[Freeswitch-svn] [commit] r3582 - in freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod: endpoints/mod_opal event_handlers/mod_cdr
Freeswitch SVN
mishehu at freeswitch.org
Fri Dec 8 10:48:32 EST 2006
Author: mishehu
Date: Fri Dec 8 10:48:31 2006
New Revision: 3582
Finished copying in and reformatting Opal's OpalGw example program. Will need to sift thru it and remove any parts that are not necessary for our usage of Opal in FreeSWITCH.
Modified: freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.cpp
--- freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.cpp (original)
+++ freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.cpp Fri Dec 8 10:48:31 2006
@@ -1,14 +1,319 @@
#include "baseopal.h"
+#if OPAL_H323
+#include <h323/h323.h>
+#include <h323/gkclient.h>
+#include <sip/sip.h>
+#include <lids/lidep.h>
+#define H323_STATIC_LIB
+#include <codec/allcodecs.h>
+#include <lids/alllids.h>
char BaseOPAL::*configfile = "mod_opal.conf";
+#if OPAL_H323
+ h323EP = NULL;
+ sipEP = NULL;
+ potsEP = NULL;
+ pstnEP = NULL;
+#if P_EXPAT
+ ivrEP = NULL;
+ autoStartReceiveVideo = autoStartTransmitVideo = FALSE;
+ // Must do this before we destroy the manager or a crash will result
+ if (potsEP != NULL)
+ potsEP->RemoveAllLines();
+BOOL MyManager::Initialise(PConfig & cfg, PConfigPage * rsrc)
+ PHTTPFieldArray * fieldArray;
+ // Create all the endpoints
+#if OPAL_H323
+ if (h323EP == NULL)
+ h323EP = new H323EndPoint(*this);
+ if (sipEP == NULL)
+ sipEP = new SIPEndPoint(*this);
+ if (potsEP == NULL)
+ potsEP = new OpalPOTSEndPoint(*this);
+ if (pstnEP == NULL)
+ pstnEP = new OpalPSTNEndPoint(*this);
+#if P_EXPAT
+ if (ivrEP == NULL)
+ ivrEP = new OpalIVREndPoint(*this);
+ // General parameters for all endpoint types
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(PreferredMediaKey, 25), TRUE);
+ PStringArray formats = fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg);
+ if (formats.GetSize() > 0)
+ SetMediaFormatOrder(formats);
+ else {
+ fieldArray->SetStrings(cfg, GetMediaFormatOrder());
+ }
+ rsrc->Add(fieldArray);
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(RemovedMediaKey, 25), TRUE);
+ SetMediaFormatMask(fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg));
+ rsrc->Add(fieldArray);
+ SetAudioJitterDelay(cfg.GetInteger(MinJitterKey, GetMinAudioJitterDelay()), cfg.GetInteger(MaxJitterKey, GetMaxAudioJitterDelay()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(MinJitterKey, 20, 2000, GetMinAudioJitterDelay(), "ms"));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(MaxJitterKey, 20, 2000, GetMaxAudioJitterDelay(), "ms"));
+ SetTCPPorts(cfg.GetInteger(TCPPortBaseKey, GetTCPPortBase()), cfg.GetInteger(TCPPortMaxKey, GetTCPPortMax()));
+ SetUDPPorts(cfg.GetInteger(UDPPortBaseKey, GetUDPPortBase()),cfg.GetInteger(UDPPortMaxKey, GetUDPPortMax()));
+ SetRtpIpPorts(cfg.GetInteger(RTPPortBaseKey, GetRtpIpPortBase()),cfg.GetInteger(RTPPortMaxKey, GetRtpIpPortMax()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(TCPPortBaseKey, 0, 65535, GetTCPPortBase()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(TCPPortMaxKey, 0, 65535, GetTCPPortMax()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(UDPPortBaseKey, 0, 65535, GetUDPPortBase()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(UDPPortMaxKey, 0, 65535, GetUDPPortMax()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(RTPPortBaseKey, 0, 65535, GetRtpIpPortBase()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(RTPPortMaxKey, 0, 65535, GetRtpIpPortMax()));
+ SetRtpIpTypeofService(cfg.GetInteger(RTPTOSKey, GetRtpIpTypeofService()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(RTPTOSKey, 0, 255, GetRtpIpTypeofService()));
+#if OPAL_H323
+ // Add H.323 parameters
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(H323AliasesKey, 25), TRUE);
+ PStringArray aliases = fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg);
+ if (aliases.IsEmpty())
+ fieldArray->SetStrings(cfg, h323EP->GetAliasNames());
+ else {
