[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r8656 - in freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages: mod_mono mod_mono_managed mod_mono_managed/Properties mod_mono_managed/swig

Freeswitch SVN mikej at freeswitch.org
Sun May 25 23:43:49 EDT 2008

Author: mikej
Date: Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
New Revision: 8656

   freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swigStringFix.exe   (contents, props changed)

add the new mod_mono first draft from MichaelGG into tree.

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch.i
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch.i	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+%module freeswitch
+/** insert the following includes into generated code so it compiles */
+#include "switch.h"
+#include "switch_cpp.h"
+#include "freeswitch_mono.h"
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) MonoSession "public partial class"
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) Event "public partial class"
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) Stream "public partial class"
+// Some things we dont want exposed to managed users directly, since 
+// we're gonna handle them with our own internalcall methods
+%ignore dtmfDelegateHandle;
+%ignore hangupDelegateHandle;
+%ignore setHangupHook;
+%ignore beginAllowThreads;
+%ignore endAllowThreads;
+%ignore process_callback_result;
+%ignore run_dtmf_callback;
+%ignore setDTMFCallback;
+// Rename some things to make them more .NET-like
+%rename (Answer) CoreSession::answer;
+%rename (Hangup) CoreSession::hangup;
+%rename (Ready) CoreSession::ready;
+%rename (Transfer) CoreSession::transfer;
+%rename (Originate) CoreSession::originate;
+%rename (SetVariable) CoreSession::setVariable;
+%rename (GetVariable) CoreSession::getVariable;
+%rename (SetPrivate) CoreSession::setPrivate;
+%rename (GetPrivate) CoreSession::getPrivate;
+%rename (Say) CoreSession::say;
+%rename (SayPhrase) CoreSession::sayPhrase;
+%rename (RecordFile) CoreSession::recordFile;
+%rename (SetCallerData) CoreSession::setCallerData;
+%rename (CollectDigits) CoreSession::collectDigits;
+%rename (GetDigits) CoreSession::getDigits;
+%rename (PlayAndGetDigits) CoreSession::playAndGetDigits;
+%rename (StreamFile) CoreSession::streamFile;
+%rename (Execute) CoreSession::execute;
+%rename (GetUuid) CoreSession::get_uuid;
+%rename (HookState) CoreSession::hook_state;
+%rename (InternalSession) CoreSession::session;
+%rename (Serialize) Event::serialize;
+%rename (SetPriority) Event::setPriority;
+%rename (GetHeader) Event::getHeader;
+%rename (GetBody) Event::getBody;
+%rename (GetEventType) Event::getType;
+%rename (AddBody) Event::addBody;
+%rename (AddHeader) Event::addHeader;
+%rename (DeleteHeader) Event::delHeader;
+%rename (Fire) Event::fire;
+%rename (InternalEvent) Event::event;
+%rename (Write) Stream::write;
+%rename (GetData) Stream::getData;
+%rename (Api) API;
+%rename (Execute) API::execute;
+%rename (ExecuteString) API::executeString;
+%rename (IvrMenu) IVRMenu;
+%rename (Execute) IVRMenu::execute;
+%rename (ExecuteString) API::executeString;
+// Causes C2564, todo
+%ignore switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t;
+// todo, other errors
+%ignore switch_core_session_get_event_hooks;
+%ignore switch_inet_pton;
+%ignore switch_xml_idx;
+// Real header includes now
+%import switch_platform.i // This will give us all the macros we need to compile the other stuff
+%include switch.h
+%include switch_types.h
+%include switch_core_db.h
+%include switch_regex.h
+%include switch_core.h
+//%include switch_loadable_module.h // todo: Sort out some linking issues
+%include switch_console.h // Has unsupported varargs functions
+%include switch_utils.h
+%include switch_caller.h
+%include switch_frame.h
+%include switch_module_interfaces.h
+%include switch_channel.h
+%include switch_buffer.h
+%include switch_event.h // Varargs omitted
+%include switch_resample.h
+%include switch_ivr.h
+%include switch_rtp.h
+%include switch_log.h // switch_log_printf is omitted (varargs)
+%include switch_xml.h
+%include switch_core_event_hook.h
+%include switch_scheduler.h
+%include switch_config.h
+%include switch_cpp.h
+%include freeswitch_mono.h

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_mono.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_mono.cpp	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * freeswitch_mono.cpp -- Mono-specific CoreSession subclass
+ *
+ */
+#include <switch.h>
+#include <switch_cpp.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <mono/jit/jit.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/assembly.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/environment.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/threads.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/metadata.h>
+#include "freeswitch_mono.h"
+MonoSession::MonoSession() : CoreSession() 
+MonoSession::MonoSession(char *uuid) : CoreSession(uuid)
+MonoSession::MonoSession(switch_core_session_t *session) : CoreSession(session)
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (dtmfDelegateHandle) mono_gchandle_free(dtmfDelegateHandle);
+	if (hangupDelegateHandle) mono_gchandle_free(hangupDelegateHandle);
+bool MonoSession::begin_allow_threads()
+    return true;
+bool MonoSession::end_allow_threads()
+    return true;
+void MonoSession::check_hangup_hook()  
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (!hangupDelegateHandle) {
+		return;
+	}
+	MonoObject *hangupDelegate = mono_gchandle_get_target(hangupDelegateHandle);
+	if (!hangupDelegate) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "hangupDelegateHandle didn't get an object.");
+		return;
+	}
+	MonoObject *ex = NULL;
+	mono_runtime_delegate_invoke(hangupDelegate, NULL, &ex);
+	if (ex) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "hangupDelegate threw an exception.");
+	}
+switch_status_t MonoSession::run_dtmf_callback(void *input, switch_input_type_t itype)
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (!dtmfDelegateHandle) {
+	}
+	MonoObject *dtmfDelegate = mono_gchandle_get_target(dtmfDelegateHandle);
+	if (!dtmfDelegate) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "dtmfDelegateHandle didn't get an object.");
+	}
+	void *args[2];
+	args[0] = &input;
+	args[1] = &itype;
+	MonoObject *ex = NULL;
+	MonoObject *res = mono_runtime_delegate_invoke(dtmfDelegate, args, &ex);
+	if (ex) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "dtmfDelegate threw an exception.");
+	}
+	char *resPtr = mono_string_to_utf8((MonoString*)res);
+	switch_status_t status = process_callback_result(resPtr);
+	g_free(resPtr);
+	return status;

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_mono.h
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_mono.h	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * freeswitch_mono.h -- Header for MonoSession and globals
+ *
+ */
+#include <switch.h>
+#include <switch_cpp.h>
+#include <mono/jit/jit.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/assembly.h>
+#ifndef SWIG
+struct mod_mono_globals {
+	MonoDomain *domain;
+	MonoAssembly *mod_mono_asm;
+	switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
+	MonoMethod *loadMethod;
+	MonoMethod *unloadMethod;
+	MonoMethod *runMethod;
+	MonoMethod *executeMethod;
+	MonoMethod *executeBackgroundMethod;
+typedef struct mod_mono_globals mod_mono_globals;
+extern mod_mono_globals globals;
+class MonoSession : public CoreSession 
+	MonoSession();
+	MonoSession(char *uuid);
+	MonoSession(switch_core_session_t *session);
+	~MonoSession();        
+	virtual bool begin_allow_threads();
+	virtual bool end_allow_threads();
+	virtual void check_hangup_hook();
+	virtual switch_status_t run_dtmf_callback(void *input, switch_input_type_t itype);
+	guint32 dtmfDelegateHandle; // GCHandle to the input delegate 
+	guint32 hangupDelegateHandle; // GCHandle to the hangup delegate
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_wrap.cxx
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/freeswitch_wrap.cxx	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,24544 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ * 
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of 
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG 
+ * interface file instead. 
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
+    T *tt;
+    SwigValueWrapper() : tt(0) { }
+    SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs) : tt(new T(*rhs.tt)) { }
+    SwigValueWrapper(const T& t) : tt(new T(t)) { }
+    ~SwigValueWrapper() { delete tt; } 
+    SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { delete tt; tt = new T(t); return *this; }
+    operator T&() const { return *tt; }
+    T *operator&() { return tt; }
+    SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
+  return T();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This section contains generic SWIG labels for method/variable
+ *  declarations/attributes, and other compiler dependent labels.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* template workaround for compilers that cannot correctly implement the C++ standard */
+# if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x560)
+# elif defined(__HP_aCC)
+/* Needed even with `aCC -AA' when `aCC -V' reports HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.55 */
+/* If we find a maximum version that requires this, the test would be __HP_aCC <= 35500 for A.03.55 */
+# else
+# endif
+/* inline attribute */
+# if defined(__cplusplus) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__))
+#   define SWIGINLINE inline
+# else
+#   define SWIGINLINE
+# endif
+/* attribute recognised by some compilers to avoid 'unused' warnings */
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if !(defined(__cplusplus)) || (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4))
+#     define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) 
+#   else
+#     define SWIGUNUSED
+#   endif
+# elif defined(__ICC)
+#   define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) 
+# else
+#   define SWIGUNUSED 
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+#   define SWIGUNUSEDPARM(p)
+# else
+# endif
+/* internal SWIG method */
+/* internal inline SWIG method */
+/* exporting methods */
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
+#  endif
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   if defined(STATIC_LINKED)
+#     define SWIGEXPORT
+#   else
+#     define SWIGEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#   endif
+# else
+#   if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
+#     define SWIGEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+#   else
+#     define SWIGEXPORT
+#   endif
+# endif
+/* calling conventions for Windows */
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   define SWIGSTDCALL __stdcall
+# else
+#   define SWIGSTDCALL
+# endif 
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating C standard runtime functions */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating methods in the standard C++ library */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Support for throwing C# exceptions from C/C++. There are two types: 
+ * Exceptions that take a message and ArgumentExceptions that take a message and a parameter name. */
+typedef enum {
+  SWIG_CSharpApplicationException,
+  SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException,
+  SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException,
+  SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException,
+  SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException,
+  SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException,
+  SWIG_CSharpIOException,
+  SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException,
+  SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException,
+  SWIG_CSharpOverflowException,
+  SWIG_CSharpSystemException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes;
+typedef enum {
+  SWIG_CSharpArgumentException,
+  SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException,
+  SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes;
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t)(const char *);
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t)(const char *, const char *);
+typedef struct {
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code;
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpException_t;
+typedef struct {
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code;
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t;
+static SWIG_CSharpException_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions[] = {
+  { SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpIOException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpOverflowException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpSystemException, NULL }
+static SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[] = {
+  { SWIG_CSharpArgumentException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, NULL },
+  { SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, NULL },
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code, const char *msg) {
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback;
+  if (code >=0 && (size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpException_t)) {
+    callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[code].callback;
+  }
+  callback(msg);
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code, const char *msg, const char *param_name) {
+  SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback;
+  if (code >=0 && (size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t)) {
+    callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[code].callback;
+  }
+  callback(msg, param_name);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" 
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_freeswitch(
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t applicationCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t arithmeticCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t divideByZeroCallback, 
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t indexOutOfRangeCallback, 
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidCastCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidOperationCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t ioCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t nullReferenceCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t outOfMemoryCallback, 
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t overflowCallback, 
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t systemCallback) {
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback = applicationCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException].callback = arithmeticCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException].callback = divideByZeroCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException].callback = indexOutOfRangeCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException].callback = invalidCastCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException].callback = invalidOperationCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIOException].callback = ioCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException].callback = nullReferenceCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException].callback = outOfMemoryCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOverflowException].callback = overflowCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpSystemException].callback = systemCallback;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" 
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionArgumentCallbacks_freeswitch(
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentNullCallback,
+                                                SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentOutOfRangeCallback) {
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback = argumentCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException].callback = argumentNullCallback;
+  SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException].callback = argumentOutOfRangeCallback;
+/* Callback for returning strings to C# without leaking memory */
+typedef char * (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback)(const char *);
+static SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_string_callback = NULL;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" 
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterStringCallback_freeswitch(SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback callback) {
+  SWIG_csharp_string_callback = callback;
+/* Contract support */
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(nullreturn, expr, msg) if (!(expr)) {SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, msg, ""); return nullreturn; } else
+#include "switch.h"
+#include "switch_cpp.h"
+#include "freeswitch_mono.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "27880";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) ".";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "543";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\0";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char jresult ;
+  char result;
+  result = (char) 'H';
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "H";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char jresult ;
+  char result;
+  result = (char) '1';
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "1";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "K";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char jresult ;
+  char result;
+  result = (char) '2';
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char jresult ;
+  char result;
+  result = (char) 'J';
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "2J";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) ";";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "30";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "31";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "32";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "33";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "34";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "35";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "36";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "37";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "40";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "41";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "42";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "43";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "44";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "45";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "46";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "47";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[30m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[31m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[32m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[33m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[34m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[35m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[36m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[37m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[40m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[41m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[42m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[43m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[44m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[45m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[46m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[47m";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[H";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[1";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[K";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "\33[2J\33[H";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 2000;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 192000;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "/";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "://";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "proto_specific_hangup_cause";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "execute_on_answer";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "call_timeout";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "holding_uuid";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "api_after_bridge";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "api_hangup_hook";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "process_cdr";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "bridge_channel";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "channel_name";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "bridge_uuid";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "playback_terminators";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "cache_speech_handles";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "__cache_speech_handles_obj__";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "bypass_media";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "proxy_media";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "endpoint_disposition";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "hold_music";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "export_vars";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "switch_r_sdp";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "switch_l_sdp";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "switch_m_sdp";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "bridge_to";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "signal_bridge_to";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "signal_bond";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "originator";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "originator_codec";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "local_media_ip";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "local_media_port";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "remote_media_ip";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "remote_media_port";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "remote_video_ip";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "remote_video_port";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "local_video_ip";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "local_video_port";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "hangup_after_bridge";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "exec_after_bridge_app";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "exec_after_bridge_arg";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "max_forwards";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "disable_app_log";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "speech";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "uuid_bridge";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 8;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_digit_set(void * jarg1, char jarg2) {
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  char arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->digit = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_digit_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char jresult ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  char result;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char) ((arg1)->digit);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->duration = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dtmf_t_duration_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->duration);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_dtmf_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_dtmf_t *)new switch_dtmf_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_dtmf_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_buf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *arg2 = (switch_byte_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_buf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t *) ((arg1)->buf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_buflen_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buflen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_buflen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->buflen);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_cur_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *arg2 = (switch_byte_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->cur = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_cur_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t *) ((arg1)->cur);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bytes_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bytes = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bytes_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->bytes);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_tot_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bits_tot = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_tot_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->bits_tot);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_cur_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bits_cur = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_cur_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->bits_cur);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_rem_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bits_rem = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_bits_rem_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->bits_rem);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_frame_bits_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->frame_bits = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_frame_bits_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->frame_bits);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_shiftby_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->shiftby = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_shiftby_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->shiftby);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_this_byte_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->this_byte = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_this_byte_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->this_byte);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_under_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->under = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_under_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->under);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_over_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->over = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_over_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t) ((arg1)->over);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_mode_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_bitpack_mode_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bitpack_mode_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->mode = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_bitpack_t_mode_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_bitpack_mode_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bitpack_mode_t) ((arg1)->mode);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_bitpack_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_bitpack_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_bitpack_t *)new switch_bitpack_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_bitpack_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_bitpack_t *arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bitpack_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_base_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->base_dir) delete [] arg1->base_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->base_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->base_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->base_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_base_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->base_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_mod_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->mod_dir) delete [] arg1->mod_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->mod_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->mod_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->mod_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_mod_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->mod_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_conf_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->conf_dir) delete [] arg1->conf_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->conf_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->conf_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->conf_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_conf_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->conf_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_log_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->log_dir) delete [] arg1->log_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->log_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->log_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->log_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_log_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->log_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_db_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->db_dir) delete [] arg1->db_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->db_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->db_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->db_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_db_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->db_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_script_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->script_dir) delete [] arg1->script_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->script_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->script_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->script_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_script_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->script_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_temp_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->temp_dir) delete [] arg1->temp_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->temp_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->temp_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->temp_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_temp_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->temp_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_htdocs_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->htdocs_dir) delete [] arg1->htdocs_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->htdocs_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->htdocs_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->htdocs_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_htdocs_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->htdocs_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_grammar_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->grammar_dir) delete [] arg1->grammar_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->grammar_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->grammar_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->grammar_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_grammar_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->grammar_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_storage_dir_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->storage_dir) delete [] arg1->storage_dir;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->storage_dir = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->storage_dir, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->storage_dir = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directories_storage_dir_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->storage_dir);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_directories() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_directories *)new switch_directories();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_directories(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs_set(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_directories *arg1 = (switch_directories *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directories *)jarg1; 
+  SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs = *arg1;
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directories *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_directories *)&SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs;
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 32;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 240*1024;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 120;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 10;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 32;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 2;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) (2*32*(120+10));
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 30;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 30;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 100000;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1024*8;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 13;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_version_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->version = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_version_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->version);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_p_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->p = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_p_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->p);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_x_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->x = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_x_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->x);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_cc_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->cc = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_cc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->cc);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_m_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->m = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_m_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->m);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_pt_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pt = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_pt_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->pt);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_seq_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->seq = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_seq_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->seq);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_ts_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_ts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->ts);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_ssrc_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ssrc = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_hdr_t_ssrc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->ssrc);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_rtp_hdr_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)new switch_rtp_hdr_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_rtp_hdr_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_rtp_hdr_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_hdr_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_callback_function_t arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->input_callback = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_input_callback_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_callback_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_input_callback_function_t) ((arg1)->input_callback);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_buf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_buf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->buf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_buflen_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buflen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_buflen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->buflen);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_read_frame_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_callback_function_t arg2 = (switch_read_frame_callback_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_read_frame_callback_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_frame_callback = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_read_frame_callback_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_callback_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_read_frame_callback_function_t) ((arg1)->read_frame_callback);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_input_args_t_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_input_args_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_input_args_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_input_args_t *)new switch_input_args_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_input_args_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_input_args_t *arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_switch_api_version_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->switch_api_version = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_switch_api_version_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->switch_api_version);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_load_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_load_t arg2 = (switch_module_load_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_module_load_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->load = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_load_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_load_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_module_load_t) ((arg1)->load);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_shutdown_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_shutdown_t arg2 = (switch_module_shutdown_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_module_shutdown_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->shutdown = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_shutdown_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_shutdown_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_module_shutdown_t) ((arg1)->shutdown);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_runtime_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_runtime_t arg2 = (switch_module_runtime_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_module_runtime_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->runtime = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t_runtime_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_runtime_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_module_runtime_t) ((arg1)->runtime);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)new switch_loadable_module_function_table_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_loadable_module_function_table_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_function_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_close(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_close(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_open(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_db_t **arg2 = (switch_core_db_t **) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_db_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_open((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_column_text(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  unsigned char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (unsigned char *)switch_core_db_column_text(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_column_name(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_db_column_name(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_column_count(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_column_count(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_errmsg(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_db_errmsg(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_exec(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_db_callback_func_t arg3 = (switch_core_db_callback_func_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+  char **arg5 = (char **) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_core_db_callback_func_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char **)jarg5; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_exec(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_finalize(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_finalize(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_prepare(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t **arg4 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t **) 0 ;
+  char **arg5 = (char **) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t **)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char **)jarg5; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_prepare(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,(char const **)arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_step(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_step(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_reset(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_reset(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_bind_int(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_bind_int(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_bind_int64(void * jarg1, int jarg2, long long jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int64_t arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int64_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_bind_int64(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_bind_text(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_core_db_destructor_type_t arg5 = (switch_core_db_destructor_type_t) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_core_db_destructor_type_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_bind_text(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_bind_double(void * jarg1, int jarg2, double jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_stmt_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  double arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_stmt_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (double)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_bind_double(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_last_insert_rowid(void * jarg1) {
+  long long jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  int64_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int64_t)switch_core_db_last_insert_rowid(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_get_table(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char ***arg3 = (char ***) 0 ;
+  int *arg4 = (int *) 0 ;
+  int *arg5 = (int *) 0 ;
+  char **arg6 = (char **) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char ***)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char **)jarg6; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_get_table(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_free_table(void * jarg1) {
+  char **arg1 = (char **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char **)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_db_free_table(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_free(char * jarg1) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_db_free(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_changes(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_db_changes(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 0;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 2;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 3;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 4;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 5;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 6;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 7;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 8;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 9;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 10;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 11;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 12;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 13;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 14;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 15;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 16;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 17;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 18;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 19;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 20;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 21;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 22;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 23;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 24;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 25;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 26;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 100;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 101;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_mprintf(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_mprintf((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_regex_compile(char * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  int *arg4 = (int *) 0 ;
+  unsigned char *arg5 = (unsigned char *) 0 ;
+  switch_regex_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (unsigned char *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_regex_t *)switch_regex_compile((char const *)arg1,arg2,(char const **)arg3,arg4,(unsigned char const *)arg5);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_regex_copy_substring(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4, char * jarg5, int jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int *arg2 = (int *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg6 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (int)jarg6; 
+  result = (int)switch_regex_copy_substring((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_regex_free(void * jarg1) {
+  void *arg1 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (void *)jarg1; 
+  switch_regex_free(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_regex_perform(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, unsigned long jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_regex_t **arg3 = (switch_regex_t **) 0 ;
+  int *arg4 = (int *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_regex_t **)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (int)switch_regex_perform((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_perform_substitution(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7) {
+  switch_regex_t *arg1 = (switch_regex_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg6 ;
+  int *arg7 = (int *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp6 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_regex_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  argp6 = (switch_size_t *)jarg6; 
+  if (!argp6) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg6 = *argp6; 
+  arg7 = (int *)jarg7; 
+  switch_perform_substitution(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_regex_match(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_regex_match((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 128;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 128;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_mms_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->mms = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_mms_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->mms);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_ms_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ms = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_ms_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->ms);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_sec_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sec = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_sec_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->sec);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_min_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->min = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_min_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->min);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_hr_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->hr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_hr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->hr);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_day_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->day = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_day_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->day);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_yr_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->yr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_time_duration_yr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->yr);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_core_time_duration() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_time_duration *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_core_time_duration *)new switch_core_time_duration();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_core_time_duration(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_time_duration *arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_time_duration *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_app_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->app) delete [] arg1->app;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->app = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->app, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->app = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_app_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->app);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_arg_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->arg) delete [] arg1->arg;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->arg = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->arg, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->arg = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_arg_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->arg);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  switch_app_log *arg2 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_app_log *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_app_log_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  switch_app_log *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_app_log *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_app_log() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_app_log *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_app_log *)new switch_app_log();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_app_log(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_app_log *arg1 = (switch_app_log *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_app_log *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_from_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->from) delete [] arg1->from;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->from = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->from, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->from = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_from_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->from);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_message_id_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_types_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_types_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->message_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_message_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_types_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_message_types_t) ((arg1)->message_id);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_numeric_arg_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->numeric_arg = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_numeric_arg_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->numeric_arg);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_arg_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->string_arg = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->string_arg, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->string_arg = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_arg_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->string_arg);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_arg_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->string_arg_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_arg_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->string_arg_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_arg_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pointer_arg = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_arg_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->pointer_arg);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_arg_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pointer_arg_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_arg_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->pointer_arg_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_numeric_reply_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->numeric_reply = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_numeric_reply_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->numeric_reply);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_reply_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->string_reply) delete [] arg1->string_reply;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->string_reply = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->string_reply, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->string_reply = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_reply_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->string_reply);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_reply_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->string_reply_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_string_reply_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->string_reply_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_reply_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pointer_reply = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_reply_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->pointer_reply);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_reply_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pointer_reply_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_pointer_reply_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->pointer_reply_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_flag_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_message_flag_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_core_session_message() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_message *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_core_session_message *)new switch_core_session_message();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_core_session_message(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_message *arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_message *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_running_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->running = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_running_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->running);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_mutex_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->mutex = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_mutex_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_mutex_t *) ((arg1)->mutex);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_objs_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  void **arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void **)jarg2; 
