[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r2859 - in freeswitch/trunk/src/mod: endpoints/mod_sofia languages/mod_spidermonkey
Freeswitch SVN
anthm at freeswitch.org
Thu Sep 28 17:21:45 EDT 2006
Author: anthm
Date: Thu Sep 28 17:21:44 2006
New Revision: 2859
Modified: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c (original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/endpoints/mod_sofia/mod_sofia.c Thu Sep 28 17:21:44 2006
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
#include <sofia-sip/sip_status.h>
#include <sofia-sip/sdp.h>
#include <sofia-sip/sip_protos.h>
+#include <sofia-sip/auth_module.h>
+#include <sofia-sip/su_md5.h>
static char reg_sql[] =
"CREATE TABLE sip_registrations (\n"
@@ -66,9 +68,19 @@
+static char auth_sql[] =
+"CREATE TABLE sip_authentication (\n"
+" user VARCHAR(255),\n"
+" host VARCHAR(255),\n"
+" passwd VARCHAR(255),\n"
+" nonce VARCHAR(255),\n"
+" expires INTEGER(8)"
static const char modname[] = "mod_sofia";
#define STRLEN 15
@@ -279,6 +291,30 @@
+static void execute_sql(char *dbname, char *sql, switch_mutex_t *mutex)
+ switch_core_db_t *db;
+ if (mutex) {
+ switch_mutex_lock(mutex);
+ }
+ if (!(db = switch_core_db_open_file(dbname))) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error Opening DB %s\n", dbname);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 25);
+ switch_core_db_close(db);
+ end:
+ if (mutex) {
+ switch_mutex_unlock(mutex);
+ }
struct callback_t {
char *val;
switch_size_t len;
@@ -331,7 +367,9 @@
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "delete from sip_registrations where expires > 0 and expires < %ld", (long) now);
- switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 1);
+ switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 25);
+ snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "delete from sip_authentication where expires > 0 and expires < %ld", (long) now);
+ switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 25);
@@ -917,6 +955,7 @@
nua_respond(tech_pvt->nh, SIP_200_OK,
SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR(tech_pvt->local_sdp_str), TAG_END());
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Local SDP:\n%s\n", tech_pvt->local_sdp_str);
@@ -1449,7 +1488,7 @@
int ss_state = nua_callstate_init;
switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
private_object_t *tech_pvt = NULL;
@@ -1680,7 +1719,67 @@
+static char *get_auth_data(char *dbname, char *nonce, char *npassword, uint32_t len, switch_mutex_t *mutex)
+ switch_core_db_t *db;
+ switch_core_db_stmt_t *stmt;
+ char *sql, *ret = NULL;
+ if (mutex) {
+ switch_mutex_lock(mutex);
+ }
+ if (!(db = switch_core_db_open_file(dbname))) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error Opening DB %s\n", dbname);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ sql = switch_core_db_mprintf("select passwd from sip_authentication where nonce='%q'", nonce);
+ if(switch_core_db_prepare(db, sql, -1, &stmt, 0)) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Statement Error!\n");
+ goto fail;
+ } else {
+ int running = 1;
+ int colcount;
+ while (running < 5000) {
+ int result = switch_core_db_step(stmt);
+ if (result == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ if ((colcount = switch_core_db_column_count(stmt))) {
+ switch_copy_string(npassword, (char *)switch_core_db_column_text(stmt, 0), len);
+ ret = npassword;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (result == SQLITE_BUSY) {
+ running++;
+ switch_yield(1000);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch_core_db_finalize(stmt);
+ }
+ fail:
+ switch_core_db_close(db);
+ end:
+ if (mutex) {
+ switch_mutex_unlock(mutex);
+ }
+ if (sql) {
+ switch_core_db_free(sql);
+ }
+ return ret;
static void sip_i_register(nua_t *nua,
sofia_profile_t *profile,
nua_handle_t *nh,
@@ -1690,9 +1789,9 @@
sip_from_t const *from = sip->sip_from;
sip_expires_t const *expires = sip->sip_expires;
- //sip_to_t const *to = sip->sip_to;
+ sip_authorization_t const *authorization = sip->sip_authorization;
sip_contact_t const *contact = sip->sip_contact;
switch_xml_t domain, xml, user, param;
char params[1024] = "";
char *sql;
@@ -1702,36 +1801,171 @@
char *contact_user = (char *) contact->m_url->url_user;
