[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r9162 - in freeswitch/trunk/conf: autoload_configs lang/en lang/en/demo lang/fr/vm

Freeswitch SVN mikej at freeswitch.org
Thu Jul 24 04:59:54 EDT 2008

Author: mikej
Date: Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
New Revision: 9162


line endings

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/ivr.conf.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/ivr.conf.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/ivr.conf.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,56 +1,57 @@
-<configuration name="ivr.conf" description="IVR menus">
-  <menus>
-    <!-- demo IVR setup -->
-    <!-- demo IVR, Main Menu -->
-    <menu name="demo_ivr"
-          greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu"
-          greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu_short"
-          invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav"
-          exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav"
-          timeout ="10000"
-	  inter-digit-timeout="2000"
-	  max-failures="3"
-	  digit-len="4">
-      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="1" param="bridge sofia/$${domain}/888 at conference.freeswitch.org"/>
-      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="2" param="transfer 9996 XML default"/>    <!-- FS echo -->
-      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="3" param="transfer 9999 XML default"/>    <!-- MOH -->
-      <entry action="menu-sub" digits="4" param="demo_ivr_submenu"/>  <!-- demo sub menu -->
-      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="5" param="transfer 1234*256 enum"/>    <!-- Screaming monkeys -->
-      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="/^(10[01][0-9])$/" param="transfer $1 XML default"/> 
-      <entry action="menu-top" digits="9"/>          <!-- Repeat this menu -->
-    </menu>
-    <!-- Demo IVR, Sub Menu -->
-    <menu name="demo_ivr_submenu"
-        greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu"
-        greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu_short"
-        invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav"
-        exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav"
-        timeout="15000"
-        max-failures="3">
-      <entry action="menu-top" digits="*"/>
-     </menu>
-  </menus>
-<!-- TTS sample; non-functional but it demonstrates say: and TTS -->
-    <menu name="demo3"
-          greet-long="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference"
-          greet-short="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference"
-          invalid-sound="say:invalid extension"
-          exit-sound="say:exit sound"
-          timeout ="15000"
-          max-failures="3">
-      <entry action="menu-exit" digits="*"/>
-      <entry action="menu-playback" digits="1" param="say:You pressed 1"/>
-      <entry action="menu-call-transfer" digits="2" param=
-      <entry action="menu-call-transfer" digits="3" param="1001"/>
-    </menu>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+<configuration name="ivr.conf" description="IVR menus">
+  <menus>
+    <!-- demo IVR setup -->
+    <!-- demo IVR, Main Menu -->
+    <menu name="demo_ivr"
+          greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu"
+          greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_main_menu_short"
+          invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav"
+          exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav"
+          timeout ="10000"
+	  inter-digit-timeout="2000"
+	  max-failures="3"
+	  digit-len="4">
+      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="1" param="bridge sofia/$${domain}/888 at conference.freeswitch.org"/>
+      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="2" param="transfer 9996 XML default"/>    <!-- FS echo -->
+      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="3" param="transfer 9999 XML default"/>    <!-- MOH -->
+      <entry action="menu-sub" digits="4" param="demo_ivr_submenu"/>  <!-- demo sub menu -->
+      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="5" param="transfer 1234*256 enum"/>    <!-- Screaming monkeys -->
+      <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="/^(10[01][0-9])$/" param="transfer $1 XML default"/> 
+      <entry action="menu-top" digits="9"/>          <!-- Repeat this menu -->
+    </menu>
+    <!-- Demo IVR, Sub Menu -->
+    <menu name="demo_ivr_submenu"
+        greet-long="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu"
+        greet-short="phrase:demo_ivr_sub_menu_short"
+        invalid-sound="ivr/ivr-that_was_an_invalid_entry.wav"
+        exit-sound="voicemail/vm-goodbye.wav"
+        timeout="15000"
+        max-failures="3">
+      <entry action="menu-top" digits="*"/>
+     </menu>
+  </menus>
+<!-- TTS sample; non-functional but it demonstrates say: and TTS -->
+    <menu name="demo3"
+          greet-long="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference"
+          greet-short="say:Press 1 to join the conference, Press 2 to join the other conference"
+          invalid-sound="say:invalid extension"
+          exit-sound="say:exit sound"
+          timeout ="15000"
+          max-failures="3">
+      <entry action="menu-exit" digits="*"/>
+      <entry action="menu-playback" digits="1" param="say:You pressed 1"/>
+      <entry action="menu-call-transfer" digits="2" param=
+      <entry action="menu-call-transfer" digits="3" param="1001"/>
+    </menu>