+  {
+    size_t ii;
+    void * *b = (void * *) arg1->objs;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)128; ii++) b[ii] = *((void * *) arg2 + ii);
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_objs_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  void **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void **)(void **) ((arg1)->objs);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_input_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_callback_function_t arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_input_callback_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->input_callback = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_input_callback_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_callback_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_input_callback_function_t) ((arg1)->input_callback);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_core_thread_session() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_thread_session *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_core_thread_session *)new switch_core_thread_session();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_core_thread_session(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_thread_session *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_add(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, int jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_bug_callback_t arg2 = (switch_media_bug_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  time_t arg4 ;
+  switch_media_bug_flag_t arg5 ;
+  switch_media_bug_t **arg6 = (switch_media_bug_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  time_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_media_bug_callback_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  argp4 = (time_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_media_bug_flag_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_media_bug_t **)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_media_bug_add(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_get_user_data(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_media_bug_get_user_data(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_get_write_replace_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_frame_t *)switch_core_media_bug_get_write_replace_frame(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_set_write_replace_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_media_bug_set_write_replace_frame(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_get_read_replace_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_frame_t *)switch_core_media_bug_get_read_replace_frame(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_get_session(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *)switch_core_media_bug_get_session(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_test_flag(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_media_bug_test_flag(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_set_read_replace_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_media_bug_set_read_replace_frame(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_remove(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_bug_t **arg2 = (switch_media_bug_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_media_bug_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_media_bug_remove(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_close(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t **arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t **)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_media_bug_close(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_remove_all(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_media_bug_remove_all(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_media_bug_read(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_media_bug_t *arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_media_bug_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_media_bug_read(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_port_allocator_new(unsigned short jarg1, unsigned short jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_port_t arg1 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  switch_port_flag_t arg3 ;
+  switch_core_port_allocator_t **arg4 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_port_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_port_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_port_allocator_new(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_port_allocator_request_port(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_port_allocator_t *arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t *arg2 = (switch_port_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_port_allocator_request_port(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_port_allocator_free_port(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_port_allocator_t *arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_port_allocator_free_port(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_port_allocator_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_port_allocator_t **arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_port_allocator_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_port_allocator_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_init(int jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_flag_t arg1 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_flag_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_init(arg1,arg2,(char const **)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_init_and_modload(int jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_flag_t arg1 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_flag_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_init_and_modload(arg1,arg2,(char const **)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_limit(unsigned long jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_session_limit(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_sessions_per_second(unsigned long jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_sessions_per_second(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_destroy() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_destroy();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_signal_lock(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_signal_lock(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_signal_unlock(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_signal_unlock(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_read_lock(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_read_lock(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_write_lock(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_session_write_lock(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_rwunlock(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_session_rwunlock(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_add_state_handler(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_add_state_handler((switch_state_handler_table const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_state_handler(int jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  int arg1 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (int)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)switch_core_get_state_handler(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_memory_pool_tag(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_memory_pool_tag(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_new_memory_pool(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_perform_new_memory_pool(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_destroy_memory_pool(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_perform_destroy_memory_pool(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_run(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_session_run(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_running(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int)switch_core_session_running(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_permanent_alloc(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_size_t arg1 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (switch_size_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_perform_permanent_alloc(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_alloc(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_perform_alloc(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_session_alloc(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_perform_session_alloc(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_permanent_strdup(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_perform_permanent_strdup((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_session_strdup(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_perform_session_strdup(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_strdup(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_perform_strdup(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_sprintf(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_session_sprintf(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_sprintf(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_sprintf(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_pool(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *)switch_core_session_get_pool(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_request(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface_t *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *)switch_core_session_request((switch_endpoint_interface const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_perform_destroy(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  switch_core_session_t **arg1 = (switch_core_session_t **) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  switch_core_session_perform_destroy(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_count() {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_session_count();
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_id() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  result = switch_core_session_id();
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_request_by_name(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *)switch_core_session_request_by_name((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_thread_launch(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_thread_launch(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_channel(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_t *)switch_core_session_get_channel(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_signal_state_change(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_session_signal_state_change(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_uuid(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_session_get_uuid(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_uuid() {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *)switch_core_get_uuid();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_locate(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *)switch_core_session_locate((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_variable(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_get_variable((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_set_variable(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_set_variable((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_hupall(int jarg1) {
+  switch_call_cause_t arg1 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_call_cause_t)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_session_hupall(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_message_send(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_message_send((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_queue_message(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_queue_message(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_pass_indication(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_types_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_types_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_pass_indication(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_queue_indication(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_types_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_types_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_queue_indication(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_dequeue_message(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_t **arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_dequeue_message(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_flush_message(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_flush_message(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_event_send(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_event_send((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_app_log(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_app_log_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_app_log_t *)switch_core_session_get_app_log(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_exec(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_application_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_application_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_exec(arg1,(switch_application_interface const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_execute_application(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_execute_application(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_execute_exten(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_execute_exten(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_receive_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_receive_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_private(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_session_get_private(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_private(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_set_private(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_add_stream(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_session_add_stream(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_stream(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_session_get_stream(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_stream_count(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)switch_core_session_get_stream_count(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_launch_thread(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  void *(*arg2)(switch_thread_t *,void *) = (void *(*)(switch_thread_t *,void *)) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *(*)(switch_thread_t *,void *))jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_session_launch_thread(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_thread_session_end(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_thread_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_thread_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_thread_session_end(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_service_session(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_thread_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_thread_session_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_thread_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_service_session(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_outgoing_channel(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6, int jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg4 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t **arg5 = (switch_core_session_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_originate_flag_t arg7 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_core_session_t **)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_originate_flag_t)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_call_cause_t)switch_core_session_outgoing_channel(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_resurrect_channel(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t **arg2 = (switch_core_session_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t **arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t **) 0 ;
+  void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t **)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_call_cause_t)switch_core_session_resurrect_channel((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_receive_message(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_message_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_message_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_receive_message(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_queue_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_queue_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_event_count(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_session_event_count(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_dequeue_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_dequeue_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_queue_private_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_queue_private_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_private_event_count(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_session_private_event_count(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_dequeue_private_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg2 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_dequeue_private_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_flush_private_events(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_session_flush_private_events(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t **arg2 = (switch_frame_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_read_frame(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_read_video_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t **arg2 = (switch_frame_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_read_video_frame(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_write_video_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_write_video_frame(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_reset(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_session_reset(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_write_frame(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_signal_t arg5 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_signal_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_send_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_send_dtmf(arg1,(switch_dtmf_t const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_send_dtmf_string(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_send_dtmf_string(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_recv_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_recv_dtmf(arg1,(switch_dtmf_t const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_init(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t **arg1 = (switch_hash_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_init(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t **arg1 = (switch_hash_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t **)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_destroy(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_insert(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_insert(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_insert_locked(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg4 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_insert_locked(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_delete(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_delete(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_delete_locked(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg3 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_hash_delete_locked(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_find(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_hash_find(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_hash_find_locked(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg3 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (void *)switch_core_hash_find_locked(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_hash_first(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg2 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_hash_index_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_hash_index_t *)switch_hash_first(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_hash_next(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_hash_index_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_index_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_hash_index_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_index_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_hash_index_t *)switch_hash_next(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_hash_this(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  switch_hash_index_t *arg1 = (switch_hash_index_t *) 0 ;
+  void **arg2 = (void **) 0 ;
+  switch_ssize_t *arg3 = (switch_ssize_t *) 0 ;
+  void **arg4 = (void **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_hash_index_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_ssize_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void **)jarg4; 
+  switch_hash_this(arg1,(void const **)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_init(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg5 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_init(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_next(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_next(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_step(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_step(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_sync(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_sync(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_check(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_check(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_timer_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg1 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_timer_destroy(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_init(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, int jarg5, int jarg6, unsigned long jarg7, void * jarg8, void * jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  int arg6 ;
+  uint32_t arg7 ;
+  switch_codec_settings_t *arg8 = (switch_codec_settings_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg9 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (int)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (switch_codec_settings_t *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_init(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,(switch_codec_settings const *)arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_copy(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_copy(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_encode(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8, void * jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  void *arg6 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg7 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg8 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int *arg9 = (unsigned int *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (void *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (uint32_t *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (unsigned int *)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_encode(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_decode(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8, void * jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  void *arg6 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg7 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg8 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int *arg9 = (unsigned int *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (void *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (uint32_t *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (unsigned int *)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_decode(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_codec_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg1 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_codec_destroy(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_read_codec(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_set_read_codec(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_read_codec(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *)switch_core_session_get_read_codec(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_write_codec(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_set_write_codec(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_write_codec(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *)switch_core_session_get_write_codec(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_video_read_codec(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_set_video_read_codec(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_video_read_codec(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *)switch_core_session_get_video_read_codec(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_set_video_write_codec(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_session_set_video_write_codec(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_get_video_write_codec(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *)switch_core_session_get_video_write_codec(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_open_file(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_db_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_db_t *)switch_core_db_open_file(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_persistant_execute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_db_persistant_execute(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_db_test_reactive(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  switch_core_db_t *arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_db_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  switch_core_db_test_reactive(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "core";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_perform_file_open(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4, char * jarg5, unsigned char jarg6, unsigned long jarg7, unsigned int jarg8, void * jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg4 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg6 ;
+  uint32_t arg7 ;
+  unsigned int arg8 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg9 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (uint8_t)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (unsigned int)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_perform_file_open((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_read(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *arg3 = (switch_size_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_read(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_write(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *arg3 = (switch_size_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_write(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_seek(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, long long jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int *arg2 = (unsigned int *) 0 ;
+  int64_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int64_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_seek(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_set_string(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_audio_col_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_audio_col_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_set_string(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_get_string(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_audio_col_t arg2 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_audio_col_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_get_string(arg1,arg2,(char const **)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_file_close(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_file_close(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_open(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4, unsigned int jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg4 ;
+  unsigned int arg5 ;
+  switch_speech_flag_t *arg6 = (switch_speech_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg7 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (unsigned int)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_speech_flag_t *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_speech_open(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_feed_tts(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_flag_t *arg3 = (switch_speech_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_speech_flag_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_speech_feed_tts(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_flush_tts(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_speech_flush_tts(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_text_param_tts(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_speech_text_param_tts(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_numeric_param_tts(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_speech_numeric_param_tts(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_float_param_tts(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, double jarg3) {
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  double arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (double)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_speech_float_param_tts(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_read_tts(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *arg3 = (switch_size_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg4 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_flag_t *arg5 = (switch_speech_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_speech_flag_t *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_speech_read_tts(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_speech_close(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_flag_t *arg2 = (switch_speech_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_speech_flag_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_speech_close(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_open(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_flag_t *arg6 = (switch_asr_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg7 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_asr_flag_t *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_open(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_close(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_flag_t *arg2 = (switch_asr_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_asr_flag_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_close(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_feed(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg3 ;
+  switch_asr_flag_t *arg4 = (switch_asr_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_asr_flag_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_feed(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_check_results(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_flag_t *arg2 = (switch_asr_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_asr_flag_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_check_results(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_get_results(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_flag_t *arg3 = (switch_asr_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_asr_flag_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_get_results(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_load_grammar(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_load_grammar(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_unload_grammar(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_unload_grammar(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_pause(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_pause(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_asr_resume(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_asr_resume(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_directory_open(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_directory_open(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_directory_query(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_directory_query(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_directory_next(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_directory_next(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_directory_next_pair(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_directory_next_pair(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_directory_close(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_directory_close(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_data_channel(int jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_text_channel_t arg1 ;
+  FILE *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_text_channel_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (FILE *)switch_core_data_channel(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_ready() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_core_ready();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_flags() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_flag_t result;
+  result = (switch_core_flag_t)switch_core_flags();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_management_exec(char * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_management_action_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_management_action_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  argp4 = (switch_size_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_management_exec(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_set_high_priority() {
+  int jresult ;
+  int32_t result;
+  result = (int32_t)set_high_priority();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_change_user_group(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int32_t)change_user_group((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_runtime_loop(int jarg1) {
+  int arg1 ;
+  arg1 = (int)jarg1; 
+  switch_core_runtime_loop(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_set_console(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_set_console((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_measure_time(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_time_t arg1 ;
+  switch_core_time_duration_t *arg2 = (switch_core_time_duration_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (switch_time_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_time_duration_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_core_measure_time(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_uptime() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  result = switch_core_uptime();
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_ctl(int jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_session_ctl_t arg1 ;
+  int32_t *arg2 = (int32_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_session_ctl_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int32_t)switch_core_session_ctl(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_get_console() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  FILE *result = 0 ;
+  result = (FILE *)switch_core_get_console();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_launch_thread(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void *(*arg1)(switch_thread_t *,void *) = (void *(*)(switch_thread_t *,void *)) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (void *(*)(switch_thread_t *,void *))jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg3; 
+  switch_core_launch_thread(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_set_globals() {
+  switch_core_set_globals();
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_session_compare(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint8_t)switch_core_session_compare(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_mime_index() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_hash_index_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_hash_index_t *)switch_core_mime_index();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_mime_ext2type(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_core_mime_ext2type((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_mime_add_type(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_mime_add_type((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_loadable_module_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_loadable_module_interface_t *)switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_loadable_module_create_interface(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_loadable_module_interface_t *arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_module_interface_name_t arg2 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_loadable_module_interface_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_module_interface_name_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (void *)switch_loadable_module_create_interface(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timestamp_now() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  result = switch_timestamp_now();
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_memory_reclaim() {
+  switch_core_memory_reclaim();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_memory_reclaim_events() {
+  switch_core_memory_reclaim_events();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_memory_reclaim_logger() {
+  switch_core_memory_reclaim_logger();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_memory_reclaim_all() {
+  switch_core_memory_reclaim_all();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_setrlimits() {
+  switch_core_setrlimits();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_time_sync() {
+  switch_time_sync();
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timestamp(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  time_t *arg1 = (time_t *) 0 ;
+  time_t result;
+  arg1 = (time_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_timestamp(arg1);
+  jresult = new time_t((time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_load_network_lists(int jarg1) {
+  switch_bool_t arg1 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bool_t)jarg1; 
+  switch_load_network_lists(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_check_network_list_ip(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_check_network_list_ip((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_time_set_monotonic(int jarg1) {
+  switch_bool_t arg1 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_bool_t)jarg1; 
+  switch_time_set_monotonic(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_max_dtmf_duration(unsigned long jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_max_dtmf_duration(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(unsigned long jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_console_set_complete(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_console_set_complete((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_console_set_alias(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_console_set_alias((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1024;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_console_loop() {
+  switch_console_loop();
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_console_stream_raw_write(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t *arg2 = (uint8_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_console_stream_raw_write(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 32767;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) -32768;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_is_moh(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_is_moh((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_b64_encode(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  unsigned char *arg1 = (unsigned char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  unsigned char *arg3 = (unsigned char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (unsigned char *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  arg3 = (unsigned char *)jarg3; 
+  argp4 = (switch_size_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_b64_encode(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_b64_decode(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_b64_decode(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_amp_encode(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (char *)switch_amp_encode(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_is_digit_string(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_is_digit_string((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_fd_read_line(int jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  int arg1 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (int)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_fd_read_line(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_find_local_ip(char * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_find_local_ip(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_get_addr(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  in_addr *arg3 = (in_addr *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  arg3 = (in_addr *)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)get_addr(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_priority_name(int jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_priority_t arg1 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_priority_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_priority_name(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rfc2833_to_char(int jarg1) {
+  char jresult ;
+  int arg1 ;
+  char result;
+  arg1 = (int)jarg1; 
+  result = (char)switch_rfc2833_to_char(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_char_to_rfc2833(char jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  char arg1 ;
+  unsigned char result;
+  arg1 = (char)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned char)switch_char_to_rfc2833(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_clean_string(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_clean_string(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_strstr(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_strstr(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_str_time(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_str_time((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_separate_string(char * jarg1, char jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char arg2 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg4 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4; 
+  result = (unsigned int)switch_separate_string(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_is_number(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_is_number((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_strip_spaces(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_strip_spaces((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_separate_paren_args(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_separate_paren_args(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stristr(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_stristr((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_is_lan_addr(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_is_lan_addr((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_replace_char(char * jarg1, char jarg2, char jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char arg2 ;
+  char arg3 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg4 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_bool_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (char *)switch_replace_char(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ast2regex(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (size_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_ast2regex(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_escape_char(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char jarg4) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char arg4 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char)jarg4; 
+  result = (char *)switch_escape_char(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_socket_waitfor(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_pollfd_t *arg1 = (switch_pollfd_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_pollfd_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_socket_waitfor(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_cut_path(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_cut_path((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_string_replace(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)switch_string_replace((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_string_match(char * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  size_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  size_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (size_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (size_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_string_match((char const *)arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_url_encode(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  size_t arg3 ;
+  size_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (size_t)jarg3; 
+  result = switch_url_encode((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_url_decode(char * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_url_decode(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_simple_email(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_simple_email((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_find_end_paren(char * jarg1, char jarg2, char jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char arg2 ;
