[Freeswitch-dev] Developing a new module

Lists lists at collisters.com
Tue Jul 2 13:07:35 MSD 2013


I posted on the main list asking how to implement a modem using FreeSwitch.
I had some helpful replies and I have since found that various existing modules include the bulk of what I need, in particular mod_fsk.
I need to program remote analog phone devices that are programmed using data sent by V.23 and dtmf, similar to that used in the FSK caller id protocol.
I decided to write a new module and took the mod_skel as recommended in the Authoring modules section of the documentation. I have that compiled and running as a skin for my app.
My problem is that the documentation is somewhat fragmented and incomplete for a newbie like me, I'm really struggling to understand all of the complex issues around writing apps that use switch core functions and deal with rtp packets in real time.
I'm part of a small startup team and would appreciate any help in getting up to speed quickly with this as we want to launch our new product soon.
Can anyone recommend the best way to learn, other than scouring through other peoples code, I would be happy to pay for some support from another developer who could guide me along.
I feel capable I will get there eventually, but I'm not sure I have the time to work it all out the hard way!

All the best,

paul at collisters.com
lists at collisters.com
Liverpool, England

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