+ h323EP->SetLocalUserName(aliases[0]);
+ for (PINDEX i = 1; i < aliases.GetSize(); i++)
+ h323EP->AddAliasName(aliases[i]);
+ }
+ h323EP->DisableFastStart(cfg.GetBoolean(DisableFastStartKey, h323EP->IsFastStartDisabled()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPBooleanField(DisableFastStartKey, h323EP->IsFastStartDisabled()));
+ h323EP->DisableH245Tunneling(cfg.GetBoolean(DisableH245TunnelingKey, h323EP->IsH245TunnelingDisabled()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPBooleanField(DisableH245TunnelingKey, h323EP->IsH245TunnelingDisabled()));
+ h323EP->DisableH245inSetup(cfg.GetBoolean(DisableH245inSetupKey, h323EP->IsH245inSetupDisabled()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPBooleanField(DisableH245inSetupKey, h323EP->IsH245inSetupDisabled()));
+ h323EP->SetInitialBandwidth(cfg.GetInteger(H323BandwidthKey, h323EP->GetInitialBandwidth()/10)*10);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(H323BandwidthKey, 1, UINT_MAX/10, h323EP->GetInitialBandwidth()/10, "kb/s"));
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(H323ListenersKey, 25), FALSE);
+ if (!h323EP->StartListeners(fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg))) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "Could not open any H.323 listeners!");
+ }
+ PString gkAddress = cfg.GetString(GatekeeperAddressKey);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(GatekeeperAddressKey, 25, gkAddress));
+ PString gkIdentifier = cfg.GetString(GatekeeperIdentifierKey);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(GatekeeperIdentifierKey, 25, gkIdentifier));
+ PString gkInterface = cfg.GetString(GatekeeperInterfaceKey);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(GatekeeperInterfaceKey, 25, gkInterface));
+ PString gkPassword = PHTTPPasswordField::Decrypt(cfg.GetString(GatekeeperPasswordKey));
+ if (!gkPassword)
+ h323EP->SetGatekeeperPassword(gkPassword);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPPasswordField(GatekeeperPasswordKey, 25, gkPassword));
+ h323EP->SetGkAccessTokenOID(cfg.GetString(GatekeeperTokenOIDKey));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(GatekeeperTokenOIDKey, 25, h323EP->GetGkAccessTokenOID()));
+ if (h323EP->UseGatekeeper(gkAddress, gkIdentifier, gkInterface)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Info, "Register with gatekeeper " << *h323EP->GetGatekeeper());
+ }
+ else {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "Could not register with gatekeeper!");
+ }
+ // Add SIP parameters
+ sipEP->SetDefaultLocalPartyName(cfg.GetString(SIPUsernameKey, sipEP->GetDefaultLocalPartyName()));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(SIPUsernameKey, 25, sipEP->GetDefaultLocalPartyName()));
+ PString proxy = sipEP->GetProxy().AsString();
+ sipEP->SetProxy(cfg.GetString(SIPProxyKey, proxy));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(SIPProxyKey, 25, proxy));
+ PString registrar = cfg.GetString(SIPRegistrarKey);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(SIPRegistrarKey, 25, registrar));
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(SIPListenersKey, 25), FALSE);
+ if (!sipEP->StartListeners(fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg))) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "Could not open any SIP listeners!");
+ }
+ if (!registrar) {
+ if (sipEP->Register(registrar)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Info, "Registered with registrar " << registrar);
+ }
+ else {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "Could not register with registrar!");
+ }
+ }
+ // Add POTS and PSTN endpoints
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPSelectField(LIDKey, OpalLineInterfaceDevice::GetAllDevices()), FALSE);
+ rsrc->Add(fieldArray);
+ PStringArray devices = fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg);
+ if (!potsEP->AddDeviceNames(devices)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "No POTS devices!");
+ }
