[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r12090 - in freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl: . php

FreeSWITCH SVN anthm at freeswitch.org
Tue Feb 17 07:54:36 PST 2009

Author: anthm
Date: Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
New Revision: 12090

add php swig for esl


Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/Makefile
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/Makefile	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/Makefile	Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
@@ -40,14 +40,19 @@
 	rm -f *.o src/*.o testclient testserver fs_cli libesl.a *~ src/*~ src/include/*~
 	make -C perl clean
+	make -C php clean
 reswig:	swigclean
 	make -C perl reswig
+	make -C php reswig
 swigclean: clean
 	make -C perl swigclean
+	make -C php swigclean
 perlmod: $(MYLIB)
+phpmod: $(MYLIB)

Added: freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/ESL.php
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/ESL.php	Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ * 
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of 
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG 
+ * interface file instead. 
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Try to load our extension if it's not already loaded.
+if (!extension_loaded("ESL")) {
+  if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
+    if (!dl('php_ESL.dll')) return;
+  } else {
+    // PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX is available as of PHP 4.3.0, for older PHP assume 'so'.
+    // It gives 'dylib' on MacOS X which is for libraries, modules are 'so'.
+      if (!dl('ESL.so')) return;
+    } else {
+      if (!dl('ESL.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) return;
+    }
+  }
+/* PHP Proxy Classes */
+class eslEvent {
+	public $_cPtr=null;
+	function __set($var,$value) {
+		$func = 'eslEvent_'.$var.'_set';
+		if (function_exists($func)) call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr,$value);
+	}
+	function __isset($var) {
+		return function_exists('eslEvent_'.$var.'_set');
+	}
+	function __get($var) {
+		$func = 'eslEvent_'.$var.'_get';
+		if (function_exists($func)) return call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr);
+		return null;
+	}
+	function __construct($type_or_wrap_me,$subclass_name_or_free_me=null) {
+		switch (func_num_args()) {
+		case 1: $r=new_eslEvent($type_or_wrap_me); break;
+		default: $r=new_eslEvent($type_or_wrap_me,$subclass_name_or_free_me);
+		}
+		$this->_cPtr=$r;
+	}
+	function serialize($format=null) {
+		switch (func_num_args()) {
+		case 0: $r=eslEvent_serialize($this->_cPtr); break;
+		default: $r=eslEvent_serialize($this->_cPtr,$format);
+		}
+		return $r;
+	}
+	function setPriority($priority=null) {
+		switch (func_num_args()) {
+		case 0: $r=eslEvent_setPriority($this->_cPtr); break;
+		default: $r=eslEvent_setPriority($this->_cPtr,$priority);
+		}
+		return $r;
+	}
+	function getHeader($header_name) {
+		return eslEvent_getHeader($this->_cPtr,$header_name);
+	}
+	function getBody() {
+		return eslEvent_getBody($this->_cPtr);
+	}
+	function getType() {
+		return eslEvent_getType($this->_cPtr);
+	}
+	function addBody($value) {
+		return eslEvent_addBody($this->_cPtr,$value);
+	}
+	function addHeader($header_name,$value) {
+		return eslEvent_addHeader($this->_cPtr,$header_name,$value);
+	}
+	function delHeader($header_name) {
+		return eslEvent_delHeader($this->_cPtr,$header_name);
+	}
+class eslConnection {
+	public $_cPtr=null;
+	function __construct($host_or_socket,$port=null,$password=null) {
+		switch (func_num_args()) {
+		case 1: $r=new_eslConnection($host_or_socket); break;
+		case 2: $r=new_eslConnection($host_or_socket,$port); break;
+		default: $r=new_eslConnection($host_or_socket,$port,$password);
+		}
+		$this->_cPtr=$r;
+	}
+	function connected() {
+		return eslConnection_connected($this->_cPtr);
+	}
+	function getInfo() {
+		$r=eslConnection_getInfo($this->_cPtr);
+		return is_resource($r) ? new eslEvent($r) : $r;
+	}
+	function send($cmd) {
+		return eslConnection_send($this->_cPtr,$cmd);
+	}
+	function sendRecv($cmd) {
+		$r=eslConnection_sendRecv($this->_cPtr,$cmd);
+		return is_resource($r) ? new eslEvent($r) : $r;
+	}
+	function sendEvent($send_me) {
+		return eslConnection_sendEvent($this->_cPtr,$send_me);
+	}
+	function recvEvent() {
+		$r=eslConnection_recvEvent($this->_cPtr);
+		return is_resource($r) ? new eslEvent($r) : $r;
+	}
+	function recvEventTimed($ms) {
+		$r=eslConnection_recvEventTimed($this->_cPtr,$ms);
+		return is_resource($r) ? new eslEvent($r) : $r;
+	}
+	function filter($header,$value) {
+		return eslConnection_filter($this->_cPtr,$header,$value);
+	}
+	function events($etype,$value) {
+		return eslConnection_events($this->_cPtr,$etype,$value);
+	}
+	function execute($app,$arg=null,$uuid=null) {
+		switch (func_num_args()) {
+		case 1: $r=eslConnection_execute($this->_cPtr,$app); break;
+		case 2: $r=eslConnection_execute($this->_cPtr,$app,$arg); break;
+		default: $r=eslConnection_execute($this->_cPtr,$app,$arg,$uuid);
+		}
+		return $r;
+	}
+	function setBlockingExecute($val) {
+		return eslConnection_setBlockingExecute($this->_cPtr,$val);
+	}
+	function setEventLock($val) {
+		return eslConnection_setEventLock($this->_cPtr,$val);
+	}

Added: freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/Makefile
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/Makefile	Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+LOCAL_CFLAGS=$(shell php-config --includes)
+LOCAL_LDFLAGS=$(shell php-config --ldflags --libs)
+all: ESL.so
+	swig -module ESL -php5 -c++ -DMULTIPLICITY -I../src/include -o esl_wrap.cpp ../ESL.i
+esl_wrap.o: esl_wrap.cpp
+	$(CXX) $(CXX_CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) -c esl_wrap.cpp -o esl_wrap.o
+ESL.so: esl_wrap.o
+	$(CXX) $(SOLINK) esl_wrap.o $(MYLIB) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) -o ESL.so -L. $(LIBS)
+	rm -f *.o *.so *~
+	rm -f esl_wrap.* ESL.so php_ESL.*
+reswig:	swigclean esl_wrap.cpp

Added: freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/esl_wrap.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/esl_wrap.cpp	Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,2525 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ * 
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of 
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG 
+ * interface file instead. 