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/openmrcp.conf.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/openmrcp.conf.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/openmrcp.conf.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-<!-- http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_openmrcp#Configuration -->
-<configuration name="openmrcp.conf" description="mod_openmrcp configuration">
-  <settings>
-    <param name="asr_default_profile" value="openmrcp-v2"/>
-    <param name="tts_default_profile" value="openmrcp-v2"/>
-  </settings>
-  <profiles>
-    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="../mrcp_profiles/*.xml"/>
-  </profiles>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+<!-- http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_openmrcp#Configuration -->
+<configuration name="openmrcp.conf" description="mod_openmrcp configuration">
+  <settings>
+    <param name="asr_default_profile" value="openmrcp-v2"/>
+    <param name="tts_default_profile" value="openmrcp-v2"/>
+  </settings>
+  <profiles>
+    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="../mrcp_profiles/*.xml"/>
+  </profiles>

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,39 +1,40 @@
-<configuration name="xml_cdr.conf" description="XML CDR CURL logger">
-  <settings>
-    <!-- the url to post to if blank web posting is disabled  -->
-    <!-- <param name="url" value="http://localhost/cdr_curl/post.php"/> -->
-    <!-- optional: credentials to send to web server -->
-    <!--    <param name="cred" value="user:pass"/> -->
-    <!-- the total number of retries (not counting the first 'try') to post to webserver incase of failure -->
-    <!-- <param name="retries" value="2"/> -->
-    <!-- delay between retries in seconds, default is 5 seconds -->
-    <!-- <param name="delay" value="1"/> -->
-    <!-- optional: if not present we do not log every record to disk -->
-    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
-    <param name="log-dir" value=""/>
-    <!-- optional: if not present we do log the b leg -->
-    <!-- true or false if we should create a cdr for the b leg of a call-->
-    <param name="log-b-leg" value="false"/>
-    <!-- encode the post data may be 'true' for url encoding, 'false' for no encoding or 'base64' for base64 encoding -->
-    <param name="encode" value="true"/>
-    <!-- optional: set to true to disable Expect: 100-continue lighttpd requires this setting --> 
-    <!--<param name="disable-100-continue" value="true"/>--> 
-    <!-- optional: full path to the error log dir for failed web posts if not specified its the same as log-dir -->
-    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank or omitted value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
-    <!-- <param name="err-log-dir" value="/tmp"/> -->
-    <!-- optional: if enabled this will disable CA root certificate checks by libcurl -->
-    <!-- note: default value is disabled. only enable if you want this! -->
-    <!-- <param name="ignore-cacert-check" value="true" /> -->
-  </settings>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+<configuration name="xml_cdr.conf" description="XML CDR CURL logger">
+  <settings>
+    <!-- the url to post to if blank web posting is disabled  -->
+    <!-- <param name="url" value="http://localhost/cdr_curl/post.php"/> -->
+    <!-- optional: credentials to send to web server -->
+    <!--    <param name="cred" value="user:pass"/> -->
+    <!-- the total number of retries (not counting the first 'try') to post to webserver incase of failure -->
+    <!-- <param name="retries" value="2"/> -->
+    <!-- delay between retries in seconds, default is 5 seconds -->
+    <!-- <param name="delay" value="1"/> -->
+    <!-- optional: if not present we do not log every record to disk -->
+    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
+    <param name="log-dir" value=""/>
+    <!-- optional: if not present we do log the b leg -->
+    <!-- true or false if we should create a cdr for the b leg of a call-->
+    <param name="log-b-leg" value="false"/>
+    <!-- encode the post data may be 'true' for url encoding, 'false' for no encoding or 'base64' for base64 encoding -->
+    <param name="encode" value="true"/>
+    <!-- optional: set to true to disable Expect: 100-continue lighttpd requires this setting --> 
+    <!--<param name="disable-100-continue" value="true"/>--> 
+    <!-- optional: full path to the error log dir for failed web posts if not specified its the same as log-dir -->
+    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank or omitted value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
+    <!-- <param name="err-log-dir" value="/tmp"/> -->
+    <!-- optional: if enabled this will disable CA root certificate checks by libcurl -->
+    <!-- note: default value is disabled. only enable if you want this! -->
+    <!-- <param name="ignore-cacert-check" value="true" /> -->
+  </settings>

