[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r7759 - in freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua: . sofia-sip

Freeswitch SVN mikej at freeswitch.org
Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 EST 2008

Author: mikej
Date: Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
New Revision: 7759


Wed Feb  6 12:05:46 EST 2008  Pekka.Pessi at nokia.com
  * nua: using global preferences. Added NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS().

Mon Feb 25 14:14:15 EST 2008  Pekka.Pessi at nokia.com
  * nua: added NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES()

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_notifier.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_notifier.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_notifier.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@
   sip_event_t *o = sip->sip_event;
   char const *event = o ? o->o_type : NULL;
   /* Maximum expiration time */
-  unsigned long expires = 3600;
+  unsigned long expires = sip->sip_expires ? sip->sip_expires->ex_delta : 3600;
+  sip_time_t now = sip_now();
   assert(nh && nh->nh_nua->nua_dhandle != nh);
@@ -259,9 +260,10 @@
   nu = nua_dialog_usage_private(du);
-  if (sip->sip_expires && sip->sip_expires->ex_delta < expires)
-    expires = sip->sip_expires->ex_delta;
-  nu->nu_requested = sip_now() + expires;
+  if (now + expires >= now)
+    nu->nu_requested = now + expires;
+  else
+    nu->nu_requested = SIP_TIME_MAX - 1;
   nu->nu_etags = 
@@ -295,9 +297,23 @@
       sip_time_t now = sip_now();
       if (nu->nu_requested) {
-	if (nu->nu_requested > nu->nu_expires)
+	if (sip->sip_expires) {
+	  /* Expires in response can only shorten the expiration time */
+	  if (nu->nu_requested > now + sip->sip_expires->ex_delta) 
+	    nu->nu_requested = now + sip->sip_expires->ex_delta;
+	}
+	else {
+	  unsigned sub_expires = NH_PGET(sr->sr_owner, sub_expires);
+	  if (nu->nu_requested > now + sub_expires)
+	    nu->nu_requested = now + sub_expires;
+	}
+	if (nu->nu_requested >= now)
 	  nu->nu_expires = nu->nu_requested;
-	else if (nu->nu_expires <= now || nu->nu_requested <= now)
+	else
+	  nu->nu_expires = now;
+	if (nu->nu_expires <= now)
 	  nu->nu_substate = nua_substate_terminated;
@@ -305,7 +321,7 @@
 	ex->ex_delta = nu->nu_expires - now;
     else {
-      /* Add header Expires: 0 */
+      /* Always add header Expires: 0 */
     if (!sip->sip_expires || sip->sip_expires->ex_delta > ex->ex_delta)

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -77,19 +77,27 @@
 su_inline void nhp_or_set(nua_handle_preferences_t *a,
 			  nua_handle_preferences_t const *b)
-  unsigned *ap = a->nhp_set_.set_unsigned;
-  unsigned const *bp = b->nhp_set_.set_unsigned;
-  size_t i;
   memcpy(a, b, offsetof(nua_handle_preferences_t, nhp_set));
+  /* Bitwise or of bitfields, casted to unsigned */
+  a->nhp_set_.set_unsigned[0] |= b->nhp_set_.set_unsigned[0];
+  a->nhp_set_.set_unsigned[1] |= b->nhp_set_.set_unsigned[1];
+  /* 
+  unsigned *ap, const *bp;
+  size_t i;
+  ap = a->nhp_set_.set_unsigned;
+  bp = b->nhp_set_.set_unsigned;
   for (i = 0; i < (sizeof a->nhp_set); i += (sizeof *ap))
     *ap++ |= *bp++;
+  */
 static int nhp_set_tags(su_home_t *home, 
 			nua_handle_preferences_t *nhp,
-			int global,
+			nua_global_preferences_t *ngp,
 			tagi_t const *tags);
 static int nhp_merge_lists(su_home_t *home,
@@ -101,11 +109,11 @@
 			   int always_merge,
 			   tag_value_t value);
-nua_handle_preferences_t *nhp_move_params(su_home_t *home,
-					  nua_handle_preferences_t *dst,
-					  su_home_t *tmphome,
-					  nua_handle_preferences_t const *src);
+static int nhp_save_params(nua_handle_t *nh,
+		    su_home_t *tmphome, 
+		    nua_global_preferences_t *gsrc,
+		    nua_handle_preferences_t *src);
 /* ====================================================================== */
 /* Magical NUTAG_USER_AGENT() - add NHP_USER_AGENT there if it is not there */
@@ -199,20 +207,12 @@
   sip_from_t *f = NULL,  f0[1];
   int set;
-  char const *uicc_name = "default";
 	  /* By nua_stack_set_from() */
-	  NUTAG_UICC_REF(uicc_name),
-  if (initial && uicc_name)
-    nua->nua_uicc = uicc_create(root, uicc_name);
   if (!initial && from == NONE && str == NONE)
     return 0;
@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@
  *   NUTAG_SOA_NAME() \n
@@ -438,6 +439,7 @@
  *   NUTAG_SOA_NAME() \n
@@ -476,146 +478,124 @@
 			 tagi_t const *tags)
   nua_handle_t *dnh = nua->nua_dhandle;
-  nua_handle_preferences_t tmp[1], *nhp = nh->nh_prefs;
-  nua_handle_preferences_t const *dnhp = dnh->nh_prefs;
-  su_home_t tmphome[1] = { SU_HOME_INIT(tmphome) };
-  tagi_t const *ptags;
-  int error, global;
-  int status = 900;
-  char const *phrase = "Error storing parameters";
-  sip_supported_t const *supported = NULL;
-  sip_allow_t const *allow = NULL;
-  sip_allow_events_t const *allow_events = NULL;
-  sip_allow_t const *appl_method = NULL;
+  int status;
+  char const *phrase;
-  ptags = !nh->nh_used_ptags ? nh->nh_ptags : NULL;
-  *tmp = *nhp; NHP_UNSET_ALL(tmp);
-  /* Supported features, allowed methods and events are merged 
-     with previous ones */
-  if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, supported)) 
-    supported = tmp->nhp_supported = dnhp->nhp_supported;
-  if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, allow)) 
-    allow = tmp->nhp_allow = dnhp->nhp_allow;
-  if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, allow_events)) 
-    allow_events = tmp->nhp_allow_events = dnhp->nhp_allow_events;
-  if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, appl_method)) 
-    appl_method = tmp->nhp_appl_method = dnhp->nhp_appl_method;
-  error = 0;
-  global = nh == dnh;			/* save also stack-specific params */
+  {
+    su_home_t tmphome[1] = { SU_HOME_INIT(tmphome) };
+    nua_handle_preferences_t *nhp = nh->nh_prefs;
+    nua_handle_preferences_t const *dnhp = dnh->nh_prefs;
+    nua_handle_preferences_t tmp[1];
+    nua_global_preferences_t gtmp[1], *ngp = NULL;
+    *tmp = *nhp; NHP_UNSET_ALL(tmp);
+    /*
+     * Supported features, allowed methods and events are merged 
+     * with previous or default settings. 