+  char arg3 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)switch_find_end_paren((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_parse_cidr(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg2 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg3 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg4 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (int)switch_parse_cidr((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_network_list_create(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_network_list_t **arg1 = (switch_network_list_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_network_list_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_network_list_create(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_network_list_add_cidr(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_network_list_t *arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_network_list_add_cidr(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_network_list_add_host_mask(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_network_list_t *arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_bool_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_network_list_add_host_mask(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_network_list_validate_ip(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_network_list_t *arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_network_list_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_network_list_validate_ip(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_username_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->username = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->username, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->username = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_username_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->username);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_dialplan_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->dialplan = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->dialplan, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->dialplan = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_dialplan_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->dialplan);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_id_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->caller_id_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->caller_id_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->caller_id_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_id_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->caller_id_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_id_number_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->caller_id_number = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->caller_id_number, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->caller_id_number = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_id_number_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->caller_id_number);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_ton_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->caller_ton = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_ton_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->caller_ton);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_numplan_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->caller_numplan = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_numplan_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->caller_numplan);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_network_addr_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->network_addr = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->network_addr, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->network_addr = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_network_addr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->network_addr);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->ani = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->ani, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->ani = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->ani);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_ton_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ani_ton = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_ton_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->ani_ton);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_numplan_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ani_numplan = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_ani_numplan_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->ani_numplan);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_aniii_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->aniii = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->aniii, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->aniii = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_aniii_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->aniii);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->rdnis = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->rdnis, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->rdnis = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->rdnis);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_ton_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->rdnis_ton = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_ton_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->rdnis_ton);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_numplan_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->rdnis_numplan = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_rdnis_numplan_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->rdnis_numplan);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->destination_number) delete [] arg1->destination_number;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->destination_number = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->destination_number, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->destination_number = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->destination_number);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_ton_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->destination_number_ton = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_ton_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->destination_number_ton);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_numplan_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->destination_number_numplan = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_destination_number_numplan_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->destination_number_numplan);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_source_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->source = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->source, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->source = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_source_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->source);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_chan_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->chan_name) delete [] arg1->chan_name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->chan_name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->chan_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->chan_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_chan_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->chan_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_uuid_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->uuid) delete [] arg1->uuid;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->uuid = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->uuid, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->uuid = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_uuid_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->uuid);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_context_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->context = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->context, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->context = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_context_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->context);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_profile_index_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->profile_index = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->profile_index, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->profile_index = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_profile_index_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->profile_index);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_flag_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_flag_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_originator_caller_profile_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->originator_caller_profile = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_originator_caller_profile_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile *) ((arg1)->originator_caller_profile);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_originatee_caller_profile_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->originatee_caller_profile = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_originatee_caller_profile_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile *) ((arg1)->originatee_caller_profile);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_times_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg2 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->times = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_times_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_timetable *) ((arg1)->times);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_extension_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg2 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->caller_extension = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_caller_extension_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_extension *) ((arg1)->caller_extension);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_caller_profile() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_caller_profile *)new switch_caller_profile();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_caller_profile(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_caller_profile *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->application_name) delete [] arg1->application_name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->application_name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->application_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->application_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->application_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_data_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->application_data) delete [] arg1->application_data;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->application_data = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->application_data, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->application_data = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->application_data);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_function_t arg2 = (switch_application_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_application_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->application_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_application_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_application_function_t) ((arg1)->application_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application *arg2 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_application_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_application *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_caller_application() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_application *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_caller_application *)new switch_caller_application();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_caller_application(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_caller_application *arg1 = (switch_caller_application *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_application *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_extension_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->extension_name) delete [] arg1->extension_name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->extension_name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->extension_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->extension_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_extension_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->extension_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_extension_number_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->extension_number) delete [] arg1->extension_number;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->extension_number = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->extension_number, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->extension_number = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_extension_number_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->extension_number);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_current_application_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->current_application = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_current_application_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_application_t *) ((arg1)->current_application);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_last_application_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->last_application = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_last_application_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_application_t *) ((arg1)->last_application);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_applications_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_application_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->applications = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_applications_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_application_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_application_t *) ((arg1)->applications);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_children_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->children = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_children_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile *) ((arg1)->children);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg2 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_extension *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_caller_extension() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_extension *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_caller_extension *)new switch_caller_extension();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_caller_extension(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_caller_extension *arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_extension *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_new(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_caller_extension_t *)switch_caller_extension_new(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_extension_add_application(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_extension_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_extension_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  switch_caller_extension_add_application(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_get_field_by_name(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_caller_get_field_by_name(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_new(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, char * jarg9, char * jarg10, char * jarg11, char * jarg12) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg10 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg11 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg12 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (char *)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (char *)jarg11; 
+  arg12 = (char *)jarg12; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_caller_profile_new(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,(char const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7,(char const *)arg8,(char const *)arg9,(char const *)arg10,(char const *)arg11,(char const *)arg12);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_clone(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_caller_profile_clone(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_dup(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_caller_profile_dup(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_caller_profile_event_set_data(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg1 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg3 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_event_t *)jarg3; 
+  switch_caller_profile_event_set_data(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_codec_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_codec_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *) ((arg1)->codec);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_source_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->source = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->source, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->source = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_source_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->source);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_packet_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->packet = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_packet_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->packet);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_packetlen_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->packetlen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_packetlen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->packetlen);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_datalen_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->datalen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_datalen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->datalen);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_buflen_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buflen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_buflen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->buflen);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_samples_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_samples_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samples);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_rate_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->rate);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_payload_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->payload = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_payload_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_payload_t) ((arg1)->payload);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_timestamp_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timestamp = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_timestamp_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->timestamp);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_seq_set(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint16_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint16_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->seq = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_seq_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint16_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint16_t) ((arg1)->seq);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_ssrc_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ssrc = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_ssrc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->ssrc);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_m_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->m = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_m_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t) ((arg1)->m);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_frame_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_flag_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_frame_flag_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_frame() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_frame *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_frame *)new switch_frame();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_frame *arg1 = (switch_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_frame *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_init_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_init = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_init_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_init);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_routing_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_routing = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_routing_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_routing);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_execute_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_execute = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_execute_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_execute);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_hangup_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_hangup = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_hangup_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_hangup);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_exchange_media_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_exchange_media = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_exchange_media_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_exchange_media);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_soft_execute_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_soft_execute = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_soft_execute_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_soft_execute);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_consume_media_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_consume_media = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_consume_media_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_consume_media);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_hibernate_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_hibernate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_hibernate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_hibernate);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_reset_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_reset = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_reset_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_reset);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_park_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->on_park = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_on_park_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_t) ((arg1)->on_park);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_padding_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  void **arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void **)jarg2; 
+  {
+    size_t ii;
+    void * *b = (void * *) arg1->padding;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)10; ii++) b[ii] = *((void * *) arg2 + ii);
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_state_handler_table_padding_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  void **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void **)(void **) ((arg1)->padding);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_state_handler_table() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_state_handler_table *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_state_handler_table *)new switch_state_handler_table();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_state_handler_table(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_state_handler_table *arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_state_handler_table *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_write_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_stream_handle_write_function_t arg2 = (switch_stream_handle_write_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_stream_handle_write_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_write_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_stream_handle_write_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_stream_handle_write_function_t) ((arg1)->write_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_t arg2 = (switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->raw_write_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_stream_handle_raw_write_function_t) ((arg1)->raw_write_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_end_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->end = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_end_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->end);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->data_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->data_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_len_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->data_len = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_data_len_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->data_len);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_alloc_len_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->alloc_len = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_alloc_len_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->alloc_len);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_alloc_chunk_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->alloc_chunk = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_alloc_chunk_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->alloc_chunk);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_param_event_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->param_event = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_stream_handle_param_event_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_t *) ((arg1)->param_event);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_stream_handle() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_stream_handle *)new switch_stream_handle();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_stream_handle(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_stream_handle *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_outgoing_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_outgoing_channel_t arg2 = (switch_io_outgoing_channel_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_outgoing_channel_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->outgoing_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_outgoing_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_outgoing_channel_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_outgoing_channel_t) ((arg1)->outgoing_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_read_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_read_frame_t arg2 = (switch_io_read_frame_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_read_frame_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_read_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_read_frame_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_read_frame_t) ((arg1)->read_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_write_frame_t arg2 = (switch_io_write_frame_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_write_frame_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_write_frame_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_write_frame_t) ((arg1)->write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_kill_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_kill_channel_t arg2 = (switch_io_kill_channel_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_kill_channel_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->kill_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_kill_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_kill_channel_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_kill_channel_t) ((arg1)->kill_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_send_dtmf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_send_dtmf_t arg2 = (switch_io_send_dtmf_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_send_dtmf_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->send_dtmf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_send_dtmf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_send_dtmf_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_send_dtmf_t) ((arg1)->send_dtmf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_receive_message_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_receive_message_t arg2 = (switch_io_receive_message_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_receive_message_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_message = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_receive_message_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_receive_message_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_receive_message_t) ((arg1)->receive_message);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_receive_event_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_receive_event_t arg2 = (switch_io_receive_event_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_receive_event_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_event = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_receive_event_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_receive_event_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_receive_event_t) ((arg1)->receive_event);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_state_change_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_state_change_t arg2 = (switch_io_state_change_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_state_change_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->state_change = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_state_change_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_state_change_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_state_change_t) ((arg1)->state_change);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_read_video_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_read_video_frame_t arg2 = (switch_io_read_video_frame_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_read_video_frame_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_video_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_read_video_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_read_video_frame_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_read_video_frame_t) ((arg1)->read_video_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_write_video_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_write_video_frame_t arg2 = (switch_io_write_video_frame_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_write_video_frame_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_video_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_write_video_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_write_video_frame_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_write_video_frame_t) ((arg1)->write_video_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_resurrect_session_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_resurrect_session_t arg2 = (switch_io_resurrect_session_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_resurrect_session_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->resurrect_session = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_resurrect_session_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_resurrect_session_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_resurrect_session_t) ((arg1)->resurrect_session);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_padding_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  void **arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void **)jarg2; 
+  {
+    size_t ii;
+    void * *b = (void * *) arg1->padding;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)10; ii++) b[ii] = *((void * *) arg2 + ii);
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_routines_padding_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  void **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void **)(void **) ((arg1)->padding);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_routines() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_routines *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_routines *)new switch_io_routines();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_routines(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_routines *arg1 = (switch_io_routines *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_routines *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_io_routines_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_routines_t *arg2 = (switch_io_routines_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_routines_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->io_routines = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_io_routines_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_routines_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_routines_t *) ((arg1)->io_routines);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_state_handler_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->state_handler = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_state_handler_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) ((arg1)->state_handler);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg2 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_endpoint_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_endpoint_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_endpoint_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_endpoint_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_endpoint_interface *)new switch_endpoint_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_endpoint_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_endpoint_interface *arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_endpoint_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interval_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->interval = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interval_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->interval);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_samples_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_samples_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->samples);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_samplecount_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samplecount = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_samplecount_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samplecount);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_timer_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_timer_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_timer_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_timer_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_interface = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_timer_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_timer_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_timer_interface_t *) ((arg1)->timer_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_diff_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->diff = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_diff_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->diff);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_tick_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->tick = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_tick_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->tick);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_timer() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_timer *)new switch_timer();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_timer(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_timer *arg1 = (switch_timer *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_init_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_init = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_init_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) ((arg1)->timer_init);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) ((arg1)->timer_next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_step_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_step = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_step_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) ((arg1)->timer_step);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_sync_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_sync = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_sync_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) ((arg1)->timer_sync);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_check_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *,switch_bool_t) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *,switch_bool_t)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *,switch_bool_t))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_check = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_check_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *,switch_bool_t) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *,switch_bool_t)) ((arg1)->timer_check);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_destroy_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_timer_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timer_destroy = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_timer_destroy_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_timer_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_timer_t *)) ((arg1)->timer_destroy);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg2 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_timer_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_timer_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_timer_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_timer_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_timer_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_timer_interface *)new switch_timer_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_timer_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_timer_interface *arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_timer_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_hunt_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_dialplan_hunt_function_t arg2 = (switch_dialplan_hunt_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dialplan_hunt_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->hunt_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_hunt_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_dialplan_hunt_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_dialplan_hunt_function_t) ((arg1)->hunt_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg2 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_dialplan_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_dialplan_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_dialplan_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_dialplan_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_dialplan_interface *)new switch_dialplan_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_dialplan_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_dialplan_interface *arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_dialplan_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_open_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,char const *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,char const *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,char const *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_open = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_open_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,char const *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,char const *)) ((arg1)->file_open);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_close_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_close = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_close_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->file_close);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_read_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_read = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_read_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *)) ((arg1)->file_read);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_write_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_write = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_write_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *)) ((arg1)->file_write);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_seek_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,unsigned int *,int64_t,int) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,unsigned int *,int64_t,int)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,unsigned int *,int64_t,int))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_seek = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_seek_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,unsigned int *,int64_t,int) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,unsigned int *,int64_t,int)) ((arg1)->file_seek);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_set_string_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_set_string = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_set_string_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const *)) ((arg1)->file_set_string);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_get_string_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const **) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const **)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const **))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_get_string = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_file_get_string_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const **) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_file_handle_t *,switch_audio_col_t,char const **)) ((arg1)->file_get_string);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_extens_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->extens = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_extens_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  char **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char **) ((arg1)->extens);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg2 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_file_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_file_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_file_interface *)new switch_file_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_file_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_file_interface *arg1 = (switch_file_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_file_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_file_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_file_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file_interface = (switch_file_interface_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_file_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_file_interface_t *) ((arg1)->file_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_fd_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_t *arg2 = (switch_file_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_file_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->fd = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_fd_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_file_t *) ((arg1)->fd);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_samples_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_samples_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->samples);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_samplerate_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samplerate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_samplerate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samplerate);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_native_rate_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->native_rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_native_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->native_rate);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_channels_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->channels = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_channels_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->channels);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_format_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->format = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_format_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->format);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sections_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sections = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sections_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->sections);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_seekable_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->seekable = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_seekable_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->seekable);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sample_count_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sample_count = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sample_count_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->sample_count);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_speed_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speed = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_speed_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->speed);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_prebuf_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->prebuf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_prebuf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->prebuf);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_interval_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->interval = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_interval_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->interval);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_handler_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->handler) delete [] arg1->handler;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->handler = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->handler, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->handler = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_handler_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->handler);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_pos_set(void * jarg1, long long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int64_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int64_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pos = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_pos_get(void * jarg1) {
+  long long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int64_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int64_t) ((arg1)->pos);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_audio_buffer_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->audio_buffer = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_audio_buffer_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_buffer_t *) ((arg1)->audio_buffer);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sp_audio_buffer_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sp_audio_buffer = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_sp_audio_buffer_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_buffer_t *) ((arg1)->sp_audio_buffer);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_thresh_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->thresh = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_thresh_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->thresh);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_silence_hits_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->silence_hits = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_silence_hits_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->silence_hits);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_offset_pos_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->offset_pos = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_offset_pos_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->offset_pos);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_last_pos_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->last_pos = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_last_pos_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->last_pos);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_vol_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->vol = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_vol_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->vol);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_resampler_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg2 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->resampler = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_resampler_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) ((arg1)->resampler);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_buffer_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->buffer = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_buffer_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_buffer_t *) ((arg1)->buffer);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_dbuf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *arg2 = (switch_byte_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dbuf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_dbuf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t *) ((arg1)->dbuf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_dbuflen_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dbuflen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_dbuflen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->dbuflen);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_file_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->file = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->file, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->file = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_file_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->file);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_func_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->func = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->func, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->func = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_func_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->func);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_line_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->line = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_file_handle_line_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->line);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_file_handle() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_file_handle *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_file_handle *)new switch_file_handle();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_file_handle(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_file_handle *arg1 = (switch_file_handle *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_file_handle *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_open_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,int,char const *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,int,char const *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,int,char const *,switch_asr_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_open = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_open_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,int,char const *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,int,char const *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_open);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_load_grammar_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,char const *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,char const *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,char const *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_load_grammar = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_load_grammar_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,char const *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *,char const *)) ((arg1)->asr_load_grammar);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_unload_grammar_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_unload_grammar = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_unload_grammar_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char const *)) ((arg1)->asr_unload_grammar);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_close_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_close = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_close_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_close);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_feed_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,void *,unsigned int,switch_asr_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,void *,unsigned int,switch_asr_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,void *,unsigned int,switch_asr_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_feed = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_feed_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,void *,unsigned int,switch_asr_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,void *,unsigned int,switch_asr_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_feed);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_resume_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_resume = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_resume_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_resume);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_pause_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_pause = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_pause_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_pause);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_check_results_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_check_results = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_check_results_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,switch_asr_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_check_results);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_get_results_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char **,switch_asr_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char **,switch_asr_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char **,switch_asr_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_get_results = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_asr_get_results_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char **,switch_asr_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_asr_handle_t *,char **,switch_asr_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->asr_get_results);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg2 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_asr_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_asr_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_asr_interface *)new switch_asr_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_asr_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_asr_interface *arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_asr_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_asr_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_asr_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->asr_interface = (switch_asr_interface_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_asr_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_asr_interface_t *) ((arg1)->asr_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->name) delete [] arg1->name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_codec_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->codec) delete [] arg1->codec;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->codec = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->codec, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->codec = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_codec_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->codec);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_rate_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->rate);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_grammar_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->grammar) delete [] arg1->grammar;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->grammar = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->grammar, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->grammar = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_grammar_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->grammar);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_param_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->param) delete [] arg1->param;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->param = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->param, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->param = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_param_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->param);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_asr_handle_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_asr_handle() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_asr_handle *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_asr_handle *)new switch_asr_handle();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_asr_handle(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_asr_handle *arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_asr_handle *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_open_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char const *,int,switch_speech_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char const *,int,switch_speech_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char const *,int,switch_speech_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_open = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_open_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char const *,int,switch_speech_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char const *,int,switch_speech_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->speech_open);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_close_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_close = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_close_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->speech_close);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_feed_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,switch_speech_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_feed_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_feed_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->speech_feed_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_read_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *,uint32_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *,uint32_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *,uint32_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_read_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_read_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *,uint32_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,void *,switch_size_t *,uint32_t *,switch_speech_flag_t *)) ((arg1)->speech_read_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_flush_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *) = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_flush_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_flush_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->speech_flush_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_text_param_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,char const *) = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,char const *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,char const *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_text_param_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_text_param_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,char const *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,char const *)) ((arg1)->speech_text_param_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_numeric_param_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,int) = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,int)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,int))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_numeric_param_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_numeric_param_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,int) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,int)) ((arg1)->speech_numeric_param_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_float_param_tts_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*arg2)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,double) = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,double)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,double))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_float_param_tts = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_speech_float_param_tts_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  void (*result)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,double) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void (*)(switch_speech_handle_t *,char *,double)) ((arg1)->speech_float_param_tts);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg2 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_speech_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_speech_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_speech_interface *)new switch_speech_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_speech_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_speech_interface *arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_speech_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_speech_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_speech_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speech_interface = (switch_speech_interface_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_speech_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_speech_interface_t *) ((arg1)->speech_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->name) delete [] arg1->name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_rate_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->rate);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_speed_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->speed = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_speed_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->speed);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_samples_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_samples_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samples);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_voice_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->voice, (const char *)arg2, 80);
