[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r5675 - freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter

Freeswitch SVN trixter at freeswitch.org
Wed Aug 29 10:37:54 EDT 2007

Author: trixter
Date: Wed Aug 29 10:37:54 2007
New Revision: 5675

   freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter/softphone.pl   (contents, props changed)

initial softphone commit, works for outbound

Added: freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter/softphone.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/trixter/softphone.pl	Wed Aug 29 10:37:54 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# -*- mode:cperl; tab-width:4; c-basic-offset:4; c-indent-level:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil;  -*-
+# FreeSWITCH Softphone
+# Copyright (C) 2007, Bret McDanel <trixter AT 0xdecafbad.com>
+# Version: MPL 1.1
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Softphone
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+# Bret McDanel <trixter AT 0xdecafbad.com>
+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s):
+# Bret McDanel <trixter AT 0xdecafbad.com>
+# softphone.pl -- FreeSWITCH softphone in perl
+## This is the start of a GUI for FreeSWITCH[tm] using port audio as the channel endpoint.
+## Right now there are a few things that do not work right:
+##   * events are not properly read
+##   * if remote party hangs up the client doesnt realize it
+##   * registration status is not displayed
+##   * no redial ability
+##   * no transfer, hold, etc
+##   * incoming calls cannot be detected, or answered
+## It works for a single channel, and you can type anything into the dial window, if that matches some regexp
+## in your dialplan the call will proceed.
+use FreeSWITCH::Client;
+use Data::Dumper; # used to print out myhash debug info
+use Tk;
+use strict;
+# configure these
+my $password = "ClueCon";                    # the password for event socket
+my $host     = "localhost";                  # the hostname to connect to
+my $port     = 8021;                         # the port to connect to
+# random variables that we are going to use
+my $window;
+my $phonenumber;
+my $callInProgress=0;
+my $fs;
+my $errorString = undef;
+$fs->sendmsg({'command' => "api pa hangup"}) unless !defined($fs);
+print "We should hang up the calls, and any other cleanup here\n";
+sub getEvent() {
+  if(defined $fs) {
+    my $reply = $fs->readhash(0);
+    if ($reply->{socketerror}) {
+      $errorString = "Got error: ".$reply->{socketerror};
+      es_connect();
+    }
+    if ($reply->{body}) {
+      my $myhash = $reply->{event};
+      print Dumper $myhash;
+    } 
+  } else {
+    $errorString = "Connecting";
+    es_connect();
+  }
+# this connects to the event socket
+sub es_connect()
+    $errorString = "Connecting to $host:$port";
+    eval {
+      $fs = init FreeSWITCH::Client {-password => $password, -host => $host, -port => $port};
+      if(defined $fs) {
+        $fs->sendmsg({'command' => 'event plain myevents'});
+      }
+    } or do {
+      $errorString = "Error connecting - waiting for retry";
+      sleep 5;
+    }
+sub makeWindow {
+    $window = MainWindow->new();
+    $window->title("FreeSWITCH[tm] GUI");
+    my $mainframe = $window->Frame()->pack(qw/-side top -padx 10 -expand true -fill both/);
+    $mainframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$phonenumber)->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $dialpadframe = $mainframe->Frame()->pack(qw/-anchor s -pady 3/);
+    my $dialpadcol1 = $dialpadframe->Frame()->pack(qw/-side left -pady 3/);
+    my $dialpadcol2 = $dialpadframe->Frame()->pack(qw/-side left -pady 3/);
+    my $dialpadcol3 = $dialpadframe->Frame()->pack(qw/-side left -pady 3/);
+    my $errorMsgs = $mainframe->Label(-textvariable => \$errorString)->pack(qw/-side bottom/);
+    my $buttonframe = $mainframe->Frame()->pack(qw/-side bottom/);
+    # I really dont like this method, but I dont know Tk that well
+    # basically we have a timer that will call getEvent() 1ms after its finished running
+    # to see about getting more events - threads dont work because you cant share the FreeSWITCH::Client class
+    # forking doesnt work because $fs is always undefined from the GUI side
+    # or maybe you can, I dont know perl all that well either.
+    my $timerid = $window->repeat(100,\&getEvent);
+# set up the keys
+    my $phonebutton1     = $dialpadcol1->Button(-text => '1', -command => sub{sendDTMF("1")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton2     = $dialpadcol2->Button(-text => '2', -command => sub{sendDTMF("2")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton3     = $dialpadcol3->Button(-text => '3', -command => sub{sendDTMF("3")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton4     = $dialpadcol1->Button(-text => '4', -command => sub{sendDTMF("4")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton5     = $dialpadcol2->Button(-text => '5', -command => sub{sendDTMF("5")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton6     = $dialpadcol3->Button(-text => '6', -command => sub{sendDTMF("6")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton7     = $dialpadcol1->Button(-text => '7', -command => sub{sendDTMF("7")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton8     = $dialpadcol2->Button(-text => '8', -command => sub{sendDTMF("8")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton9     = $dialpadcol3->Button(-text => '9', -command => sub{sendDTMF("9")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebuttonstar  = $dialpadcol1->Button(-text => '*', -command => sub{sendDTMF("*")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebutton0     = $dialpadcol2->Button(-text => '0', -command => sub{sendDTMF("0")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $phonebuttonpound = $dialpadcol3->Button(-text => '#', -command => sub{sendDTMF("#")})->pack(qw/-side top/);
+    my $dialbutton = $buttonframe->Button(-text => 'Dial/Answer', -command => \&dialAnswer)->pack(qw/-side left/);
+    my $hangupbutton = $buttonframe->Button(-text => 'Hangup', -command => \&hangup)->pack(qw/-side right/);
+sub dialAnswer {
+    $callInProgress=1;
+    if(defined($fs)) {
+      $fs->sendmsg({'command' => "api pa call $phonenumber"});
+    } else {
+      $errorString = "Not connected!!!";
+    }
+sub hangup {
+    $callInProgress=0;
+    $errorString = "hangup";
+    $phonenumber = "";
+    $fs->sendmsg({'command' => "api pa hangup"}) unless !defined($fs);
+sub sendDTMF{
+    my $dtmf=shift;
+    if($callInProgress==1) {
+	if(defined($fs)) {
+	    $fs->sendmsg({'command' => "api pa dtmf $dtmf"}) unless !defined($dtmf);
+	} else {
+	    $errorString = "Not connected!";
+	}
+    } else {
+	$phonenumber .= $dtmf unless !defined($dtmf);
+    }

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