char *contact_host = (char *) contact->m_url->url_host;
char buf[512];
+ char *passwd;
+ uint8_t ok = 0, stale = 0;
- snprintf(params, sizeof(params), "from_user=%s&from_host=%s&contact_user=%s&contact_host=%s",
- from_user,
- from_host,
- contact_user,
- contact_host
- );
+ if (authorization) {
+ int index;
+ char *cur;
+ char *nonce, *uri, *qop, *cnonce, *nc, *input, *response;
+ nonce = uri = qop = cnonce = nc = response = NULL;
+ char npassword[512] = "";
+ for(index = 0; (cur=(char*)authorization->au_params[index]); index++) {
+ char *var, *val, *p, *work;
+ var = val = work = NULL;
+ if ((work = strdup(cur))) {
+ var = work;
+ if ((val = strchr(var, '='))) {
+ *val++ = '\0';
+ while(*val == '"') {
+ *val++ = '\0';
+ }
+ if ((p = strchr(val, '"'))) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
- if (switch_xml_locate("directory", "domain", "name", (char *)from->a_url->url_host, &xml, &domain, params) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
- switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of directory failed\n");
- nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, SIPTAG_CONTACT(contact), TAG_END());
- return;
- }
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "nonce")) {
+ nonce = strdup(val);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "uri")) {
+ uri = strdup(val);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "qop")) {
+ qop = strdup(val);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "cnonce")) {
+ cnonce = strdup(val);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "response")) {
+ response = strdup(val);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "nc")) {
+ nc = strdup(val);
+ }
+ }
+ free(work);
+ }
+ }
- if (!(user = switch_xml_find_child(domain, "user", "id", from_user))) {
- nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, SIPTAG_CONTACT(contact), TAG_END());
- switch_xml_free(xml);
- return;
- }
+ if (get_auth_data(profile->dbname, nonce, npassword, sizeof(npassword), profile->reg_mutex)) {
+ su_md5_t ctx;
+ char uridigest[2 * SU_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE + 1];
+ char bigdigest[2 * SU_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE + 1];
+ input = switch_core_db_mprintf("REGISTER:%q", uri);
+ su_md5_init(&ctx);
+ su_md5_strupdate(&ctx, input);
+ su_md5_hexdigest(&ctx, uridigest);
+ su_md5_deinit(&ctx);
+ switch_core_db_free(input);
+ input = switch_core_db_mprintf("%q:%q:%q:%q:%q:%q", npassword, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, uridigest);
+ memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
+ su_md5_init(&ctx);
+ su_md5_strupdate(&ctx, input);
+ su_md5_hexdigest(&ctx, bigdigest);
+ su_md5_deinit(&ctx);
+ if (!strcasecmp(bigdigest, response)) {
+ ok = 1;
+ }
+ switch_core_db_free(input);
+ } else {
+ stale = 1;
+ }
+ switch_safe_free(nonce);
+ switch_safe_free(uri);
+ switch_safe_free(qop);
+ switch_safe_free(cnonce);
+ switch_safe_free(nc);
+ switch_safe_free(response);
+ if (!ok && !stale) {
+ nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, TAG_END());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!authorization || stale) {
+ snprintf(params, sizeof(params), "from_user=%s&from_host=%s&contact_user=%s&contact_host=%s",
+ from_user,
+ from_host,
+ contact_user,
+ contact_host
+ );
+ if (switch_xml_locate("directory", "domain", "name", (char *)from->a_url->url_host, &xml, &domain, params) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of directory failed\n");
+ nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, SIPTAG_CONTACT(contact), TAG_END());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(user = switch_xml_find_child(domain, "user", "id", from_user))) {
+ nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, SIPTAG_CONTACT(contact), TAG_END());
+ switch_xml_free(xml);
+ return;
+ }
- for (param = switch_xml_child(user, "param"); param; param = param->next) {
- char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
- char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value");
+ for (param = switch_xml_child(user, "param"); param; param = param->next) {
+ char *var = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "name");
+ char *val = (char *) switch_xml_attr_soft(param, "value");