+     *
+     * Here we just copy pointers from default settings. However when saving
+     * settings we have to be extra careful so that we
+     * 1) zero the pointers if the setting has not been modified
+     * 2) do not free pointer if the setting has been modified
+     * See NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN() below for gorier details.
+     */
+    if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, supported)) 
+      tmp->nhp_supported = dnhp->nhp_supported;
+    if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, allow)) 
+      tmp->nhp_allow = dnhp->nhp_allow;
+    if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, allow_events)) 
+      tmp->nhp_allow_events = dnhp->nhp_allow_events;
+    if (!NHP_ISSET(nhp, appl_method)) 
+      tmp->nhp_appl_method = dnhp->nhp_appl_method;
-  /* Set and save parameters to tmp */
-  if (nhp_set_tags(tmphome, tmp, global, ptags) < 0)
-    error = 1, phrase = "Error storing default handle parameters";
-  else if (nhp_set_tags(tmphome, tmp, global, tags) < 0)
-    error = 1, phrase = "Error storing parameters";
-  else {
-    if (NHP_IS_ANY_SET(tmp)) {
-      if (tmp->nhp_supported == supported)
-	tmp->nhp_supported = NULL;
-      if (tmp->nhp_allow == allow)
-	tmp->nhp_allow = NULL;
-      if (tmp->nhp_allow_events == allow_events)
-	tmp->nhp_allow_events = NULL;
-      if (tmp->nhp_appl_method == appl_method)
-	tmp->nhp_appl_method = NULL;
-      /* Move parameters from tmp to nhp (or allocate new nhp) */
-      if (nh != dnh && nhp == dnh->nh_prefs)
-	nhp = NULL;
-      nhp = nhp_move_params(nh->nh_home, nhp, tmphome, tmp);
+    if (nh == dnh) /* nua_set_params() call, save stack-wide params, too */
+      ngp = gtmp, *gtmp = *nua->nua_prefs;
-      if (nhp)
-	nh->nh_prefs = nhp;
-      else
-	/* Fail miserably with ENOMEM */
-	error = 1, status = 900, phrase = su_strerror(ENOMEM);
-    }
+    /* Set and save parameters to tmp */
+    if (!nh->nh_used_ptags && 
+	nhp_set_tags(tmphome, tmp, NULL, nh->nh_ptags) < 0)
+      status = 900, phrase = "Error storing default handle parameters";
+    else if (nhp_set_tags(tmphome, tmp, ngp, tags) < 0)
+      status = 900, phrase = "Error storing parameters";
+    else if (nhp_save_params(nh, tmphome, ngp, tmp) < 0)
+      status = 900, phrase = su_strerror(ENOMEM);
+    else
+      status = 200, phrase = "OK", nh->nh_used_ptags = 1;
-    if (!error)
-      nh->nh_used_ptags = 1;
+    su_home_deinit(tmphome);
-  su_home_deinit(tmphome);
-  if (error)
-    ;
-  else if (!nh->nh_soa && NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, media_enable)) {
-    /* Create soa when needed */
-    char const *soa_name = NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, soa_name);
+  if (status == 200) {
+    nua_handle_preferences_t const *nhp = nh->nh_prefs;
+    nua_handle_preferences_t const *dnhp = dnh->nh_prefs;
-    if (dnh->nh_soa)
-      nh->nh_soa = soa_clone(dnh->nh_soa, nua->nua_root, nh);
-    else  
-      nh->nh_soa = soa_create(soa_name, nua->nua_root, nh);
+    if (!nh->nh_soa && NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, media_enable)) {
+      /* Create soa when needed */
+      char const *soa_name = NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, soa_name);
-    ptags = nh->nh_ptags;
+      if (dnh->nh_soa)
+	nh->nh_soa = soa_clone(dnh->nh_soa, nua->nua_root, nh);
+      else  
+	nh->nh_soa = soa_create(soa_name, nua->nua_root, nh);
+      if (!nh->nh_soa)
+	status = 900, phrase = "Error Creating SOA Object";
+      else if (soa_set_params(nh->nh_soa, TAG_NEXT(nh->nh_ptags)) < 0)
+	status = 900, phrase = "Error Setting SOA Parameters";
+    }
+    else if (nh->nh_soa && !NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, media_enable)) {
+      /* ... destroy soa when not needed */
+      soa_destroy(nh->nh_soa), nh->nh_soa = NULL;
+    }
-    if (!nh->nh_soa)
-      error = 1, status = 900, phrase = "Error Creating SOA Object";
-  }
-  else if (nh->nh_soa && !NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, media_enable)) {
-    /* ... destroy soa when not needed */
-    soa_destroy(nh->nh_soa), nh->nh_soa = NULL;
+    if (status == 200 && tags && nh->nh_soa &&	
+	soa_set_params(nh->nh_soa, TAG_NEXT(tags)) < 0) 
+      status = 900, phrase = "Error Setting SOA Parameters";
-  if (!error && nh->nh_soa) {
-    if ((ptags && soa_set_params(nh->nh_soa, TAG_NEXT(ptags)) < 0) ||
-	(tags && soa_set_params(nh->nh_soa, TAG_NEXT(tags)) < 0))
-      error = 1, status = 900, phrase = "Error Setting SOA Parameters";
-  }
+  if (status == 200 && nh == dnh) {
+    /* Set stack-specific things below */
+    if (nua_stack_set_smime_params(nua, tags) < 0) {
+      status = 900, phrase = "Error setting S/MIME parameters";
+    }
+    else if (nua->nua_nta && nta_agent_set_params(nua->nua_nta, TAG_NEXT(tags)) < 0) {
+      status = 900, phrase = "Error setting NTA parameters";
+    }
+    else {
+      nua_stack_set_from(nua, 0, tags);
-  if (error || nh != dnh) {
-    ;
-  }
-  else if (nua_stack_set_smime_params(nua, tags) < 0) {
-    error = 1, status = 900, phrase = "Error setting S/MIME parameters";
-  }
-  else if (!nua->nua_nta) {
-  }
-  /* Set stack-specific things below */
-  else if (nta_agent_set_params(nua->nua_nta, TAG_NEXT(tags)) < 0) {
-    status = 900, phrase = "Error setting NTA parameters";
-    error = 1;
-  }
-  else {
-    nua_stack_set_from(nua, 0, tags);
-    if (NHP_ISSET(nhp, detect_network_updates))
-      nua_stack_launch_network_change_detector(nua);
+      if (nua->nua_prefs->ngp_detect_network_updates)
+	nua_stack_launch_network_change_detector(nua);
+    }
-  if (error) {
+  if (status != 200) {
     if (e == nua_i_none)
       SU_DEBUG_1(("nua_set_params(): failed: %s\n", phrase));
     return UA_EVENT2(e, status, phrase), -1;
-  if (e == nua_r_set_params)
-    UA_EVENT2(e, 200, "OK");
-  return 0;
+  else {
+    if (e == nua_r_set_params)
+      UA_EVENT2(e, status, phrase);
+    return 0;
+  }
-/** Parse parameters from tags to @a nhp.