+    else arg1->voice[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_voice_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->voice);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_engine_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->engine) delete [] arg1->engine;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->engine = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->engine, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->engine = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_engine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->engine);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_param_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->param) delete [] arg1->param;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->param = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->param, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->param = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_param_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->param);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_speech_handle_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_speech_handle() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_speech_handle *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_speech_handle *)new switch_speech_handle();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_speech_handle(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_speech_handle *arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_speech_handle *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_say_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_callback_t arg2 = (switch_say_callback_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_say_callback_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->say_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_say_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_callback_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_say_callback_t) ((arg1)->say_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_interface *arg2 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_say_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_say_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_say_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_say_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_say_interface *)new switch_say_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_say_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_say_interface *arg1 = (switch_say_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_say_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_chat_send_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(char *,char *,char *,char *,char *,char *) = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,char *,char *,char *,char *,char *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,char *,char *,char *,char *,char *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->chat_send = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_chat_send_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(char *,char *,char *,char *,char *,char *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,char *,char *,char *,char *,char *)) ((arg1)->chat_send);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_chat_interface *arg2 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_chat_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_chat_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_chat_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_chat_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_chat_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_chat_interface *)new switch_chat_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_chat_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_chat_interface *arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_chat_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_relative_oid_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->relative_oid = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->relative_oid, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->relative_oid = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_relative_oid_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->relative_oid);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_management_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(char *,switch_management_action_t,char *,switch_size_t) = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,switch_management_action_t,char *,switch_size_t)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,switch_management_action_t,char *,switch_size_t))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->management_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_management_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(char *,switch_management_action_t,char *,switch_size_t) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(char *,switch_management_action_t,char *,switch_size_t)) ((arg1)->management_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_management_interface *arg2 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_management_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_management_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_management_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_management_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_management_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_management_interface *)new switch_management_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_management_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_management_interface *arg1 = (switch_management_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_management_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_open_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *,char *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *,char *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *,char *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_open = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_open_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *,char *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *,char *)) ((arg1)->directory_open);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_close_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_directory_handle_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_close = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_close_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_directory_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->directory_close);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_query_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_query = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_query_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char *,char *)) ((arg1)->directory_query);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_directory_handle_t *) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_directory_handle_t *) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *)) ((arg1)->directory_next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_next_pair_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*arg2)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char **,char **) = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char **,char **)) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char **,char **))jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_next_pair = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_directory_next_pair_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t (*result)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char **,char **) = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t (*)(switch_directory_handle_t *,char **,char **)) ((arg1)->directory_next_pair);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg2 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_directory_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_directory_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_directory_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_directory_interface *)new switch_directory_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_directory_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_directory_interface *arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_directory_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_directory_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_directory_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_directory_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->directory_interface = (switch_directory_interface_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_directory_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_directory_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_directory_interface_t *) ((arg1)->directory_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_directory_handle_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_directory_handle() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_directory_handle *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_directory_handle *)new switch_directory_handle();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_directory_handle(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_directory_handle *arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_directory_handle *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_quality_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->quality = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_quality_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->quality);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_complexity_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->complexity = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_complexity_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->complexity);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_enhancement_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->enhancement = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_enhancement_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->enhancement);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vad_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->vad = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vad_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->vad);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vbr_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->vbr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vbr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->vbr);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vbr_quality_set(void * jarg1, float jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->vbr_quality = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT float SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_vbr_quality_get(void * jarg1) {
+  float jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float) ((arg1)->vbr_quality);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_abr_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->abr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_abr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->abr);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_dtx_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->dtx = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_dtx_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->dtx);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_preproc_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->preproc = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_preproc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->preproc);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_vad_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_vad = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_vad_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->pp_vad);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_agc_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_agc = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_agc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->pp_agc);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_agc_level_set(void * jarg1, float jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_agc_level = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT float SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_agc_level_get(void * jarg1) {
+  float jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float) ((arg1)->pp_agc_level);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_denoise_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_denoise = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_denoise_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->pp_denoise);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_dereverb = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->pp_dereverb);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_decay_set(void * jarg1, float jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_dereverb_decay = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT float SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_decay_get(void * jarg1) {
+  float jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float) ((arg1)->pp_dereverb_decay);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_level_set(void * jarg1, float jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pp_dereverb_level = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT float SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_settings_pp_dereverb_level_get(void * jarg1) {
+  float jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  float result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float) ((arg1)->pp_dereverb_level);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_codec_settings() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_settings *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_codec_settings *)new switch_codec_settings();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_codec_settings(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_codec_settings *arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_settings *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_codec_interface_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_interface_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_interface_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_interface_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec_interface = (switch_codec_interface_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_codec_interface_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_interface_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_interface_t *) ((arg1)->codec_interface);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->implementation = (switch_codec_implementation_t const *)arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_implementation_t *) ((arg1)->implementation);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_fmtp_in_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->fmtp_in) delete [] arg1->fmtp_in;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->fmtp_in = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->fmtp_in, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->fmtp_in = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_fmtp_in_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->fmtp_in);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_fmtp_out_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->fmtp_out) delete [] arg1->fmtp_out;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->fmtp_out = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->fmtp_out, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->fmtp_out = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_fmtp_out_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->fmtp_out);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_codec_settings_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_settings_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_settings_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_settings_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec_settings = *arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_codec_settings_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_settings_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_settings_t *)& ((arg1)->codec_settings);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_memory_pool_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->memory_pool = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_memory_pool_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_memory_pool_t *) ((arg1)->memory_pool);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_private_info_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->private_info = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_private_info_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->private_info);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_agreed_pt_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->agreed_pt = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_agreed_pt_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_payload_t) ((arg1)->agreed_pt);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_codec() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_codec *)new switch_codec();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_codec(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_codec *arg1 = (switch_codec *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_codec_type_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_type_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_type_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec_type = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_codec_type_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_type_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_type_t) ((arg1)->codec_type);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_ianacode_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ianacode = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_ianacode_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_payload_t) ((arg1)->ianacode);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_iananame_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->iananame) delete [] arg1->iananame;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->iananame = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->iananame, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->iananame = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_iananame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->iananame);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_fmtp_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->fmtp) delete [] arg1->fmtp;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->fmtp = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->fmtp, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->fmtp = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_fmtp_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->fmtp);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_samples_per_second_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples_per_second = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_samples_per_second_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samples_per_second);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_actual_samples_per_second_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->actual_samples_per_second = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_actual_samples_per_second_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->actual_samples_per_second);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_bits_per_second_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bits_per_second = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_bits_per_second_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->bits_per_second);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_microseconds_per_frame_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->microseconds_per_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_microseconds_per_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->microseconds_per_frame);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_samples_per_frame_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->samples_per_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_samples_per_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->samples_per_frame);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_bytes_per_frame_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bytes_per_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_bytes_per_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->bytes_per_frame);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_encoded_bytes_per_frame_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->encoded_bytes_per_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_encoded_bytes_per_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->encoded_bytes_per_frame);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_number_of_channels_set(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint8_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->number_of_channels = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_number_of_channels_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t) ((arg1)->number_of_channels);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_pref_frames_per_packet_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->pref_frames_per_packet = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_pref_frames_per_packet_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->pref_frames_per_packet);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_max_frames_per_packet_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->max_frames_per_packet = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_max_frames_per_packet_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->max_frames_per_packet);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_init_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_init_func_t arg2 = (switch_core_codec_init_func_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_codec_init_func_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->init = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_init_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_init_func_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_codec_init_func_t) ((arg1)->init);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_encode_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_encode_func_t arg2 = (switch_core_codec_encode_func_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_codec_encode_func_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->encode = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_encode_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_encode_func_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_codec_encode_func_t) ((arg1)->encode);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_decode_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_decode_func_t arg2 = (switch_core_codec_decode_func_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_codec_decode_func_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->decode = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_decode_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_decode_func_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_codec_decode_func_t) ((arg1)->decode);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_destroy_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_destroy_func_t arg2 = (switch_core_codec_destroy_func_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_codec_destroy_func_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->destroy = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_destroy_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_codec_destroy_func_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_codec_destroy_func_t) ((arg1)->destroy);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_codec_id_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_codec_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->codec_id);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_implementation_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_implementation *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_codec_implementation() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_implementation *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_codec_implementation *)new switch_codec_implementation();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_codec_implementation(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_codec_implementation *arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_implementation *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_implementations_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_implementation_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->implementations = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_implementations_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_implementation_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_implementation_t *) ((arg1)->implementations);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_codec_id_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->codec_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_codec_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->codec_id);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_interface *arg2 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_codec_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_codec_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_codec_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_codec_interface *)new switch_codec_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_codec_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_codec_interface *arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_codec_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_application_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_function_t arg2 = (switch_application_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_application_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->application_function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_application_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_application_function_t) ((arg1)->application_function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_long_desc_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->long_desc = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->long_desc, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->long_desc = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_long_desc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->long_desc);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_short_desc_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->short_desc = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->short_desc, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->short_desc = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_short_desc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->short_desc);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_syntax_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->syntax = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->syntax, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->syntax = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_syntax_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->syntax);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg2 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_application_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_application_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_application_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_application_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_application_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_application_interface *)new switch_application_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_application_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_application_interface *arg1 = (switch_application_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_application_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_interface_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->interface_name = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->interface_name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->interface_name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_interface_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->interface_name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_desc_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->desc = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->desc, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->desc = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_desc_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->desc);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_api_function_t arg2 = (switch_api_function_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_api_function_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_api_function_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_api_function_t) ((arg1)->function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_syntax_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->syntax = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->syntax, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->syntax = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_syntax_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->syntax);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg2 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_api_interface_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  switch_api_interface *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_api_interface *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_api_interface() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_api_interface *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_api_interface *)new switch_api_interface();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_api_interface(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_api_interface *arg1 = (switch_api_interface *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_api_interface *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_profile_created_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->profile_created = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_profile_created_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->profile_created);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_created_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->created = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_created_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->created);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_answered_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->answered = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_answered_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->answered);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_progress_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->progress = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_progress_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->progress);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_progress_media_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->progress_media = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_progress_media_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->progress_media);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_hungup_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->hungup = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_hungup_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->hungup);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_transferred_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->transferred = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_transferred_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->transferred);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg2 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_timetable_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_timetable *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_channel_timetable() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_timetable *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_channel_timetable *)new switch_channel_timetable();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_channel_timetable(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_channel_timetable *arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_timetable *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_state(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_get_state(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_running_state(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_get_running_state(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_ready(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t)switch_channel_ready(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_wait_for_state(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg3; 
+  switch_channel_wait_for_state(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_wait_for_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, unsigned long jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_wait_for_flag(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_set_state(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg5 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_perform_set_state(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_set_running_state(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_perform_set_running_state(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_str2cause(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_call_cause_t)switch_channel_str2cause((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_cause(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_call_cause_t)switch_channel_get_cause(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_cause2str(int jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_call_cause_t arg1 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_call_cause_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_cause2str(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_timetable(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_timetable_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_timetable_t *)switch_channel_get_timetable(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_alloc(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t **arg1 = (switch_channel_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_alloc(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_init(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, unsigned long jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg3 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_init(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_presence(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  switch_channel_presence(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_uninit(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_channel_uninit(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_caller_profile(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_caller_profile(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_caller_profile(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_channel_get_caller_profile(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_originator_caller_profile(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_originator_caller_profile(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_originatee_caller_profile(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_originatee_caller_profile(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_profile_t *)switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_uuid(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_get_uuid(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_variable(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_set_variable(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_variable_partner(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_set_variable_partner(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_variable_partner(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_get_variable_partner(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_variable(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_get_variable(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_variable_first(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_header_t *)switch_channel_variable_first(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_variable_last(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_channel_variable_last(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_caller_extension(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_extension_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_extension_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_caller_extension(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_caller_extension(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_extension_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_caller_extension_t *)switch_channel_get_caller_extension(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_test_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_channel_test_flag(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_flag(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_flag_partner(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_channel_set_flag_partner(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_clear_flag_partner(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_bool_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_bool_t)switch_channel_clear_flag_partner(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_state_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_set_state_flag(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_clear_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_clear_flag(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_answer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_answer(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_mark_answered(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_mark_answered(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_ring_ready(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_ring_ready(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_pre_answer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_pre_answer(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_mark_ring_ready(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_perform_mark_ring_ready(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_add_state_handler(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_channel_add_state_handler(arg1,(switch_state_handler_table const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_clear_state_handler(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_clear_state_handler(arg1,(switch_state_handler_table const *)arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_state_handler(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)switch_channel_get_state_handler(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_private(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_set_private(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_private(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (void *)switch_channel_get_private(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_name(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_set_name(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_get_name(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_get_name(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_perform_hangup(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t arg5 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_call_cause_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_perform_hangup(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_has_dtmf(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_channel_has_dtmf(arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_queue_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_queue_dtmf(arg1,(switch_dtmf_t const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_queue_dtmf_string(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_queue_dtmf_string(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_flush_dtmf(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_channel_flush_dtmf(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf_string(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf_string(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_state_name(int jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg1 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_state_name(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_name_state(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t)switch_channel_name_state((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_event_set_data(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_channel_event_set_data(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_expand_variables(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_expand_variables(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_build_param_string(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)switch_channel_build_param_string(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_channel_set_timestamps(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg1 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_channel_set_timestamps(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_create(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_buffer_t **arg2 = (switch_buffer_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_buffer_t **)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_buffer_create(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_create_dynamic(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t **arg1 = (switch_buffer_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t **)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  argp4 = (switch_size_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_buffer_create_dynamic(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_add_mutex(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg2; 
+  switch_buffer_add_mutex(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_lock(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_buffer_lock(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_trylock(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_buffer_trylock(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_unlock(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_buffer_unlock(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_len(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_buffer_len(arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_freespace(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_buffer_freespace(arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_inuse(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_buffer_inuse(arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_read(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_buffer_read(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_read_loop(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_buffer_read_loop(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_set_loops(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_buffer_set_loops(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_write(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_buffer_write(arg1,(void const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_toss(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  result = switch_buffer_toss(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_zero(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_buffer_zero(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_buffer_t **arg1 = (switch_buffer_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_buffer_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_buffer_zwrite(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_buffer_t *arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_buffer_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_buffer_zwrite(arg1,(void const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->name) delete [] arg1->name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_value_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->value) delete [] arg1->value;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->value = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->value, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->value = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_value_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->value);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header *arg2 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_header *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_header_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_header *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_event_header() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_header *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_event_header *)new switch_event_header();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_event_header(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event_header *arg1 = (switch_event_header *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_header *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_owner_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_subclass *arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->owner) delete [] arg1->owner;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->owner = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->owner, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->owner = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_owner_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_subclass *arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->owner);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_subclass *arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->name) delete [] arg1->name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_subclass *arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_event_subclass() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_subclass *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_event_subclass *)new switch_event_subclass();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_event_subclass(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event_subclass *arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_subclass *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_event_id_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_types_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->event_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_event_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_types_t) ((arg1)->event_id);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_priority_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_priority_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_priority_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->priority = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_priority_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_priority_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_priority_t) ((arg1)->priority);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_owner_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->owner) delete [] arg1->owner;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->owner = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->owner, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->owner = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_owner_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->owner);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_subclass_t *arg2 = (switch_event_subclass_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_subclass_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->subclass = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_subclass_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_subclass_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_subclass_t *) ((arg1)->subclass);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_headers_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header_t *arg2 = (switch_event_header_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_header_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->headers = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_headers_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_header_t *) ((arg1)->headers);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_last_header_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header_t *arg2 = (switch_event_header_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_header_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->last_header = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_last_header_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_header_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_header_t *) ((arg1)->last_header);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_body_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->body) delete [] arg1->body;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->body = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->body, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->body = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_body_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->body);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_bind_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->bind_user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_bind_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->bind_user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_event_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->event_user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_event_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->event_user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_key_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  unsigned long arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned long)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->key = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_key_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  unsigned long result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned long) ((arg1)->key);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event *arg2 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_event() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_event *)new switch_event();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_event(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event *arg1 = (switch_event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_id_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->id) delete [] arg1->id;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->id = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->id, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->id = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->id);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_event_id_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_types_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->event_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_event_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_types_t) ((arg1)->event_id);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_subclass_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_subclass_t *arg2 = (switch_event_subclass_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_subclass_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->subclass = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_subclass_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_subclass_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_subclass_t *) ((arg1)->subclass);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_callback_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_callback_t arg2 = (switch_event_callback_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_callback_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->callback = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_callback_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_callback_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_callback_t) ((arg1)->callback);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_user_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->user_data = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_user_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->user_data);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_node *arg2 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_node *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_node_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_node *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_node *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_event_node() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_node *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_event_node *)new switch_event_node();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_event_node(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event_node *arg1 = (switch_event_node *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_node *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_init(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_init(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_shutdown() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_shutdown();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_create_subclass(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t **arg1 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_types_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_create_subclass(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_set_priority(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_priority_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_priority_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_set_priority(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_get_header(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_event_get_header(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_get_body(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_event_get_body(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_add_header_string(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_stack_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_stack_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_add_header_string(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_del_header(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_del_header(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event_t **arg1 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_event_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_dup(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t **arg1 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_dup(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_fire_detailed(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  switch_event_t **arg4 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  void *arg5 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_event_t **)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (void *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_fire_detailed((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_bind(char * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_callback_t arg4 = (switch_event_callback_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg5 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_types_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_event_callback_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (void *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_bind((char const *)arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_name(int jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_types_t arg1 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_types_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_event_name(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_name_event(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_types_t *arg2 = (switch_event_types_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_types_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_name_event((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_reserve_subclass_detailed(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_reserve_subclass_detailed((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_serialize(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_serialize(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_running() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_running();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_expand_headers(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_event_expand_headers(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_create_pres_in_detailed(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, char * jarg9, char * jarg10, int jarg11, char * jarg12, char * jarg13, char * jarg14, char * jarg15) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg10 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg11 ;