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
+    T *tt;
+    SwigValueWrapper() : tt(0) { }
+    SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs) : tt(new T(*rhs.tt)) { }
+    SwigValueWrapper(const T& t) : tt(new T(t)) { }
+    ~SwigValueWrapper() { delete tt; } 
+    SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { delete tt; tt = new T(t); return *this; }
+    operator T&() const { return *tt; }
+    T *operator&() { return tt; }
+    SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
+  return T();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This section contains generic SWIG labels for method/variable
+ *  declarations/attributes, and other compiler dependent labels.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* template workaround for compilers that cannot correctly implement the C++ standard */
+# if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x560)
+# elif defined(__HP_aCC)
+/* Needed even with `aCC -AA' when `aCC -V' reports HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.55 */
+/* If we find a maximum version that requires this, the test would be __HP_aCC <= 35500 for A.03.55 */
+# else
+# endif
+/* inline attribute */
+# if defined(__cplusplus) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__))
+#   define SWIGINLINE inline
+# else
+#   define SWIGINLINE
+# endif
+/* attribute recognised by some compilers to avoid 'unused' warnings */
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if !(defined(__cplusplus)) || (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4))
+#     define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) 
+#   else
+#     define SWIGUNUSED
+#   endif
+# elif defined(__ICC)
+#   define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) 
+# else
+#   define SWIGUNUSED 
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+#   define SWIGUNUSEDPARM(p)
+# else
+# endif
+/* internal SWIG method */
+/* internal inline SWIG method */
+/* exporting methods */
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
+#  endif
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   if defined(STATIC_LINKED)
+#     define SWIGEXPORT
+#   else
+#     define SWIGEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#   endif
+# else
+#   if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
+#     define SWIGEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+#   else
+#     define SWIGEXPORT
+#   endif
+# endif
+/* calling conventions for Windows */
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   define SWIGSTDCALL __stdcall
+# else
+#   define SWIGSTDCALL
+# endif 
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating C standard runtime functions */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating methods in the standard C++ library */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * swigrun.swg
+ *
+ * This file contains generic CAPI SWIG runtime support for pointer
+ * type checking.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This should only be incremented when either the layout of swig_type_info changes,
+   or for whatever reason, the runtime changes incompatibly */
+# define SWIG_QUOTE_STRING(x) #x
+  You can use the SWIGRUNTIME and SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE macros for
+  creating a static or dynamic library from the swig runtime code.
+  In 99.9% of the cases, swig just needs to declare them as 'static'.
+  But only do this if is strictly necessary, ie, if you have problems
+  with your compiler or so.
+/*  Generic buffer size */
+# define SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+/* Flags for pointer conversions */
+#define SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN        0x1
+#define SWIG_CAST_NEW_MEMORY       0x2
+/* Flags for new pointer objects */
+#define SWIG_POINTER_OWN           0x1
+   Flags/methods for returning states.
+   The swig conversion methods, as ConvertPtr, return and integer 
+   that tells if the conversion was successful or not. And if not,
+   an error code can be returned (see swigerrors.swg for the codes).
+   Use the following macros/flags to set or process the returning
+   states.
+   In old swig versions, you usually write code as:
+     if (SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,vptr,ty.flags) != -1) {
+       // success code
+     } else {
+       //fail code
+     }
+   Now you can be more explicit as:
+    int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,vptr,ty.flags);
+    if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+      // success code
+    } else {
+      // fail code
+    }
+   that seems to be the same, but now you can also do
+    Type *ptr;
+    int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,(void **)(&ptr),ty.flags);
+    if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+      // success code
+      if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res) {
+        ...
+	delete *ptr;
+      } else {
+        ...
+      }
+    } else {
+      // fail code
+    }
+   I.e., now SWIG_ConvertPtr can return new objects and you can
+   identify the case and take care of the deallocation. Of course that
+   requires also to SWIG_ConvertPtr to return new result values, as
+      int SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, ptr,...) {         
+        if (<obj is ok>) {			       
+          if (<need new object>) {		       
+            *ptr = <ptr to new allocated object>; 
+            return SWIG_NEWOBJ;		       
+          } else {				       
+            *ptr = <ptr to old object>;	       
+            return SWIG_OLDOBJ;		       
+          } 				       
+        } else {				       
+          return SWIG_BADOBJ;		       
+        }					       
+      }
+   Of course, returning the plain '0(success)/-1(fail)' still works, but you can be
+   more explicit by returning SWIG_BADOBJ, SWIG_ERROR or any of the
+   swig errors code.
+   Finally, if the SWIG_CASTRANK_MODE is enabled, the result code
+   allows to return the 'cast rank', for example, if you have this
+       int food(double)
+       int fooi(int);
+   and you call
+      food(1)   // cast rank '1'  (1 -> 1.0)
+      fooi(1)   // cast rank '0'
+   just use the SWIG_AddCast()/SWIG_CheckState()
+ */
+#define SWIG_OK                    (0) 
+#define SWIG_ERROR                 (-1)
+#define SWIG_IsOK(r)               (r >= 0)
+#define SWIG_ArgError(r)           ((r != SWIG_ERROR) ? r : SWIG_TypeError)  
+/* The CastRankLimit says how many bits are used for the cast rank */
+#define SWIG_CASTRANKLIMIT         (1 << 8)
+/* The NewMask denotes the object was created (using new/malloc) */
+#define SWIG_NEWOBJMASK            (SWIG_CASTRANKLIMIT  << 1)
+/* The TmpMask is for in/out typemaps that use temporal objects */
+#define SWIG_TMPOBJMASK            (SWIG_NEWOBJMASK << 1)
+/* Simple returning values */
+#define SWIG_BADOBJ                (SWIG_ERROR)
+#define SWIG_OLDOBJ                (SWIG_OK)
+#define SWIG_NEWOBJ                (SWIG_OK | SWIG_NEWOBJMASK)
+#define SWIG_TMPOBJ                (SWIG_OK | SWIG_TMPOBJMASK)
+/* Check, add and del mask methods */
+#define SWIG_AddNewMask(r)         (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_DelNewMask(r)         (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_IsNewObj(r)           (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_NEWOBJMASK))
+#define SWIG_AddTmpMask(r)         (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_DelTmpMask(r)         (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_IsTmpObj(r)           (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_TMPOBJMASK))
+/* Cast-Rank Mode */
+#if defined(SWIG_CASTRANK_MODE)
+#  ifndef SWIG_TypeRank
+#    define SWIG_TypeRank             unsigned long
+#  endif
+#  ifndef SWIG_MAXCASTRANK            /* Default cast allowed */
+#    define SWIG_MAXCASTRANK          (2)
+#  endif
+#  define SWIG_CastRank(r)           (r & SWIG_CASTRANKMASK)
+SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_AddCast(int r) { 
+  return SWIG_IsOK(r) ? ((SWIG_CastRank(r) < SWIG_MAXCASTRANK) ? (r + 1) : SWIG_ERROR) : r;
+SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_CheckState(int r) { 
+  return SWIG_IsOK(r) ? SWIG_CastRank(r) + 1 : 0; 
+#else /* no cast-rank mode */
+#  define SWIG_AddCast
+#  define SWIG_CheckState(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? 1 : 0)
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef void *(*swig_converter_func)(void *, int *);
+typedef struct swig_type_info *(*swig_dycast_func)(void **);
+/* Structure to store information on one type */
+typedef struct swig_type_info {
+  const char             *name;			/* mangled name of this type */
+  const char             *str;			/* human readable name of this type */
+  swig_dycast_func        dcast;		/* dynamic cast function down a hierarchy */
+  struct swig_cast_info  *cast;			/* linked list of types that can cast into this type */
+  void                   *clientdata;		/* language specific type data */
+  int                    owndata;		/* flag if the structure owns the clientdata */
+} swig_type_info;
+/* Structure to store a type and conversion function used for casting */
+typedef struct swig_cast_info {
+  swig_type_info         *type;			/* pointer to type that is equivalent to this type */
+  swig_converter_func     converter;		/* function to cast the void pointers */
+  struct swig_cast_info  *next;			/* pointer to next cast in linked list */
+  struct swig_cast_info  *prev;			/* pointer to the previous cast */
+} swig_cast_info;
+/* Structure used to store module information
+ * Each module generates one structure like this, and the runtime collects
+ * all of these structures and stores them in a circularly linked list.*/
+typedef struct swig_module_info {
+  swig_type_info         **types;		/* Array of pointers to swig_type_info structures that are in this module */
+  size_t                 size;		        /* Number of types in this module */
+  struct swig_module_info *next;		/* Pointer to next element in circularly linked list */
+  swig_type_info         **type_initial;	/* Array of initially generated type structures */
+  swig_cast_info         **cast_initial;	/* Array of initially generated casting structures */
+  void                    *clientdata;		/* Language specific module data */
+} swig_module_info;
+  Compare two type names skipping the space characters, therefore
+  "char*" == "char *" and "Class<int>" == "Class<int >", etc.