+/** Parse parameters from tags to @a nhp or @a ngp.
  * @param home allocate new values from @a home
  * @param nhp  structure to store handle preferences
- * @param global  if true, save also global parameters
+ * @param ngp  structure to store global preferences
  * @param tags list of tags to parse
 static int nhp_set_tags(su_home_t *home, 
 			nua_handle_preferences_t *nhp,
-			int global,
+			nua_global_preferences_t *ngp,
 			tagi_t const *tags)
@@ -827,6 +807,10 @@
     else if (tag == nutag_substate) {
       NHP_SET(nhp, substate, (int)value);
+    /* NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES(sub_expires) */
+    else if (tag == nutag_sub_expires) {
+      NHP_SET(nhp, sub_expires, value);
+    }
     /* NUTAG_KEEPALIVE(keepalive) */
     else if (tag == nutag_keepalive) {
       NHP_SET(nhp, keepalive, (unsigned)value);
@@ -998,7 +982,7 @@
       NHP_SET_STR(nhp, outbound, value);
     /* NUTAG_DETECT_NETWORK_UPDATES(detect_network_updates) */
-    else if (global && tag == nutag_detect_network_updates) {
+    else if (ngp && tag == nutag_detect_network_updates) {
       int detector = (int)value;
       if (detector < NUA_NW_DETECT_NOTHING)
@@ -1006,7 +990,13 @@
       else if (detector > NUA_NW_DETECT_TRY_FULL)
 	detector = NUA_NW_DETECT_TRY_FULL;
-      NHP_SET(nhp, detect_network_updates, detector);
+      ngp->ngp_detect_network_updates = detector;
+      ngp->ngp_set.ngp_detect_network_updates = 1;
+    }
+    else if (ngp && tag == nutag_shutdown_events) {
+      ngp->ngp_shutdown_events = value != 0;
+      ngp->ngp_set.ngp_shutdown_events = 1;
@@ -1079,54 +1069,70 @@
   return 1;
-nua_handle_preferences_t *nhp_move_params(su_home_t *home,
-					  nua_handle_preferences_t *dst,
-					  su_home_t *tmphome,
-					  nua_handle_preferences_t const *src)
+/** Save parameters in @a gtmp and @a tmp.
+ */
+int nhp_save_params(nua_handle_t *nh,
+		    su_home_t *tmphome, 
+		    nua_global_preferences_t *gsrc,
+		    nua_handle_preferences_t *src)
-  /* Update prefs structure */
-  nua_handle_preferences_t tbf[1];
+  su_home_t *home = nh->nh_home;
+  nua_t *nua = nh->nh_nua;
+  nua_handle_t *dnh = nua->nua_dhandle;
+  nua_handle_preferences_t *dst = nh->nh_prefs, old[1];
+  if (gsrc) {
+    *nua->nua_prefs = *gsrc;	/* No pointers this far */
+  }
-  if (dst == NULL)
-    dst = su_zalloc(home, sizeof *dst);
-  if (dst == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (su_home_move(home, tmphome) < 0)
-    return NULL;
+  if (!NHP_IS_ANY_SET(src))
+    return 0;
-  *tbf = *dst;
+  if (nh == dnh || nh->nh_prefs != dnh->nh_prefs) {
+    dst = nh->nh_prefs, *old = *dst;
+    assert(dst);
+  }
+  else {
+    dst = su_zalloc(home, sizeof *dst), memset(old, 0, sizeof *old);
+    if (!dst)
+      return -1;
+  }
+  /* Move allocations from tmphome to home */
+  su_home_move(nh->nh_home, tmphome);
+  /* Copy parameters that are set from src to dst */
   nhp_or_set(dst, src);
   /* Handle pointer items. Free changed ones and zap unset ones. */
-#define NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, nhp, pref)				\
-  (((tbf)->nhp_set.nhb_##pref						\
-    && (tbf)->nhp_##pref != (nhp)->nhp_##pref				\
-    ? su_free(home, (void *)(tbf)->nhp_##pref) : (void)0),		\
-   (void)(!(nhp)->nhp_set.nhb_##pref ? (nhp)->nhp_##pref = NULL : NULL))
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, soa_name);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, registrar);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, supported);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, allow);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, user_agent);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, organization);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, instance);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, m_display);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, m_username);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, m_params);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, m_features);
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(tbf, dst, outbound);
-#define NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN_HDR(tbf, nhp, pref)				\
-  (((tbf)->nhp_set.nhb_##pref						\
-    && (tbf)->nhp_##pref != (nhp)->nhp_##pref				\