+  char *arg12 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg13 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg14 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg15 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (char *)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (int)jarg11; 
+  arg12 = (char *)jarg12; 
+  arg13 = (char *)jarg13; 
+  arg14 = (char *)jarg14; 
+  arg15 = (char *)jarg15; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_event_create_pres_in_detailed(arg1,arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,(char const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7,(char const *)arg8,(char const *)arg9,(char const *)arg10,arg11,(char const *)arg12,(char const *)arg13,(char const *)arg14,(char const *)arg15);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_deliver(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_event_t **arg1 = (switch_event_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_event_deliver(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_event_build_param_string(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_hash_t *arg3 = (switch_hash_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_hash_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)switch_event_build_param_string(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_resampler_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->resampler = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_resampler_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->resampler);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_rate_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->from_rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->from_rate);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_rate_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->to_rate = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_rate_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->to_rate);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_factor_set(void * jarg1, double jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  double arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (double)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->factor = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT double SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_factor_get(void * jarg1) {
+  double jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  double result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (double) ((arg1)->factor);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  float *arg2 = (float *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->from = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  float *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float *) ((arg1)->from);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_len_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->from_len = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_len_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->from_len);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_size_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->from_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_from_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->from_size);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  float *arg2 = (float *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->to = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  float *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (float *) ((arg1)->to);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_len_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->to_len = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_len_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->to_len);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_size_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->to_size = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_audio_resampler_t_to_size_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->to_size);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_audio_resampler_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)new switch_audio_resampler_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_audio_resampler_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_resample_create(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3, int jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t **arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t **) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_resample_create(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_resample_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_audio_resampler_t **arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_resample_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_resample_process(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, int jarg6) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_audio_resampler_t *arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *) 0 ;
+  float *arg2 = (float *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  float *arg4 = (float *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  int arg6 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_audio_resampler_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (float *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (int)jarg6; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_resample_process(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_float_to_short(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  float *arg1 = (float *) 0 ;
+  short *arg2 = (short *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (float *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (short *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = switch_float_to_short(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_char_to_float(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  float *arg2 = (float *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_char_to_float(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_float_to_char(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  float *arg1 = (float *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (float *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_float_to_char(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_short_to_float(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  short *arg1 = (short *) 0 ;
+  float *arg2 = (float *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (short *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (float *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_short_to_float(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_swap_linear(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int16_t *arg1 = (int16_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (int16_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  switch_swap_linear(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_generate_sln_silence(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, unsigned long jarg3) {
+  int16_t *arg1 = (int16_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (int16_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  switch_generate_sln_silence(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_change_sln_volume(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int16_t *arg1 = (int16_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  int32_t arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (int16_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int32_t)jarg3; 
+  switch_change_sln_volume(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_merge_sln(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned long jarg4) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  int16_t *arg1 = (int16_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  int16_t *arg3 = (int16_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (int16_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int16_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_merge_sln(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_session_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->session = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_session_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *) ((arg1)->session);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_read_codec_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg2 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_codec = *arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_read_codec_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_codec_t *)& ((arg1)->read_codec);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_frame = *arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_frame_t *)& ((arg1)->write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_write_frame_data_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_byte_t *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    size_t ii;
+    switch_byte_t *b = (switch_byte_t *) arg1->write_frame_data;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)(2*32*(120+10)); ii++) b[ii] = *((switch_byte_t *) arg2 + ii);
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_write_frame_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_byte_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_byte_t *)(switch_byte_t *) ((arg1)->write_frame_data);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_socket_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_socket_t *arg2 = (switch_socket_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_socket_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->socket = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_socket_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_socket_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_socket_t *) ((arg1)->socket);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_ip_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->local_ip) delete [] arg1->local_ip;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->local_ip = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->local_ip, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->local_ip = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_ip_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->local_ip);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_port_set(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->local_port = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_port_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_port_t) ((arg1)->local_port);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_ip_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->remote_ip) delete [] arg1->remote_ip;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->remote_ip = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->remote_ip, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->remote_ip = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_ip_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->remote_ip);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_port_set(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->remote_port = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_port_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_port_t) ((arg1)->remote_port);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_addr_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_sockaddr_t *arg2 = (switch_sockaddr_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_sockaddr_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->local_addr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_local_addr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_sockaddr_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_sockaddr_t *) ((arg1)->local_addr);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_addr_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_sockaddr_t *arg2 = (switch_sockaddr_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_sockaddr_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->remote_addr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_remote_addr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_sockaddr_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_sockaddr_t *) ((arg1)->remote_addr);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_flag_mutex_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_mutex_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flag_mutex = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_flag_mutex_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  switch_mutex_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_mutex_t *) ((arg1)->flag_mutex);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_flags_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_type_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->type = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_type_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->type);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_transport_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->transport = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_transport_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->transport);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_stream_id_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->stream_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_unicast_conninfo_stream_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->stream_id);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_unicast_conninfo() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)new switch_unicast_conninfo();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_unicast_conninfo(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_unicast_conninfo *arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_unicast_conninfo *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_deactivate_unicast(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_deactivate_unicast(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_activate_unicast(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3, char * jarg4, unsigned short jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_port_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_port_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_activate_unicast(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg2 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_set_xml_profile_data(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_ivr_set_xml_profile_data(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_set_xml_chan_vars(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_ivr_set_xml_chan_vars(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_parse_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_parse_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_parse_all_events(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_parse_all_events(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_parse_next_event(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_parse_next_event(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_sleep(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_sleep(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_park(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg2 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_park(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg2 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, unsigned long jarg7, unsigned long jarg8, unsigned long jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t arg4 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg7 ;
+  uint32_t arg8 ;
+  uint32_t arg9 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  argp4 = (switch_size_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (uint32_t)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (uint32_t)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_detect_speech(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_asr_handle_t *arg6 = (switch_asr_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_asr_handle_t *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_detect_speech(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_detect_speech(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_detect_speech(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_pause_detect_speech(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_pause_detect_speech(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_resume_detect_speech(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_resume_detect_speech(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_detect_speech_load_grammar(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_detect_speech_load_grammar(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_detect_speech_unload_grammar(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_detect_speech_unload_grammar(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_record_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg4 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_record_session(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_eavesdrop_flag_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_eavesdrop_flag_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_displace_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_displace_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_displace_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_displace_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_record_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_record_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_session(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_session(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_session(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_session(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_generate_session(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_generate_session(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_generate_session(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_generate_session(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_session_echo(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_ivr_session_echo(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_stop_tone_detect_session(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_stop_tone_detect_session(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_tone_detect_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, void * jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  time_t arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  time_t *argp5 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  argp5 = (time_t *)jarg5; 
+  if (!argp5) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg5 = *argp5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_tone_detect_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,(char const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_play_file(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg2 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_play_file(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_gentones(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_gentones(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_record_file(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4, unsigned long jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_file_handle_t *arg2 = (switch_file_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_file_handle_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_record_file(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_play_and_get_digits(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, void * jarg9, unsigned long jarg10, char * jarg11) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg9 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg10 ;
+  char *arg11 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (void *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (uint32_t)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (char *)jarg11; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_play_and_get_digits(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,arg11);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_speak_text_handle(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_speech_handle_t *arg2 = (switch_speech_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg3 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_timer_t *arg4 = (switch_timer_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg6 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_speech_handle_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_timer_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_speak_text_handle(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_clear_speech_cache(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_ivr_clear_speech_cache(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_speak_text(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg5 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_speak_text(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_originate(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, char * jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, void * jarg9, int jarg10) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t **arg2 = (switch_core_session_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t *arg3 = (switch_call_cause_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  switch_state_handler_table_t *arg6 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_caller_profile_t *arg9 = (switch_caller_profile_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_originate_flag_t arg10 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_call_cause_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_state_handler_table_t *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (switch_caller_profile_t *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (switch_originate_flag_t)jarg10; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_originate(arg1,arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,(switch_state_handler_table const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7,(char const *)arg8,arg9,arg10);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_multi_threaded_bridge(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_callback_function_t arg3 = (switch_input_callback_function_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+  void *arg5 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_input_callback_function_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (void *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_multi_threaded_bridge(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_signal_bridge(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_signal_bridge(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_session_transfer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_session_transfer(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_schedule_transfer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  time_t arg1 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  time_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (time_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_ivr_schedule_transfer(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_schedule_hangup(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  time_t arg1 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_call_cause_t arg3 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  time_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (time_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_call_cause_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_bool_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_ivr_schedule_hangup(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_uuid_bridge(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_uuid_bridge((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_media(char * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_media_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_media((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_nomedia(char * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_media_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_nomedia((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_hold_uuid(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_hold_uuid((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_unhold_uuid(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_unhold_uuid((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_hold(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_hold(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_unhold(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_unhold(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_schedule_broadcast(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  time_t arg1 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_flag_t arg4 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  time_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (time_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_media_flag_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_ivr_schedule_broadcast(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_broadcast(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_media_flag_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_media_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_broadcast((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_transfer_variable(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_transfer_variable(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_new(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t **arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_new(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_destroy(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_new(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_t **arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_new(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_destroy(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_set_event(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_set_event(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_del_event(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_del_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_feed(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *) 0 ;
+  char arg3 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char)jarg3; 
+  result = (void *)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_feed(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_reset(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_reset(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_set_terminator(void * jarg1, char jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *) 0 ;
+  char arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_set_terminator(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_init(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, char * jarg9, int jarg10, int jarg11, int jarg12, int jarg13, int jarg14, void * jarg15) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg10 ;
+  int arg11 ;
+  int arg12 ;
+  int arg13 ;
+  int arg14 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg15 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (int)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (int)jarg11; 
+  arg12 = (int)jarg12; 
+  arg13 = (int)jarg13; 
+  arg14 = (int)jarg14; 
+  arg15 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg15; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_init(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,(char const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7,(char const *)arg8,(char const *)arg9,arg10,arg11,arg12,arg13,arg14,arg15);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_bind_action(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_action_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_action_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_bind_action(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_bind_function(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_bind_function(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_execute(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_execute(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_stack_free(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_stack_free(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_build(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_t **arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg3 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg4 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_menu_t **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_xml_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_xml_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_build(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_str2action(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_action_t *arg2 = (switch_ivr_action_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_ivr_action_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_str2action((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add_custom(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *arg3 = (switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_add_custom(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_init(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t **arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_menu_stack_xml_init(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_phrase_macro(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, void * jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg5 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_phrase_macro(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_delay_echo(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_ivr_delay_echo(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_find_bridged_uuid(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_find_bridged_uuid((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_intercept_session(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bool_t)jarg3; 
+  switch_ivr_intercept_session(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_park_session(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_ivr_park_session(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_wait_for_answer(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_wait_for_answer(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_read(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, void * jarg7, unsigned long jarg8, char * jarg9) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg7 ;
+  uint32_t arg8 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp7 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  argp7 = (switch_size_t *)jarg7; 
+  if (!argp7) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg7 = *argp7; 
+  arg8 = (uint32_t)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_read(arg1,arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,(char const *)arg9);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_bind_dtmf_meta_session(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2, int jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  switch_bind_flag_t arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_bind_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_bind_dtmf_meta_session(arg1,arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_unbind_dtmf_meta_session(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_unbind_dtmf_meta_session(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_soft_hold(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_soft_hold(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_say(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *arg6 = (switch_input_args_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_input_args_t *)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_ivr_say(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_get_say_method_by_name(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_method_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_say_method_t)switch_ivr_get_say_method_by_name((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_ivr_get_say_type_by_name(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_say_type_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_say_type_t)switch_ivr_get_say_type_by_name((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 16384;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 64;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 30;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+  char * jresult ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  result = (char *) "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80";
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_index_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->index = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_index_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->index);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->type = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t) ((arg1)->type);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_key_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  unsigned char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    size_t ii;
+    unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *) arg1->key;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)64; ii++) b[ii] = *((unsigned char *) arg2 + ii);
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_key_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  unsigned char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned char *)(unsigned char *) ((arg1)->key);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_keylen_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->keylen = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_keylen_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->keylen);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg2 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_crypto_key_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_rtp_crypto_key() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)new switch_rtp_crypto_key();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_rtp_crypto_key(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key *arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(void * jarg1, int jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, int jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_direction_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t arg4 ;
+  unsigned char *arg5 = (unsigned char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg6 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp6 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_crypto_direction_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (unsigned char *)jarg5; 
+  argp6 = (switch_size_t *)jarg6; 
+  if (!argp6) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg6 = *argp6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_random(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  void *arg1 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (void *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_get_random(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_init(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_rtp_init(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_shutdown() {
+  switch_rtp_shutdown();
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_start_port(unsigned short jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  switch_port_t arg1 ;
+  switch_port_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_port_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_port_t)switch_rtp_set_start_port(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_end_port(unsigned short jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  switch_port_t arg1 ;
+  switch_port_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_port_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_port_t)switch_rtp_set_end_port(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_request_port(char * jarg1) {
+  unsigned short jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_port_t)switch_rtp_request_port((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_release_port(char * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_release_port((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_create(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, unsigned long jarg4, int jarg5, char * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t **arg1 = (switch_rtp_t **) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  uint32_t arg4 ;
+  switch_rtp_flag_t arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char **arg7 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg8 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t **)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_rtp_flag_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char **)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg8; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_create(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,(char const **)arg7,arg8);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_new(char * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned short jarg4, unsigned char jarg5, unsigned long jarg6, unsigned long jarg7, int jarg8, char * jarg9, void * jarg10, void * jarg11) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg4 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg5 ;
+  uint32_t arg6 ;
+  uint32_t arg7 ;
+  switch_rtp_flag_t arg8 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char **arg10 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg11 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_port_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_port_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_payload_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (uint32_t)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (uint32_t)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (switch_rtp_flag_t)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (char **)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg11; 
+  result = (switch_rtp_t *)switch_rtp_new((char const *)arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,(char const **)arg10,arg11);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_remote_address(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg3 ;
+  char **arg4 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_port_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char **)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_set_remote_address(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,(char const **)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_max_missed_packets(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_max_missed_packets(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_local_address(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_port_t arg3 ;
+  char **arg4 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_port_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char **)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_set_local_address(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3,(char const **)arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_kill_socket(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_rtp_kill_socket(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_break(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_rtp_break(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned char SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_ready(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned char jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint8_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint8_t)switch_rtp_ready(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_destroy(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_rtp_t **arg1 = (switch_rtp_t **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t **)jarg1; 
+  switch_rtp_destroy(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_activate_ice(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_activate_ice(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_activate_jitter_buffer(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_activate_jitter_buffer(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_flag(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_test_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_flag_t arg2 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_rtp_test_flag(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_clear_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_flag_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_clear_flag(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_rtp_socket(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_socket_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_socket_t *)switch_rtp_get_rtp_socket(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_default_samples_per_interval(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint16_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint16_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_default_samples_per_interval(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_default_samples_per_interval(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_rtp_get_default_samples_per_interval(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_default_payload(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_default_payload(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_default_payload(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_rtp_get_default_payload(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_invald_handler(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_rtp_invalid_handler_t arg2 = (switch_rtp_invalid_handler_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_rtp_invalid_handler_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_invald_handler(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_read(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5, int jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg3 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t *arg4 = (switch_payload_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_flag_t *arg5 = (switch_frame_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg6 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_payload_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_frame_flag_t *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_read(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_queue_rfc2833(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_queue_rfc2833(arg1,(switch_dtmf_t const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_queue_rfc2833_in(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_queue_rfc2833_in(arg1,(switch_dtmf_t const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_has_dtmf(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = switch_rtp_has_dtmf(arg1);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_dequeue_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = switch_rtp_dequeue_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, void * jarg5, int jarg6) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  void **arg2 = (void **) 0 ;
+  uint32_t *arg3 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t *arg4 = (switch_payload_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_flag_t *arg5 = (switch_frame_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg6 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_payload_t *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_frame_flag_t *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg6; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_zerocopy_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_flag_t arg3 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_io_flag_t)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_zerocopy_read_frame(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_enable_vad(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_codec_t *arg3 = (switch_codec_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_vad_flag_t arg4 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_codec_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_vad_flag_t)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_enable_vad(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_disable_vad(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_rtp_disable_vad(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_rtp_write_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_write_manual(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned long jarg3, unsigned char jarg4, unsigned char jarg5, unsigned long jarg6, void * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg3 ;
+  uint8_t arg4 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg5 ;
+  uint32_t arg6 ;
+  switch_frame_flag_t *arg7 = (switch_frame_flag_t *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (uint8_t)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_payload_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (uint32_t)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_frame_flag_t *)jarg7; 
+  result = (int)switch_rtp_write_manual(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_ssrc(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_rtp_get_ssrc(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_private(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_private(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_telephony_event(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_telephony_event(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_set_cng_pt(void * jarg1, unsigned char jarg2) {
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_payload_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_payload_t)jarg2; 
+  switch_rtp_set_cng_pt(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_rtp_get_private(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_rtp_t *arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_rtp_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *)switch_rtp_get_private(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_data_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->data) delete [] arg1->data;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->data = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->data, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->data = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_data_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->data);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_file_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->file, (const char *)arg2, 80);
+    else arg1->file[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_file_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->file);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_line_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->line = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_line_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->line);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_func_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->func, (const char *)arg2, 80);
+    else arg1->func[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_func_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->func);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_level_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_log_level_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_log_level_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->level = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_level_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_log_level_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_log_level_t) ((arg1)->level);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_timestamp_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t arg2 ;
+  switch_time_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_time_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_time_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->timestamp = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_timestamp_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_time_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->timestamp);
+  jresult = new switch_time_t((switch_time_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_content_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->content) delete [] arg1->content;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->content = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->content, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->content = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_content_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->content);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_userdata_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->userdata = (char const *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->userdata, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->userdata = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_node_t_userdata_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->userdata);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_log_node_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_log_node_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_log_node_t *)new switch_log_node_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_log_node_t(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_log_node_t *arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_node_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_init(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_log_init(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_shutdown() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_log_shutdown();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_bind_logger(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_log_function_t arg1 = (switch_log_function_t) 0 ;
