[Freeswitch-dev] windows build fails, on XP, Visual Studio Exprss 2008: libaprutil - 9 error(s)

Giovanni Maruzzelli gmaruzz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 15:52:22 MSD 2011

Build Log

Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Debug|Win32

Command Lines

Creating temporary file
"c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\Debug\BAT00024120802160.bat" with

@echo off

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\include\" md

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apr_ldap.h"
type "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apr_ldap.hw"
> "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apr_ldap.h"

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu.h"
type "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu.hw"
> "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu.h"

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_config.h"
type "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_config.hw"
> "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_config.h"

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_select_dbm.h"
type "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_select_dbm.hw"
> "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_select_dbm.h"

if not exist "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_want.h"
type "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_want.hw"
> "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\apu_want.h"

xcopy "c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\apr-util\include\*.h"
"c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\..\..\include\" /C /D /Y

if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError

goto VCEnd


echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from
"Performing Pre-Build Event..."

exit 1

Creating command line

Creating temporary file
"c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\Debug\RSP00024220802160.rsp" with
/OUT:"C:\freeswitch\Debug\libaprutil.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /DLL
/MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"Debug\libaprutil.dll.intermediate.manifest"
/MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG
/PDB:"Debug/libaprutil-1.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /BASE:"0x6EE60000"
/DYNAMICBASE:NO /IMPLIB:"Debug/libaprutil-1.lib" /MACHINE:X86
ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib wldap32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib










Creating command line "link.exe

Output Window

Performing Pre-Build Event...

0 File(s) copied
   Creating library Debug/libaprutil-1.lib and object Debug/libaprutil-1.exp
apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_SetCharacterDataHandler referenced in function
_apr_xml_parser_create at 4

apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_SetElementHandler referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_SetUserData referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4

apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_ParserCreate referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_ParserFree referenced in function _cleanup_parser

apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_GetErrorCode referenced in function _do_parse
apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_Parse
referenced in function _do_parse
apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_XML_ErrorString referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_geterror at 12

C:\freeswitch\Debug\libaprutil.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved externals


Build log was saved at

libaprutil - 9 error(s), 0 warning(s)

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Giovanni Maruzzelli <gmaruzz at gmail.com>wrote:

> All other code is compiled successfully
> ------ Build started: Project: libaprutil, Configuration: Debug Win32
> ------
> Performing Pre-Build Event...
> 0 File(s) copied
> Linking...
>    Creating library Debug/libaprutil-1.lib and object
> Debug/libaprutil-1.exp
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> _XML_SetCharacterDataHandler referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> _XML_SetElementHandler referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_SetUserData
> referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_ParserCreate
> referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_create at 4
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_ParserFree
> referenced in function _cleanup_parser
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_GetErrorCode
> referenced in function _do_parse
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_Parse
> referenced in function _do_parse
> apr_xml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _XML_ErrorString
> referenced in function _apr_xml_parser_geterror at 12
> C:\freeswitch\Debug\libaprutil.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved
> externals
> Build log was saved at
> "file://c:\freeswitch\libs\win32\apr-util\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
> libaprutil - 9 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
> --
> Sincerely,
> Giovanni Maruzzelli
> Cell : +39-347-2665618


Giovanni Maruzzelli
Cell : +39-347-2665618
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