-    ? msg_header_free(home, (void *)(tbf)->nhp_##pref) : (void)0),		\
-   (void)(!(nhp)->nhp_set.nhb_##pref ? (nhp)->nhp_##pref = NULL : NULL))
-  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN_HDR(tbf, dst, initial_route);
+  /* Note that pointer items where !NHP_ISSET(old, pref) are not freed 
+     (because they were just on loan from the default preference set) */
+#define NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, free, pref)				\
+  (((NHP_ISSET(old, pref) &&						\
+     (old)->nhp_##pref && (old)->nhp_##pref != (dst)->nhp_##pref)	\
+    ? (free)(home, (void *)(old)->nhp_##pref) : (void)0),		\
+   (void)(!(dst)->nhp_set.nhb_##pref ? (dst)->nhp_##pref = NULL : NULL))
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, soa_name);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, registrar);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, msg_header_free, allow);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, msg_header_free, supported);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, msg_header_free, allow_events);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, user_agent);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, organization);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, m_display);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, m_username);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, m_params);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, m_features);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, instance);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, su_free, outbound);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, msg_header_free, appl_method);
+  NHP_ZAP_OVERRIDEN(old, dst, msg_header_free, initial_route);
-  return dst;
+  nh->nh_prefs = dst;
+  return 0;
 static int nua_handle_tags_filter(tagi_t const *f, tagi_t const *t);
@@ -1476,6 +1482,7 @@
  *   NUTAG_SOA_NAME() \n
  *   SIPTAG_ALLOW() \n
@@ -1516,6 +1523,7 @@
 			 tagi_t const *tags)
   nua_handle_t *dnh = nua->nua_dhandle;
+  nua_global_preferences_t const *ngp = nua->nua_prefs;
   nua_handle_preferences_t const *nhp = nh->nh_prefs;
   tagi_t *lst;
@@ -1541,8 +1549,6 @@
-  su_home_auto(tmphome, sizeof(tmphome));
@@ -1591,6 +1597,8 @@
 	     ? sip_##pref##_make(tmphome, (char *)nhp->nhp_##pref)	\
 	     : NULL))
+  su_home_auto(tmphome, sizeof(tmphome));
   lst = tl_filtered_tlist
     (tmphome, tags,
      TAG_IF(has_from, SIPTAG_FROM(from)),
@@ -1631,6 +1639,7 @@
      TIF(NUTAG_REFER_WITH_ID, refer_with_id),
      TIF(NUTAG_SUBSTATE, substate),
+     TIF(NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES, sub_expires),
      TIF(SIPTAG_SUPPORTED, supported),
@@ -1659,11 +1668,18 @@
      TIF(NUTAG_M_PARAMS, m_params),
      TIF(NUTAG_M_FEATURES, m_features),
      TIF(NUTAG_OUTBOUND, outbound),
-     TIF(NUTAG_DETECT_NETWORK_UPDATES, detect_network_updates),
      /* Skip user-agent-level parameters if parameters are for handle only */
      TAG_IF(nh != dnh, TAG_NEXT(media_params)),
+  /* Include tag in the list returned to user
+   * if it has been earlier set (by user) */
+#define GIF(TAG, pref) \
+     TAG_IF(ngp->ngp_set.ngp_##pref, TAG(ngp->ngp_##pref))
+     GIF(NUTAG_DETECT_NETWORK_UPDATES, detect_network_updates),
+     GIF(NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS, shutdown_events),

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.h
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.h	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_params.h	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
   /* Subscriber state, i.e. nua_substate_pending */
   unsigned         nhp_substate;
+  unsigned         nhp_sub_expires;
   /* REGISTER keepalive intervals */
   unsigned         nhp_keepalive, nhp_keepalive_stream;
@@ -127,9 +128,6 @@
   /** Outbound OPTIONS */
   char const         *nhp_outbound; 
-  /** Network detection: NONE, INFORMAL, TRY_FULL */
-  int                 nhp_detect_network_updates;
   sip_allow_t        *nhp_appl_method;
   /** Initial route set */
@@ -137,6 +135,12 @@
   union { struct {
     /* A bit for each feature set by application */
+    /* NOTE: 
+       Some compilers behave weird if there are bitfields
+       together with width > 32 
+       So there should be a padding field (unsigned:0;) 
+       every 32 bits. 
