[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r5828 - freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy
Freeswitch SVN
greenlizard at freeswitch.org
Sun Oct 7 12:47:11 EDT 2007
Author: greenlizard
Date: Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
New Revision: 5828
event_socket connection lib for twisted python apps
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/INSTALL
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/INSTALL Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- Add /path/to/freeswitch/scripts/socket to your PYTHONPATH
+- Copy/Paste the code from test1() in fshelper.py to your own test module
+- Adapt code as needed and run
\ No newline at end of file
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/README
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/README Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Socket library to interface w/ freeswitch mod_event_socket from Twisted python applications.
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/__init__.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Version: MPL 1.1
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden at branchcut.com>
+import sys
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
+from twisted.python import failure
+import time, re
+from time import strftime
+from Queue import Queue
+from freepy import request
+freepy library -- connect to freeswitch mod_socket_event via python/twisted
+All commands currently use api instead of bgapi. For the networking model
+used (twisted), this seems to work well and is simpler.
+class FreepyDispatcher(LineReceiver):
+ def __init__(self, conncb, discocb=None):
+ self.delimiter='\n' # parent class uses this
+ self.conncb=conncb
+ self.discocb=discocb
+ self.requestq = Queue() # queue of pending requests
+ self.active_request = None # the current active (de-queued) request
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.conncb(self)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ if self.discocb:
+ self.discocb(reason)
+ print "connectionLost: %s" % reason
+ def login(self, passwd):
+ """
+ send login request
+ """
+ msg = "auth %s" % passwd
+ req = request.LoginRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confdialout(self, conf_name, sofia_url, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ Instruct conference to join a particular user via dialout
+ @param conf_name - the name of the conference (arbitrary)
+ @param party2dial - a freeswitch sofia url, eg, sofia/mydomain.com/foo at bar.com
+ @return - a deferred that will be called back with a string like:
+ Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: 4d410a8e-2409-11dc-99bf-a5e17fab9c65
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s dial %s" % (conf_name,
+ sofia_url)
+ req = request.BgDialoutRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s dial %s" % (conf_name,
+ sofia_url)
+ req = request.DialoutRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def originate(self, party2dial, dest_ext_app, bgapi=True):
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi originate %s %s" % (party2dial,
+ dest_ext_app)
+ req = request.BgDialoutRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api originate %s %s" % (party2dial,
+ dest_ext_app)
+ req = request.DialoutRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def listconf(self, conf_name):
+ """
+ List users in a conf
+ @param conf_name - the name of the conference (arbitrary)
+ @return - a deferred that will be called back with an array
+ of models.ConfMember instances
+ """
+ msg = "api conference %s list" % (conf_name)
+ req = request.ListConfRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confkick(self, member_id, conf_name, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Kick member_id from conf
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7"
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s kick %s" % (conf_name, member_id)
+ req = request.BgConfKickRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s kick %s" % (conf_name, member_id)
+ req = request.ConfKickRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confdtmf(self, member_id, conf_name, dtmf, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Send dtmf to member_id or to all members
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7"
+ dtmf - a single dtmf or a string of dtms, eg "1" or "123"
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ print "confdtmf called"
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s dtmf %s %s" % \
+ (conf_name, member_id, dtmf)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s dtmf %s %s" % \
+ (conf_name, member_id, dtmf)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confsay(self, conf_name, text2speak, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Speak text all members
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ dtmf - text to speak
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s say %s" % \
+ (conf_name, text2speak)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s say %s" % \
+ (conf_name, text2speak)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confplay(self, conf_name, snd_url, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Play a file to all members
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ dtmf - text to speak
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s play %s" % \
+ (conf_name, snd_url)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s play %s" % \
+ (conf_name, snd_url)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def confstop(self, conf_name, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Stop playback of all sound files
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi conference %s stop" % \
+ (conf_name)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api conference %s stop" % \
+ (conf_name)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def showchannels(self, bgapi=False):
+ """
+ Get a list of all live channels on switch
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ <result row_count="2">
+ <row row_id="1">
+ <uuid>21524b8c-6d19-11dc-9380-357de4a7a612</uuid>
+ <created>2007-09-27 11:46:01</created>
+ <name>sofia/test/4761</name>
+ <state>CS_LOOPBACK</state>
+ <cid_name>FreeSWITCH</cid_name>
+ <cid_num>0000000000</cid_num>
+ <ip_addr></ip_addr>
+ <dest>outgoing2endpoint-6207463</dest>
+ <application>echo</application>
+ <application_data></application_data>
+ <read_codec>PCMU</read_codec>
+ <read_rate>8000</read_rate>
+ <write_codec>PCMU</write_codec>
+ <write_rate>8000</write_rate>
+ </row>
+ ...