+  Return 0 when the two name types are equivalent, as in
+  strncmp, but skipping ' '.
+SWIG_TypeNameComp(const char *f1, const char *l1,
+		  const char *f2, const char *l2) {
+  for (;(f1 != l1) && (f2 != l2); ++f1, ++f2) {
+    while ((*f1 == ' ') && (f1 != l1)) ++f1;
+    while ((*f2 == ' ') && (f2 != l2)) ++f2;
+    if (*f1 != *f2) return (*f1 > *f2) ? 1 : -1;
+  }
+  return (int)((l1 - f1) - (l2 - f2));
+  Check type equivalence in a name list like <name1>|<name2>|...
+  Return 0 if not equal, 1 if equal
+SWIG_TypeEquiv(const char *nb, const char *tb) {
+  int equiv = 0;
+  const char* te = tb + strlen(tb);
+  const char* ne = nb;
+  while (!equiv && *ne) {
+    for (nb = ne; *ne; ++ne) {
+      if (*ne == '|') break;
+    }
+    equiv = (SWIG_TypeNameComp(nb, ne, tb, te) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+    if (*ne) ++ne;
+  }
+  return equiv;
+  Check type equivalence in a name list like <name1>|<name2>|...
+  Return 0 if equal, -1 if nb < tb, 1 if nb > tb
+SWIG_TypeCompare(const char *nb, const char *tb) {
+  int equiv = 0;
+  const char* te = tb + strlen(tb);
+  const char* ne = nb;
+  while (!equiv && *ne) {
+    for (nb = ne; *ne; ++ne) {
+      if (*ne == '|') break;
+    }
+    equiv = (SWIG_TypeNameComp(nb, ne, tb, te) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+    if (*ne) ++ne;
+  }
+  return equiv;
+/* think of this as a c++ template<> or a scheme macro */
+#define SWIG_TypeCheck_Template(comparison, ty)         \
+  if (ty) {                                             \
+    swig_cast_info *iter = ty->cast;                    \
+    while (iter) {                                      \
+      if (comparison) {                                 \
+        if (iter == ty->cast) return iter;              \
+        /* Move iter to the top of the linked list */   \
+        iter->prev->next = iter->next;                  \
+        if (iter->next)                                 \
+          iter->next->prev = iter->prev;                \
+        iter->next = ty->cast;                          \
+        iter->prev = 0;                                 \
+        if (ty->cast) ty->cast->prev = iter;            \
+        ty->cast = iter;                                \
+        return iter;                                    \
+      }                                                 \
+      iter = iter->next;                                \
+    }                                                   \
+  }                                                     \
+  return 0
+  Check the typename
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info *
+SWIG_TypeCheck(const char *c, swig_type_info *ty) {
+  SWIG_TypeCheck_Template(strcmp(iter->type->name, c) == 0, ty);
+/* Same as previous function, except strcmp is replaced with a pointer comparison */
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info *
+SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(swig_type_info *from, swig_type_info *into) {
+  SWIG_TypeCheck_Template(iter->type == from, into);
+  Cast a pointer up an inheritance hierarchy
+SWIG_TypeCast(swig_cast_info *ty, void *ptr, int *newmemory) {
+  return ((!ty) || (!ty->converter)) ? ptr : (*ty->converter)(ptr, newmemory);
+   Dynamic pointer casting. Down an inheritance hierarchy
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_TypeDynamicCast(swig_type_info *ty, void **ptr) {
+  swig_type_info *lastty = ty;
+  if (!ty || !ty->dcast) return ty;
+  while (ty && (ty->dcast)) {
+    ty = (*ty->dcast)(ptr);
+    if (ty) lastty = ty;
+  }
+  return lastty;
+  Return the name associated with this type
+SWIG_TypeName(const swig_type_info *ty) {
+  return ty->name;
+  Return the pretty name associated with this type,
+  that is an unmangled type name in a form presentable to the user.
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_TypePrettyName(const swig_type_info *type) {
+  /* The "str" field contains the equivalent pretty names of the
+     type, separated by vertical-bar characters.  We choose
+     to print the last name, as it is often (?) the most
+     specific. */
+  if (!type) return NULL;
+  if (type->str != NULL) {
+    const char *last_name = type->str;
+    const char *s;
+    for (s = type->str; *s; s++)
+      if (*s == '|') last_name = s+1;
+    return last_name;
+  }
+  else
+    return type->name;
+   Set the clientdata field for a type
+SWIG_TypeClientData(swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata) {
+  swig_cast_info *cast = ti->cast;
+  /* if (ti->clientdata == clientdata) return; */
+  ti->clientdata = clientdata;
+  while (cast) {
+    if (!cast->converter) {
+      swig_type_info *tc = cast->type;
+      if (!tc->clientdata) {
+	SWIG_TypeClientData(tc, clientdata);
+      }
+    }    
+    cast = cast->next;
+  }
+SWIG_TypeNewClientData(swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata) {
+  SWIG_TypeClientData(ti, clientdata);
+  ti->owndata = 1;
+  Search for a swig_type_info structure only by mangled name
+  Search is a O(log #types)
+  We start searching at module start, and finish searching when start == end.  
+  Note: if start == end at the beginning of the function, we go all the way around
+  the circular list.
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start, 
+                            swig_module_info *end, 
+		            const char *name) {
+  swig_module_info *iter = start;
+  do {
+    if (iter->size) {
+      register size_t l = 0;
+      register size_t r = iter->size - 1;
+      do {
+	/* since l+r >= 0, we can (>> 1) instead (/ 2) */
+	register size_t i = (l + r) >> 1; 
+	const char *iname = iter->types[i]->name;
+	if (iname) {
+	  register int compare = strcmp(name, iname);
+	  if (compare == 0) {	    
+	    return iter->types[i];
+	  } else if (compare < 0) {
+	    if (i) {
+	      r = i - 1;
+	    } else {
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  } else if (compare > 0) {
+	    l = i + 1;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  break; /* should never happen */
+	}
+      } while (l <= r);
+    }
+    iter = iter->next;
+  } while (iter != end);
+  return 0;
+  Search for a swig_type_info structure for either a mangled name or a human readable name.
+  It first searches the mangled names of the types, which is a O(log #types)
+  If a type is not found it then searches the human readable names, which is O(#types).
+  We start searching at module start, and finish searching when start == end.  
+  Note: if start == end at the beginning of the function, we go all the way around
+  the circular list.