+ if (!pstnEP->AddDeviceNames(devices)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "No PSTN devices!");
+ }
+#if P_EXPAT
+ // Create IVR protocol handler
+ PString vxml = cfg.GetString(VXMLKey);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(VXMLKey, 25, vxml));
+ if (!vxml)
+ ivrEP->SetDefaultVXML(vxml);
+ // Routing
+ PString ivrAlias = cfg.GetString(DefaultIVRDialPeerKey, "#");
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(DefaultIVRDialPeerKey, 10, ivrAlias));
+ static const PStringArray dialPeerDestination(
+ PARRAYSIZE(DialPeerDestination),
+ DialPeerDestination);
+ PINDEX potsRoute = dialPeerDestination.GetValuesIndex(cfg.GetString(DefaultPOTSDialPeerKey));
+ if (potsRoute == P_MAX_INDEX)
+ potsRoute = 1;
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPRadioField(DefaultPOTSDialPeerKey, dialPeerDestination, potsRoute));
+ PINDEX pstnRoute = dialPeerDestination.GetValuesIndex(cfg.GetString(DefaultPSTNDialPeerKey));
+ if (pstnRoute == P_MAX_INDEX)
+ pstnRoute = 0;
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPRadioField(DefaultPSTNDialPeerKey, dialPeerDestination, pstnRoute));
+#if OPAL_H323
+ static const PStringArray h323DialPeerDestination(PARRAYSIZE(H323DialPeerDestination), H323DialPeerDestination);
+ PINDEX h323Route = h323DialPeerDestination.GetValuesIndex(cfg.GetString(DefaultH323DialPeerKey));
+ if (h323Route == P_MAX_INDEX)
+ h323Route = 0;
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPRadioField(DefaultH323DialPeerKey, h323DialPeerDestination, h323Route));
+ static const PStringArray sipDialPeerDestination(PARRAYSIZE(SIPDialPeerDestination), SIPDialPeerDestination);
+ PINDEX sipRoute = sipDialPeerDestination.GetValuesIndex(cfg.GetString(DefaultSIPDialPeerKey));
+ if (sipRoute == P_MAX_INDEX)
+ sipRoute = 0;
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPRadioField(DefaultSIPDialPeerKey, sipDialPeerDestination, sipRoute));
+ fieldArray = new PHTTPFieldArray(new PHTTPStringField(DialPeerKey, 25), TRUE);
+ rsrc->Add(fieldArray);
+ PStringArray routes = fieldArray->GetStrings(cfg);
+ if (!ivrAlias)
+ routes += ".*:" + ivrAlias + " = ivr:";
+ switch (potsRoute) {
+#if OPAL_H323
+ case 1 :
+ routes += "pots:.*\\*.*\\*.* = h323:<dn2ip>";
+ routes += "pots:.* = h323:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ routes += "pots:.*\\*.*\\*.* = sip:<dn2ip>";
+ routes += "pots:.* = sip:<da>";
+ }
+ switch (pstnRoute) {
+#if OPAL_H323
+ case 1 :
+ routes += "pstn:.*\\*.*\\*.* = h323:<dn2ip>";
+ routes += "pstn:.* = h323:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ routes += "pstn:.*\\*.*\\*.* = sip:<dn2ip>";
+ routes += "pstn:.* = sip:<da>";
+ }
+#if OPAL_H323
+ switch (h323Route) {
+ case 1 :
+ routes += "h323:.* = pots:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ routes += "h323:.* = pstn:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ routes += "h323:.* = sip:<da>";
+ }
+ switch (sipRoute) {
+ case 1 :
+ routes += "sip:.* = pots:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ routes += "sip:.* = pstn:<da>";
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ routes += "sip:.* = h323:<da>";
+ }
+ if (!SetRouteTable(routes)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Error, "No legal entries in dial peers!");
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// Begin OpalGw Class
+OpalGw::OpalGw() : OpalGwProcessAncestor(ProductInfo)
memset(&globals, 0, sizeof(globals));
switch_mutex_init(&globals.mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, module_pool);
-void BaseOPAL::load_config()
+void OpalGw::load_config()
if (!(xml = switch_xml_open_cfg(configfile, &cfg, NULL))) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "open of %s failed\n", cf);
@@ -27,4 +332,121 @@
+BOOL OpalGw::OnStart()
+ // change to the default directory to the one containing the executable
+ PDirectory exeDir = GetFile().GetDirectory();
+#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG)
+ // Special check to aid in using DevStudio for debugging.