+ </result>
+ """
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi show channels as xml"
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api show channels as xml"
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def sofia_status_profile(self, profile_name, bgapi=False):
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi sofia status profile %s as xml" % (profile_name)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api sofia status profile %s as xml" % (profile_name)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def sofia_profile_restart(self, sofia_profile_name, bgapi = False):
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi sofia profile %s restart" % \
+ (sofia_profile_name)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api sofia profile %s restart" % \
+ (sofia_profile_name)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def killchan(self, uuid, bgapi = False):
+ if bgapi == True:
+ msg = "bgapi killchan %s" % (uuid)
+ req = request.BgApiRequest()
+ else:
+ msg = "api killchan %s" % (uuid)
+ req = request.ApiRequest()
+ self.requestq.put(req)
+ print "sending to fs: %s" % msg
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ if not self.active_request:
+ # if no active request, dequeue a new one
+ if self.requestq.empty():
+ # we are receiving data from fs without an
+ # active request pending. that means that
+ # there is a bug in the protocol handler
+ # (or possibly in fs)
+ raise Exception("Received line: %s w/ no pending requests" % line)
+ self.active_request = self.requestq.get()
+ # tell the request to process the line, and tell us
+ # if its finished or not. if its finished, we remove it
+ # as the active request so that a new active request will
+ # be de-queued.
+ finished = self.active_request.process(line)
+ if finished == True:
+ self.active_request = None
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/apirequest.sm
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/apirequest.sm Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+%start MainMap::Startup
+%class ApiRequest
+%map MainMap
+ ApiResponse
+ ApiResponseStarted
+ {
+ }
+ ContentLength
+ ContentPreStarted
+ {
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ ContentStarted
+ {
+ }
+ ProcessLine(line)
+ [ctxt.add_content(line) == True]
+ Startup
+ {
+ setRequestFinished(); callbackDeferred(ctxt.getResponse());
+ }
+ ProcessLine(line)
+ nil
+ {
+ // for some reason, have to add doNothing() here or
+ // importing smc will fail. looks like smc bug.
+ doNothing();
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ContentFinished
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ContentLength
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ApiResponse
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ProcessLine(line)
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/apirequest_sm.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/apirequest_sm.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+import statemap
+class ApiRequestState(statemap.State):
+ def Entry(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def Exit(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def ApiResponse(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ContentFinished(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ContentLength(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def Default(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write('TRANSITION : Default\n')
+ msg = "\n\tState: %s\n\tTransition: %s" % (
+ fsm.getState().getName(), fsm.getTransition())
+ raise TransitionUndefinedException, msg
+class MainMap_Default(ApiRequestState):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.BlankLine()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ContentFinished(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ContentFinished()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ContentLength(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ContentLength()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ApiResponse(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ApiResponse()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ProcessLine(line)\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+class MainMap_Startup(MainMap_Default):
+ def ApiResponse(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Startup.ApiResponse()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.ApiResponseStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_ApiResponseStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def ContentLength(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.ApiResponseStarted.ContentLength()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.ContentPreStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_ContentPreStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.ContentPreStarted.BlankLine()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.ContentStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_ContentStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.ContentStarted.ProcessLine(line)\n")
+ if ctxt.add_content(line) == True :
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.callbackDeferred(ctxt.getResponse())
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+ else:
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.doNothing()
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+class MainMap:
+ Startup = MainMap_Startup('MainMap.Startup', 0)
+ ApiResponseStarted = MainMap_ApiResponseStarted('MainMap.ApiResponseStarted', 1)
+ ContentPreStarted = MainMap_ContentPreStarted('MainMap.ContentPreStarted', 2)
+ ContentStarted = MainMap_ContentStarted('MainMap.ContentStarted', 3)
+ Default = MainMap_Default('MainMap.Default', -1)
+class ApiRequest_sm(statemap.FSMContext):
+ def __init__(self, owner):
+ statemap.FSMContext.__init__(self)
+ self._owner = owner
+ self.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ MainMap.Startup.Entry(self)
+ def ApiResponse(self):
+ self._transition = 'ApiResponse'
+ self.getState().ApiResponse(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def BlankLine(self):
+ self._transition = 'BlankLine'
+ self.getState().BlankLine(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ContentFinished(self):
+ self._transition = 'ContentFinished'
+ self.getState().ContentFinished(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ContentLength(self):
+ self._transition = 'ContentLength'
+ self.getState().ContentLength(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ProcessLine(self, *arglist):
+ self._transition = 'ProcessLine'
+ self.getState().ProcessLine(self, *arglist)
+ self._transition = None
+ def getState(self):
+ if self._state == None:
