[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r6647 - freeswitch/trunk/scripts
Freeswitch SVN
brian at freeswitch.org
Tue Dec 11 12:01:51 EST 2007
Author: brian
Date: Tue Dec 11 12:01:51 2007
New Revision: 6647
freeswitch/trunk/scripts/sipsetup (contents, props changed)
sipsetup script to automatically configure the included providers.. please contribute your changes or rewrites
Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/sipsetup
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/sipsetup Tue Dec 11 12:01:51 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# FreeSWITCH SIP Setup Assistant v1.0
+# Brian K. West <brian.west at mac.com>
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Copy;
+my $PREFIX = "/usr/local/freeswitch";
+my $providers = {
+ "1" => "FWD",
+ "2" => "SP",
+ "3" => "IS",
+ "4" => "AL",
+ "5" => "SB"
+ };
+my $FWD = {
+ "type" => "network",
+ "register" => "true",
+ "fields" => [number, password, extension],
+ "domain" => "pulver.com",
+ "dialprefix" => "1-393"
+ };
+my $SP = {
+ "type" => "network",
+ "register" => "true",
+ "fields" => [username, password, extension],
+ "domain" => "sipphone.com",
+ "dialprefix" => "1-747, 1-222"
+ };
+my $IS = {
+ "type" => "network",
+ "register" => "true",
+ "fields" => [username, password, extension],
+ "domain" => "ideasip.com",
+ "dialprefix" => "1-101"
+ };
+my $AL = {
+ "type" => "pstn",
+ "register" => "true",
+ "fields" => [username, password, extension],
+ "domain" => "asterlink.com",
+ };
+my $SB = {
+ "type" => "peer",
+ "domain" => "sipbroker.com",
+ "dialprefix" => "*XXX"
+ };
+my $TEMPLATES = {
+ "FWD" => $FWD,
+ "SP" => $SP,
+ "IS" => $IS,
+ "AL" => $AL,
+ "SB" => $SB
+ };
+print "\n" x 60;
+sub welcome {
+ print <<WELCOME
+ Welcome to the FreeSWITCH setup assistant.
+ 1. Configure Free World Dialup
+ 2. Configure SIPPhone.com
+ 3. Configure ideaSIP.com
+ 4. Configure Asterlink.com
+ 5. Configure SIPBroker.com
+ X. Exit
+ ;
+ print "Which provider do you wish to setup? ";
+ my $i = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($i);
+ if ($i =~ m/X|x/) {
+ print "Thanks you!\n"; exit;
+ } elsif ($i > 5) {
+ print "Invalid Choice\n"; &welcome;
+ } else {
+ if (exists($providers->{$i})) {
+ configure_sip_provider($providers->{$i});
+ }
+ };
+ &welcome;
+sub configure_sip_provider($) {
+ my $provider = shift;
+ my $template = $TEMPLATES->{$provider};
+ my $config;
+ my $check = 1;
+ foreach $field (@{$template->{fields}}) {
+ print "\nPlease your $template->{domain} $field: ";
+ $tmp = "$provider" . uc($field);
+ $i = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($i);
+ $config->{$tmp} = $i;
+ }
+ while($check) {
+ $check = &are_you_sure;
+ };
+ if ($template->{type} eq "network") {
+ do_config($provider, $config);
+ }
+ if ($template->{dialprefix}) {
+ enable_extension($provider, $config);
+ }
+ print "\n\n\nConfiguration Complete!!!\n\n\n\n\n";
+ sleep(2);
+ &welcome;
+sub enable_extension($$) {
+ my $provider = shift;
+ my $config = shift;
+ my $todo = $TEMPLATES->{$provider};
+ copy("$PREFIX/conf/dialplan/extensions/$todo->{domain}.noload", "$PREFIX/conf/dialplan/extensions/$todo->{domain}.xml");
+ print "\nExtension prefix $todo->{dialprefix} enabled for dialing $todo->{domain}...\n";
+sub do_config($$) {
+ my $provider = shift;
+ my $config = shift;
+ my $todo = $TEMPLATES->{$provider};
+ open(TEMPLATE, "<$PREFIX/conf/directory/default/$todo->{domain}.noload");
+ @lines = <TEMPLATE>;
+ close(TEMPLATE);
+ open(CONFIG, ">$PREFIX/conf/directory/default/$todo->{domain}.xml");
+ foreach $line (@lines) {
+ foreach $key (sort keys %{$config}) {
+ $line =~ s/%$key%/$config->{$key}/g;
+ }
+ print CONFIG $line;
+ }
+ close(CONFIG);
+ print "Config Created...\n";
+sub are_you_sure {
+ my $sure = 1;
+ while($sure) {
+ print "Are you sure? (yes/no)";
+ $i = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($i);
+ if($i =~ m/No|no|NO|n/) {
+ &welcome;
+ } elsif ($i =~ m/Yes|yes|YES|y/) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
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