[FreeSWITCH Community] 3 Weeks til ClueCon 2014!!

Ken Rice krice at freeswitch.org
Mon Jul 14 21:56:50 MSD 2014

Time is Flying By!! ClueCon 2014 is just around the Corner!

Quick Reminder!! Ticket Prices go up on Friday July 18! Get your tickets
before then and save $200!!

Don¹t miss this years Security Round Table with Experts like Phil Zimmerman
of inventor of PGP and ZRTP!

A sample of Presenters this year will be:
Simon Woodhead ­ CEO of Simwood ­ Simon is an expert in fraud prevention and
runs one of the best honey pots in the world!
John Riordan ­ CTO of OnSIP ­ John is at the leading edge of VoIP Network
Scaling and WebRTC (ever head of SIP.js?)
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu ­ Project Leader of OpenSIPS.
Alexander Chemeris ­ CEO Fairwaves ­ Alex is an Expert in Mobile and VoIP
Darren Schreiber ­ CEO 2600hz ­ Darren is behind 2600hz Whistle, BlueBox and
other projects as well as co-author of the FreeSWITCH 1.2 Book, The
FreeSWITCH CookBook
Emil Ivov ­ Jitsi.org ­ Project Leader of Jitsi one of the most capable
OpenSource soft phones with a ton of features!
Kristian Kielhofner ­ CTO Star2Star Networks ­ Original developer of
Astlinux with a vast knowledge of WebRTC, VoIP Security and Network
And the list goes on and on...

Don¹t forget to show up on Monday this year! The First ClueCon hackathon
kicks off Monday Aug 4th at 1PM!

Visit ClueCon.com for more information and to register today!

irc.freenode.net #freeswitch
Twitter: @FreeSWITCH

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Join us at ClueCon 2014 Aug 4-7, 2014
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