+ raise statemap.StateUndefinedException
+ return self._state
+ def getOwner(self):
+ return self._owner
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/bgapirequest.sm
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/bgapirequest.sm Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%start MainMap::Startup
+%class BgApiRequest
+%map MainMap
+ CommandReply
+ ApiResponseStarted
+ {
+ }
+ ReplyText
+ GotReplyText
+ {
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ Startup
+ {
+ setRequestFinished(); callOrErrback();
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ CommandReply
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ReplyText
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ProcessLine(line)
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/bgapirequest_sm.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/bgapirequest_sm.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import statemap
+class BgApiRequestState(statemap.State):
+ def Entry(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def Exit(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def Default(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write('TRANSITION : Default\n')
+ msg = "\n\tState: %s\n\tTransition: %s" % (
+ fsm.getState().getName(), fsm.getTransition())
+ raise TransitionUndefinedException, msg
+class MainMap_Default(BgApiRequestState):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.BlankLine()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.CommandReply()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ReplyText()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ProcessLine(line)\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+class MainMap_Startup(MainMap_Default):
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Startup.CommandReply()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.ApiResponseStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_ApiResponseStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.ApiResponseStarted.ReplyText()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.GotReplyText)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_GotReplyText(MainMap_Default):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.GotReplyText.BlankLine()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.callOrErrback()
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap:
+ Startup = MainMap_Startup('MainMap.Startup', 0)
+ ApiResponseStarted = MainMap_ApiResponseStarted('MainMap.ApiResponseStarted', 1)
+ GotReplyText = MainMap_GotReplyText('MainMap.GotReplyText', 2)
+ Default = MainMap_Default('MainMap.Default', -1)
+class BgApiRequest_sm(statemap.FSMContext):
+ def __init__(self, owner):
+ statemap.FSMContext.__init__(self)
+ self._owner = owner
+ self.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ MainMap.Startup.Entry(self)
+ def BlankLine(self):
+ self._transition = 'BlankLine'
+ self.getState().BlankLine(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def CommandReply(self):
+ self._transition = 'CommandReply'
+ self.getState().CommandReply(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ProcessLine(self, *arglist):
+ self._transition = 'ProcessLine'
+ self.getState().ProcessLine(self, *arglist)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ReplyText(self):
+ self._transition = 'ReplyText'
+ self.getState().ReplyText(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def getState(self):
+ if self._state == None:
+ raise statemap.StateUndefinedException
+ return self._state
+ def getOwner(self):
+ return self._owner
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/fseventlistener.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/fseventlistener.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Version: MPL 1.1
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden at branchcut.com>
+import sys
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
+from twisted.python import failure
+import time, re
+from time import strftime
+from Queue import Queue
+from freepy import request
+This class connects to freeswitch and listens for
+events and calls callback with the events.
+Example messages
+Content-Length: 675
+Content-Type: text/event-xml
+ <header name="force-contact" value="nat-connectile-dysfunction"></header>
+ etc..
+Content-Length: 875
+Content-Type: text/event-xml
+class FreeswitchEventListener(LineReceiver):
+ def __init__(self, conncb, discocb=None):
+ self.delimiter='\n' # parent class uses this
+ self.conncb=conncb
+ self.discocb=discocb
+ self.bufferlines = []
+ self.receiving_event = False # state to track if in <event>..</event>
+ self.requestq = Queue() # queue of pending requests
+ self.active_request = None # the current active (de-queued) request
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.conncb(self)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ if self.discocb:
+ self.discocb(reason)
+ print "connectionLost: %s" % reason
+ def login(self, passwd):
+ """
+ send login request
+ """
+ msg = "auth %s" % passwd
+ req = request.LoginRequest()
+ self.active_request = req
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ return req.getDeferred()
+ def sniff_events(self, output_type, events):
+ """
+ @param output_type - eg, xml or plain
+ @param events - list of events, eg ['all']
+ """
+ event_list = " ".join(events)
+ msg = "event %s %s" % (output_type, event_list)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ def sniff_custom_events(self, output_type, events):
+ """
+ when sniffing custom events, the CUSTOM keyword
+ must be present in message
+ http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Event_Socket#event
+ @param output_type - eg, xml or plain
+ @param events - list of events, eg ['all']
+ """
+ event_list = " ".join(events)
+ msg = "event %s CUSTOM %s" % (output_type, event_list)
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ def sniff_all_events(self, output_type):
+ """
+ @param output_type - eg, xml or plain
+ """
+ msg = "event %s all" % output_type
+ self.transport.write("%s\n\n" % msg)
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ if not self.active_request:
+ if line.find("<event>") != -1:
+ self.receiving_event = True
+ if self.receiving_event:
+ self.bufferlines.append(line)
+ if line.find("</event>") != -1:
+ event_xml_str = "\n".join(self.bufferlines)
+ self.eventReceived(event_xml_str)
+ self.bufferlines = []
+ self.receiving_event = False
+ else:
+ # we have an active request (seperate state machine)
+ # tell the request to process the line, and tell us
+ # if its finished or not. if its finished, we remove it
+ # as the active request so that a new active request will
+ # be de-queued.