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_TypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start, 
+                     swig_module_info *end, 
+		     const char *name) {
+  /* STEP 1: Search the name field using binary search */
+  swig_type_info *ret = SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(start, end, name);
+  if (ret) {
+    return ret;
+  } else {
+    /* STEP 2: If the type hasn't been found, do a complete search
+       of the str field (the human readable name) */
+    swig_module_info *iter = start;
+    do {
+      register size_t i = 0;
+      for (; i < iter->size; ++i) {
+	if (iter->types[i]->str && (SWIG_TypeEquiv(iter->types[i]->str, name)))
+	  return iter->types[i];
+      }
+      iter = iter->next;
+    } while (iter != end);
+  }
+  /* neither found a match */
+  return 0;
+   Pack binary data into a string
+SWIG_PackData(char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+  static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
+  register const unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+  register const unsigned char *eu =  u + sz;
+  for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+    register unsigned char uu = *u;
+    *(c++) = hex[(uu & 0xf0) >> 4];
+    *(c++) = hex[uu & 0xf];
+  }
+  return c;
+   Unpack binary data from a string
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackData(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+  register unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+  register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+  for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+    register char d = *(c++);
+    register unsigned char uu;
+    if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+      uu = ((d - '0') << 4);
+    else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+      uu = ((d - ('a'-10)) << 4);
+    else 
+      return (char *) 0;
+    d = *(c++);
+    if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+      uu |= (d - '0');
+    else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+      uu |= (d - ('a'-10));
+    else 
+      return (char *) 0;
+    *u = uu;
+  }
+  return c;
+   Pack 'void *' into a string buffer.
+SWIG_PackVoidPtr(char *buff, void *ptr, const char *name, size_t bsz) {
+  char *r = buff;
+  if ((2*sizeof(void *) + 2) > bsz) return 0;
+  *(r++) = '_';
+  r = SWIG_PackData(r,&ptr,sizeof(void *));
+  if (strlen(name) + 1 > (bsz - (r - buff))) return 0;
+  strcpy(r,name);
+  return buff;
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr(const char *c, void **ptr, const char *name) {
+  if (*c != '_') {
+    if (strcmp(c,"NULL") == 0) {
+      *ptr = (void *) 0;
+      return name;
+    } else {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return SWIG_UnpackData(++c,ptr,sizeof(void *));
+SWIG_PackDataName(char *buff, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name, size_t bsz) {
+  char *r = buff;
+  size_t lname = (name ? strlen(name) : 0);
+  if ((2*sz + 2 + lname) > bsz) return 0;
+  *(r++) = '_';
+  r = SWIG_PackData(r,ptr,sz);
+  if (lname) {
+    strncpy(r,name,lname+1);
+  } else {
+    *r = 0;
+  }
+  return buff;
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackDataName(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name) {
+  if (*c != '_') {
+    if (strcmp(c,"NULL") == 0) {
+      memset(ptr,0,sz);
+      return name;
+    } else {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return SWIG_UnpackData(++c,ptr,sz);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
+ * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html.
+ *
+ * php4run.swg
+ *
+ * PHP4 runtime library
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "zend.h"
+#include "zend_API.h"
+#include "php.h"
+/* ZEND_RAW_FENTRY was added somewhere between 5.2.0 and 5.2.3 */
+# define SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(ZN, N, A) ZEND_RAW_FENTRY((char*)#ZN, N, A, 0)
+/* This causes warnings from GCC >= 4.2 (assigning a string literal to char*).
+ * But this seems to be unavoidable without directly assuming knowledge of
+ * the structure, which changed between PHP4 and PHP5. */
+#define SWIG_LONG_CONSTANT(N, V) zend_register_long_constant((char*)#N, sizeof(#N), V, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT, module_number TSRMLS_CC)
+#define SWIG_DOUBLE_CONSTANT(N, V) zend_register_double_constant((char*)#N, sizeof(#N), V, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT, module_number TSRMLS_CC)
+#define SWIG_STRING_CONSTANT(N, V) zend_register_stringl_constant((char*)#N, sizeof(#N), V, strlen(V), CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT, module_number TSRMLS_CC)
+#define SWIG_CHAR_CONSTANT(N, V) do {\
+    static char swig_char = (V);\
+    zend_register_stringl_constant((char*)#N, sizeof(#N), &swig_char, 1, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT, module_number TSRMLS_CC);\
+} while (0)
+/* These TSRMLS_ stuff should already be defined now, but with older php under
+   redhat are not... */
+#ifndef TSRMLS_D
+#define TSRMLS_D
+#ifndef TSRMLS_DC
+#define TSRMLS_DC
+#ifndef TSRMLS_C
+#define TSRMLS_C
+#ifndef TSRMLS_CC
+#define TSRMLS_CC
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* But in fact SWIG_ConvertPtr is the native interface for getting typed
+   pointer values out of zvals.  We need the TSRMLS_ macros for when we
+   make PHP type calls later as we handle php resources */
+#define SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,pp,type,flags) SWIG_ZTS_ConvertPtr(obj,pp,type,flags TSRMLS_CC)
+#define SWIG_fail goto fail
+static const char *default_error_msg = "Unknown error occurred";
+static int default_error_code = E_ERROR;
+#define SWIG_PHP_Arg_Error_Msg(argnum,extramsg) "Error in argument " #argnum " "#extramsg
+#define SWIG_PHP_Error(code,msg) do { SWIG_ErrorCode() = code; SWIG_ErrorMsg() = msg; SWIG_fail; } while (0)
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(expr,msg) \
+  if (!(expr) ) { zend_printf("Contract Assert Failed %s\n",msg ); } else
+/* Standard SWIG API */
+#define SWIG_GetModule(clientdata) SWIG_Php4_GetModule()
+#define SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, pointer) SWIG_Php4_SetModule(pointer)
+/* used to wrap returned objects in so we know whether they are newobject
+   and need freeing, or not */
+typedef struct _swig_object_wrapper {
+  void * ptr;
+  int newobject;
+} swig_object_wrapper;
+/* empty zend destructor for types without one */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(SWIG_landfill) { (void)rsrc; }
+#define SWIG_SetPointerZval(a,b,c,d) SWIG_ZTS_SetPointerZval(a,b,c,d TSRMLS_CC)
+static void
+SWIG_ZTS_SetPointerZval(zval *z, void *ptr, swig_type_info *type, int newobject TSRMLS_DC) {
+  swig_object_wrapper *value=NULL;
+  /*
+   * First test for Null pointers.  Return those as PHP native NULL
+   */
+  if (!ptr ) {
+    ZVAL_NULL(z);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (type->clientdata) {
+    if (! (*(int *)(type->clientdata)))
+      zend_error(E_ERROR, "Type: %s failed to register with zend",type->name);
+    value=(swig_object_wrapper *)emalloc(sizeof(swig_object_wrapper));
+    value->ptr=ptr;
+    value->newobject=newobject;
+    ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(z, value, *(int *)(type->clientdata));
+    return;
+  }
+  zend_error(E_ERROR, "Type: %s not registered with zend",type->name);
+/* This pointer conversion routine takes the native pointer p (along with
+   its type name) and converts it by calling appropriate casting functions
+   according to ty.  The resultant pointer is returned, or NULL is returned
+   if the pointer can't be cast.
+   Sadly PHP has no API to find a type name from a type id, only from an
+   instance of a resource of the type id, so we have to pass type_name as well.
+   The two functions which might call this are:
+   SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourcePtr which gets the type name from the resource
+   and the registered zend destructors for which we have one per type each
+   with the type name hard wired in. */
+static void *
+SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourceData(void * p, const char *type_name, swig_type_info *ty TSRMLS_DC) {
+  swig_cast_info *tc;
+  void *result = 0;
+  if (!ty) {
+    /* They don't care about the target type, so just pass on the pointer! */
+    return p;
+  }
+  if (! type_name) {  
+    /* can't convert p to ptr type ty if we don't know what type p is */
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  /* convert and cast p from type_name to ptr as ty. */
+  tc = SWIG_TypeCheck(type_name, ty);
+  if (tc) {
+    int newmemory = 0;
+    result = SWIG_TypeCast(tc, p, &newmemory);
+    assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */
+  }
+  return result;
+/* This function returns a pointer of type ty by extracting the pointer
+   and type info from the resource in z.  z must be a resource.