+  switch_log_level_t arg2 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_function_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_log_level_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_log_bind_logger(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_level2str(int jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_log_level_t arg1 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_log_level_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_log_level2str(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_str2level(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_log_level_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_log_level_t)switch_log_str2level((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_log_str2mask(char * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_log_str2mask((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+  int jresult ;
+  int result;
+  result = (int) 1024;
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_name_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->name) delete [] arg1->name;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->name = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->name, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->name = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_name_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->name);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_attr_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->attr = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_attr_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char **) ((arg1)->attr);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_txt_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->txt) delete [] arg1->txt;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->txt = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->txt, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->txt = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_txt_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->txt);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_free_path_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->free_path) delete [] arg1->free_path;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->free_path = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->free_path, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->free_path = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_free_path_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->free_path);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_off_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return ;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->off = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_off_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result =  ((arg1)->off);
+  jresult = new switch_size_t((switch_size_t &)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_sibling_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sibling = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_sibling_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t) ((arg1)->sibling);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_ordered_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->ordered = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_ordered_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t) ((arg1)->ordered);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_child_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->child = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_child_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t) ((arg1)->child);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parent_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->parent = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parent_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t) ((arg1)->parent);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_xml() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_xml *)new switch_xml();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_xml(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_xml *arg1 = (switch_xml *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_str(char * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg2 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp2 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  argp2 = (switch_size_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (!argp2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg2 = *argp2; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_parse_str(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_fd(int jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  int arg1 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (int)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_parse_fd(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_file(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_parse_file((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_file_simple(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_parse_file_simple((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_fp(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  FILE *arg1 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (FILE *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_parse_fp(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_child(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_child(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_find_child(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_find_child(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_attr(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_xml_attr(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_attr_soft(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_xml_attr_soft(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_get(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_toxml(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg2 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_bool_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)switch_xml_toxml(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_toxml_buf(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_size_t arg4 ;
+  switch_bool_t arg5 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  switch_size_t *argp4 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  argp4 = (switch_size_t *)jarg4; 
+  if (!argp4) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg4 = *argp4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_bool_t)jarg5; 
+  result = (char *)switch_xml_toxml_buf(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_pi(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char **result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char **)switch_xml_pi(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_free(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  switch_xml_free(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_error(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)switch_xml_error(arg1);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_new(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_new((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_add_child(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_add_child(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_set_txt(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_set_txt(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_set_attr(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_set_attr(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_set_flag(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_flag_t arg2 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_flag_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_set_flag(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_cut(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_cut(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_insert(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t arg1 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t arg2 = (switch_xml_t) 0 ;
+  switch_size_t arg3 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  switch_size_t *argp3 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t)jarg2; 
+  argp3 = (switch_size_t *)jarg3; 
+  if (!argp3) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null switch_size_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg3 = *argp3; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_insert(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_open_root(unsigned char jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  uint8_t arg1 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint8_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_open_root(arg1,(char const **)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_init(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_memory_pool_t *arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_memory_pool_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_init(arg1,(char const **)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_destroy() {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_destroy();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_root() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_root();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_locate(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg5 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg6 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg7 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_event_t *)jarg7; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_locate((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_locate_domain(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg3 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg4 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg4; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_locate_domain((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_locate_user(char * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, void * jarg5, void * jarg6, void * jarg7, void * jarg8) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg5 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg6 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg7 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg8 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (switch_event_t *)jarg8; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_locate_user((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_open_cfg(char * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t *arg2 = (switch_xml_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg3 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_t *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_event_t *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_xml_t)switch_xml_open_cfg((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_bind_search_function(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_xml_search_function_t arg1 = (switch_xml_search_function_t) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_section_t arg2 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_xml_search_function_t)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_xml_section_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_xml_bind_search_function(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_xml_parse_section_string(char * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  switch_xml_section_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_xml_section_t)switch_xml_parse_section_string((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_outgoing_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->outgoing_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_outgoing_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t) ((arg1)->outgoing_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)new switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_receive_message_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_message_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_message = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_receive_message_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_message_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_receive_message_hook_t) ((arg1)->receive_message);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)new switch_io_event_hook_receive_message();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_receive_message(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_receive_event_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_event_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_event = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_receive_event_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_event_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_receive_event_hook_t) ((arg1)->receive_event);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)new switch_io_event_hook_receive_event();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_receive_event(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_read_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_read_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) ((arg1)->read_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)new switch_io_event_hook_read_frame();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_read_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_video_read_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->video_read_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_video_read_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) ((arg1)->video_read_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)new switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_write_frame_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_write_frame_hook_t) ((arg1)->write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)new switch_io_event_hook_write_frame();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_write_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_video_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->video_write_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_video_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_write_frame_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t) ((arg1)->video_write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)new switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_kill_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_kill_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->kill_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_kill_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_kill_channel_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t) ((arg1)->kill_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)new switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_send_dtmf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_send_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->send_dtmf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_send_dtmf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_send_dtmf_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t) ((arg1)->send_dtmf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)new switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_recv_dtmf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->recv_dtmf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_recv_dtmf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t) ((arg1)->recv_dtmf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)new switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_state_change_state_change_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_change_hook_t arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->state_change = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_state_change_state_change_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_change_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_state_change_hook_t) ((arg1)->state_change);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_state_change_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_state_change_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_state_change() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)new switch_io_event_hook_state_change();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_state_change(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_resurrect_session_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_resurrect_session_hook_t arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->resurrect_session = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_resurrect_session_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_resurrect_session_hook_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t) ((arg1)->resurrect_session);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_next_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->next = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_next_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) ((arg1)->next);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)new switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_outgoing_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->outgoing_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_outgoing_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel_t *) ((arg1)->outgoing_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_receive_message_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_message = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_receive_message_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_message_t *) ((arg1)->receive_message);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_receive_event_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->receive_event = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_receive_event_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_receive_event_t *) ((arg1)->receive_event);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_read_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->read_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_read_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_read_frame_t *) ((arg1)->read_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_video_read_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->video_read_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_video_read_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame_t *) ((arg1)->video_read_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->write_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_write_frame_t *) ((arg1)->write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_video_write_frame_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->video_write_frame = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_video_write_frame_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame_t *) ((arg1)->video_write_frame);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_kill_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->kill_channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_kill_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel_t *) ((arg1)->kill_channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_send_dtmf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->send_dtmf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_send_dtmf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf_t *) ((arg1)->send_dtmf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_recv_dtmf_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->recv_dtmf = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_recv_dtmf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf_t *) ((arg1)->recv_dtmf);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_state_change_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->state_change = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_state_change_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_state_change_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_state_change_t *) ((arg1)->state_change);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_resurrect_session_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_t *arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->resurrect_session = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_io_event_hooks_resurrect_session_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session_t *) ((arg1)->resurrect_session);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_io_event_hooks() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_io_event_hooks *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_io_event_hooks *)new switch_io_event_hooks();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_io_event_hooks(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_io_event_hooks *arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_io_event_hooks *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_outgoing_channel(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_outgoing_channel(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_receive_message(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_message_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_receive_message(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_receive_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_event_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_receive_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_state_change(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_change_hook_t arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_state_change(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_read_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_write_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_video_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_video_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_video_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_video_read_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_video_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_video_write_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_kill_channel(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_kill_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_kill_channel(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_send_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_send_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_send_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_recv_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_recv_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_add_resurrect_session(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_resurrect_session_hook_t arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_add_resurrect_session(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_outgoing_channel(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_outgoing_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_outgoing_channel(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_receive_message(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_message_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_message_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_receive_message(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_receive_event(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_receive_event_hook_t arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_receive_event_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_receive_event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_state_change(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_state_change_hook_t arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_state_change_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_state_change(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_read_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_write_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_video_read_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_read_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_video_read_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_video_read_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_video_read_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_video_write_frame(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_video_write_frame_hook_t arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_video_write_frame_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_video_write_frame(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_kill_channel(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_kill_channel_hook_t arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_kill_channel_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_kill_channel(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_send_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_send_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_send_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_send_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_recv_dtmf(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_recv_dtmf_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_recv_dtmf(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_core_event_hook_remove_resurrect_session(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_resurrect_session_hook_t arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_resurrect_session_hook_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)switch_core_event_hook_remove_resurrect_session(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_created_set(void * jarg1, long long jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  int64_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int64_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->created = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_created_get(void * jarg1) {
+  long long jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  int64_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int64_t) ((arg1)->created);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_runtime_set(void * jarg1, long long jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  int64_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int64_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->runtime = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_runtime_get(void * jarg1) {
+  long long jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  int64_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int64_t) ((arg1)->runtime);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_cmd_id_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->cmd_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_cmd_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->cmd_id);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_group_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->group) delete [] arg1->group;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->group = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->group, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->group = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_group_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->group);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_cmd_arg_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->cmd_arg = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_cmd_arg_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->cmd_arg);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_task_id_set(void * jarg1, unsigned long jarg2) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->task_id = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_task_id_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t) ((arg1)->task_id);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_scheduler_task() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_scheduler_task *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_scheduler_task *)new switch_scheduler_task();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_scheduler_task(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_scheduler_task *arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_scheduler_task *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_add_task(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, unsigned long jarg5, void * jarg6, int jarg7) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  time_t arg1 ;
+  switch_scheduler_func_t arg2 = (switch_scheduler_func_t) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t arg5 ;
+  void *arg6 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_scheduler_flag_t arg7 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  time_t *argp1 ;
+  argp1 = (time_t *)jarg1; 
+  if (!argp1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null time_t", 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  arg1 = *argp1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_scheduler_func_t)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (void *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (switch_scheduler_flag_t)jarg7; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_scheduler_add_task(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_del_task_id(unsigned long jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  uint32_t arg1 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_scheduler_del_task_id(arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_del_task_group(char * jarg1) {
+  unsigned long jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  uint32_t result;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (uint32_t)switch_scheduler_del_task_group((char const *)arg1);
+  jresult = (unsigned long)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_thread_start() {
+  switch_scheduler_task_thread_start();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_scheduler_task_thread_stop() {
+  switch_scheduler_task_thread_stop();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_file_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (FILE *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->file = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_file_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  FILE *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (FILE *) ((arg1)->file);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_path_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->path, (const char *)arg2, 512);
+    else arg1->path[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_path_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->path);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_category_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->category, (const char *)arg2, 256);
+    else arg1->category[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_category_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->category);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_section_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->section, (const char *)arg2, 256);
+    else arg1->section[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_section_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->section);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_buf_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg2) strncpy((char *)arg1->buf, (const char *)arg2, 1024);
+    else arg1->buf[0] = 0;
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_buf_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(char *) ((arg1)->buf);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_lineno_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->lineno = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_lineno_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->lineno);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_catno_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->catno = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_catno_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->catno);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_sectno_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->sectno = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_sectno_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->sectno);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_lockto_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->lockto = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_lockto_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->lockto);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_switch_config() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_config *result = 0 ;
+  result = (switch_config *)new switch_config();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_switch_config(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_config *arg1 = (switch_config *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_open_file(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config_t *arg1 = (switch_config_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)switch_config_open_file(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_close_file(void * jarg1) {
+  switch_config_t *arg1 = (switch_config_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_config_t *)jarg1; 
+  switch_config_close_file(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_switch_config_next_pair(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_config_t *arg1 = (switch_config_t *) 0 ;
+  char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
+  char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (switch_config_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char **)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char **)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)switch_config_next_pair(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_consoleLog(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  consoleLog(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_consoleCleanLog(char * jarg1) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  consoleCleanLog(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_IvrMenu(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, int jarg9, int jarg10, int jarg11, int jarg12, int jarg13) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  IVRMenu *arg1 = (IVRMenu *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg9 ;
+  int arg10 ;
+  int arg11 ;
+  int arg12 ;
+  int arg13 ;
+  IVRMenu *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (IVRMenu *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (int)jarg9; 
+  arg10 = (int)jarg10; 
+  arg11 = (int)jarg11; 
+  arg12 = (int)jarg12; 
+  arg13 = (int)jarg13; 
+  result = (IVRMenu *)new IVRMenu(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,(char const *)arg6,(char const *)arg7,(char const *)arg8,arg9,arg10,arg11,arg12,arg13);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_IvrMenu(void * jarg1) {
+  IVRMenu *arg1 = (IVRMenu *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (IVRMenu *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_IvrMenu_bindAction(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  IVRMenu *arg1 = (IVRMenu *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (IVRMenu *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  (arg1)->bindAction(arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_IvrMenu_Execute(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  IVRMenu *arg1 = (IVRMenu *) 0 ;
+  CoreSession *arg2 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (IVRMenu *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (CoreSession *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->execute(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_Api() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  API *result = 0 ;
+  result = (API *)new API();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_Api(void * jarg1) {
+  API *arg1 = (API *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (API *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Api_Execute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  API *arg1 = (API *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (API *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->execute((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Api_ExecuteString(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  API *arg1 = (API *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (API *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->executeString((char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_function_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->function = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_function_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->function);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_threadState_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->threadState = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_threadState_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->threadState);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_extra_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->extra = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_extra_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (void *) ((arg1)->extra);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_funcargs_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->funcargs) delete [] arg1->funcargs;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->funcargs = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->funcargs, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->funcargs = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_input_callback_state_t_funcargs_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->funcargs);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_input_callback_state_t() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  input_callback_state_t *result = 0 ;
+  result = (input_callback_state_t *)new input_callback_state_t();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_input_callback_state_t(void * jarg1) {
+  input_callback_state_t *arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (input_callback_state_t *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_Stream__SWIG_0() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  Stream *result = 0 ;
+  result = (Stream *)new Stream();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_Stream__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_stream_handle_t *arg1 = (switch_stream_handle_t *) 0 ;
+  Stream *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_stream_handle_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (Stream *)new Stream(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_Stream(void * jarg1) {
+  Stream *arg1 = (Stream *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Stream *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Stream_Write(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  Stream *arg1 = (Stream *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Stream *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  (arg1)->write((char const *)arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Stream_get_data(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Stream *arg1 = (Stream *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Stream *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->get_data();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_InternalEvent_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *arg2 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_event_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->event = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_InternalEvent_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  switch_event_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_event_t *) ((arg1)->event);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_serialized_string_set(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  {
+    if (arg1->serialized_string) delete [] arg1->serialized_string;
+    if (arg2) {
+      arg1->serialized_string = (char *) (new char[strlen((const char *)arg2)+1]);
+      strcpy((char *)arg1->serialized_string, (const char *)arg2);
+    } else {
+      arg1->serialized_string = 0;
+    }
+  }
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_serialized_string_get(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *) ((arg1)->serialized_string);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_mine_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->mine = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_mine_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->mine);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_Event__SWIG_0(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) NULL ;
+  Event *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (Event *)new Event((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_Event__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_event_t *arg1 = (switch_event_t *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 = (int) 0 ;
+  Event *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_event_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (Event *)new Event(arg1,arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_Event(void * jarg1) {
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_Serialize(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) NULL ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->serialize((char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_SetPriority(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  switch_priority_t arg2 = (switch_priority_t) SWITCH_PRIORITY_NORMAL ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_priority_t)jarg2; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->setPriority(arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_GetHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getHeader(arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_GetBody(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getBody();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_GetEventType(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getType();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_AddBody(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->addBody((char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_AddHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_DeleteHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->delHeader((char const *)arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Event_Fire(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  Event *arg1 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (Event *)jarg1; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->fire();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_CoreSession(void * jarg1) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_InternalSession_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->session = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_InternalSession_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_core_session_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_core_session_t *) ((arg1)->session);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_channel_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *arg2 = (switch_channel_t *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_t *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->channel = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_channel_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_t *) ((arg1)->channel);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_flags_set(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->flags = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_flags_get(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (unsigned int) ((arg1)->flags);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_allocated_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->allocated = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_allocated_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int) ((arg1)->allocated);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_cb_state_set(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  input_callback_state *arg2 = (input_callback_state *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (input_callback_state *)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->cb_state = *arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_cb_state_get(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  input_callback_state *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (input_callback_state *)& ((arg1)->cb_state);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_HookState_set(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t arg2 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (switch_channel_state_t)jarg2; 
+  if (arg1) (arg1)->hook_state = arg2;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_HookState_get(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_channel_state_t result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_channel_state_t) ((arg1)->hook_state);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Answer(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->answer();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_preAnswer(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->preAnswer();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Hangup(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) "normal_clearing" ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  (arg1)->hangup(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_SetVariable(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->setVariable(arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_SetPrivate(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (void *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->setPrivate(arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_GetPrivate(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  void *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (void *)(arg1)->getPrivate(arg2);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_GetVariable(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getVariable(arg2);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Say(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (char *)jarg5; 
+  (arg1)->say((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_SayPhrase(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) "" ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) NULL ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  (arg1)->sayPhrase((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_RecordFile(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 = (int) 0 ;
+  int arg4 = (int) 0 ;
+  int arg5 = (int) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->recordFile(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_SetCallerData(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->setCallerData(arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Originate(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  CoreSession *arg2 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 = (int) 60 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (CoreSession *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->originate(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_speak(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->speak(arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_set_tts_parms(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->set_tts_parms(arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_CollectDigits(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->collectDigits(arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_GetDigits(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getDigits(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Transfer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->transfer(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_read(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, char * jarg4, int jarg5, char * jarg6) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (char *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->read(arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,(char const *)arg6);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_PlayAndGetDigits(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4, int jarg5, char * jarg6, char * jarg7, char * jarg8, char * jarg9) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int arg2 ;
+  int arg3 ;
+  int arg4 ;
+  int arg5 ;
+  char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg7 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg8 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg9 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (int)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (int)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (int)jarg5; 
+  arg6 = (char *)jarg6; 
+  arg7 = (char *)jarg7; 
+  arg8 = (char *)jarg8; 
+  arg9 = (char *)jarg9; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->playAndGetDigits(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9);
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_StreamFile(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  int arg3 = (int) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (int)jarg3; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->streamFile(arg2,arg3);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_flushEvents(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->flushEvents();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_flushDigits(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->flushDigits();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_setAutoHangup(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+  int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  bool arg2 ;
+  int result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false; 
+  result = (int)(arg1)->setAutoHangup(arg2);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Ready(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->ready();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_Execute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg3 = (char *) NULL ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (char *)jarg3; 
+  (arg1)->execute(arg2,arg3);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_sendEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  Event *arg2 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (Event *)jarg2; 
+  (arg1)->sendEvent(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_setEventData(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  Event *arg2 = (Event *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (Event *)jarg2; 
+  (arg1)->setEventData(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_getXMLCDR(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)(arg1)->getXMLCDR();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_begin_allow_threads(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->begin_allow_threads();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_end_allow_threads(void * jarg1) {
+  unsigned int jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  bool result;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (bool)(arg1)->end_allow_threads();
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_GetUuid(void * jarg1) {
+  char * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  char *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  result = (char *)((CoreSession const *)arg1)->get_uuid();
+  jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result); 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_get_cb_args(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_args_t *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  {
+    switch_input_args_t const &_result_ref = ((CoreSession const *)arg1)->get_cb_args();
+    result = (switch_input_args_t *) &_result_ref;
+  }
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CoreSession_check_hangup_hook(void * jarg1) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = (CoreSession *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1; 
+  (arg1)->check_hangup_hook();
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_console_log(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (char *)jarg2; 
+  console_log(arg1,arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_console_clean_log(char * jarg1) {
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  console_clean_log(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_bridge(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+  CoreSession *arg1 = 0 ;
+  CoreSession *arg2 = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (CoreSession *)jarg1;
+  if(!arg1) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "CoreSession & type is null", 0);
+    return ;
+  } 
+  arg2 = (CoreSession *)jarg2;
+  if(!arg2) {
+    SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "CoreSession & type is null", 0);
+    return ;
+  } 
+  bridge(*arg1,*arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_hanguphook(void * jarg1) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)hanguphook(arg1);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_dtmf_callback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+  int jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+  switch_input_type_t arg3 ;
+  void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+  unsigned int arg5 ;
+  switch_status_t result;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  arg2 = (void *)jarg2; 
+  arg3 = (switch_input_type_t)jarg3; 
+  arg4 = (void *)jarg4; 
+  arg5 = (unsigned int)jarg5; 
+  result = (switch_status_t)dtmf_callback(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  jresult = result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MonoSession__SWIG_0() {
+  void * jresult ;
+  MonoSession *result = 0 ;
+  result = (MonoSession *)new MonoSession();
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MonoSession__SWIG_1(char * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+  MonoSession *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (char *)jarg1; 
+  result = (MonoSession *)new MonoSession(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MonoSession__SWIG_2(void * jarg1) {
+  void * jresult ;
+  switch_core_session_t *arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *) 0 ;
+  MonoSession *result = 0 ;
+  arg1 = (switch_core_session_t *)jarg1; 
+  result = (MonoSession *)new MonoSession(arg1);
+  jresult = (void *)result; 
+  return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MonoSession(void * jarg1) {
+  MonoSession *arg1 = (MonoSession *) 0 ;
+  arg1 = (MonoSession *)jarg1; 
+  delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT CoreSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MonoSessionUpcast(MonoSession *objectRef) {
+    return (CoreSession *)objectRef;
+#ifdef __cplusplus

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/mod_mono.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/mod_mono.cpp	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * mod_mono.cpp -- FreeSWITCH mod_mono main class
+ *
+ * Most of mod_mono is implmented in the mod_mono_managed Loader class. 
+ * The native code just handles getting the Mono runtime up and down
+ * and passing pointers into managed code.