+ finished = self.active_request.process(line)
+ if finished == True:
+ self.active_request = None
+ def eventReceived(self, event_xml_str):
+ """
+ should be overridden by subclasses
+ """
+ raise Exception("This is an abstract class, should be overridden "
+ "in a subclass")
+class FreeswitchEventListenerFactory(ClientFactory):
+ def __init__(self, protoclass, host=None, passwd=None, port=None):
+ """
+ @param protoclass - a class (not instance) of the protocol
+ should be a subclass of a FreeswitchEventListener
+ """
+ self.protoclass=protoclass
+ if host:
+ self.host = host
+ if passwd:
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ if port:
+ self.port = port
+ self.protocol = None
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ self.num_attempts = 0
+ def reset(self):
+ self.protocol = None
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ def connect(self):
+ if self.protocol:
+ # if we have a protocol object, we are connected (since we always
+ # null it upon any disconnection)
+ return defer.succeed(self.protocol)
+ #if self.connection_deferred:
+ # we are already connecting, return existing dfrd
+ # return self.connection_deferred
+ # connect and automatically login after connection
+ if not self.connection_deferred:
+ self.connection_deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ self.connection_deferred.addCallback(self.dologin)
+ self.connection_deferred.addErrback(self.generalError)
+ reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, self)
+ return self.connection_deferred
+ def conncb(self, protocol):
+ self.protocol = protocol
+ deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ deferred2callback.callback(self.protocol)
+ def generalError(self, failure):
+ print "General error: %s" % failure
+ return failure
+ def startedConnecting(self, connector):
+ pass
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ return self.protoclass(self.conncb, self.discocb)
+ def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+ print "clientConnectionLost! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector,
+ reason)
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ self.protocol = None
+ def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+ print "clientConnectionFailed! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector,
+ reason)
+ #self.protocol = None
+ if self.num_attempts < 100:
+ self.num_attempts += 1
+ return reactor.callLater(5, self.connect)
+ else:
+ deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred
+ deferred2callback.errback(reason)
+ def discocb(self, reason):
+ print "disconnected. reason: %s" % reason
+ self.protocol = None
+ def dologin(self, connectmsg):
+ return self.protocol.login(self.passwd)
+def test1():
+ fel = FreeswitchEventListener
+ factory = FreeswitchEventListenerFactory(protoclass=fel,
+ host="",
+ port=8021,
+ passwd="ClueCon")
+ def connected(result):
+ print "We connected, result: %s" % result
+ events=['sofia::register','sofia::expire']
+ factory.protocol.sniff_custom_events(output_type="xml", events=events)
+ #factory.protocol.sniff_all_events(output_type="xml")
+ def failure(failure):
+ print "Failed to connect: %s" % failure
+ d = factory.connect()
+ d.addCallbacks(connected, failure)
+ d.addErrback(failure)
+ reactor.run()
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ test1()
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/fshelper.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/fshelper.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Version: MPL 1.1
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden at branchcut.com>
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory
+import freepy
+class FsHelper(ClientFactory):
+ def __init__(self, host=None, passwd=None, port=None):
+ if host:
+ self.host = host
+ if passwd:
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ if port:
+ self.port = port
+ self.freepyd = None
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ def reset(self):
+ self.freepyd = None
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ def connect(self):
+ if self.freepyd:
+ # if we have a protocol object, we are connected (since we always
+ # null it upon any disconnection)
+ return defer.succeed("Connected")
+ if self.connection_deferred:
+ # we are already connecting, return existing dfrd
+ return self.connection_deferred
+ self.connection_deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ self.connection_deferred.addCallback(self.dologin)
+ self.connection_deferred.addErrback(self.generalError)
+ print "freepy connecting to %s:%s" % (self.host, self.port)
+ reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, self)
+ return self.connection_deferred
+ def conncb(self, freepyd):
+ self.freepyd = freepyd
+ deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ deferred2callback.callback("Connected")
+ def generalError(self, failure):
+ print "General error: %s" % failure
+ return failure
+ def startedConnecting(self, connector):
+ pass
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ return freepy.FreepyDispatcher(self.conncb, self.discocb)
+ def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+ print "clientConnectionLost! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector,
+ reason)
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ self.freepyd = None
+ def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+ print "clientConnectionFailed! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector,
+ reason)
+ self.freepyd = None
+ deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred
+ self.connection_deferred = None
+ deferred2callback.errback(reason)
+ def discocb(self, reason):
+ print "disconnected. reason: %s" % reason
+ self.freepyd = None
+ def dologin(self, connectmsg):
+ return self.freepyd.login(self.passwd)
+ def originate(self, party2dial, dest_ext_app, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ party2dial - the first argument to the originate command,
+ eg, sofia/profile_name/1234 at domain.com
+ dest_ext_app - the second argument to the originate command,
+ eg, &park() or 4761
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ ([(True, 'Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: d07ad7de-2406-11dc-aea3-e3b2e56b7a2c')],)
+ """
+ def originate_inner(ignored):
+ deferreds = []
+ deferred = self.freepyd.originate(party2dial,
+ dest_ext_app,
+ bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(originate_inner)
+ return d
+ def dialconf(self, people2dial, conf_name, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ conf_name - name of conf TODO: change to match db
+ people2dial - an array of dictionaries:
+ 'name': name
+ 'number': number
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ ([(True, 'Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: d07ad7de-2406-11dc-aea3-e3b2e56b7a2c')],)
+ Its a bit ugly because its a deferred list callback.