+   If it fails, NULL is returned.
+   It uses SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourceData to do the real work. */
+static void *
+SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourcePtr(zval *z, swig_type_info *ty, int flags TSRMLS_DC) {
+  swig_object_wrapper *value;
+  void *p;
+  int type;
+  char *type_name;
+  value = (swig_object_wrapper *) zend_list_find(z->value.lval, &type);
+  if ( flags && SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN ) {
+    value->newobject = 0;
+  }
+  p = value->ptr;
+  if (type==-1) return NULL;
+  type_name=zend_rsrc_list_get_rsrc_type(z->value.lval TSRMLS_CC);
+  return SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourceData(p, type_name, ty TSRMLS_CC);
+/* We allow passing of a RESOURCE pointing to the object or an OBJECT whose
+   _cPtr is a resource pointing to the object */
+static int
+SWIG_ZTS_ConvertPtr(zval *z, void **ptr, swig_type_info *ty, int flags TSRMLS_DC) {
+  if (z == NULL) {
+    *ptr = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  switch (z->type) {
+    case IS_OBJECT: {
+      zval ** _cPtr;
+      if (zend_hash_find(HASH_OF(z),(char*)"_cPtr",sizeof("_cPtr"),(void**)&_cPtr)==SUCCESS) {
+	if ((*_cPtr)->type==IS_RESOURCE) {
+	  *ptr = SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourcePtr(*_cPtr, ty, flags TSRMLS_CC);
+	  return (*ptr == NULL ? -1 : 0);
+	}
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case IS_RESOURCE:
+      *ptr = SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourcePtr(z, ty, flags TSRMLS_CC);
+      return (*ptr == NULL ? -1 : 0);
+    case IS_NULL:
+      *ptr = 0;
+      return 0;
+  }
+  return -1;
+static char const_name[] = "swig_runtime_data_type_pointer";
+static swig_module_info *SWIG_Php4_GetModule() {
+  zval *pointer;
+  swig_module_info *ret = 0;
+  MAKE_STD_ZVAL(pointer);
+  if (zend_get_constant(const_name, sizeof(const_name), pointer TSRMLS_CC)) {
+    if (pointer->type == IS_LONG) {
+      ret = (swig_module_info *) pointer->value.lval;
+    }
+  } 
+  FREE_ZVAL(pointer);
+  return ret; 
+static void SWIG_Php4_SetModule(swig_module_info *pointer) {
+  REGISTER_MAIN_LONG_CONSTANT(const_name, (long) pointer, 0);
+/* -------- TYPES TABLE (BEGIN) -------- */
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection swig_types[0]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent swig_types[1]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t swig_types[2]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_esl_priority_t swig_types[3]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t swig_types[4]
+static swig_type_info *swig_types[6];
+static swig_module_info swig_module = {swig_types, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+#define SWIG_TypeQuery(name) SWIG_TypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
+#define SWIG_MangledTypeQuery(name) SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
+/* -------- TYPES TABLE (END) -------- */
+/* header section */
+const char *error_msg;
+int error_code;
+#ifdef ZTS
+#define SWIG_ErrorMsg() TSRMG(ESL_globals_id, zend_ESL_globals *, error_msg )
+#define SWIG_ErrorCode() TSRMG(ESL_globals_id, zend_ESL_globals *, error_code )
+#define SWIG_ErrorMsg() (ESL_globals.error_msg)
+#define SWIG_ErrorCode() (ESL_globals.error_code)
+static void ESL_init_globals(zend_ESL_globals *globals ) {
+  globals->error_msg = default_error_msg;
+  globals->error_code = default_error_code;
+static void ESL_destroy_globals(zend_ESL_globals * globals) { (void)globals; }
+static void SWIG_ResetError() {
+  SWIG_ErrorMsg() = default_error_msg;
+  SWIG_ErrorCode() = default_error_code;
+#define SWIG_name  "ESL"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "php.h"
+#include "php_ini.h"
+#include "ext/standard/info.h"
+#include "php_ESL.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "esl.h"
+#include "esl_oop.h"
+static swig_type_info _swigt__p_eslConnection = {"_p_eslConnection", "eslConnection *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0};
+static swig_type_info _swigt__p_eslEvent = {"_p_eslEvent", "eslEvent *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0};
+static swig_type_info _swigt__p_esl_event_t = {"_p_esl_event_t", "esl_event_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0};
+static swig_type_info _swigt__p_esl_priority_t = {"_p_esl_priority_t", "esl_priority_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0};
+static swig_type_info _swigt__p_esl_status_t = {"_p_esl_status_t", "esl_status_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0};
+static swig_type_info *swig_type_initial[] = {
+  &_swigt__p_eslConnection,
+  &_swigt__p_eslEvent,
+  &_swigt__p_esl_event_t,
+  &_swigt__p_esl_priority_t,
+  &_swigt__p_esl_status_t,
+static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_eslConnection[] = {  {&_swigt__p_eslConnection, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_eslEvent[] = {  {&_swigt__p_eslEvent, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_esl_event_t[] = {  {&_swigt__p_esl_event_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_esl_priority_t[] = {  {&_swigt__p_esl_priority_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_esl_status_t[] = {  {&_swigt__p_esl_status_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static swig_cast_info *swig_cast_initial[] = {
+  _swigc__p_eslConnection,
+  _swigc__p_eslEvent,
+  _swigc__p_esl_event_t,
+  _swigc__p_esl_priority_t,
+  _swigc__p_esl_status_t,
+/* end header section */
+/* vdecl subsection */
+static int le_swig__p_eslEvent=0; /* handle for eslEvent */
+static int le_swig__p_esl_priority_t=0; /* handle for _p_esl_priority_t */
+static int le_swig__p_esl_status_t=0; /* handle for _p_esl_status_t */
+static int le_swig__p_esl_event_t=0; /* handle for _p_esl_event_t */
+static int le_swig__p_eslConnection=0; /* handle for eslConnection */
+/* end vdecl subsection */
+/* wrapper section */
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_event_set) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  esl_event_t *arg2 = (esl_event_t *) 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_event_set. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[1], (void **) &arg2, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 2 of eslEvent_event_set. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t");
+    }
+  }
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->event = arg2;
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_event_get) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  esl_event_t *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_event_get. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (esl_event_t *) ((arg1)->event);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_serialized_string_set) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_serialized_string_set. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  {
+    if (arg1->serialized_string) delete [] arg1->serialized_string;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->serialized_string = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->serialized_string, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->serialized_string = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_serialized_string_get) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_serialized_string_get. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->serialized_string);
+  {
+    if(!result) {
+      ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+    } else {
+      ZVAL_STRING(return_value,result, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_mine_set) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_mine_set. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,7,CONVERT_INT_IN@*/
+  convert_to_long_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (int) Z_LVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->mine = arg2;
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_mine_get) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_mine_get. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->mine);
+  {
+    ZVAL_LONG(return_value,result);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_0) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) NULL ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  int arg_count;
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  if(arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+    zend_get_parameters_array_ex(arg_count,args)!=SUCCESS)
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[0]);
+  arg1 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[0]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  if(arg_count > 1) {
+    /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+    convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+    arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+    /*@SWIG@*/;
+  }
+  result = (eslEvent *)new eslEvent((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_1) {
+  esl_event_t *arg1 = (esl_event_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 = (int) 0 ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  int arg_count;
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  if(arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+    zend_get_parameters_array_ex(arg_count,args)!=SUCCESS)
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of new_eslEvent. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t");
+    }
+  }
+  if(arg_count > 1) {
+    /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,7,CONVERT_INT_IN@*/
+    convert_to_long_ex(args[1]);
+    arg2 = (int) Z_LVAL_PP(args[1]);
+    /*@SWIG@*/;
+  }
+  result = (eslEvent *)new eslEvent(arg1,arg2);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslEvent) {
+  int argc;
+  zval **argv[2];
+  argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  zend_get_parameters_array_ex(argc,argv);
+  if ((argc >= 1) && (argc <= 2)) {
+    int _v;
+    {
+      void *tmp;
+      _v = (SWIG_ConvertPtr( *argv[0], (void**)&tmp, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t, 0) >= 0);
+    }
+    if (_v) {
+      if (argc <= 1) {
+        return _wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_1(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+      }
+      _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[1]) == IS_LONG); 
+      if (_v) {
+        return _wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_1(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ((argc >= 1) && (argc <= 2)) {
+    int _v;