+    */
     unsigned nhb_retry_count:1;
     unsigned nhb_max_subscriptions:1;
@@ -166,13 +170,15 @@
     unsigned nhb_refer_with_id:1;
     unsigned nhb_refer_expires:1;
     unsigned nhb_substate:1;
+    unsigned nhb_sub_expires:1;
     unsigned nhb_keepalive:1;
     unsigned nhb_keepalive_stream:1;
     unsigned nhb_registrar:1;
     unsigned nhb_allow:1;
+    unsigned :0;		/* at most 32 bits before this point */
     unsigned nhb_supported:1;
-    unsigned :0;		/* at most 32 bits ... */
     unsigned nhb_allow_events:1;
     unsigned nhb_user_agent:1;
     unsigned nhb_organization:1;
@@ -183,7 +189,6 @@
     unsigned nhb_m_features:1;
     unsigned nhb_instance:1;
     unsigned nhb_outbound:1;
-    unsigned nhb_detect_network_updates:1;
     unsigned nhb_appl_method:1;
     unsigned nhb_initial_route:1;
     unsigned :0;
@@ -194,6 +199,26 @@
 #define nhp_set nhp_set_.set_bits
+/** Global preferences for nua. */
+typedef struct {
+  /** Network detection: NONE, INFORMAL, TRY_FULL */
+  signed int ngp_detect_network_updates:3;
+  /** Pass events during shutdown, too */
+  int ngp_shutdown_events:1;
+  unsigned :0;			/* pad */
+  union { struct {
+    /* A bit for each feature set by application */
+    unsigned ngp_detect_network_updates:1;
+    unsigned ngp_shutdown_events:1;
+    unsigned :0;
+  } set_bits; 
+    unsigned set_unsigned[2];
+  } ngp_set_;
+} nua_global_preferences_t;
+#define ngp_set ngp_set_.set_bits
 #define DNHP_GET(dnhp, pref) ((dnhp)->nhp_##pref)
 #define NHP_GET(nhp, dnhp, pref)					\

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
   if (nua_stack_set_from(nua, 1, nua->nua_args) < 0)
     return -1;
-  if (NHP_ISSET(dnh->nh_prefs, detect_network_updates))
+  if (nua->nua_prefs->ngp_detect_network_updates)
   nua_stack_timer(nua, nua->nua_timer, NULL);

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.h
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.h	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_stack.h	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -217,28 +217,31 @@
   su_clone_r   	       nua_clone;
   su_task_r            nua_client;
-  su_network_changed_t *nua_nw_changed;
   nua_callback_f       nua_callback;
   nua_magic_t         *nua_magic;
   nua_event_frame_t   *nua_current;
   nua_saved_event_t    nua_signal[1];
+  /**< Used by stop-and-wait args calls */
+  tagi_t const        *nua_args;
   /* Engine state flags */
+  sip_time_t           nua_shutdown;
   unsigned             nua_shutdown_started:1; /**< Shutdown initiated */
   unsigned             nua_shutdown_final:1; /**< Shutdown is complete */
   unsigned             nua_from_is_set;
   unsigned :0;
-  /**< Used by stop-and-wait args calls */
-  tagi_t const        *nua_args;
   /**< Local SIP address. Contents are kept around for ever. */
-  sip_from_t          nua_from[1];
+  sip_from_t           nua_from[1];
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Protocol (server) side */
+  su_network_changed_t *nua_nw_changed;
   nua_registration_t *nua_registrations; /**< Active registrations */
@@ -250,21 +253,8 @@
   nta_agent_t        *nua_nta;
   su_timer_t         *nua_timer;
-  void         	      *nua_sip_parser;
-  sip_time_t           nua_shutdown;
-  /* Route */
-  sip_service_route_t *nua_service_route;
   /* User-agent parameters */
-  unsigned             nua_media_enable:1;
-  unsigned     	       :0;
-#if HAVE_SMIME		/* Start NRC Boston */
-  sm_object_t          *sm;
-#endif                  /* End NRC Boston */
+  nua_global_preferences_t nua_prefs[1];
   nua_handle_t        *nua_handles;
   nua_handle_t       **nua_handles_tail;

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_tag.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_tag.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua_tag.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -227,21 +227,22 @@
  *                          SIPTAG_ALLOW_EVENTS_STR()
  * @par Specifications
  * - @RFC3265
  * @par SIP Event Subscriber
  * - nua_subscribe(), #nua_r_subscribe, #nua_i_notify, NUTAG_SUBSTATE(),
  * - nua_unsubscribe(), #nua_r_unsubscribe()
  * @par Specifications
  * - @RFC3265
  * @par SIP Event Notifier
  * - #nua_i_subscribe(), nua_notify(), #nua_r_notify,
  * Settings:
  *                          SIPTAG_ALLOW_EVENTS_STR()
@@ -267,6 +268,8 @@
  * Settings:
+ * @par Server Shutdown
+ * - nua_shutdown(), NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS(), nua_destroy().
 /* @par S/MIME
@@ -767,14 +770,14 @@
  * @par Used with
  * - with nua_create(), nua_set_params(), nua_get_params(),
- *    nua_handle(), nua_set_hparams(), nua_get_hparams(), and
- *    nua_notifier() to change the default subscription state returned by
- *    the intenal event server
+ *   nua_handle(), nua_set_hparams(), nua_get_hparams(), and
+ *   nua_notifier() to change the default subscription state returned by
+ *   the internal event server
  * - with nua_notify() and nua_respond() to SUBSCRIBE to determine the
- *    subscription state (if application include @SubscriptionState
- *    header in the tag list, the NUTAG_SUBSTATE() value is ignored)
+ *   subscription state (if application include @SubscriptionState
+ *   header in the tag list, the NUTAG_SUBSTATE() value is ignored)
  * - with #nua_r_subscribe, #nua_i_notify, #nua_i_subscribe, and #nua_r_notify
- *    to indicate the current subscription state
+ *   to indicate the current subscription state
  * @par Parameter type
  *    int
@@ -806,6 +809,39 @@
+ *
+ * Default expiration time of subscriptions.
+ *
+ * @par Used with
+ * - with nua_create(), nua_set_params(), nua_get_params(), nua_handle(),
+ *   nua_set_hparams(), nua_get_hparams(), nua_respond(), nua_notify(), and
+ *   nua_notifier() to change the default expiration time of subscriptions
+ *
+ * @par Parameter type
+ *    unsigned int
+ *
+ * @par Values
+ *   - default expiration time in seconds
+ *
+ * Note that the expires parameter in @SubscriptionState or @Expires header
+ * in the nua_response() to the SUBSCRIBE overrides the default subscription
+ * expiration specified by NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES().
+ *
+ * @sa @RFC3265, NUTAG_REFER_EXPIRES(), @Expires, SIPTAG_EXPIRES(),
+ * SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR(), @SubscriptionState, nua_respond(), nua_notifier(),
+ * #nua_r_subscribe, #nua_i_subscribe, #nua_r_refer, #nua_r_notify,
+ * #nua_i_notify.
+ *
+ * Corresponding tag taking reference parameter is NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES_REF().
+ */
+tag_typedef_t nutag_sub_expires = UINTTAG_TYPEDEF(substate);
+ * Reference tag for NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES().
+ */
 /**@def NUTAG_NEWSUB()
  * Send unsolicited NOTIFY request.
@@ -1075,17 +1111,17 @@
  * REFER.
  * @par Used with
- *    nua_set_params() \n
- *    nua_get_params() \n
- *    nua_set_hparams() \n
- *    nua_get_hparams() \n
+ *    nua_handle(), nua_respond() \n
+ *    nua_set_params() or nua_set_hparams() \n
+ *    nua_get_params() or nua_get_hparams()
  * @par Parameter type
  *    unsigned int
  * @par Values
- *    @c 0  disable \n
- *    @c >0 interval in seconds
+ *    - default interval in seconds
+ *
  * Corresponding tag taking reference parameter is NUTAG_REFER_EXPIRES_REF().