+ """
+ def dialconf_inner(ignored):
+ deferreds = []
+ for person2dial in people2dial:
+ sofia_url = person2dial['number']
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confdialout(conf_name,
+ sofia_url,
+ bgapi)
+ deferreds.append(deferred)
+ return defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(dialconf_inner)
+ return d
+ def listconf(self, conf_name):
+ """
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def listconf_inner(ignored):
+ deferred = self.freepyd.listconf(conf_name)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(listconf_inner)
+ return d
+ def confkick(self, member_id, conf_name, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7"
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def confkick_inner(ignored):
+ #if type(member_id) == type(""):
+ # member_id = int(member_id)
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confkick(member_id, conf_name, bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(confkick_inner)
+ return d
+ def confdtmf(self, member_id, conf_name, dtmf, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ Send dtmf(s) to a conference
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7", or "all"
+ dtmf - a single dtmf or a string of dtms, eg "1" or "123"
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def confdtmf_inner(ignored):
+ print "confdtmf_inner called"
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confdtmf(member_id, conf_name, dtmf, bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(confdtmf_inner)
+ return d
+ def confsay(self, conf_name, text2speak, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ text2speak - text to speak
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def confsay_inner(ignored):
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confsay(conf_name, text2speak, bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(confsay_inner)
+ return d
+ def confplay(self, conf_name, snd_url, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ snd_url - url to sound file
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def confplay_inner(ignored):
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confplay(conf_name, snd_url, bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(confplay_inner)
+ return d
+ def confstop(self, conf_name, bgapi=True):
+ """
+ stop playback of all sounds
+ conf_name - name of conf
+ returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result
+ like:
+ TODO: add this
+ """
+ def confstop_inner(ignored):
+ deferred = self.freepyd.confstop(conf_name, bgapi)
+ return deferred
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(confstop_inner)
+ return d
+ def showchannels(self, bgapi=True):
+ def showchannels_inner(ignored):
+ df = self.freepyd.showchannels(bgapi)
+ return df
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(showchannels_inner)
+ return d
+ def killchan(self, uuid, bgapi=True):
+ def killchan_inner(ignored):
+ df = self.freepyd.killchan(uuid, bgapi)
+ return df
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(killchan_inner)
+ return d
+ def sofia_profile_restart(self, profile_name, bgapi=True):
+ def sofia_profile_restart_inner(ignored):
+ df = self.freepyd.sofia_profile_restart(profile_name,
+ bgapi)
+ return df
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(sofia_profile_restart_inner)
+ return d
+ def sofia_status_profile(self, profile_name, bgapi=True):
+ def sofia_status_profile_inner(ignored):
+ df = self.freepyd.sofia_status_profile(profile_name,
+ bgapi)
+ return df
+ d = self.connect()
+ d.addCallback(sofia_status_profile_inner)
+ return d
+class FsHelperTest:
+ def __init__(self, fshelper):
+ self.fshelper=fshelper
+ pass
+ def test_dialconf(self):
+ people2dial = [{'name':'freeswitch',
+ 'number':'888 at conference.freeswitch.org'},
+ {'name':'mouselike',
+ 'number':'904 at mouselike.org'}]
+ d = self.fshelper.dialconf(people2dial, "freeswitch", bgapi=False)
+ def failed(error):
+ print "Failed to dial users!"
+ reactor.stop()
+ return error
+ d.addErrback(failed)
+ def worked(*args):
+ print "Worked! Dialed user result: %s" % str(args)
+ #reactor.stop()
+ d.addCallback(worked)
+ return d
+ def test_listconf(self):
+ d = self.fshelper.listconf("freeswitch")
+ def failed(failure):
+ print "Failed to list users!"
+ reactor.stop()
+ return failure
+ d.addErrback(failed)
+ def worked(*args):
+ print "List of users in conf: %s" % str(args)
+ return args[0]
+ d.addCallback(worked)
+ return d
+ def test_confkick(self, member_id="6", conf_name="freeswitch"):
+ d = self.fshelper.confkick(member_id, conf_name)
+ def failed(failure):
+ print "Failed to kick user!"