+    _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[0]) == IS_STRING); 
+    if (_v) {
+      if (argc <= 1) {
+        return _wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_0(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+      }
+      _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[1]) == IS_STRING); 
+      if (_v) {
+        return _wrap_new_eslEvent__SWIG_0(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  SWIG_ErrorCode() = E_ERROR;
+  SWIG_ErrorMsg() = "No matching function for overloaded 'new_eslEvent'";
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+/* This function is designed to be called by the zend list destructors */
+/* to typecast and do the actual destruction */
+static void __wrap_delete_eslEvent(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc, const char *type_name TSRMLS_DC) {
+  swig_object_wrapper *value=(swig_object_wrapper *) rsrc->ptr ;
+  void *ptr=value->ptr ;
+  int newobject=value->newobject ;
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  efree(value);
+  if (! newobject) return; /* can't delete it! */
+  arg1 = (eslEvent *)SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourceData(ptr,type_name,SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent TSRMLS_CC);
+  if (! arg1) zend_error(E_ERROR, "eslEvent resource already free'd");
+  delete arg1;
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_serialize) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) NULL ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  int arg_count;
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  if(arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+    zend_get_parameters_array_ex(arg_count,args)!=SUCCESS)
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_serialize. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  if(arg_count > 1) {
+    /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+    convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+    arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+    /*@SWIG@*/;
+  }
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->serialize((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    if(!result) {
+      ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+    } else {
+      ZVAL_STRING(return_value,result, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_setPriority) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  esl_priority_t arg2 = (esl_priority_t) ESL_PRIORITY_NORMAL ;
+  bool result;
+  esl_priority_t *tmp2 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  int arg_count;
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  if(arg_count<1 || arg_count>2 ||
+    zend_get_parameters_array_ex(arg_count,args)!=SUCCESS)
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_setPriority. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  if(arg_count > 1) {
+    {
+      if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[1], (void **) &tmp2, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_priority_t, 0) < 0 || tmp2 == NULL) {
+        SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 2 of eslEvent_setPriority. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_esl_priority_t");
+      }
+      arg2 = *tmp2;
+    }
+  }
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->setPriority(arg2);
+  {
+    ZVAL_BOOL(return_value,(result)?1:0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_getHeader) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_getHeader. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getHeader(arg2);
+  {
+    if(!result) {
+      ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+    } else {
+      ZVAL_STRING(return_value,result, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_getBody) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_getBody. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getBody();
+  {
+    if(!result) {
+      ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+    } else {
+      ZVAL_STRING(return_value,result, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_getType) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_getType. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getType();
+  {
+    if(!result) {
+      ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+    } else {
+      ZVAL_STRING(return_value,result, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_addBody) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_addBody. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->addBody((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    ZVAL_BOOL(return_value,(result)?1:0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_addHeader) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  zval **args[3];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(3, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_addHeader. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[2]);
+  arg3 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[2]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  {
+    ZVAL_BOOL(return_value,(result)?1:0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslEvent_delHeader) {
+  eslEvent *arg1 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslEvent_delHeader. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->delHeader((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    ZVAL_BOOL(return_value,(result)?1:0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslConnection__SWIG_0) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  eslConnection *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[3];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(3, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[0]);
+  arg1 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[0]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[2]);
+  arg3 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[2]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (eslConnection *)new eslConnection((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslConnection__SWIG_1) {
+  int arg1 ;
+  eslConnection *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,7,CONVERT_INT_IN@*/
+  convert_to_long_ex(args[0]);
+  arg1 = (int) Z_LVAL_PP(args[0]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (eslConnection *)new eslConnection(arg1);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_new_eslConnection) {
+  int argc;
+  zval **argv[3];
+  argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  zend_get_parameters_array_ex(argc,argv);
+  if (argc == 1) {
+    int _v;
+    _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[0]) == IS_LONG); 
+    if (_v) {
+      return _wrap_new_eslConnection__SWIG_1(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+    }
+  }
+  if (argc == 3) {
+    int _v;
+    _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[0]) == IS_STRING); 
+    if (_v) {
+      _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[1]) == IS_STRING); 
+      if (_v) {
+        _v = (Z_TYPE_PP(argv[2]) == IS_STRING); 
+        if (_v) {
+          return _wrap_new_eslConnection__SWIG_0(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  SWIG_ErrorCode() = E_ERROR;
+  SWIG_ErrorMsg() = "No matching function for overloaded 'new_eslConnection'";
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+/* This function is designed to be called by the zend list destructors */
+/* to typecast and do the actual destruction */
+static void __wrap_delete_eslConnection(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc, const char *type_name TSRMLS_DC) {
+  swig_object_wrapper *value=(swig_object_wrapper *) rsrc->ptr ;
+  void *ptr=value->ptr ;
+  int newobject=value->newobject ;
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  efree(value);
+  if (! newobject) return; /* can't delete it! */
+  arg1 = (eslConnection *)SWIG_ZTS_ConvertResourceData(ptr,type_name,SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection TSRMLS_CC);
+  if (! arg1) zend_error(E_ERROR, "eslConnection resource already free'd");
+  delete arg1;
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_connected) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_connected. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (int)(arg1)->connected();
+  {
+    ZVAL_LONG(return_value,result);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_getInfo) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_getInfo. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (eslEvent *)(arg1)->getInfo();
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_send) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  esl_status_t result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_send. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (arg1)->send((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    esl_status_t * resultobj = new esl_status_t((esl_status_t &) result);
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)resultobj, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_sendRecv) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_sendRecv. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (eslEvent *)(arg1)->sendRecv((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_sendEvent) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  eslEvent *arg2 = (eslEvent *) 0 ;
+  esl_status_t result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_sendEvent. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[1], (void **) &arg2, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 2 of eslConnection_sendEvent. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent");
+    }
+  }
+  result = (arg1)->sendEvent(arg2);
+  {
+    esl_status_t * resultobj = new esl_status_t((esl_status_t &) result);
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)resultobj, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_recvEvent) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[1];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(1, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_recvEvent. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  result = (eslEvent *)(arg1)->recvEvent();
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_recvEventTimed) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  eslEvent *result = 0 ;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_recvEventTimed. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,7,CONVERT_INT_IN@*/
+  convert_to_long_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (int) Z_LVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (eslEvent *)(arg1)->recvEventTimed(arg2);
