Hello,<br><br>We are completing development of the mod_khomp endpoint for Khomp boards:<br>- FXS<br>- FXO<br>- E1<br>- GSM (boards and usb devices)<br>- Passive record<br>- kommuter<br><br>However, we are constrained in our implementation. We needed to verify that a given set of digits has a valid extension or if can wait for more digits at some points of our code, without making the call.<br>
<br>In our implementation for Asterisk (our Khomp channel), we use the functions provided by the Asterisk:<br><br>#############################################################################<br>ASTERISK:<br><br>/* \brief Looks for a valid matching extension */<br>
- ast_canmatch_extension<br><br>/* \brief Looks to see if adding anything to this extension might match something. (exists ^ canmatch) */<br> - ast_matchmore_extension<br>#############################################################################<br>
<br>Searching for a solution, we implemented within mod_khomp the reading and checking functions of digits and expressions in XML, but our implementation limits us to XML dialplans, which it would not be compatible if the user need the database or other constructions of the dialplan.<br>
<br><br>So, I would like to know what is the possibility of similar functions to be implemented in the core?<br><br><br><br><br>Thanks<br>:)<br><br><br>Geovani Ricardo Wiedenhoft<br>