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/demo/demo-ivr.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/demo/demo-ivr.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/demo/demo-ivr.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,158 +1,159 @@
-<include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
-  <macro name="demo_ivr_count">
-    <input pattern="^(\d+)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-you_have.wav"/>
-	<action function="say" data="$1" method="pronounced" type="name_spelled"/>
-	<action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-messages.wav"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="demo_ivr_main_menu"> <!-- See conf/autoload_config/ivr.conf.xml for an example on how to use this macro in an IVR -->
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-        <!-- string together several existing sound files to create one long greeting -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-welcome_to_freeswitch.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-this_ivr_will_let_you_test_features.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-you_may_exit_by_hanging_up.wav"/>
-        <!-- note that you can do more than just play files, e.g. have pauses and do TTS -->
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 1: Call FreeSWITCH conference-->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_call_the_freeswitch_conference.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/1.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 2: Do FreeSWITCH echo test -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_do_a_freeswitch_echo_test.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/2.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 3: Listen to Music on Hold -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_listen_to_moh.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/3.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 4: Hear a sample submenu -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_sample_submenu.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/4.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 5: Listen to screaming monkeys -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/5.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 9: Repeat these options -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_repeat_these_options.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/9.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(2000)"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <!-- The following macro is the same as demo_ivr_main_menu except it is the "short" version -->
-  <!-- The short version has all the options but not the initial greeting -->
-  <macro name="demo_ivr_main_menu_short"> 
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-        <!-- Menu option 1: Call FreeSWITCH conference-->
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(1000)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_call_the_freeswitch_conference.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/1.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 2: Do FreeSWITCH echo test -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_do_a_freeswitch_echo_test.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/2.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 3: Listen to Music on Hold -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_listen_to_moh.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/3.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 4: Hear a sample submenu -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_sample_submenu.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/4.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 5: Listen to screaming monkeys -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/5.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option 9: Repeat these options -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_repeat_these_options.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/9.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(2000)"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <!-- The following macro is the "long" greeting for the demo_ivr_sub_menu -->
-  <macro name="demo_ivr_sub_menu">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-welcome_to_freeswitch.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-sample_submenu.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <!-- Menu option *: Return to top menu -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_return_to_previous_menu.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/star.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <!-- The following macro is the same as demo_ivr_sub_menu except it is the "short" version -->
-  <!-- The short version has all the options but not the initial greeting -->
-  <macro name="demo_ivr_sub_menu_short"> 
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-        <!-- Menu option *: Return to top menu -->
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_return_to_previous_menu.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
-        <action function="play-file" data="digits/star.wav"/>
-        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-</include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+<include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
+  <macro name="demo_ivr_count">
+    <input pattern="^(\d+)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-you_have.wav"/>
+	<action function="say" data="$1" method="pronounced" type="name_spelled"/>
+	<action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-messages.wav"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="demo_ivr_main_menu"> <!-- See conf/autoload_config/ivr.conf.xml for an example on how to use this macro in an IVR -->