@@ -1570,6 +1606,9 @@
  * NUTAG_INITIAL_ROUTE_STR() tags, the route set is constructed from them
  * all.
+ * The initial route is inserted into request message before the route
+ * entries set with SIPTAG_ROUTE() or SIPTAG_ROUTE_STR().
+ *
  * @par Used with
  *    nua_set_params() \n
  *    nua_set_hparams() \n
@@ -2736,6 +2775,39 @@
  * Reference tag for NUTAG_SIP_PARSER().
+ *
+ * Allow passing of normal events when stack is being shut down.
+ *
+ * By default, only #nua_r_shutdown events are passed to application after
+ * calling nua_shutdown(). If application is interested in nua events during
+ * shutdown, it should give NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS(1) to nua_create() or
+ * nua_set_params() called before nua_shutdown().
+ *
+ * @par Used with
+ *    nua_create(), nua_set_params().
+ *
+ * @par Parameter type
+ *    int (boolean)
+ *
+ * @par Values
+ *    @c 0   False \n
+ *    @c !=0 True
+ *
+ * Corresponding tag taking reference parameter is NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS_REF().
+ *
+ * @sa nua_shutdown(), nua_destroy().
+ * 
+ * @NEW_1_12_9.
+ */
+tag_typedef_t nutag_shutdown_events = BOOLTAG_TYPEDEF(shutdown_events);
+ * Reference tag for NUTAG_SHUTDOWN_EVENTS().
+ */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 tag_typedef_t nutag_soa_session = PTRTAG_TYPEDEF(soa_session);

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/sofia-sip/nua_tag.h
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/sofia-sip/nua_tag.h	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/sofia-sip/nua_tag.h	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -497,6 +497,11 @@
 /** Convert string to enum nua_substate. @NEW_1_12_5. */
 SOFIAPUBFUN enum nua_substate nua_substate_make(char const *sip_substate);
+#define NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES(x) nutag_sub_expires, tag_uint_v(x)
+SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_sub_expires;
+#define NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES_REF(x) nutag_sub_expires_ref, tag_uint_vr(&(x))
+SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_sub_expires_ref;
 #define NUTAG_NEWSUB(x)   nutag_newsub, tag_bool_v(x)
 SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_newsub;
 #define NUTAG_NEWSUB_REF(x) nutag_newsub_ref, tag_bool_vr(&(x))
@@ -569,6 +574,13 @@
           nutag_detect_network_updates_ref, tag_int_vr(&(x))
 SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_detect_network_updates_ref;
+  nutag_shutdown_events, tag_bool_v(x)
+SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_shutdown_events;
+  nutag_shutdown_events_ref, tag_bool_vr(&(x))
+SOFIAPUBVAR tag_typedef_t nutag_shutdown_events_ref;
 /* Pass nua handle as tagged argument */
 su_inline tag_value_t nutag_handle_v(nua_handle_t *v) { return (tag_value_t)v; }

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_nua_params.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_nua_params.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_nua_params.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@
@@ -284,6 +285,7 @@
     int auth_cache = -1;
     unsigned refer_expires = (unsigned)-1;
     int refer_with_id = -1;
+    unsigned sub_expires = (unsigned)-1;
     int substate = -1;
     sip_allow_t const *allow = NONE;
@@ -352,6 +354,7 @@
+		NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES_REF(sub_expires),
@@ -382,7 +385,7 @@
-    TEST(n, 50);
+    TEST(n, 51);
     TEST_S(sip_header_as_string(tmphome, (void *)from), Alice);
     TEST_S(from_str, Alice);
@@ -416,6 +419,7 @@
     TEST(refer_expires, 333);
     TEST(refer_with_id, 0);
     TEST(substate, nua_substate_pending);
+    TEST(sub_expires, 3700);
     TEST_S(sip_header_as_string(tmphome, (void *)allow), "OPTIONS, INFO, ACK");
     TEST_S(allow_str, "OPTIONS, INFO, ACK");
@@ -492,6 +496,7 @@
     unsigned refer_expires = (unsigned)-1;
     int refer_with_id = -1;
     int substate = -1;
+    unsigned sub_expires = (unsigned)-1;
     sip_allow_t const *allow = NONE;
     char const   *allow_str = "NONE";
@@ -552,6 +557,7 @@
+	       	NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES_REF(sub_expires),
@@ -607,6 +613,7 @@
     TEST(refer_expires, (unsigned)-1);
     TEST(refer_with_id, -1);
     TEST(substate, -1);
+    TEST(sub_expires, -1);
     TEST_P(allow, NONE);
     TEST_S(allow_str, "NONE");

Modified: freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_simple.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_simple.c	(original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/test_simple.c	Wed Feb 27 16:57:19 2008
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
 extern int accept_request(CONDITION_PARAMS);
+int save_until_nth_final_response(CONDITION_PARAMS);
+int accept_n_notifys(CONDITION_PARAMS);
 int test_message(struct context *ctx)
@@ -564,6 +567,47 @@
+int accept_and_notify_twice(CONDITION_PARAMS)
+  msg_t *with = nua_current_request(nua);
+  if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)))
+    return 0;
+  save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call);
+  switch (event) {
+  case nua_i_subscribe:
+    if (status < 200) {
+      NOTIFY(ep, call, nh, 
+	     SIPTAG_EVENT(sip->sip_event),
+	     SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/pidf+xml"),
+	     SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(presence_closed),
+	     NUTAG_SUBSTATE(nua_substate_pending),
+	     TAG_END());
+      NOTIFY(ep, call, nh,
+	     SIPTAG_EVENT(sip->sip_event),
+	     SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/pidf+xml"),
+	     SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(presence_open),
+	     NUTAG_SUBSTATE(nua_substate_active),
+	     TAG_END());
+      RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_202_ACCEPTED,
+	      NUTAG_WITH(with),
+	      SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR("360"),
+	      TAG_END());
+    }
+    return 0;
+  case nua_r_notify:
+    return status >= 200 &&
+      tl_find(tags, nutag_substate)->t_value == nua_substate_active;
+  default:
+    return 0;
+  }
 int accept_and_notify(CONDITION_PARAMS)
   msg_t *with = nua_current_request(nua);
@@ -580,12 +624,14 @@
       NOTIFY(ep, call, nh, 
     return 0;
@@ -597,6 +643,31 @@
+int save_and_notify(CONDITION_PARAMS)
+  if (!(check_handle(ep, call, nh, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)))
+    return 0;
+  save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call);
+  switch (event) {
+  case nua_i_subscribe:
+    NOTIFY(ep, call, nh, 
+	   SIPTAG_EVENT(sip->sip_event),
+	   SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/pidf+xml"),
+	   SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR(presence_closed),
+	   NUTAG_SUBSTATE(nua_substate_active),
+	   TAG_END());
+    return 0;
+  case nua_r_notify:
+    return status >= 200;
+  default:
+    return 0;
+  }
 extern int save_until_notified_and_responded(CONDITION_PARAMS);
 extern int save_until_notified(CONDITION_PARAMS);
@@ -606,7 +677,7 @@
   struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a,  *b = &ctx->b;
   struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call;
-  struct event *e;
+  struct event *e, *en1, *en2, *es;
   sip_t const *sip;
   tagi_t const *n_tags, *r_tags;
@@ -620,44 +691,47 @@
   SUBSCRIBE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	    SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR("333"),
 	    SIPTAG_ACCEPT_STR("application/xpidf, application/pidf+xml"),
   run_ab_until(ctx, -1, save_until_notified_and_responded,
-	       -1, accept_and_notify);