+ */
+#include <switch.h>
+#include "freeswitch_mono.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <mono/jit/jit.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/assembly.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/environment.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/threads.h>
+#include <mono/metadata/debug-helpers.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <shlobj.h>
+#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define EXPORT 
+#define MOD_MONO_MANAGED_DLL "mod_mono_managed.dll"
+mod_mono_globals globals = { 0 };
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_mono, mod_mono_load, mod_mono_shutdown, NULL);
+SWITCH_STANDARD_API(monorun_api_function); /* ExecuteBackground */
+SWITCH_STANDARD_API(mono_api_function); /* Execute */
+SWITCH_STANDARD_APP(mono_app_function); /* Run */
+// Sets up delegates (and anything else needed) on the MonoSession object
+// Called via internalcall
+SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE(void) InitMonoSession(MonoSession *session, MonoObject *dtmfDelegate, MonoObject *hangupDelegate)
+	switch_assert(session);
+	if (!session) return;
+	session->setDTMFCallback(NULL, "");
+	session->setHangupHook(NULL);
+	session->dtmfDelegateHandle = mono_gchandle_new(dtmfDelegate, FALSE);
+	session->hangupDelegateHandle = mono_gchandle_new(hangupDelegate, FALSE);
+switch_status_t setMonoDirs() 
+#ifdef WIN32	
+	/* Win32 Mono installs can't figure out their own path
+	// Guys in #mono say we should just deploy all the libs we need
+	// I think it's much nicer to let the user deal with installing Mono
+	// and we'll just look for it in program files. */
+	HANDLE hFind;
+	WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
+	char progFilesPath[MAX_PATH];
+	char findPath[MAX_PATH];
+	switch_snprintf(findPath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\Mono-*", progFilesPath);
+	hFind = FindFirstFile(findPath, &findData);
+	if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error looking for Mono in Program Files.\n");
+	}
+		if (FindNextFile(hFind, &findData) == 0) {
+			switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find Mono directory in Program Files.\n");
+			FindClose(hFind);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Got it */
+	{
+		char libPath[MAX_PATH];
+		char etcPath[MAX_PATH];
+		switch_snprintf(libPath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s\\lib", progFilesPath, findData.cFileName);
+		switch_snprintf(etcPath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s\\etc", progFilesPath, findData.cFileName);
+		FindClose(hFind);
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Using Mono paths '%s' and '%s'.\n", libPath, etcPath);
+		mono_set_dirs(libPath, etcPath);
+	}
+	// On other platforms, it should just work if it hasn't been relocated
+	mono_set_dirs(NULL, NULL);
+switch_status_t loadModMonoManaged() 
+	/* Find and load mod_mono_managed.exe */
+	char filename[256];
+	switch_snprintf(filename, 256, "%s%s%s", SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs.mod_dir, SWITCH_PATH_SEPARATOR, MOD_MONO_MANAGED_DLL);
+	globals.domain = mono_jit_init(filename);
+	if (!globals.domain) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "mono_jit_init failed.\n");
+	}
+	/* Open the assembly */
+	globals.mod_mono_asm = mono_domain_assembly_open(globals.domain, filename);
+	if (!globals.mod_mono_asm) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "mono_domain_assembly_open failed.\n");
+	}
+MonoMethod *getMethod(const char *name, MonoClass *klass) 
+	MonoMethodDesc *desc;
+	MonoMethod *method;
+	desc = mono_method_desc_new(name, TRUE);
+	method = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(desc, klass);
+	if (!method) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find %s method.\n", name);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return method;
+switch_status_t findLoader() 
+	/* Find loader class and methods*/
+	MonoImage* img;
+	MonoClass* loaderClass;
+	img = mono_assembly_get_image(globals.mod_mono_asm);
+	loaderClass = mono_class_from_name(img, "FreeSWITCH", "Loader");
+	if (!loaderClass) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find FreeSWITCH.Loader class.\n");
+	}
+	globals.loadMethod = getMethod("FreeSWITCH.Loader:Load()", loaderClass);
+	if (!globals.loadMethod) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+	globals.unloadMethod = getMethod("FreeSWITCH.Loader:Unload()", loaderClass);
+	if (!globals.unloadMethod) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+	globals.runMethod = getMethod("FreeSWITCH.Loader:Run(string,intptr)", loaderClass);
+	if (!globals.runMethod) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+	globals.executeMethod = getMethod("FreeSWITCH.Loader:Execute(string,intptr,intptr)", loaderClass);
+	if (!globals.executeMethod) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+	globals.executeBackgroundMethod = getMethod("FreeSWITCH.Loader:ExecuteBackground(string)", loaderClass);
+	if (!globals.executeBackgroundMethod) return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
+	switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Found all loader functions.\n");
+	/* connect my internal structure to the blank pointer passed to me */
+	*module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname);
+	globals.pool = pool;
+	if (setMonoDirs() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+	}
+	if (loadModMonoManaged() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+	}
+	if (findLoader() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+	}
+	/* Not sure if this is necesary on the loading thread */
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	mono_add_internal_call("FreeSWITCH.Native.MonoSession::InitMonoSession", InitMonoSession);
+	/* Run loader */
+	MonoObject *objResult;
+	MonoObject *exception = NULL;
+	objResult = mono_runtime_invoke(globals.loadMethod, NULL, NULL, &exception);
+	if (exception) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Load threw an exception.\n");
+		mono_print_unhandled_exception(exception);
+	}
+	if (*(int*)mono_object_unbox(objResult)) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Load completed successfully.\n");
+	} else {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Load did not return true.\n");
+	}
+	/* We're good to register */
+	switch_api_interface_t *api_interface;
+	switch_application_interface_t *app_interface;
+	SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "monorun", "Run a module (ExecuteBackground)", monorun_api_function, "<module> [<args>]");
+	SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "mono", "Run a module as an API function (Execute)", mono_api_function, "<module> [<args>]");
+	SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "mono", "Run Mono IVR", "Run a Mono IVR on a channel", mono_app_function, "<modulename> [<args>]", SAF_NONE);
+	// TODO: Should we be detaching after all this?
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (switch_strlen_zero(cmd)) {
+		stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR no args specified!\n");
+	}
+	// ExecuteBackground(string command)
+	void *args[1];
+	args[0] = mono_string_new(globals.domain, cmd);
+	MonoObject *exception = NULL;
+	MonoObject *objResult = mono_runtime_invoke(globals.executeBackgroundMethod, NULL, args, &exception);
+	if (exception) {
+		stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR FreeSWITCH.Loader.ExecuteBackground threw an exception.\n");
+		mono_print_unhandled_exception(exception);
+	}
+	if (*(int*)mono_object_unbox(objResult)) {
+		stream->write_function(stream, "+OK\n");
+	} else {
+		stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR ExecuteBackground returned false (unknown module?).\n");
+	}
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (switch_strlen_zero(cmd)) {
+		stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR no args specified!\n");
+	}
+	// Method is: Execute(string command, IntPtr streamPtr, IntPtr eventPtr)
+	void *args[3];
+	args[0] = mono_string_new(globals.domain, cmd);
+	args[1] = &stream; // Address of the arguments
+	args[2] = &(stream->param_event);
+	MonoObject *exception = NULL;
+	MonoObject *objResult = mono_runtime_invoke(globals.executeMethod, NULL, args, &exception);
+	if (exception) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Exception trying to execute mono %s.\n", cmd);
+		mono_print_unhandled_exception(exception);
+	}
+	if (!(*(int*)mono_object_unbox(objResult))) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Execute failed for %s (unknown module?).\n", cmd);
+	}
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	if (switch_strlen_zero(data)) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No args specified!\n");
+	}
+	// bool Run(string command, IntPtr sessionHandle)
+	void *args[2];
+	args[0] = mono_string_new(globals.domain, data);
+	args[1] = &session;
+	MonoObject *exception = NULL;
+	MonoObject *objResult = mono_runtime_invoke(globals.runMethod, NULL, args, &exception);
+	if (exception) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Exception trying to execute application mono %s.\n", data);
+		mono_print_unhandled_exception(exception);
+	}
+	if (!(*(int*)mono_object_unbox(objResult))) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Application run failed for %s (unknown module?).\n", data);
+	}
+	mono_thread_attach(globals.domain);
+	MonoObject *ex;
+	mono_runtime_invoke(globals.unloadMethod, NULL, NULL, &ex);
+	if (ex) {
+		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Exception occurred in Loader::Unload.\n");
+		mono_print_unhandled_exception(ex);
+	}
+	mono_runtime_set_shutting_down();
+	mono_runtime_cleanup(globals.domain);
+	mono_runtime_quit();
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/mod_mono.vcproj
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/mod_mono.vcproj	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="9.00"
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+	ProjectGUID="{13DB4131-0142-4CAE-A14B-D6726B14A1BC}"
+	RootNamespace="mod_mono"
+	Keyword="Win32Proj"
+	TargetFrameworkVersion="196613"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="2"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\..\..\..\w32\module_debug.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories="&quot;C:\Program Files\Mono-1.9.1\lib\glib-2.0\include&quot;;&quot;C:\Program Files\Mono-1.9.1\include\glib-2.0&quot;;&quot;C:\Program Files\Mono-1.9.1\include\mono-1.0&quot;"
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;MOD_MONO_EXPORTS"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="4"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+				DisableSpecificWarnings="4505"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				AdditionalDependencies="$(ProjectDir)mono.lib &quot;C:\program Files\Mono-1.9.1\lib\glib-2.0.lib&quot; shlwapi.lib"
+				LinkIncremental="2"
+				ModuleDefinitionFile=""
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				SubSystem="0"
+				DataExecutionPrevention="1"
+				TargetMachine="0"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="2"
+			CharacterSet="1"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="2"
+				EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true"
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;MOD_MONO_EXPORTS"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				LinkIncremental="1"
+				ModuleDefinitionFile="mono.def"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				SubSystem="2"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Source Files"
+			Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\freeswitch_mono.cpp"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\freeswitch_wrap.cxx"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\mod_mono.cpp"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Header Files"
+			Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\freeswitch_mono.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Resource Files"
+			Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav"
+			UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}"
+			>
+		</Filter>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\freeswitch.i"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/runswig.cmd
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/runswig.cmd	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+\dev\swig\swig.exe -I..\..\..\include -v -O -c++ -csharp -namespace FreeSWITCH.Native -dllimport mod_mono freeswitch.i 
+move *.cs ..\mod_mono_managed\swig\ 
+..\mod_mono_managed\swigStringFix ..\mod_mono_managed\swig\freeswitchPINVOKE.cs > ..\mod_mono_managed\swig\freeswitchPINVOKE_fixed.cs
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/switch_platform.i
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono/switch_platform.i	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+typedef signed char int8_t;
+typedef short int16_t;
+typedef int int32_t;
+typedef long long int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long in_addr_t;
+// TODO: C# chars are 2 bytes, C is one. The marshalling copies two bytes (Value+whatever) into the C# char
+//		causing corruption. We should figure this out. It's as simple as ((char)(byte)<thebyte>) whever
+//		we define char as byte.
+// TODO: Possible? It'd be nice to do the whole char*->IntPtr->Marshal/Free thing here instead of swigStringFix
+#define SWITCH_DECLARE(type) type
+#define SWITCH_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) type
+#define SWITCH_MOD_DECLARE(type) type
+#define _In_
+#define _In_z_
+#define _In_opt_z_
+#define _In_opt_
+#define _Printf_format_string_
+#define _Ret_opt_z_
+#define _Ret_z_
+#define _Out_opt_
+#define _Out_
+#define _Check_return_
+#define _Inout_
+#define _Inout_opt_
+#define _In_bytecount_(x)
+#define _Out_opt_bytecapcount_(x)
+#define _Out_bytecapcount_(x)
+#define _Ret_
+#define _Post_z_
+#define _Out_cap_(x)
+#define _Out_z_cap_(x)
+#define _Out_ptrdiff_cap_(x)
+#define _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(x)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/ApiFunction.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/ApiFunction.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * AppFunction.cs -- Base class for API functions
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace FreeSWITCH
+    public abstract class ApiFunction
+    {
+        protected static bool Load() { return true; }
+        protected static void Unload() { }
+        public abstract void ExecuteBackground(string args);
+        public abstract void Execute(FreeSWITCH.Native.Stream stream, FreeSWITCH.Native.Event evt, string args);
+    }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/AppFunction.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/AppFunction.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * AppFunction.cs -- Base class for applications
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+namespace FreeSWITCH
+    public abstract class AppFunction
+    {
+        protected static bool Load() { return true; }
+        protected static void Unload() { }
+        void hangupCallback()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "AppFunction is in hangupCallback.");
+            var f = HangupFunction;
+            if (f != null) f();
+        }
+        protected Action HangupFunction { get; set; }
+        protected Func<Char, TimeSpan, string> DtmfReceivedFunction { get; set; }
+        protected Func<Native.Event, string> EventReceivedFunction { get; set; }
+        string inputCallback(IntPtr input, Native.switch_input_type_t inputType)
+        {
+            switch (inputType) {
+                case FreeSWITCH.Native.switch_input_type_t.SWITCH_INPUT_TYPE_DTMF:
+                    using (var dtmf = new Native.switch_dtmf_t(input, false)) {
+                        return dtmfCallback(dtmf);
+                    }
+                case FreeSWITCH.Native.switch_input_type_t.SWITCH_INPUT_TYPE_EVENT:
+                    using (var swevt = new Native.switch_event(input, false)) {
+                        return eventCallback(swevt);
+                    }
+                default: 
+                    return "";
+            }
+        }
+        string dtmfCallback(Native.switch_dtmf_t dtmf)
+        {
+            var f = DtmfReceivedFunction;
+            return f == null ?
+                "-ERR No DtmfReceivedFunction set." :
+                f(((char)(byte)dtmf.digit), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(dtmf.duration));
+        }
+        string eventCallback(Native.switch_event swevt)
+        {
+            using (var evt = new FreeSWITCH.Native.Event(swevt, 0)) {
+                var f = EventReceivedFunction;
+                return f == null ?
+                    "-ERR No EventReceivedFunction set." :
+                    f(evt);
+            }
+        }
+        protected Native.MonoSession Session { get; private set; }
+        protected string Arguments { get; private set; }
+        public bool IsAvailable
+        {
+            get
+            {
+                if (this.Session == null) return false;
+                return this.Session.Ready();
+            }
+        }
+        protected Guid Uuid { get; private set; }
+        internal void RunInternal(FreeSWITCH.Native.MonoSession session, string args)
+        {
+            this.Session = session;
+            this.Arguments = args;
+            Session.SetDelegates(this.inputCallback, this.hangupCallback);
+            try { this.Uuid = new Guid(Session.GetUuid()); }
+            catch { }
+            Run();
+        }
+        protected abstract void Run();
+    }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Demo.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Demo.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * Demo.cs -- mod_mono demo classes
+ *
+ */
+#if DEBUG
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Demo
+    public class AppDemo : AppFunction
+    {
+        new protected static bool Load()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Inside AppDemo::Load.");
+            return true;
+        }
+        new protected static void Unload()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Inside AppDemo::Unload.");
+        }
+        protected override void Run()
+        {
+            HangupFunction = hangupHook;
+            Session.Answer();
+            this.DtmfReceivedFunction = (d, t) => {
+                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Received {0} for {1}.", d, t);
+                return "";
+            };
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Inside AppDemo.Run (args '{0}'); HookState is {1}.", Arguments, Session.HookState);
+            Session.CollectDigits(5000);
+            if (!IsAvailable) return; // Hungup
+            Session.Hangup("USER_BUSY");
+        }
+        void hangupHook()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "AppDemo hanging up, UUID: {0}.", this.Uuid);
+        }
+    }
+    public class ApiDemo : ApiFunction
+    {
+        new protected static bool Load()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Inside ApiDemo::Load.");
+            return true;
+        }
+        new protected static void Unload()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "Inside ApiDemo::Unload.");
+        }
+        public override void ExecuteBackground(string args)
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "ApiDemo on a background thread #({0}), with args '{1}'.",
+                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId,
+                args);
+        }
+        public override void Execute(Native.Stream stream, Native.Event evt, string args)
+        {
+            stream.Write(string.Format("ApiDemo executed with args '{0}' and event type {1}.",
+                args, evt == null ? "<none>" : evt.GetEventType()));
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Extensions.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Extensions.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * Extensions.cs -- Helper extensions
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace System.Linq
+    internal static class EnumerableExtensions
+    {
+        public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> f)
+        {
+            foreach (var item in source) {
+                f(item);
+            }
+        }
+    }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Loader.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Loader.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * Loader.cs -- mod_mono managed loader
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+namespace FreeSWITCH
+    internal static class Loader
+    {
+        // Stores a list of the loaded function types so we can instantiate them as needed
+        static readonly Dictionary<string, Type> functions = new Dictionary<string, Type>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+        #region Load/Unload
+        public static bool Load()
+        {
+            string managedDir = Path.Combine(Native.freeswitch.SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs.mod_dir, "mono");
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "mod_mono_managed loader is starting with directory '{0}'.", managedDir);
+            if (!Directory.Exists(managedDir)) {
+                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Managed directory not found: {0}", managedDir);
+                return false;
+            }
+            // This is a simple one-time loader to get things in memory
+            // Some day we should allow reloading of modules or something
+            loadAssemblies(managedDir)
+                .SelectMany(a => a.GetExportedTypes())
+                .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract)
+                .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AppFunction)) || t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ApiFunction)))
+                .ToList()
+                .loadFunctions();
+            return true;
+        }
+        // Be rather lenient in finding the Load and Unload methods
+        static readonly BindingFlags methodBindingFlags =
+            BindingFlags.Static | // Required
+            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | // Implementors might decide to make the load method private
+            BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | // Some case insensitive languages?