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+        <!-- string together several existing sound files to create one long greeting -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-welcome_to_freeswitch.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-this_ivr_will_let_you_test_features.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-you_may_exit_by_hanging_up.wav"/>
+        <!-- note that you can do more than just play files, e.g. have pauses and do TTS -->
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 1: Call FreeSWITCH conference-->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_call_the_freeswitch_conference.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/1.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 2: Do FreeSWITCH echo test -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_do_a_freeswitch_echo_test.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/2.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 3: Listen to Music on Hold -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_listen_to_moh.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/3.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 4: Hear a sample submenu -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_sample_submenu.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/4.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 5: Listen to screaming monkeys -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/5.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 9: Repeat these options -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_repeat_these_options.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/9.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(2000)"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <!-- The following macro is the same as demo_ivr_main_menu except it is the "short" version -->
+  <!-- The short version has all the options but not the initial greeting -->
+  <macro name="demo_ivr_main_menu_short"> 
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+        <!-- Menu option 1: Call FreeSWITCH conference-->
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(1000)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_call_the_freeswitch_conference.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/1.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 2: Do FreeSWITCH echo test -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_do_a_freeswitch_echo_test.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/2.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 3: Listen to Music on Hold -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_listen_to_moh.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/3.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 4: Hear a sample submenu -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_sample_submenu.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/4.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 5: Listen to screaming monkeys -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_hear_screaming_monkeys.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/5.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option 9: Repeat these options -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_repeat_these_options.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/9.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(2000)"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <!-- The following macro is the "long" greeting for the demo_ivr_sub_menu -->
+  <macro name="demo_ivr_sub_menu">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-welcome_to_freeswitch.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-sample_submenu.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <!-- Menu option *: Return to top menu -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_return_to_previous_menu.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/star.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <!-- The following macro is the same as demo_ivr_sub_menu except it is the "short" version -->
+  <!-- The short version has all the options but not the initial greeting -->
+  <macro name="demo_ivr_sub_menu_short"> 
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+        <!-- Menu option *: Return to top menu -->
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-to_return_to_previous_menu.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="ivr/ivr-please.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="voicemail/vm-press.wav"/>
+        <action function="play-file" data="digits/star.wav"/>
+        <action function="execute" data="sleep(250)"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+</include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/en.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/en.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/en/en.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-  <language name="en" sound-path="$${base_dir}/sounds/en/us/callie" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="callie">
-    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="demo/*.xml"/> <!-- Note: this now grabs whole subdir, previously grabbed only demo.xml -->
-    <!--voicemail_en_tts is purely implemented with tts, we need a files based implementation too -->
-    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="vm/sounds.xml"/>
-  </language>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+  <language name="en" sound-path="$${base_dir}/sounds/en/us/callie" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="callie">
+    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="demo/*.xml"/> <!-- Note: this now grabs whole subdir, previously grabbed only demo.xml -->
+    <!--voicemail_en_tts is purely implemented with tts, we need a files based implementation too -->
+    <X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="vm/sounds.xml"/>
+  </language>

