[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r5687 - freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter

Freeswitch SVN trixter at freeswitch.org
Fri Sep 7 05:34:27 EDT 2007

Author: trixter
Date: Fri Sep  7 05:34:27 2007
New Revision: 5687


DISA app

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter/disa.js
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter/disa.js	Fri Sep  7 05:34:27 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+//  -*- mode:c; tab-width:4; c-basic-offset:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil;  -*-
+// DISA (Direct Inward System Access) script
+// basically it provides a dialtone for callers, who can then call out
+// on presumably a cheaper rate plan, in addition providing a unified
+// caller id presence for return calls
+// Written by Bret McDanel <trixter AT 0xdecafbad.com>
+// Additions/Updates by
+// This file is licensed under the Trixter General License (TGL) v 1.0
+// You may use this program however you want, so long as you follow the
+// below terms:
+// 1. You may not make this program GNU Public Licensed (GPL)
+// 2. Copyright notices must remain intact
+// 3. You acknowledge this program is useful for nothing, and that if you
+//    do use it in any way any authors, contributing or original are not
+//    held liable for any losses or damage that results from using it
+// 4. Terms 1 and 2 may not be altered and must be distributed in future copies
+// 5. At your option you may remove condition 3 providing that you assume responsibility
+//    from that point on
+var pinmax    = 10;   // maximum length of a pin - 0 disables pins
+var pinwait   = 5000; // ms to wait for pin entry
+var pinterm   = "#";  // terminator char for pin entry - cant be part of the pin number
+var pinmaxtry = 3;    // maximum number of times to ask for a pin before giving up
+var nummaxlen = 11;   // maximum length of a dialed numner
+var numterm   = "#";  // terminator for destination number
+var numwait   = 5000; // ms for them to enter the destination number
+var dialprefix = "sofia/default/"; // prefix for outbound calls
+var timeout    = 60;               // outbound calling timeout in seconds
+var CLID_name = "The Omega Corporation"; // will use inbound caller's info if commented
+                                         // if you dont know who this is, watch more
+                                         // monty python
+var CLID_num  = "18005551212";           // will use inbound caller's info if commented
+// Sound files that are required - if they are commented they will be skipped
+var snd_prefix      = "/sounds";         // sound directory prefix
+var snd_getpin      = "get-pin.raw";     // prompt asking for their pin number
+                                         // cannot be commented - disable by seeing pinmax=0
+var snd_blacklisted = "blacklisted.raw"; // inform them to go away
+var snd_pinfail     = "bad-pin.raw";     // sound file to play when they enter a bad pin
+var snd_pinbye      = "goodbye.raw";     // when they exhausted pin attempts and didnt auth
+var snd_getdest     = "enternum.raw";    // "enter the telephone number you wish to call"
+// this is the regexps of caller id information that is blacklisted
+// dont forget that Javascript/ECMAScript requires you to escape \ so use \\
+// in regexps
+blacklisted = new Array (new RegExp("^1900\\d{7}$"), // US/CA premium numbers
+                         new RegExp("^1710\\d{7}$")  // US Government DARPA network
+                         );
+// this is the regexps of automatically authenticated callers
+whitelisted = new Array (new RegExp("^1337$") // they are elite!
+                         );
+// Array of PINs for access, in this case an account number would amount to a
+// 'secondary pin' although most likely more well known.  This information could
+// be obtained from a DB or HTTP resource instead, but in a simple example that is
+// overkill - fetchURLHash for example returns an array so it makes it easy to replace
+pins = new Array ("1234", // Alice
+                  "5678"  // Bob
+                  );
+// This function matches session.caller_id_num against an array of RegExps that is passed
+// and returns a boolean determining if there was a match, useful for whitelist/blacklisting
+function CIDMatch(regexps)
+    if(typeof regexps != "undefined") {
+        for (var i=0; i<regexps.length; i++) {
+            if(arrMatch = regexps[i].exec(session.caller_id_number)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+// this function strips a listed character out of a string
+function removeChr(str,chr)
+    var newStr = "";
+    for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {
+        if(str.substr(i,1) != chr) { newStr += str.substr(i,1); }
+    }
+    return newStr;
+// this is the dtmf callback function - in a nice generic way
+function main_cb(type,digits,args)
+    if(type == "dtmf") {
+        if(digits!='false') { return digits; }
+        return false; // stop playback if any
+    }
+if(CIDMatch(blacklisted)) {
+    if(typeof snd_blacklisted != "undefined") {
+        session.streamFile(snd_blacklsited);
+    }
+    console_log(session.caller_id_num + " is blacklisted\n");
+    exit();
+if(!CIDMatch(whitelisted)) {
+    // Get a pin number
+    if(pinmax > 0) {
+        var isAuthed=false;
+        for(var curpintry=0; isAuthed == false && curpintry < pinmaxtry; curpintry++) {
+            session.flushDigits(); // clear out input buffers
+            if((pin=session.streamFile(snd_getpin,main_cb,""))==false) {
+                pin=session.getDigits(pinmax,pinterm,pinwait);
+            } else {
+                pin+=session.getDigits(pinmax-1,pinterm,pinwait);
+            }
+            pin = removeChr(pin,pinterm); // make sure the didnt enter it during the prompt
+            if(pin != "" && pin != "false") {
+                for (var i=0;i<pins.length && isAuthed==false;i++) {
+                    if(pins[i] == pin) {
+                        console_log("checking pin against " + pins[i] + "\n");
+                        isAuthed=true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(isAuthed == false) {
+                if(typeof snd_pinfail != "undefined") {
+                    session.streamFile(snd_pinfail);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(isAuthed == false) {
+            if(typeof snd_pinbye != "undefined") {
+                session.streamFile(snd_pinbye);
+            }
+            console_log(session.caller_id_num + " failed to authenticate\n");
+            exit();
+        }
+    }
+// there should probably be better error checking here
+// if the number doesnt work ask to get a new one
+// if the rmeote party hangs up possibly allow the caller to call someone else
+// but I got bored with this and decided it was good enough for now
+// Get destination number
+if((destnum=session.streamFile(snd_getdest,main_cb,""))==false) {
+    destnum=session.getDigits(nummaxlen,numterm,numwait);
+} else {
+    destnum+=session.getDigits(nummaxlen-1,numterm,numwait);
+destnum = removeChr(destnum,numterm);
+if(destnum.length>0) {
+    if(typeof CLID_name != "undefined") {
+        session.setVariable("effective_caller_id_name",CLID_name);
+    }
+    if(typeof CLID_num != "undefined") {
+        session.setVariable("effective_caller_id_num",CLID_num);
+    }
+    session.originate("",dialprefix+destnum,timeout);

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