+  {
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)result, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent, 0);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_filter) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  esl_status_t result;
+  zval **args[3];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(3, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_filter. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[2]);
+  arg3 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[2]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (arg1)->filter((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  {
+    esl_status_t * resultobj = new esl_status_t((esl_status_t &) result);
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)resultobj, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_events) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  esl_status_t result;
+  zval **args[3];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(3, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_events. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[2]);
+  arg3 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[2]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (arg1)->events((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  {
+    esl_status_t * resultobj = new esl_status_t((esl_status_t &) result);
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)resultobj, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_execute) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) NULL ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) NULL ;
+  esl_status_t result;
+  zval **args[4];
+  int arg_count;
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+  if(arg_count<2 || arg_count>4 ||
+    zend_get_parameters_array_ex(arg_count,args)!=SUCCESS)
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_execute. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  if(arg_count > 2) {
+    /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+    convert_to_string_ex(args[2]);
+    arg3 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[2]);
+    /*@SWIG@*/;
+  }
+  if(arg_count > 3) {
+    /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+    convert_to_string_ex(args[3]);
+    arg4 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[3]);
+    /*@SWIG@*/;
+  }
+  result = (arg1)->execute((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  {
+    esl_status_t * resultobj = new esl_status_t((esl_status_t &) result);
+    SWIG_SetPointerZval(return_value, (void *)resultobj, SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t, 1);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_setBlockingExecute) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_setBlockingExecute. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (int)(arg1)->setBlockingExecute((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    ZVAL_LONG(return_value,result);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(_wrap_eslConnection_setEventLock) {
+  eslConnection *arg1 = (eslConnection *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  zval **args[2];
+  SWIG_ResetError();
+  if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_array_ex(2, args) != SUCCESS) {
+  }
+  {
+    if(SWIG_ConvertPtr(*args[0], (void **) &arg1, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection, 0) < 0) {
+      SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "Type error in argument 1 of eslConnection_setEventLock. Expected SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection");
+    }
+  }
+  if(!arg1) SWIG_PHP_Error(E_ERROR, "this pointer is NULL");
+  /*@SWIG:/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.35/php4/utils.i,26,CONVERT_STRING_IN@*/
+  convert_to_string_ex(args[1]);
+  arg2 = (char *) Z_STRVAL_PP(args[1]);
+  /*@SWIG@*/;
+  result = (int)(arg1)->setEventLock((char const *)arg2);
+  {
+    ZVAL_LONG(return_value,result);
+  }
+  return;
+  zend_error(SWIG_ErrorCode(),SWIG_ErrorMsg());
+/* NEW Destructor style */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(_wrap_destroy_p_eslEvent) {
+  __wrap_delete_eslEvent(rsrc, SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent->name TSRMLS_CC);
+/* NEW Destructor style */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_priority_t) {
+  /* No destructor for simple type _p_esl_priority_t */
+/* NEW Destructor style */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_status_t) {
+  /* No destructor for simple type _p_esl_status_t */
+/* NEW Destructor style */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_event_t) {
+  /* No destructor for simple type _p_esl_event_t */
+/* NEW Destructor style */
+static ZEND_RSRC_DTOR_FUNC(_wrap_destroy_p_eslConnection) {
+  __wrap_delete_eslConnection(rsrc, SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection->name TSRMLS_CC);
+/* end wrapper section */
+/* class entry subsection */
+/* entry subsection */
+/* Every non-class user visible function must have an entry here */
+static zend_function_entry ESL_functions[] = {
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_event_set,_wrap_eslEvent_event_set,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_event_get,_wrap_eslEvent_event_get,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_serialized_string_set,_wrap_eslEvent_serialized_string_set,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_serialized_string_get,_wrap_eslEvent_serialized_string_get,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_mine_set,_wrap_eslEvent_mine_set,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_mine_get,_wrap_eslEvent_mine_get,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(new_eslevent,_wrap_new_eslEvent,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_serialize,_wrap_eslEvent_serialize,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_setpriority,_wrap_eslEvent_setPriority,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_getheader,_wrap_eslEvent_getHeader,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_getbody,_wrap_eslEvent_getBody,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_gettype,_wrap_eslEvent_getType,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_addbody,_wrap_eslEvent_addBody,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_addheader,_wrap_eslEvent_addHeader,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslevent_delheader,_wrap_eslEvent_delHeader,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(new_eslconnection,_wrap_new_eslConnection,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_connected,_wrap_eslConnection_connected,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_getinfo,_wrap_eslConnection_getInfo,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_send,_wrap_eslConnection_send,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_sendrecv,_wrap_eslConnection_sendRecv,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_sendevent,_wrap_eslConnection_sendEvent,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_recvevent,_wrap_eslConnection_recvEvent,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_recveventtimed,_wrap_eslConnection_recvEventTimed,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_filter,_wrap_eslConnection_filter,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_events,_wrap_eslConnection_events,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_execute,_wrap_eslConnection_execute,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_setblockingexecute,_wrap_eslConnection_setBlockingExecute,NULL)
+ SWIG_ZEND_NAMED_FE(eslconnection_seteventlock,_wrap_eslConnection_setEventLock,NULL)
+/* init section */
+zend_module_entry ESL_module_entry = {
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO > 20010900
+    (char*)"ESL",
+    ESL_functions,
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO > 20010900
+zend_module_entry* SWIG_module_entry = &ESL_module_entry;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+SWIGEXPORT zend_module_entry *get_module(void) { return &ESL_module_entry; }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define SWIG_php_minit PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(ESL)
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Type initialization:
+ * This problem is tough by the requirement that no dynamic 
+ * memory is used. Also, since swig_type_info structures store pointers to 
+ * swig_cast_info structures and swig_cast_info structures store pointers back
+ * to swig_type_info structures, we need some lookup code at initialization. 
+ * The idea is that swig generates all the structures that are needed. 
+ * The runtime then collects these partially filled structures. 
+ * The SWIG_InitializeModule function takes these initial arrays out of 
+ * swig_module, and does all the lookup, filling in the swig_module.types
+ * array with the correct data and linking the correct swig_cast_info
+ * structures together.
+ *
+ * The generated swig_type_info structures are assigned staticly to an initial 
+ * array. We just loop through that array, and handle each type individually.
+ * First we lookup if this type has been already loaded, and if so, use the
+ * loaded structure instead of the generated one. Then we have to fill in the
+ * cast linked list. The cast data is initially stored in something like a
+ * two-dimensional array. Each row corresponds to a type (there are the same
+ * number of rows as there are in the swig_type_initial array). Each entry in
+ * a column is one of the swig_cast_info structures for that type.
+ * The cast_initial array is actually an array of arrays, because each row has
+ * a variable number of columns. So to actually build the cast linked list,
+ * we find the array of casts associated with the type, and loop through it 
+ * adding the casts to the list. The one last trick we need to do is making
+ * sure the type pointer in the swig_cast_info struct is correct.
+ *
+ * First off, we lookup the cast->type name to see if it is already loaded. 
+ * There are three cases to handle:
+ *  1) If the cast->type has already been loaded AND the type we are adding
+ *     casting info to has not been loaded (it is in this module), THEN we
+ *     replace the cast->type pointer with the type pointer that has already
+ *     been loaded.
+ *  2) If BOTH types (the one we are adding casting info to, and the 
+ *     cast->type) are loaded, THEN the cast info has already been loaded by
+ *     the previous module so we just ignore it.