+ //switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "param [%s]=[%s]\n", var, val);
+ if (!strcasecmp(var, "password")) {
+ passwd = val;
+ }
+ }
+ if (passwd) {
+ switch_uuid_t uuid;
+ char uuid_str[SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 1];
+ char *sql, *auth_str;
- switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "param [%s]=[%s]\n", var, val);
- }
+ su_md5_t ctx;
+ char hexdigest[2 * SU_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE + 1];
+ char *input;
+ input = switch_core_db_mprintf("%s:%s:%s", from_user, from_host, passwd);
+ su_md5_init(&ctx);
+ su_md5_strupdate(&ctx, input);
+ su_md5_hexdigest(&ctx, hexdigest);
+ su_md5_deinit(&ctx);
+ switch_core_db_free(input);
+ switch_uuid_get(&uuid);
+ switch_uuid_format(uuid_str, &uuid);
+ sql = switch_core_db_mprintf("delete from sip_authentication where user='%q'and host='%q';\n"
+ "insert into sip_authentication values('%q','%q','%q','%q', %ld)",
+ from_user,
+ from_host,
+ from_user,
+ from_host,
+ hexdigest,
+ uuid_str,
+ time(NULL) + 60);
+ auth_str = switch_core_db_mprintf("Digest realm=\"%q\", nonce=\"%q\",%s algorithm=MD5, qop=\"auth-int\"", from_host, uuid_str,
+ stale ? " stale=\"true\"," : "");
+ nua_respond(nh, SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+ TAG_END());
+ execute_sql(profile->dbname, sql, profile->reg_mutex);
+ switch_core_db_free(sql);
+ switch_core_db_free(auth_str);
+ }
+ switch_xml_free(xml);
+ return;
+ }
if (!find_reg_url(profile, from_user, from_host, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
sql = switch_core_db_mprintf("insert into sip_registrations values ('%q','%q','sip:%q@%q',%ld)",
@@ -1758,23 +1992,15 @@
switch_event_add_header(s_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "expires", "%ld", (long)expires->ex_delta);
- if (sql) {
- switch_core_db_t *db;
- if (!(db = switch_core_db_open_file(profile->dbname))) {
- switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error Opening DB %s\n", profile->dbname);
- return;
- }
- switch_mutex_lock(profile->reg_mutex);
- switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 25);
+ if (sql) {
+ execute_sql(profile->dbname, sql, profile->reg_mutex);
sql = NULL;
- switch_mutex_unlock(profile->reg_mutex);
- switch_core_db_close(db);
- switch_xml_free(xml);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Got a Register from [%s@%s] contact [%s@%s] expires %ld\n",
@@ -1783,9 +2009,8 @@
nua_respond(nh, SIP_200_OK, SIPTAG_CONTACT(contact), TAG_END());
- //nua_respond(nh, SIP_407_PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED, TAG_END());
static void event_callback(nua_event_t event,
@@ -1979,6 +2204,7 @@
if ((db = switch_core_db_open_file(profile->dbname))) {
switch_core_db_test_reactive(db, "select * from sip_registrations", reg_sql);
+ switch_core_db_test_reactive(db, "select * from sip_authentication", auth_sql);
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot Open SQL Database!\n");
return NULL;
@@ -2063,9 +2289,6 @@
xprofilename = "unnamed";
profile->pool = pool;
profile->name = switch_core_strdup(profile->pool, xprofilename);
@@ -2225,18 +2448,9 @@
if (sql) {
- switch_core_db_t *db;
- if (!(db = switch_core_db_open_file(profile->dbname))) {
- switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error Opening DB %s\n", profile->dbname);
- return;
- }
- switch_mutex_lock(profile->reg_mutex);
- switch_core_db_persistant_execute(db, sql, 25);
+ execute_sql(profile->dbname, sql, profile->reg_mutex);
sql = NULL;
- switch_mutex_unlock(profile->reg_mutex);
- switch_core_db_close(db);
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Propagating registration for %s@%s->%s@%s\n",
from_user, from_host, contact_user, contact_host);
Modified: freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_spidermonkey/mod_spidermonkey.c
--- freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_spidermonkey/mod_spidermonkey.c (original)
+++ freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/languages/mod_spidermonkey/mod_spidermonkey.c Thu Sep 28 17:21:44 2006
@@ -1815,10 +1815,10 @@
if (dbo->stmt) {
- int result = switch_core_db_step(dbo->stmt);
int running = 1;
while (running < 5000) {
+ int result = switch_core_db_step(dbo->stmt);
if (result == SQLITE_ROW) {
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