmp(var, "debug")) {
+				globals.debug = atoi(val);
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "port")) {
+				globals.port = atoi(val);
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "ip")) {
+				set_global_ip(val);
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "codec-master")) {
+				if (!strcasecmp(val, "us")) {
+					switch_set_flag(&globals, GFLAG_MY_CODEC_PREFS);
+				}
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "dialplan")) {
+				set_global_dialplan(val);
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "codec-prefs")) {
+				set_global_codec_string(val);
+				globals.codec_order_last = switch_separate_string(globals.codec_string, ',', globals.codec_order, SWITCH_MAX_CODECS);
+			} else if (!strcmp(var, "codec-rates")) {
+				set_global_codec_rates_string(val);
+				globals.codec_rates_last = switch_separate_string(globals.codec_rates_string, ',', globals.codec_rates, SWITCH_MAX_CODECS);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (!globals.dialplan) {
+		set_global_dialplan("default");
+	}
+	if (!globals.port) {
+		globals.port = 4569;
+	}
+	switch_xml_free(xml);
+bool start_k3l(void)
+    k3lSetGlobalParam (klpResetFwOnStartup, 1);
+    k3lSetGlobalParam (klpDisableInternalVoIP, 1);
+	sbyte *Erro = k3lStart( 2,0,0 );
+	if ( Erro )	{
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "loading K3L API failed: %s.\n", Erro);
+		return false;
+	}		
+	int _boardCount = k3lGetDeviceCount();
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Number of boards: %d.\n", _boardCount);
+	/* No boards */
+	if(_boardCount == 0){
+		k3lStop();
+		return false;
+	}
+/*	_boards = new Board*[ _boardCount ];
+	for( int i = 0; i < _boardCount; i++ )
+		_boards[ i ] = new Board( i );
+	if(handler) 
+		RegisterHandler((void *)EventCallBack);		*/
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "the K3L API have been started!\n");
+	bool is_ok = true;
+	if (!is_ok)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+	module_pool = pool;
+	memset(&globals, 0, sizeof(globals));
+	load_config();
+	*module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, "mod_khomp");
+	khomp_endpoint_interface = static_cast<switch_endpoint_interface_t*>(switch_loadable_module_create_interface(*module_interface, SWITCH_ENDPOINT_INTERFACE));
+	khomp_endpoint_interface->interface_name = "khomp";
+	khomp_endpoint_interface->io_routines = &khomp_io_routines;
+	khomp_endpoint_interface->state_handler = &khomp_state_handlers;
+	if (!start_k3l()) {
+	}
+	/* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */
+	int x = 0;
+	running = -1;
+	while (running) {
+		if (x++ > 100) {
+			break;
+		}
+		switch_yield(20000);
+	}
+	/* Free dynamically allocated strings */
+	switch_safe_free(globals.dialplan);
+	switch_safe_free(globals.codec_string);
+	switch_safe_free(globals.codec_rates_string);
+	switch_safe_free(globals.ip);
+	/* Finnish him! */
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Stopping K3L...\n");
+	k3lStop();
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "the K3L API have been stopped!\n");
+/* For Emacs:
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode:c
+ * indent-tabs-mode:t
+ * tab-width:4
+ * c-basic-offset:4
+ * End:
+ * For VIM:
+ * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab:
+ */

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