+	       -1, accept_and_notify_twice);
   /* Client events:
-     nua_subscribe(), nua_i_notify/nua_r_subscribe
+     nua_subscribe(), nua_i_notify/nua_r_subscribe/nua_i_notify
-  TEST_1(e = a->events->head);
-  if (e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify) {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
-    TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
-    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
-  }
-  else {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
-    TEST(e->data->e_status, 202);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_embryonic);
-    TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
-    TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
-    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  for (en1 = en2 = es = NULL, e = a->events->head; e; e = e->next) {
+    if (en1 == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify)
+      en1 = e;
+    else if (en2 == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify)
+      en2 = e;
+    else if (e->data->e_event == nua_r_subscribe)
+      es = e;
+    else
+      TEST_1(!e);
+  TEST_1(e = en1);
+  TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
   TEST_1(sip->sip_event); TEST_S(sip->sip_event->o_type, "presence");
   TEST_S(sip->sip_content_type->c_type, "application/pidf+xml");
   TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "pending");
-  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
-  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
-  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  TEST_1(e = es); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
+  TEST_1(e->data->e_status == 202 || e->data->e_status == 200);
+  TEST_1(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires);
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires->ex_delta <= 333);
   free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
   /* Server events: nua_i_subscribe, nua_r_notify */
@@ -731,6 +805,80 @@
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+   A			B
+   |                    |
+   |<------NOTIFY-------|
+   |-------200 OK------>|
+   |                    |
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.3: re-SUBSCRIBE\n");
+  /* Set default expiration time */
+  nua_set_hparams(b_call->nh, NUTAG_SUB_EXPIRES(365), TAG_END());
+  run_b_until(ctx, nua_r_set_params, until_final_response);
+  SUBSCRIBE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	    SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("presence"),
+	    SIPTAG_EXPIRES_STR("3600"),
+	    SIPTAG_ACCEPT_STR("application/xpidf, application/pidf+xml"),
+	    TAG_END());
+  run_ab_until(ctx, -1, save_until_notified_and_responded,
+	       -1, save_until_final_response);
+  /* Client events:
+     nua_subscribe(), nua_i_notify/nua_r_subscribe
+  */
+  for (en1 = en2 = es = NULL, e = a->events->head; e; e = e->next) {
+    if (en1 == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify)
+      en1 = e;
+    else if (e->data->e_event == nua_r_subscribe)
+      es = e;
+    else
+      TEST_1(!e);
+  }
+  TEST_1(e = en1);
+  TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_event); TEST_S(sip->sip_event->o_type, "presence");
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_content_type);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_content_type->c_type, "application/pidf+xml");
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_expires);
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = es); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
+  TEST_1(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(e->data->e_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires);
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires->ex_delta <= 365);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
+  /* Server events: nua_i_subscribe, nua_r_notify */
+  TEST_1(e = b->events->head);
+  TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_subscribe);
+  TEST_E(e->data->e_status, 100);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events);
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.3: PASSED\n");
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    A			B
@@ -742,7 +890,7 @@
    |                    |
   if (print_headings)
-    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.3: un-SUBSCRIBE\n");
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.4: un-SUBSCRIBE\n");
   UNSUBSCRIBE(a, a_call, a_call->nh, TAG_END());
@@ -752,31 +900,35 @@
   /* Client events:
      nua_unsubscribe(), nua_i_notify/nua_r_unsubscribe
-  TEST_1(e = a->events->head);
-  if (e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify) {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
-    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  for (en1 = en2 = es = NULL, e = a->events->head; e; e = e->next) {
+    if (en1 == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify)
+      en1 = e;
+    else if (e->data->e_event == nua_r_unsubscribe)
+      es = e;
+    else
+      TEST_1(!e);
+  }
+  if (en1) {
+    TEST_1(e = en1); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
     TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
     TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "terminated");
+    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
     TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
     TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
-    TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_unsubscribe);
-    TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
-  }
-  else {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_unsubscribe);
-    TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
-  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  TEST_1(e = es); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_unsubscribe);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires);
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_expires->ex_delta == 0);
   free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
   /* Notifier events: nua_r_notify */
@@ -799,7 +951,7 @@
   nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL;
   if (print_headings)
-    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.3: PASSED\n");
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.4.4: PASSED\n");
   if (print_headings)
     printf("TEST NUA-11.4: PASSED\n");
@@ -825,7 +977,7 @@
   struct endpoint *a = &ctx->a,  *b = &ctx->b;
   struct call *a_call = a->call, *b_call = b->call;
-  struct event *e;
+  struct event *e, *en1, *en2, *es;
   sip_t const *sip;
   tagi_t const *n_tags, *r_tags;
   struct nat_filter *f;
@@ -846,35 +998,33 @@
   /* Client events:
      nua_subscribe(), nua_i_notify/nua_r_subscribe
-  TEST_1(e = a->events->head);
-  if (e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify) {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
-    TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
-    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
-  }
-  else {
-    TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
-    TEST(e->data->e_status, 202);
-    r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
-    TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
-    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_embryonic);
-    TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
-    TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
-    n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  for (en1 = en2 = es = NULL, e = a->events->head; e; e = e->next) {