+            BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; // Allow inherited methods for hierarchies
+        static void loadFunctions(this List<Type> allTypes)
+        {
+            foreach (var t in allTypes) {
+                try {
+                    if (functions.ContainsKey(t.FullName)) {
+                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Duplicate function {0}. Skipping.", t.FullName);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    var loadMethod = t.GetMethod("Load", methodBindingFlags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
+                    var shouldLoad = Convert.ToBoolean(loadMethod.Invoke(null, null)); // We don't require the Load method to return a bool exactly
+                    if (shouldLoad) {
+                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Notice, "Function {0} loaded.", t.FullName);
+                        functions.Add(t.FullName, t);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Notice, "Function {0} requested not to be loaded.", t.FullName);
+                    }
+                }
+                catch (Exception ex) {
+                    logException("Load", t.FullName, ex);
+                }
+            } 
+        }
+        static List<Assembly> loadAssemblies(string managedDir)
+        {
+            return Directory.GetFiles(managedDir, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
+                  .Select(f => Path.Combine(managedDir, f))
+                  .Select(f => {
+                      try {
+                          return System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(f);
+                      }
+                      catch (Exception ex) {
+                          Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Notice, "Assembly.LoadFile failed; skipping {0} ({1})", f, ex.Message);
+                          return null;
+                      }
+                  })
+                  .Where(a => a != null)
+                  .Concat(new[] { System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() }) // Add in our own to load Demo or built-in things if added
+                  .ToList();
+        }
+        public static void Unload()
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "mod_mono_managed Loader is unloading.");
+            foreach (var t in functions.Values) {
+                try {
+                    var unloadMethod = t.GetMethod("Unload", methodBindingFlags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
+                    unloadMethod.Invoke(null, null);
+                }
+                catch (Exception ex) {
+                    logException("Unload", t.FullName, ex);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        #endregion
+        #region Execution
+        static Type getFunctionType<TFunction>(string fullName)
+        {
+            Type t;
+            if (!functions.TryGetValue(fullName, out t) || !t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TFunction))) {
+                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Could not find function {0}.", fullName);
+                return null;
+            }
+            return t;
+        }
+        static readonly char[] spaceArray = new[] { ' ' };
+        /// <summary>Returns a string couple containing the module name and arguments</summary>
+        static string[] parseCommand(string command)
+        {
+            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) {
+                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "No arguments supplied.");
+                return null;
+            }
+            var args = command.Split(spaceArray, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
+            if (args.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0].Trim())) {
+                Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Module name not supplied.");
+                return null;
+            }
+            if (args.Length == 1) {
+                return new[] { args[0], "" };
+            }
+            else {
+                return args;
+            }
+        }
+        public static bool ExecuteBackground(string command)
+        {
+            var parsed = parseCommand(command);
+            if (parsed == null) return false;
+            var fullName = parsed[0];
+            var args = parsed[1];
+            var fType = getFunctionType<ApiFunction>(fullName);
+            if (fType == null) return false;
+            new System.Threading.Thread(() => {
+                try {
+                    var f = (ApiFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(fType);
+                    f.ExecuteBackground(args);
+                    Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "ExecuteBackground in {0} completed.", fullName);
+                }
+                catch (Exception ex) {
+                    logException("ExecuteBackground", fullName, ex);
+                }
+            }).Start();
+            return true;
+        }
+        public static bool Execute(string command, IntPtr streamHandle, IntPtr eventHandle)
+        {
+            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(streamHandle != IntPtr.Zero, "streamHandle is null.");
+            var parsed = parseCommand(command);
+            if (parsed == null) return false;
+            var fullName = parsed[0];
+            var args = parsed[1];
+            var fType = getFunctionType<ApiFunction>(fullName);
+            if (fType == null) return false;
+            using (var stream = new Native.Stream(new Native.switch_stream_handle(streamHandle, false)))
+            using (var evt = eventHandle == IntPtr.Zero ? null : new Native.Event(new Native.switch_event(eventHandle, false), 0)) {
+                try {
+                    var f = (ApiFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(fType);
+                    f.Execute(stream, evt, args);
+                    return true;
+                }
+                catch (Exception ex) {
+                    logException("Execute", fullName, ex);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>Runs an application function.</summary>
+        public static bool Run(string command, IntPtr sessionHandle)
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "mod_mono attempting to run application '{0}'.", command);
+            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(sessionHandle != IntPtr.Zero, "sessionHandle is null.");
+            var parsed = parseCommand(command);
+            if (parsed == null) return false;
+            var fullName = parsed[0];
+            var args = parsed[1];
+            var fType = getFunctionType<AppFunction>(fullName);
+            if (fType == null) return false;
+            using (var session = new Native.MonoSession(new Native.SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session(sessionHandle, false))) {
+                try {
+                    var f = (AppFunction)Activator.CreateInstance(fType);
+                    f.RunInternal(session, args);
+                    return true;
+                }
+                catch (Exception ex) {
+                    logException("Run", fullName, ex);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        static void logException(string action, string moduleName, Exception ex)
+        {
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "{0} exception in {1}: {2}", action, moduleName, ex.Message);
+            Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "{0} exception: {1}", moduleName, ex.ToString());
+        }
+        #endregion
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Log.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Log.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * Log.cs -- Log wrappers
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace FreeSWITCH
+    public static class Log
+    {
+        public static void Write(LogLevel level, string message)
+        {
+            Native.freeswitch.console_log(level.ToLogString(), message);
+        }
+        public static void Write(LogLevel level, string format, params object[] args)
+        {
+            Native.freeswitch.console_log(level.ToLogString(), string.Format(format, args));
+        }
+        public static void WriteLine(LogLevel level, string message)
+        {
+            Native.freeswitch.console_log(level.ToLogString(), message + Environment.NewLine);
+        }
+        public static void WriteLine(LogLevel level, string format, params object[] args)
+        {
+            Native.freeswitch.console_log(level.ToLogString(), string.Format(format, args) + Environment.NewLine);
+        }
+        static string ToLogString(this LogLevel level)
+        {
+            switch (level) {
+                case LogLevel.Alert: return "ALERT";
+                case LogLevel.Critical: return "CRIT";
+                case LogLevel.Debug: return "DEBUG";
+                case LogLevel.Error: return "ERR";
+                case LogLevel.Info: return "INFO";
+                case LogLevel.Notice: return "NOTICE";
+                case LogLevel.Warning: return "WARNING";
+                default: 
+                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Invalid LogLevel: " + level.ToString() + " (" + (int)level+ ").");
+                    return "INFO";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*switch_log.c:
+    tatic const char *LEVELS[] = {
+	"ALERT",
+	"CRIT",
+	"ERR",
+	"INFO",
+	"DEBUG",
+    };*/
+    public enum LogLevel
+    {
+        Debug,
+        Info,
+        Error,
+        Critical,
+        Alert,
+        Warning,
+        Notice,
+    }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/MonoSession.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/MonoSession.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application - mod_mono
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * 
+ * Michael Giagnocavo <mgg at packetrino.com>
+ * 
+ * MonoSession.cs -- MonoSession additional functions
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native
+    //switch_status_t MonoSession::run_dtmf_callback(void *input, switch_input_type_t itype)
+    // But, process_callback_result is used to turn a string into a switch_status_t
+    using DtmfCallback = Func<IntPtr, Native.switch_input_type_t, string>;
+    public partial class MonoSession
+    {
+        // SWITCH_DECLARE(void) InitMonoSession(MonoSession *session, MonoObject *dtmfDelegate, MonoObject *hangupDelegate)
+        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
+        static extern void InitMonoSession(IntPtr sessionPtr, DtmfCallback dtmfDelegate, Action hangupDelegate);
+        internal void SetDelegates(DtmfCallback dtmfCallback, Action hangupHook)
+        {
+            InitMonoSession(MonoSession.getCPtr(this).Handle, dtmfCallback, hangupHook);
+        }
+    }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
+// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+// associated with an assembly.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("mod_mono_managed")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("mod_mono_managed")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2008")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible 
+// to COM components.  If you need to access a type in this assembly from 
+// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
+[assembly: Guid("b66ea632-ec95-4c9e-9cf7-7c0805a50526")]
+// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+//      Major Version
+//      Minor Version 
+//      Build Number
+//      Revision
+// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers 
+// by using the '*' as shown below:
+// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/mod_mono_managed.csproj
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/mod_mono_managed.csproj	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
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+  </ItemGroup>
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <Compile Include="MonoSession.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Loader.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Extensions.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Log.cs" />
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <Compile Include="ApiFunction.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="AppFunction.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Demo.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\API.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\CoreSession.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\Event.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\freeswitchPINVOKE_fixed.cs">
+      <SubType>Code</SubType>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="swig\input_callback_state_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\IVRMenu.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\MonoSession.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\session_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\Stream.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_float.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser.cs" />
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+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_loadable_module_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_media_bug.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_mutex_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_network_list.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_pollfd_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_rtp.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_size_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_sockaddr_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_socket_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_speech_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ssize_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_switch_time_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_time_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_int.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_long.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_short.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\SWIGTYPE_p_void.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_abc_type_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_api_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_application_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_application_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_app_log.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_asr_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_asr_handle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_asr_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_audio_col_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_audio_resampler_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_bind_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_bitpack_mode_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_bitpack_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_bool_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_caller_application.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_caller_extension.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_caller_profile.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_caller_profile_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_call_cause_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_channel_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_channel_state_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_channel_timetable.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_chat_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec_implementation.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec_settings.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_codec_type_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_config.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_session_message.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_session_message_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_session_message_types_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_thread_session.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_core_time_duration.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_dialplan_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_directories.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_directory_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_directory_handle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_directory_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_dtmf_direction_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_dtmf_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_eavesdrop_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_endpoint_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_event.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_event_header.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_event_node.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_event_subclass.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_event_types_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_file_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_file_handle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_file_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_frame.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_frame_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_input_args_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_input_type_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hooks.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_read_frame.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_receive_event.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_receive_message.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_recv_dtmf.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_resurrect_session.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_state_change.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_video_read_frame.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_event_hook_write_frame.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_routines.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_io_routine_name_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_ivr_action_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_ivr_menu_flags.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_ivr_option_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_loadable_module_function_table_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_log_level_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_log_node_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_management_action_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_management_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_media_bug_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_media_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_module_interface_name_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_originate_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_port_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_priority_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_rtp_crypto_direction_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_rtp_crypto_key.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_rtp_crypto_key_type_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_rtp_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_rtp_hdr_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_say_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_say_method_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_say_type_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_scheduler_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_scheduler_task.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_session_ctl_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_signal_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_speech_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_speech_handle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_speech_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_stack_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_state_handler_name_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_state_handler_table.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_status_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_stream_handle.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_text_channel_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_timer.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_timer_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_timer_func_name_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_timer_interface.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_unicast_conninfo.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_unicast_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_vad_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_xml.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_xml_flag_t.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="swig\switch_xml_section_t.cs" />
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
+  <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. 
+       Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
+  <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
+  </Target>
+  <Target Name="AfterBuild">
+  </Target>
+  -->
\ No newline at end of file

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/Api.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/Api.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class Api : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal Api(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Api obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~Api() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_Api(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public Api() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_Api(), true) {
+  }
+  public string Execute(string command, string data) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Api_Execute(swigCPtr, command, data);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string ExecuteString(string command) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Api_ExecuteString(swigCPtr, command);
+    return ret;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/CoreSession.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/CoreSession.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class CoreSession : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal CoreSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(CoreSession obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~CoreSession() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_CoreSession(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session InternalSession {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_InternalSession_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_InternalSession_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel channel {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_channel_set(swigCPtr, SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_channel_get(swigCPtr);
+      SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public uint flags {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_flags_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      uint ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_flags_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public int allocated {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_allocated_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_allocated_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public input_callback_state_t cb_state {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_cb_state_set(swigCPtr, input_callback_state_t.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_cb_state_get(swigCPtr);
+      input_callback_state_t ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new input_callback_state_t(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public switch_channel_state_t HookState {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_HookState_set(swigCPtr, (int)value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      switch_channel_state_t ret = (switch_channel_state_t)freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_HookState_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public int Answer() {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Answer(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int preAnswer() {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_preAnswer(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public void Hangup(string cause) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Hangup(swigCPtr, cause);
+  }
+  public void SetVariable(string var, string val) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_SetVariable(swigCPtr, var, val);
+  }
+  public void SetPrivate(string var, SWIGTYPE_p_void val) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_SetPrivate(swigCPtr, var, SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(val));
+  }
+  public SWIGTYPE_p_void GetPrivate(string var) {
+    IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_GetPrivate(swigCPtr, var);
+    SWIGTYPE_p_void ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SWIGTYPE_p_void(cPtr, false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetVariable(string var) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_GetVariable(swigCPtr, var);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public void Say(string tosay, string module_name, string say_type, string say_method) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Say(swigCPtr, tosay, module_name, say_type, say_method);
+  }
+  public void SayPhrase(string phrase_name, string phrase_data, string phrase_lang) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_SayPhrase(swigCPtr, phrase_name, phrase_data, phrase_lang);
+  }
+  public int RecordFile(string file_name, int max_len, int silence_threshold, int silence_secs) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_RecordFile(swigCPtr, file_name, max_len, silence_threshold, silence_secs);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public void SetCallerData(string var, string val) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_SetCallerData(swigCPtr, var, val);
+  }
+  public int Originate(CoreSession a_leg_session, string dest, int timeout) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Originate(swigCPtr, CoreSession.getCPtr(a_leg_session), dest, timeout);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int speak(string text) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_speak(swigCPtr, text);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public void set_tts_parms(string tts_name, string voice_name) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_set_tts_parms(swigCPtr, tts_name, voice_name);
+  }
+  public int CollectDigits(int timeout) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_CollectDigits(swigCPtr, timeout);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetDigits(int maxdigits, string terminators, int timeout) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_GetDigits(swigCPtr, maxdigits, terminators, timeout);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int Transfer(string extensions, string dialplan, string context) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Transfer(swigCPtr, extensions, dialplan, context);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string read(int min_digits, int max_digits, string prompt_audio_file, int timeout, string valid_terminators) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_read(swigCPtr, min_digits, max_digits, prompt_audio_file, timeout, valid_terminators);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string PlayAndGetDigits(int min_digits, int max_digits, int max_tries, int timeout, string terminators, string audio_files, string bad_input_audio_files, string digits_regex) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_PlayAndGetDigits(swigCPtr, min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, timeout, terminators, audio_files, bad_input_audio_files, digits_regex);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int StreamFile(string file, int starting_sample_count) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_StreamFile(swigCPtr, file, starting_sample_count);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int flushEvents() {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_flushEvents(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int flushDigits() {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_flushDigits(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public int setAutoHangup(bool val) {
+    int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_setAutoHangup(swigCPtr, val);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool Ready() {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Ready(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public void Execute(string app, string data) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_Execute(swigCPtr, app, data);
+  }
+  public void sendEvent(Event sendME) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_sendEvent(swigCPtr, Event.getCPtr(sendME));
+  }
+  public void setEventData(Event e) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_setEventData(swigCPtr, Event.getCPtr(e));
+  }
+  public string getXMLCDR() {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_getXMLCDR(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public virtual bool begin_allow_threads() {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_begin_allow_threads(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public virtual bool end_allow_threads() {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_end_allow_threads(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetUuid() {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_GetUuid(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public switch_input_args_t get_cb_args() {
+    switch_input_args_t ret = new switch_input_args_t(freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_get_cb_args(swigCPtr), false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public virtual void check_hangup_hook() {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.CoreSession_check_hangup_hook(swigCPtr);
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/Event.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/Event.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public partial class Event : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal Event(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Event obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~Event() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_Event(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public switch_event InternalEvent {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_InternalEvent_set(swigCPtr, switch_event.getCPtr(value));
+    } 
+    get {
+      IntPtr cPtr = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_InternalEvent_get(swigCPtr);
+      switch_event ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new switch_event(cPtr, false);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public string serialized_string {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_serialized_string_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_serialized_string_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public int mine {
+    set {
+      freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_mine_set(swigCPtr, value);
+    } 
+    get {
+      int ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_mine_get(swigCPtr);
+      return ret;
+    } 
+  }
+  public Event(string type, string subclass_name) : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_Event__SWIG_0(type, subclass_name), true) {
+  }
+  public Event(switch_event wrap_me, int free_me) : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_Event__SWIG_1(switch_event.getCPtr(wrap_me), free_me), true) {
+  }
+  public string Serialize(string format) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_Serialize(swigCPtr, format);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool SetPriority(switch_priority_t priority) {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_SetPriority(swigCPtr, (int)priority);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetHeader(string header_name) {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_GetHeader(swigCPtr, header_name);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetBody() {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_GetBody(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public string GetEventType() {
+    string ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_GetEventType(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool AddBody(string value) {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_AddBody(swigCPtr, value);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool AddHeader(string header_name, string value) {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_AddHeader(swigCPtr, header_name, value);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool DeleteHeader(string header_name) {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_DeleteHeader(swigCPtr, header_name);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  public bool Fire() {
+    bool ret = freeswitchPINVOKE.Event_Fire(swigCPtr);
+    return ret;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/IvrMenu.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/IvrMenu.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class IvrMenu : IDisposable {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+  internal IvrMenu(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(IvrMenu obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~IvrMenu() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public virtual void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_IvrMenu(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+    }
+  }
+  public IvrMenu(IvrMenu main, string name, string greeting_sound, string short_greeting_sound, string invalid_sound, string exit_sound, string confirm_macro, string confirm_key, int confirm_attempts, int inter_timeout, int digit_len, int timeout, int max_failures) : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_IvrMenu(IvrMenu.getCPtr(main), name, greeting_sound, short_greeting_sound, invalid_sound, exit_sound, confirm_macro, confirm_key, confirm_attempts, inter_timeout, digit_len, timeout, max_failures), true) {
+  }
+  public void bindAction(string action, string arg, string bind) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.IvrMenu_bindAction(swigCPtr, action, arg, bind);
+  }
+  public void Execute(CoreSession session, string name) {
+    freeswitchPINVOKE.IvrMenu_Execute(swigCPtr, CoreSession.getCPtr(session), name);
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/MonoSession.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/MonoSession.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public partial class MonoSession : CoreSession {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal MonoSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(freeswitchPINVOKE.MonoSessionUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MonoSession obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }
+  ~MonoSession() {
+    Dispose();
+  }
+  public override void Dispose() {
+    lock(this) {
+      if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
+        swigCMemOwn = false;
+        freeswitchPINVOKE.delete_MonoSession(swigCPtr);
+      }
+      swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+      GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+      base.Dispose();
+    }
+  }
+  public MonoSession() : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_MonoSession__SWIG_0(), true) {
+  }
+  public MonoSession(string uuid) : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_MonoSession__SWIG_1(uuid), true) {
+  }
+  public MonoSession(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session session) : this(freeswitchPINVOKE.new_MonoSession__SWIG_2(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.getCPtr(session)), true) {
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_FILE {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_FILE(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_FILE() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_FILE obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_HashElem obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_apr_pool_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_enum_switch_management_action_t_p_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_p_void__switch_call_cause_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_p_switch_loadable_module_interface_p_apr_pool_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char_p_switch_event_t_p_void__p_switch_xml obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__char_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_stream_handle__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_q_const__switch_log_node_t_enum_switch_log_level_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_p_char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_q_const__char_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_q_const__char_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_asr_handle_p_void_unsigned_int_p_enum_switch_asr_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_enum_switch_codec_flag_t_p_q_const__switch_codec_settings__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_codec_p_switch_codec_p_void_unsigned_long_unsigned_long_p_void_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_long_p_unsigned_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_char_enum_switch_say_type_t_enum_switch_say_method_t_p_switch_input_args_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__char__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_q_const__switch_dtmf_t_enum_switch_dtmf_direction_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_core_session_message__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_p_switch_core_session_p_p_apr_pool_t_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_call_cause_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_event_p_switch_caller_profile_p_switch_core_session_enum_switch_originate_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_enum_switch_io_flag_t_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_switch_frame_p_void__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_p_void_enum_switch_input_type_t_p_void_unsigned_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_core_session_t_p_void_p_switch_caller_profile_t__p_switch_caller_extension obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_char_p_char_p_char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_directory_handle_p_p_char_p_p_char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_event__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_enum_switch_audio_col_t_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_q_const__char__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_unsigned_int_long_long_int__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_file_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_media_bug_p_void_enum_switch_abc_type_t__switch_bool_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_rtp_p_switch_socket_t_p_void_switch_size_t_p_switch_sockaddr_t__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_scheduler_task__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_double__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_int__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_char_p_q_const__char__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_q_const__char_int_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_speech_handle_p_void_p_switch_size_t_p_unsigned_long_p_enum_switch_speech_flag_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_q_const__char_v_______switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_stream_handle_p_unsigned_char_switch_size_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_thread_t_p_void__p_void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_switch_timer_enum_switch_bool_t__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_int_p_p_char_p_p_char__int obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_f_void__switch_status_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_float.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_float.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_float {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_float(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_float() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_float obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_in_addr obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_int.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_int.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_int {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_int(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_int() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_int obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_apr_pool_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_char.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_char.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_char {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_char(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_char() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_char obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_p_char obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_real_pcre obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3 {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3 obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_sqlite3_stmt obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_audio_resampler_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_buffer obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_channel obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_port_allocator obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_core_session_message obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_event obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_frame obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_hash obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_media_bug obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_network_list obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_rtp obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_switch_xml obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_void.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_p_void.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_p_void {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_p_void(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_p_void() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_p_void obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_real_pcre obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_short.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_short.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_short {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_short(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_short() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_short obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3 {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3 obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_sqlite3_stmt obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_asr_flag_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_buffer obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_call_cause_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_channel obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_port_allocator obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_core_session obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_event_types_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_file_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_frame_flag_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_hash obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_action_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_action_function_t obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+  }
+  protected SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx() {
+    swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+  }
+  internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SWIGTYPE_p_switch_ivr_menu_xml_ctx obj) {
+    return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+  }

Added: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_loadable_module_interface.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_mono_managed/swig/SWIGTYPE_p_switch_loadable_module_interface.cs	Sun May 25 23:43:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.35
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace FreeSWITCH.Native {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SWIGTYPE_p_switch_loadable_module_interface {
+  private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+  internal SWIGTYPE_p_switch_loadable_module_interface(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+    swigCPtr = new Handl