[FreeSWITCH Community] Dangerous Demos Coming To ClueCon 2014!!

Ken Rice krice at freeswitch.org
Thu Jun 19 03:15:46 MSD 2014

DANGEROUS DEMOS are coming to ClueCon! Our friends over at Truphone are at
it again! Come to ClueCon to see the other Dangerous Demo, and while you are
there show off your Dangerous Demo!

Running for the first time in it¹s new and improved format, DANGEROUS DEMOS
offers developers and hackers a chance to show off examples of their work in
front of a live ClueCon audience!

Competitors are invited to present a demonstration of something interesting
that they have built.  
* Maximum demo duration will be 4 minutes
* Bonus marks awarded for demos which
> * Include FreeSWITCH
> * Contain elements of uncertainty and/or danger
> * Entertain and amuse the audience
> * Present clear revenue generating potential
> * Incorporate external parties/services
> * Operate at multiple levels
* Prizes:  There will be at least THREE prizes (donated by Truphone), with
the prospect of a FOURTH should special conditions be met.  
* Scoring will include ³Audience Participation² ­ utilising a new realtime
voting system (which would qualify as Dangerous Demo in it¹s own right)
* Entries, containing a one or two sentence describing broadly what the demo
may contain need to be sent to James Body (james.body at truphone.com) prior to
the competition. 

Register for ClueCon today @ https://cluecon.com/

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