+ reactor.stop()
+ return failure
+ d.addErrback(failed)
+ def worked(*args):
+ print "Kicked user from conf, result: %s" % str(args)
+ d.addCallback(worked)
+def test1():
+ kick_everyone = False
+ fshelper = FsHelper("mydomain.com")
+ fsht = FsHelperTest(fshelper)
+ fsht.test_dialconf()
+ d = fsht.test_listconf()
+ def kickeveryone(members):
+ print "Kickeveryone called w/ %s (type: %s)" % (members,
+ type(members))
+ for member in members:
+ fsht.test_confkick(member.member_id)
+ def failed(failure):
+ print "failed: %s" % str(failure)
+ reactor.stop()
+ if kick_everyone:
+ d.addCallback(kickeveryone)
+ d.addErrback(failed)
+ #fsht.test_confkick()
+ #d = fshelper.connect()
+ #def connected(*args):
+ # fsht.test_dialconf()
+ # fsht.test_listconf()
+ #d.addCallback(connected)
+ reactor.run()
+def test2():
+ fshelper = FsHelper("mydomain.com")
+ fshelper.sofia_profile_restart("mydomain.com")
+ reactor.run()
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ #test1()
+ test2()
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/loginrequest.sm
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/loginrequest.sm Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%start MainMap::Startup
+%class LoginRequest
+%map MainMap
+ AuthRequest
+ AuthRequestStarted
+ {
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ AuthRequestFinished
+ {
+ }
+ CommandReply
+ CommandReplyStarted
+ {
+ }
+ ReplyText
+ GotReplyText
+ {
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ Startup
+ {
+ setRequestFinished(); callOrErrback();
+ }
+ BlankLine
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ AuthRequest
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ CommandReply
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ReplyText
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
+ ProcessLine(line)
+ nil
+ {
+ setRequestFinished();
+ errbackDeferred("Protocol failure");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/loginrequest_sm.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/loginrequest_sm.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import statemap
+class LoginRequestState(statemap.State):
+ def Entry(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def Exit(self, fsm):
+ pass
+ def AuthRequest(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ self.Default(fsm)
+ def Default(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write('TRANSITION : Default\n')
+ msg = "\n\tState: %s\n\tTransition: %s" % (
+ fsm.getState().getName(), fsm.getTransition())
+ raise TransitionUndefinedException, msg
+class MainMap_Default(LoginRequestState):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.BlankLine()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def AuthRequest(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.AuthRequest()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.CommandReply()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ReplyText()\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+ def ProcessLine(self, fsm, line):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Default.ProcessLine(line)\n")
+ endState = fsm.getState()
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.errbackDeferred("Protocol failure")
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(endState)
+class MainMap_Startup(MainMap_Default):
+ def AuthRequest(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.Startup.AuthRequest()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.AuthRequestStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_AuthRequestStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.AuthRequestStarted.BlankLine()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.AuthRequestFinished)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_AuthRequestFinished(MainMap_Default):
+ def CommandReply(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.AuthRequestFinished.CommandReply()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.CommandReplyStarted)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_CommandReplyStarted(MainMap_Default):
+ def ReplyText(self, fsm):
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.CommandReplyStarted.ReplyText()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.GotReplyText)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap_GotReplyText(MainMap_Default):
+ def BlankLine(self, fsm):
+ ctxt = fsm.getOwner()
+ if fsm.getDebugFlag() == True:
+ fsm.getDebugStream().write("TRANSITION : MainMap.GotReplyText.BlankLine()\n")
+ fsm.getState().Exit(fsm)
+ fsm.clearState()
+ try:
+ ctxt.setRequestFinished()
+ ctxt.callOrErrback()
+ finally:
+ fsm.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ fsm.getState().Entry(fsm)
+class MainMap:
+ Startup = MainMap_Startup('MainMap.Startup', 0)
+ AuthRequestStarted = MainMap_AuthRequestStarted('MainMap.AuthRequestStarted', 1)
+ AuthRequestFinished = MainMap_AuthRequestFinished('MainMap.AuthRequestFinished', 2)
+ CommandReplyStarted = MainMap_CommandReplyStarted('MainMap.CommandReplyStarted', 3)
+ GotReplyText = MainMap_GotReplyText('MainMap.GotReplyText', 4)
+ Default = MainMap_Default('MainMap.Default', -1)
+class LoginRequest_sm(statemap.FSMContext):
+ def __init__(self, owner):
+ statemap.FSMContext.__init__(self)
+ self._owner = owner
+ self.setState(MainMap.Startup)
+ MainMap.Startup.Entry(self)
+ def AuthRequest(self):
+ self._transition = 'AuthRequest'
+ self.getState().AuthRequest(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def BlankLine(self):
+ self._transition = 'BlankLine'
+ self.getState().BlankLine(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def CommandReply(self):
+ self._transition = 'CommandReply'
+ self.getState().CommandReply(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ProcessLine(self, *arglist):
+ self._transition = 'ProcessLine'
+ self.getState().ProcessLine(self, *arglist)
+ self._transition = None
+ def ReplyText(self):
+ self._transition = 'ReplyText'
+ self.getState().ReplyText(self)
+ self._transition = None
+ def getState(self):
+ if self._state == None:
+ raise statemap.StateUndefinedException
+ return self._state
+ def getOwner(self):
+ return self._owner
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/models.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/models.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Version: MPL 1.1