+ if (exeDir.Find("\\Debug\\") != P_MAX_INDEX)
+ exeDir = exeDir.GetParent();
+ exeDir.Change();
+ httpNameSpace.AddResource(new PHTTPDirectory("data", "data"));
+ httpNameSpace.AddResource(new PServiceHTTPDirectory("html", "html"));
+ return PHTTPServiceProcess::OnStart();
+void OpalGw::OnStop()
+ PHTTPServiceProcess::OnStop();
+void OpalGw::OnControl()
+void OpalGw::OnConfigChanged()
+BOOL OpalGw::Initialise(const char * initMsg)
+ PConfig cfg("Parameters");
+ // Sert log level as early as possible
+ SetLogLevel((PSystemLog::Level)cfg.GetInteger(LogLevelKey, GetLogLevel()));
+ if (GetLogLevel() >= PSystemLog::Warning)
+ PTrace::SetLevel(GetLogLevel()-PSystemLog::Warning);
+ else
+ PTrace::SetLevel(0);
+ PTrace::ClearOptions(PTrace::Timestamp);
+ PTrace::SetOptions(PTrace::DateAndTime);
+ // Get the HTTP basic authentication info
+ PString username = cfg.GetString(UsernameKey);
+ PString password = PHTTPPasswordField::Decrypt(cfg.GetString(PasswordKey));
+ PHTTPSimpleAuth authority(GetName(), username, password);
+ // Create the parameters URL page, and start adding fields to it
+ PConfigPage * rsrc = new PConfigPage(*this, "Parameters", "Parameters", authority);
+ // HTTP authentication username/password
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(UsernameKey, 25, username));
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPPasswordField(PasswordKey, 25, password));
+ // Log level for messages
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(LogLevelKey, PSystemLog::Fatal, PSystemLog::NumLogLevels-1, GetLogLevel(),"1=Fatal only, 2=Errors, 3=Warnings, 4=Info, 5=Debug"));
+#if P_SSL
+ // SSL certificate file.
+ PString certificateFile = cfg.GetString(HTTPCertificateFileKey, "server.pem");
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPStringField(HTTPCertificateFileKey, 25, certificateFile));
+ if (!SetServerCertificate(certificateFile, TRUE)) {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Fatal, "BMAC\tCould not load certificate \"" << certificateFile << '"');
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // HTTP Port number to use.
+ WORD httpPort = (WORD)cfg.GetInteger(HttpPortKey, DefaultHTTPPort);
+ rsrc->Add(new PHTTPIntegerField(HttpPortKey, 1, 32767, httpPort));
+ // Initialise the core of the system
+ if (!manager.Initialise(cfg, rsrc))
+ return FALSE;
+ // Finished the resource to add, generate HTML for it and add to name space
+ PServiceHTML html("System Parameters");
+ rsrc->BuildHTML(html);
+ httpNameSpace.AddResource(rsrc, PHTTPSpace::Overwrite);
+ // Create the home page
+ static const char welcomeHtml[] = "welcome.html";
+ if (PFile::Exists(welcomeHtml))
+ httpNameSpace.AddResource(new PServiceHTTPFile(welcomeHtml, TRUE), PHTTPSpace::Overwrite);
+ else {
+ PHTML html;
+ html << PHTML::Title("Welcome to " + GetName()) << PHTML::Body() << GetPageGraphic() << PHTML::Paragraph() << "<center>" << PHTML::HotLink("Parameters") << "Parameters" << PHTML::HotLink() << PHTML::Paragraph();
+ if (!systemLogFileName && systemLogFileName != "-")
+ html << PHTML::HotLink("logfile.txt") << "Full Log File" << PHTML::HotLink() << PHTML::BreakLine() << PHTML::HotLink("tail_logfile") << "Tail Log File" << PHTML::HotLink() << PHTML::Paragraph();
+ html << PHTML::HRule() << GetCopyrightText() << PHTML::Body();
+ httpNameSpace.AddResource(new PServiceHTTPString("welcome.html", html), PHTTPSpace::Overwrite);
+ }
+ // set up the HTTP port for listening & start the first HTTP thread
+ if (ListenForHTTP(httpPort))
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Info, "Opened master socket for HTTP: " << httpListeningSocket->GetPort());
+ else {
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Fatal, "Cannot run without HTTP port: " << httpListeningSocket->GetErrorText());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ PSYSTEMLOG(Info, "Service " << GetName() << ' ' << initMsg);
+ return TRUE;
+void OpalGw::Main()
+ Suspend();
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.h
--- freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.h (original)
+++ freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/baseopal.h Fri Dec 8 10:48:31 2006
@@ -7,12 +7,53 @@
#include <lids/lidep.h>
#include <lids/ixjlid.h>
#include <ptclib/pstun.h>
+#include <opal/manager.h>
+#if P_SSL
+#include <ptclib/shttpsvc.h>
+typedef PSecureHTTPServiceProcess OpalGwProcessAncestor;