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/fr/vm/sounds.xml
--- freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/fr/vm/sounds.xml	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/conf/lang/fr/vm/sounds.xml	Thu Jul 24 04:59:53 2008
@@ -1,210 +1,211 @@
-<include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
-  <macro name="voicemail_enter_id">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Entrez votre Identification, suivi par $1."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_enter_pass">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Entrez votre code, suivi par $1."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_fail_auth">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Identification incorrect."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_hello">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Bienvenu sur votre répondeur."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_goodbye">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Aurevoir."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_abort">
-    <input pattern="(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Trop de tentatives échouées."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_message_count">
-    <input pattern="^([^:]+):([^:]+):{0,1}(.*)">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="Vous avez $1 $2 message$3 dans le répertoir ${voicemail_current_folder}."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_menu">
-    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" 
-		data="Pour écouter les nouveaux message, tappez $1, Pour écouter les messages enregistrés, tappez $2, Pour les options avancées, tappez $3, pour sortir, tappez $4."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_config_menu">
-    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" 
-		data="pour enregistrer un message d'accueil, tappez $1, Pour choisir votre message d'accueil, tappez $2, Pour enregistrer votre nom, tappez $3, pour retourner au menu principale, tappez $4."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_record_name">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre nom au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_record_file_check">
-    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" 
-		data="Pour écouter l'enregistrement, tappez $1, pour sauvegarder l'enregistrement, tappez $2, Pour réenregistrer, tappez $3."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_record_urgent_check">
-    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" 
-		data="Pour indiquer ce messange comme étant urgent, tappez $1, Pour continuer, tappez $2."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_listen_file_check">
-    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" 
-		data="Pour réécouter l'enregistrement à nouveau, tappez $1, Pour sauvegarder l'enregistrement, tappez $2,  Pour supprimer l'enregistrement, tappez $3, pour transférer l'enregistrement à votre mail, tappez $4."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_choose_greeting">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="choisissez un message d'accueil entre 1 et 3."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_choose_greeting_fail">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="valeur incorrect."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_record_greeting">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre message d'accueil au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_record_message">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre message au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_greeting_selected">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="message d'accueil numero $1 selectionné."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_play_greeting">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$1 n'est pas valide."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_say_number">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$1"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_say_message_number">
-    <input pattern="^([a-z]+):(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$1 message numero $2."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_say_phone_number">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$1."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_say_name">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$1."/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_ack">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="message $1"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
-  <macro name="voicemail_say_date">
-    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
-      <match>
-	<action function="speak-text" data="$strftime($1|%A, %B %d %Y, %I %M %p)"/>
-      </match>
-    </input>
-  </macro>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+<include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
+  <macro name="voicemail_enter_id">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Entrez votre Identification, suivi par $1."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_enter_pass">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Entrez votre code, suivi par $1."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_fail_auth">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Identification incorrect."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_hello">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Bienvenu sur votre répondeur."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_goodbye">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Aurevoir."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_abort">
+    <input pattern="(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Trop de tentatives échouées."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_message_count">
+    <input pattern="^([^:]+):([^:]+):{0,1}(.*)">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="Vous avez $1 $2 message$3 dans le répertoir ${voicemail_current_folder}."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_menu">
+    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" 
+		data="Pour écouter les nouveaux message, tappez $1, Pour écouter les messages enregistrés, tappez $2, Pour les options avancées, tappez $3, pour sortir, tappez $4."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_config_menu">
+    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" 
+		data="pour enregistrer un message d'accueil, tappez $1, Pour choisir votre message d'accueil, tappez $2, Pour enregistrer votre nom, tappez $3, pour retourner au menu principale, tappez $4."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_record_name">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre nom au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_record_file_check">
+    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" 
+		data="Pour écouter l'enregistrement, tappez $1, pour sauvegarder l'enregistrement, tappez $2, Pour réenregistrer, tappez $3."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_record_urgent_check">
+    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" 
+		data="Pour indiquer ce messange comme étant urgent, tappez $1, Pour continuer, tappez $2."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_listen_file_check">
+    <input pattern="^([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*]):([0-9#*])$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" 
+		data="Pour réécouter l'enregistrement à nouveau, tappez $1, Pour sauvegarder l'enregistrement, tappez $2,  Pour supprimer l'enregistrement, tappez $3, pour transférer l'enregistrement à votre mail, tappez $4."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_choose_greeting">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="choisissez un message d'accueil entre 1 et 3."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_choose_greeting_fail">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="valeur incorrect."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_record_greeting">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre message d'accueil au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_record_message">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="enregistrez votre message au bip, puis tappez une touche ou arretez de parler pour arreter l'enregistrement."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_greeting_selected">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="message d'accueil numero $1 selectionné."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_play_greeting">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$1 n'est pas valide."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_say_number">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$1"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_say_message_number">
+    <input pattern="^([a-z]+):(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$1 message numero $2."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_say_phone_number">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$1."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_say_name">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$1."/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_ack">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="message $1"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
+  <macro name="voicemail_say_date">
+    <input pattern="^(.*)$">
+      <match>
+	<action function="speak-text" data="$strftime($1|%A, %B %d %Y, %I %M %p)"/>
+      </match>
+    </input>
+  </macro>
 </include><!--This line will be ignored it's here to validate the xml and is optional -->
\ No newline at end of file

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