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden at branchcut.com>
+Data models for objects inside freeswitch
+import re
+class ConfMember:
+ def __init__(self, rawstring):
+ self.rawstring = rawstring
+ self.member_id = None
+ self.member_uri = None
+ self.uuid = None
+ self.caller_id_name = None
+ self.caller_id_number = None
+ self.flags = None
+ self.volume_in = None
+ self.volume_out = None
+ self.energy_level = None
+ self.parse(self.rawstring)
+ def parse(self, rawstring):
+ """
+ 1;sofia/mydomain.com/user at somewhere.com;898e6552-24ab-11dc-9df7-9fccd4095451;FreeSWITCH;0000000000;hear|speak;0;0;300
+ """
+ fields = rawstring.split(";")
+ self.member_id = fields[0]
+ self.member_uri = fields[1]
+ self.uuid = fields[2]
+ self.caller_id_name = fields[3]
+ self.caller_id_number = fields[4]
+ self.flags = fields[5]
+ self.volume_in = fields[6]
+ self.volume_out = fields[7]
+ self.energy_level = fields[8]
+ def brief_member_uri(self):
+ """
+ if self.member_uri is sofia/mydomain.com/foo at bar.com
+ return foo at bar.com
+ """
+ if not self.member_uri:
+ return None
+ if self.member_uri.find("/") == -1:
+ return self.member_uri
+ r = self.member_uri.split("/")[-1] # tokenize on "/" and return last item
+ return r
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s (%s)" % (self.member_id, self.member_uri)
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/request.py
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/socket/freepy/request.py Sun Oct 7 12:47:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Version: MPL 1.1
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+Anthony Minessale II <anthmct at yahoo.com>
+Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden at branchcut.com>
+import sys
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
+from twisted.python import failure
+import time, re
+from time import strftime
+from Queue import Queue
+from freepy import models
+These are response handlers for different types of requests.
+It reads the response from freeswitch, and calls back
+self.deferred with the result.
+The naming could be improved, but here is the translation:
+LoginRequest - Response handler for a login request
+class FreepyRequest(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ self.response_content = ""
+ self.finished = False
+ def isRequestFinished(self):
+ return self.finished
+ def setRequestFinished(self):
+ self.finished = True
+ def getDeferred(self):
+ return self.deferred
+ def callbackDeferred(self, cbval):
+ self.deferred.callback(cbval)
+ def errbackDeferred(self, result):
+ self.deferred.errback(result)
+ def process(self, line):
+ """
+ processs a line from the fs response. if the fs response has been
+ detected to be finished, then:
+ * create an appropriate response based on request type
+ * callback deferred with response
+ * rturn True to indicate we are finished
+ otherwise, if the fs response is incomplete, just buffer the data
+ """
+ if not line or len(line) == 0:
+ self._fsm.BlankLine()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("auth/request", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.AuthRequest()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("command/reply", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.CommandReply()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("Reply-Text", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ fields = line.split(":") # eg, ['Reply-Text','+OK Job-UUID', '882']
+ endfields = fields[1:]
+ self.response_content = "".join(endfields)
+ self._fsm.ReplyText()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("api/response", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.ApiResponse()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("Content-Length", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ # line: Content-Length: 34
+ self.content_length = int(line.split(":")[1].strip())
+ self._fsm.ContentLength()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ self._fsm.ProcessLine(line)
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ def callOrErrback(self):
+ matchstr = re.compile("OK", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(self.response_content)
+ if (result != None):
+ self.callbackDeferred(self.response_content)
+ return
+ self.errbackDeferred(self.response_content)
+ def doNothing(self):
+ # weird smc issue workaround attempt
+ pass
+class LoginRequest(FreepyRequest):
+ """
+ Example success response
+ ========================
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: auth/request
+ lineReceived:
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: command/reply
+ lineReceived: Reply-Text: +OK accepted
+ lineReceived:
+ Example failure response
+ ========================
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: auth/request
+ lineReceived:
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: command/reply
+ lineReceived: Reply-Text: -ERR invalid
+ lineReceived:
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(LoginRequest, self).__init__()
+ import loginrequest_sm
+ self._fsm = loginrequest_sm.LoginRequest_sm(self)
+ def processOLD(self, line):
+ if not line or len(line) == 0:
+ self._fsm.BlankLine()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("auth/request", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.AuthRequest()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("command/reply", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.CommandReply()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("Reply-Text", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ fields = line.split(":") # eg, ['Reply-Text','+OK Job-UUID', '882']
+ endfields = fields[1:]
+ self.response_content = "".join(endfields)
+ self._fsm.ReplyText()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ self._fsm.ProcessLine(line)
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ def getReplyText(self):
+ self.response_content
+class BgApiRequest(FreepyRequest):
+ """
+ Here is one of the 'bgapi requests' this class
+ supports:
+ linereceived: Content-Type: command/reply
+ linereceived: Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: 788da080-24e0-11dc-85f6-3d7b12..