+ *  3) Finally, if cast->type has not already been loaded, then we add that
+ *     swig_cast_info to the linked list (because the cast->type) pointer will
+ *     be correct.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if 0
+} /* c-mode */
+#if 0
+SWIG_InitializeModule(void *clientdata) {
+  size_t i;
+  swig_module_info *module_head, *iter;
+  int found, init;
+  clientdata = clientdata;
+  /* check to see if the circular list has been setup, if not, set it up */
+  if (swig_module.next==0) {
+    /* Initialize the swig_module */
+    swig_module.type_initial = swig_type_initial;
+    swig_module.cast_initial = swig_cast_initial;
+    swig_module.next = &swig_module;
+    init = 1;
+  } else {
+    init = 0;
+  }
+  /* Try and load any already created modules */
+  module_head = SWIG_GetModule(clientdata);
+  if (!module_head) {
+    /* This is the first module loaded for this interpreter */
+    /* so set the swig module into the interpreter */
+    SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, &swig_module);
+    module_head = &swig_module;
+  } else {
+    /* the interpreter has loaded a SWIG module, but has it loaded this one? */
+    found=0;
+    iter=module_head;
+    do {
+      if (iter==&swig_module) {
+        found=1;
+        break;
+      }
+      iter=iter->next;
+    } while (iter!= module_head);
+    /* if the is found in the list, then all is done and we may leave */
+    if (found) return;
+    /* otherwise we must add out module into the list */
+    swig_module.next = module_head->next;
+    module_head->next = &swig_module;
+  }
+  /* When multiple interpeters are used, a module could have already been initialized in
+     a different interpreter, but not yet have a pointer in this interpreter.
+     In this case, we do not want to continue adding types... everything should be
+     set up already */
+  if (init == 0) return;
+  /* Now work on filling in swig_module.types */
+  printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: size %d\n", swig_module.size);
+  for (i = 0; i < swig_module.size; ++i) {
+    swig_type_info *type = 0;
+    swig_type_info *ret;
+    swig_cast_info *cast;
+    printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: type %d %s\n", i, swig_module.type_initial[i]->name);
+    /* if there is another module already loaded */
+    if (swig_module.next != &swig_module) {
+      type = SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(swig_module.next, &swig_module, swig_module.type_initial[i]->name);
+    }
+    if (type) {
+      /* Overwrite clientdata field */
+      printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: found type %s\n", type->name);
+      if (swig_module.type_initial[i]->clientdata) {
+	type->clientdata = swig_module.type_initial[i]->clientdata;
+      printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: found and overwrite type %s \n", type->name);
+      }
+    } else {
+      type = swig_module.type_initial[i];
+    }
+    /* Insert casting types */
+    cast = swig_module.cast_initial[i];
+    while (cast->type) {
+      /* Don't need to add information already in the list */
+      ret = 0;
+      printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: look cast %s\n", cast->type->name);
+      if (swig_module.next != &swig_module) {
+        ret = SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(swig_module.next, &swig_module, cast->type->name);
+	if (ret) printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: found cast %s\n", ret->name);
+      }
+      if (ret) {
+	if (type == swig_module.type_initial[i]) {
+	  printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: skip old type %s\n", ret->name);
+	  cast->type = ret;
+	  ret = 0;
+	} else {
+	  /* Check for casting already in the list */
+	  swig_cast_info *ocast = SWIG_TypeCheck(ret->name, type);
+	  if (ocast) printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: skip old cast %s\n", ret->name);
+	  if (!ocast) ret = 0;
+	}
+      }
+      if (!ret) {
+	printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: adding cast %s\n", cast->type->name);
+        if (type->cast) {
+          type->cast->prev = cast;
+          cast->next = type->cast;
+        }
+        type->cast = cast;
+      }
+      cast++;
+    }
+    /* Set entry in modules->types array equal to the type */
+    swig_module.types[i] = type;
+  }
+  swig_module.types[i] = 0;
+  printf("**** SWIG_InitializeModule: Cast List ******\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < swig_module.size; ++i) {
+    int j = 0;
+    swig_cast_info *cast = swig_module.cast_initial[i];
+    printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: type %d %s\n", i, swig_module.type_initial[i]->name);
+    while (cast->type) {
+      printf("SWIG_InitializeModule: cast type %s\n", cast->type->name);
+      cast++;
+      ++j;
+    }
+  printf("---- Total casts: %d\n",j);
+  }
+  printf("**** SWIG_InitializeModule: Cast List ******\n");
+/* This function will propagate the clientdata field of type to
+* any new swig_type_info structures that have been added into the list
+* of equivalent types.  It is like calling
+* SWIG_TypeClientData(type, clientdata) a second time.
+SWIG_PropagateClientData(void) {
+  size_t i;
+  swig_cast_info *equiv;
+  static int init_run = 0;
+  if (init_run) return;
+  init_run = 1;
+  for (i = 0; i < swig_module.size; i++) {
+    if (swig_module.types[i]->clientdata) {
+      equiv = swig_module.types[i]->cast;
+      while (equiv) {
+        if (!equiv->converter) {
+          if (equiv->type && !equiv->type->clientdata)
+            SWIG_TypeClientData(equiv->type, swig_module.types[i]->clientdata);
+        }
+        equiv = equiv->next;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if 0
+{ /* c-mode */
+  SWIG_php_minit {
+    SWIG_InitializeModule(0);
+/* oinit subsection */
+ZEND_INIT_MODULE_GLOBALS(ESL, ESL_init_globals, ESL_destroy_globals);
+/* Register resource destructors for pointer types */
+le_swig__p_eslEvent=zend_register_list_destructors_ex(_wrap_destroy_p_eslEvent,NULL,(char *)(SWIGTYPE_p_eslEvent->name),module_number);
+le_swig__p_esl_priority_t=zend_register_list_destructors_ex(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_priority_t,NULL,(char *)(SWIGTYPE_p_esl_priority_t->name),module_number);
+le_swig__p_esl_status_t=zend_register_list_destructors_ex(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_status_t,NULL,(char *)(SWIGTYPE_p_esl_status_t->name),module_number);
+le_swig__p_esl_event_t=zend_register_list_destructors_ex(_wrap_destroy_p_esl_event_t,NULL,(char *)(SWIGTYPE_p_esl_event_t->name),module_number);
+le_swig__p_eslConnection=zend_register_list_destructors_ex(_wrap_destroy_p_eslConnection,NULL,(char *)(SWIGTYPE_p_eslConnection->name),module_number);
+CG(active_class_entry) = NULL;
+/* end oinit subsection */
+/* cinit subsection */
+/* end cinit subsection */
+    return SUCCESS;
+/* rinit section */
+/* vinit subsection */
+/* end vinit subsection */
+    return SUCCESS;
+/* shutdown section */
+#ifdef ZTS
+    ts_free_id(ESL_globals_id);
+    return SUCCESS;
+/* rshutdown section */
+    return SUCCESS;
+/* end init section */

Added: freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/php_ESL.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/esl/php/php_ESL.h	Tue Feb 17 09:54:36 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ * 
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of 
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG 
+ * interface file instead. 
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef PHP_ESL_H
+#define PHP_ESL_H
+extern zend_module_entry ESL_module_entry;
+#define phpext_ESL_ptr &ESL_module_entry
+#ifdef PHP_WIN32
+# define PHP_ESL_API __declspec(dllexport)
+# define PHP_ESL_API
+#ifdef ZTS
+#include "TSRM.h"
+#endif /* PHP_ESL_H */

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