+    if (en1 == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_i_notify)
+      en1 = e;
+    else if (es == NULL && e->data->e_event == nua_r_subscribe)
+      es = e;
+    else
+      TEST_1(!e);
+  TEST_1(e = en1); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
   TEST_1(sip->sip_event); TEST_S(sip->sip_event->o_type, "presence");
   TEST_S(sip->sip_content_type->c_type, "application/pidf+xml");
   TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "pending");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
   TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
   TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
-  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  TEST_1(e = es); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_subscribe);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  if (es == a->events->head)
+    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_embryonic);
+  else
+    TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_pending);
   free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
   /* Server events: nua_i_subscribe, nua_r_notify */
@@ -1011,7 +1161,6 @@
   return ep->flags.bit0 && ep->flags.bit1;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Unsolicited NOTIFY */
@@ -1028,6 +1177,8 @@
   sip_call_id_t *i;
   tagi_t const *n_tags, *r_tags;
+#if 0
   if (print_headings)
     printf("TEST NUA-11.7.1: rejecting NOTIFY without subscription locally\n");
@@ -1161,6 +1312,298 @@
   nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL;
   nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL;
+  (void)i;
+  nua_set_params(b->nua, NUTAG_APPL_METHOD("NOTIFY"), TAG_END());
+  run_b_until(ctx, nua_r_set_params, until_final_response);
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.4: multiple unsolicited NOTIFYs\n");
+  TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END()));
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBJECT_STR("NUA-11.7.4aa"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: no"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=333"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: no"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=3000"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: yes"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: yes"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  a->state.n = 4;
+  b->state.n = 4;
+  run_ab_until(ctx, -1, save_until_nth_final_response, 
+	       -1, accept_n_notifys);
+  /* Notifier events: nua_r_notify nua_r_notify */
+  TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  /* subscriber events:
+     nua_i_notify
+  */
+  TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "terminated");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "terminated");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events);
+  nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL;
+  nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL;
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.4: PASSED\n");
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.5: multiple unsolicited NOTIFYs\n");
+  TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END()));
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=333"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: no"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=3000"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: yes"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: yes"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  a->state.n = 3;
+  b->state.n = 3;
+  run_ab_until(ctx, -1, save_until_nth_final_response, 
+	       -1, accept_n_notifys);
+  /* Notifier events: nua_r_notify nua_r_notify */
+  TEST_1(e = a->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_r_notify);
+  TEST(e->data->e_status, 200);
+  r_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(r_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  /* subscriber events:
+     nua_i_notify
+  */
+  TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "terminated");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, a->events);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events);
+  nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL;
+  nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL;
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.5: PASSED\n");
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if 0
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.6: unsolicited NOTIFY handle destroyed\n");
+  TEST_1(a_call->nh = nua_handle(a->nua, a_call, SIPTAG_TO(b->to), TAG_END()));
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=333"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: no"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  NOTIFY(a, a_call, a_call->nh,
+	 NUTAG_URL(b->contact->m_url),
+	 SIPTAG_SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_STR("active; expires=3000"),
+	 SIPTAG_EVENT_STR("message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR("application/simple-message-summary"),
+	 SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR("Messages-Waiting: yes"),
+	 TAG_END());
+  nua_handle_destroy(a_call->nh), a_call->nh = NULL;
+  a->state.n = 3;
+  b->state.n = 3;
+  run_b_until(ctx, -1, accept_n_notifys);
+  /* subscriber events:
+     nua_i_notify
+  */
+  TEST_1(e = b->events->head); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "active");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_active);
+  TEST_1(e = e->next); TEST_E(e->data->e_event, nua_i_notify);
+  TEST_1(sip = sip_object(e->data->e_msg));
+  TEST_1(sip->sip_subscription_state);
+  TEST_S(sip->sip_subscription_state->ss_substate, "terminated");
+  n_tags = e->data->e_tags;
+  TEST_1(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate));
+  TEST(tl_find(n_tags, nutag_substate)->t_value, nua_substate_terminated);
+  TEST_1(!e->next);
+  free_events_in_list(ctx, b->events);
+  if (print_headings)
+    printf("TEST NUA-11.7.6: PASSED\n");
+  nua_handle_destroy(b_call->nh), b_call->nh = NULL;
   if (print_headings)
     printf("TEST NUA-11.7: PASSED\n");
@@ -1183,6 +1626,50 @@
   return event == nua_i_notify;
+int save_until_nth_final_response(CONDITION_PARAMS)
+  save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call);
+  if (nua_r_set_params <= event && event < nua_i_network_changed
+      && status >= 200) {
+    if (ep->state.n > 0) 
+      ep->state.n--;
+    return ep->state.n == 0;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int accept_n_notifys(CONDITION_PARAMS)
+  tagi_t const *substate = tl_find(tags, nutag_substate);
+  if (event == nua_i_notify && status < 200)
+    RESPOND(ep, call, nh, SIP_200_OK, 
+	    NUTAG_WITH_THIS(ep->nua),
+	    TAG_END());
+  save_event_in_list(ctx, event, ep, call);
+  if (event != nua_i_notify)
+    return 0;
+  if (ep->state.n > 0) 
+    ep->state.n--;
+  if (ep->state.n == 0) 
+    return 1;
+  if (substate && substate->t_value == nua_substate_terminated) {
+    if (call && call->nh == nh) {
+      call->nh = NULL;
+      nua_handle_destroy(nh);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
 /* ======================================================================== */
 int save_until_subscription_terminated(CONDITION_PARAMS);
@@ -1336,8 +1823,8 @@
 int test_simple(struct context *ctx)
-  return
-    test_message(ctx)
+  return 0
+    || test_message(ctx)
     || test_publish(ctx)
     || test_subscribe_notify(ctx)
     || test_subscribe_notify_graceful(ctx)

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