+#include <ptclib/httpsvc.h>
+typedef PHTTPServiceProcess OpalGwProcessAncestor;
+class SIPEndPoint;
+class H323EndPoint;
+class OpalPOTSEndPoint;
+class OpalPSTNEndPoint;
+class OpalIVREndPoint;
class BaseOPAL : public OpalManager {
- void load_config();
+ ~BaseOPAL();
+ protected:
+ H323EndPoint * h323EP;
+ SIPEndPoint * sipEP;
+ OpalPOTSEndPoint * potsEP;
+ OpalPSTNEndPoint * pstnEP;
+#if P_EXPAT
+ OpalIVREndPoint * ivrEP;
switch_xml_t cfg, xml, settings, param;
static char *configfile;
\ No newline at end of file
+class OpalGw : public OpalGwProcessAncestor
+ PCLASSINFO(OpalGw, OpalGwProcessAncestor)
+ public:
+ OpalGw();
+ void load_config();
+ virtual void Main();
+ virtual BOOL OnStart();
+ virtual void OnStop();
+ virtual void OnControl();
+ virtual void OnConfigChanged();
+ virtual BOOL Initialise(const char * initMsg);
+ private:
+ BaseOPAL manager;
Modified: freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.cpp
--- freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.cpp (original)
+++ freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/endpoints/mod_opal/mod_opal.cpp Fri Dec 8 10:48:31 2006
@@ -35,6 +35,56 @@
#include <switch.h>
static const char modname[] = "mod_opal";
+const WORD DefaultHTTPPort = 6725;
+static const char UsernameKey[] = "Username";
+static const char PasswordKey[] = "Password";
+static const char LogLevelKey[] = "Log Level";
+#if P_SSL
+static const char HTTPCertificateFileKey[] = "HTTP Certificate";
+static const char HttpPortKey[] = "HTTP Port";
+static const char PreferredMediaKey[] = "Preferred Media";
+static const char RemovedMediaKey[] = "Removed Media";
+static const char MinJitterKey[] = "Minimum Jitter";
+static const char MaxJitterKey[] = "Maximum Jitter";
+static const char TCPPortBaseKey[] = "TCP Port Base";
+static const char TCPPortMaxKey[] = "TCP Port Max";
+static const char UDPPortBaseKey[] = "UDP Port Base";
+static const char UDPPortMaxKey[] = "UDP Port Max";
+static const char RTPPortBaseKey[] = "RTP Port Base";
+static const char RTPPortMaxKey[] = "RTP Port Max";
+static const char RTPTOSKey[] = "RTP Type of Service";
+static const char H323AliasesKey[] = "H.323 Aliases";
+static const char DisableFastStartKey[] = "Disable Fast Start";
+static const char DisableH245TunnelingKey[] = "Disable H.245 Tunneling";
+static const char DisableH245inSetupKey[] = "Disable H.245 in Setup";
+static const char H323BandwidthKey[] = "H.323 Bandwidth";
+static const char H323ListenersKey[] = "H.323 Listener Interfaces";
+static const char GatekeeperAddressKey[] = "Gatekeeper Address";
+static const char GatekeeperIdentifierKey[] = "Gatekeeper Identifier";
+static const char GatekeeperInterfaceKey[] = "Gatekeeper Interface";
+static const char GatekeeperPasswordKey[] = "Gatekeeper Password";
+static const char GatekeeperTokenOIDKey[] = "Gatekeeper Token OID";
+static const char SIPUsernameKey[] = "SIP User Name";
+static const char SIPProxyKey[] = "SIP Proxy URL";
+static const char SIPRegistrarKey[] = "SIP Registrar";
+static const char SIPListenersKey[] = "SIP Listener Interfaces";
+static const char LIDKey[] = "Line Interface Devices";
+static const char VXMLKey[] = "VXML URL";
+static const char DialPeerKey[] = "Dial Peers";
+static const char DefaultIVRDialPeerKey[] = "Default IVR Alias";
+static const char DefaultPOTSDialPeerKey[] = "Default POTS Dial Peer";
+static const char DefaultPSTNDialPeerKey[] = "Default PSTN Dial Peer";
+static const char * const DialPeerDestination[] = { "None", "H.323", "SIP" };
+static const char DefaultH323DialPeerKey[] = "Default H.323 Dial Peer";
+static const char * const H323DialPeerDestination[] = { "None", "POTS", "PSTN", "SIP" };
+static const char DefaultSIPDialPeerKey[] = "Default SIP Dial Peer";
+static const char * const SIPDialPeerDestination[] = { "None", "POTS", "PSTN", "H.323" };
static switch_memory_pool_t *module_pool = NULL;
static int running = 1;
Modified: freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_cdr/Makefile
--- freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_cdr/Makefile (original)
+++ freeswitch/branches/mishehu/src/mod/event_handlers/mod_cdr/Makefile Fri Dec 8 10:48:31 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
CFLAGS += $(shell mysql_config --include)
LDFLAGS += $(shell mysql_config --libs)
CPPCC = g++
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