+ linereceived:
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BgApiRequest, self).__init__()
+ import bgapirequest_sm
+ self._fsm = bgapirequest_sm.BgApiRequest_sm(self)
+ def processOLD(self, line):
+ if not line or len(line) == 0:
+ self._fsm.BlankLine()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("command/reply", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.CommandReply()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("Reply-Text", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self.response_content = line.split(":")[1]
+ self._fsm.ReplyText()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ self._fsm.ProcessLine(line)
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ def getResponse(self):
+ # subclasses may want to parse this into a meaningful
+ # object or set of objects (eg, see ListConfRequest)
+ # By default, just return accumulated string
+ return self.response_content
+class ApiRequest(FreepyRequest):
+ """
+ Here is one of the 'api requests' this class
+ supports:
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: api/response
+ lineReceived: Content-Length: 34
+ lineReceived:
+ lineReceived: Call Requested: result: [SUCCESS]
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ApiRequest, self).__init__()
+ import apirequest_sm
+ self._fsm = apirequest_sm.ApiRequest_sm(self)
+ self.response_content = ""
+ def processOLD(self, line):
+ if not line or len(line) == 0:
+ self._fsm.BlankLine()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("api/response", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ self._fsm.ApiResponse()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ matchstr = re.compile("Content-Length", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ # line: Content-Length: 34
+ self.content_length = int(line.split(":")[1].strip())
+ self._fsm.ContentLength()
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ self._fsm.ProcessLine(line)
+ return self.isRequestFinished()
+ def doNothing(self):
+ # weird smc issue workaround attempt
+ pass
+ def add_content(self, line):
+ """
+ Add content to local buffer
+ return - True if finished adding content, False otherwise
+ """
+ # since the twisted LineReceiver strips off the newline,
+ # we need to add it back .. otherwise the Content-length
+ # will be off by one
+ line += "\n"
+ self.response_content += line
+ if len(self.response_content) == self.content_length:
+ return True
+ elif len(self.response_content) > self.content_length:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getResponse(self):
+ # subclasses may want to parse this into a meaningful
+ # object or set of objects (eg, see ListConfRequest)
+ # By default, just return accumulated string
+ return self.response_content
+class DialoutRequest(ApiRequest):
+ """
+ Example raw dialout response
+ ============================
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: api/response
+ lineReceived: Content-Length: 34
+ lineReceived:
+ lineReceived: Call Requested: result: [SUCCESS]
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(DialoutRequest, self).__init__()
+class BgDialoutRequest(BgApiRequest):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BgDialoutRequest, self).__init__()
+class ConfKickRequest(ApiRequest):
+ """
+ Example response
+ ================
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ConfKickRequest, self).__init__()
+class BgConfKickRequest(BgApiRequest):
+ """
+ Example response
+ ================
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(BgConfKickRequest, self).__init__()
+class ListConfRequest(ApiRequest):
+ """
+ Response to request to list conferences:
+ ========================================
+ lineReceived: Content-Type: api/response
+ lineReceived: Content-Length: 233
+ lineReceived:
+ lineReceived: 2;sofia/mydomain.com/foo at bar.com;e9be6e72-2410-11dc-8daf-7bcec6dda2ae;FreeSWITCH;0000000000;hear|speak;0;0;300
+ lineReceived: 1;sofia/mydomain.com/foo2 at bar.com;e9be5fcc-2410-11dc-8daf-7bcec6dda2ae;FreeSWITCH;0000000000;hear|speak;0;0;300
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ListConfRequest, self).__init__()
+ self.conf_members = []
+ def add_content(self, line):
+ """
+ conf not empty example
+ ======================
+ 1;sofia/mydomain.com/888 at conference.freeswitch.org;898e6552-24ab-11dc-9df7-9fccd4095451;FreeSWITCH;0000000000;hear|speak;0;0;300
+ conf empty example
+ ==================
+ Conference foo not found
+ """
+ matchstr = re.compile("not found", re.I)
+ result = matchstr.search(line)
+ if (result != None):
+ # no conf found..
+ pass
+ else:
+ confmember = models.ConfMember(line)
+ self.conf_members.append(confmember)
+ return super(ListConfRequest, self).add_content(line)
+ def getResponse(self):
+ # TODO: parse this content into a meaningful
+ # 'object' .. though, not sure this is really
+ # necessary. wait till there's a need
+ return self.conf_members
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