[Freeswitch-dev] Freeswitch latest source rebuild issue under Windows

Andrew Keil andrew.keil at askinteractive.net
Tue Mar 29 06:10:56 MSD 2011

To Freeswitch developers....

OK.  Here goes, what I have done so far...

1) Setup a Virtual Machine running 32-bit XP SP3 (with all Critical Updates applied).  That way I can quickly go back in time and try an install again if necessary.

2) Since I noticed that you now support Visual C++ 2010 Express, I downloaded and installed that (without the option for SQL Server Express 2008).

3) I also then installed the Windows SDK (7.1 (the latest version)).  The reason for this is when I download your latest build of Freeswitch 1.0.7 today it complained about 64bit settings throughout various project files when opening Freeswitch.2010.express.sln

4) Then I simply downloaded your latest build from http://latest.freeswitch.org/ and extracted it out to c:\FreeSWITCH (so that there is a sub-directory freeswitch-1.0.7 below it with all the files) - this looks the same layout as the Freeswitch book example, except 1.0.7 version instead.

5) Opened the Freeswitch.2010.express.sln

                5.1) Stated inside the Visual Studio Output Window: "Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read."

6) Built the solution via F7

See attached for the build errors from Visual Studio.

I guess my questions are the following:

Q1) Should I be running Visual C++ 2010 Express or Visual C++ 2008 Express - it does not matter to me, however I always like to move with the times?

Q2) Was I right in installing the Windows SDK (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/bb980924.aspx) after the installation of Visual C++ 2010 Express?  Perhaps this should be added to the Freeswitch windows installation instructions page: http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Installation_for_Windows

Q3) Should I expect the http://latest.freeswitch.org/ version of freeswitch to Build first time?  Has this been tested?

Q4) Should I simply use the 1.0.6 version with Visual C++ 2008 Express and follow the Freeswitch book word for word?  This seems a reliable path, but I am a 'C' developer myself and would like to start out with a more up-to-date dev. environment and a version of freeswitch that is closer to the current version.

Q5) Can someone make comments on the Build errors that are inside the attached file.

Obviously I could go through and debug each build error, however I feel it best to have my questions answered above to avoid wasting time.

Please note.  I can happily start again and go back in time to the point prior to the installation of Visual C++ 2010 Express, since I am running a ESXi Virtual Machine.  All I aiming for is a clean setup of FreeSWITCH under XP for testing and developing purposes (this is not to run in a production environment).  I would like to be as up-to-date as possible in order to progress quickly (obviously I will install GIT/TortoiseGIT etc.. to make my dev. environment more integrated once I have a working base version of Freeswitch).

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Keil
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