I have been thinking about what would be the best direction to FSGui and I am leaning towards something like Asterisk Flash Operator (<a href="http://www.asternic.org">http://www.asternic.org</a>) and HUD (<a href="http://pbxtra.fonality.com/products/hud/">http://pbxtra.fonality.com/products/hud/</a>).<br>
<br>Since ESL has no comparison to Asterisk Manager whatsoever, it won't be too hard to get the application controlling all the extensions and doing all the cool CTI things such as record on demand, voicemail control and conference stuff, etc...<br>
<br>Anyway, I was looking on how to achieve this goal and the first thing I would need is the domain list as well its users and groups. The ideal here would be having the directory section itself so I can parse it on my own and even add a few more variables to it so FSGui can control permissions and stuff like that. This would eliminate for good the need of a FSGui server to control this kinda of thing (that's what HUD does).<br>
<br>I would like to open a discussion on how to achieve this since it will most definitely require some hacking on mod_commands since xml_locate is not able to provide it all as of now. So, here are the questions:<br><br>
<ol><li>Using ESL for that is the best approach? If not, what would be? (I foresee the need of SSL on libesl soon ...)<br></li><li>Should I fetch root with xml_locate on ESL and parse whatever I am interested on FsGUI or should I add switch_xml_list_domains as well its API and whatever other methods are needed on xml retrieval?</li>
<ol><li>switch_xml_locate_domain needs the domain name and at this point, I don't have it yet.</li></ol><li>Do any of you see a problem with having additional vars on xml directory to control FsGUI permissions and options? If yes, what is the alternative solution?</li>
</ol><br>Anyway, I throwing this at the table so I can get input before making a decision. Hope this does not give you all too much trouble.<br><br>Later,<br><br>jmesquita<br>